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The recent global crisis has sparked interest in the relationship between income inequality, credit booms, and financial crises. Rajan (2010) and Kumhof and Rancière (2011) propose that rising inequality led to a credit boom and eventually to a financial crisis in the US in the first decade of the 21st century as it did in the 1920s. Data from 14 advanced countries between 1920 and 2000 suggest these are not general relationships. Credit booms heighten the probability of a banking crisis, but we find no evidence that a rise in top income shares leads to credit booms. Instead, low interest rates and economic expansions are the only two robust determinants of credit booms in our data set. Anecdotal evidence from US experience in the 1920s and in the years up to 2007 and from other countries does not support the inequality, credit, crisis nexus. Rather, it points back to a familiar boom-bust pattern of declines in interest rates, strong growth, rising credit, asset price booms and crises.  相似文献   

We investigate the real effects of decisions to undertake an initial public offering of stock in periods of favorable investor sentiment. Specifically, we examine potential effects of favorable investor sentiment on investment expenditures and how effects on investment affect firm operating performance and value as well as the likelihood of survival. We find that firms going public during periods of favorable sentiment, on average, spend substantially more on investments, especially acquisitions, than firms going public in other periods. The effect of favorable investor sentiment on investment is more pronounced for younger firms. We do not find, however, that the higher investment spending in the wake of favorable sentiment leads to worse operating or stock performance. Stock returns around acquisitions announcements are also positive for firms going public in favorable sentiment periods. The preponderance of our findings indicate that decisions to go public in favorable investor sentiment periods do not lead to corporate investment decisions that harm firm performance and value.  相似文献   

Cost heterogeneity is an important source of performance disparity among firms. This heterogeneity conditions the strategic decisions that firms make in the product market and can lead to heterogeneity in the design of managerial compensation contracts. I investigate the effect of cost heterogeneity in a strategic product market environment where firms compete à la Cournot. The paper offers new predictions on how executive compensation contracts that account for relative performance must be adjusted for cost differences.  相似文献   

We examine how product market competition (PMC) shapes chief executive officer's (CEO) power. Using various measures to capture both PMC and CEO power, our analyses, which include a quasi‐natural experiment, find evidence that CEOs have less power when the product market is more competitive. Furthermore, the impact of PMC on CEO power is more pronounced for firms with entrenched management, lower CEO ownership, lower analyst coverage, and for firms experiencing good ‘luck’ (windfall performance). Our results suggest that market power can act as a substitute for corporate governance in disciplining CEO power, particularly when prone to agency problems.  相似文献   

The post-acquisition growth of high-tech scaleups has received relatively little research attention. This is surprising since buyers are known to target these firms for growth opportunities whilst sellers increasingly seek strategic partners to access resources to scale their ventures. We examine the post-acquisition revenue and employment growth of high-tech scaleups in a multi-country setting, comprising five European economies. Using a propensity-score matching approach and difference-in-differences regression, for a sample of 2187 high-tech scaleups, we demonstrate that acquisition has a positive effect on target firms equivalent to cumulative growth of revenue (employment) of 9–13 (6−10) percent after five (four) years, relative to control firms. We find that nationality matters such that the targets of foreign-owned acquirers exhibit significantly higher cumulative revenue and employment growth than their domestic counterparts. Taking a longer-term perspective, we show that growth dips in the first year, then stabilizes and accelerates in the years following acquisition, indicating a period of adjustment.  相似文献   

We investigate the relation between price informativeness and idiosyncratic return volatility in a multi-asset, multi-period noisy rational expectations equilibrium. We show that the relation between price informativeness and idiosyncratic return volatility is either U-shaped or negative. Using several price informativeness measures, we empirically document a U-shaped relation between price informativeness and idiosyncratic return volatility. Our study therefore reconciles the opposing views in the following two strands of literature: (1) the growing body of research showing that firms with more informative stock prices have greater idiosyncratic return volatility, and (2) the studies arguing that more information in price reduces idiosyncratic return volatility.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which bank market power alleviates or magnifies SME credit constraints using a large panel dataset of more than 118,000 SMEs across 20 European countries over the period 2005–2008. To our knowledge, this is the first study to examine bank market power and SME credit constraints in an international, developed economy setting. Moreover, our study is the first to address a number of econometric considerations simultaneously, in particular by controlling for the availability of profitable investment opportunities using a structural Q model of investment. Our results strongly support the market power hypothesis, namely, that increased market power results in increased financing constraints for SMEs. Additionally, we find that the relationship exhibits heterogeneity across firm size and opacity in a manner that suggests that the true relationship between bank market power and financing constraints might not be fully explained by the existing theory. Finally, we find that the effect of bank market power on financing constraints increases in financial systems that are more bank dependent.  相似文献   

This study addresses an important but unanswered question regarding the relationship between earnings management and underpricing. Earnings management has long been one of the central issues in initial public offerings (IPOs), however little evidence exists on whether earnings management leads to favorable price formation or further underpricing. Using several proxies for earnings management, this study finds evidence that firms with aggressive earnings management during the pre-IPO period tend to be more underpriced than firms without it, in contrast to the dominant hypothesis that IPO firms can sell their stocks at inflated prices by manipulating earnings upwardly. This finding is consistent with the asymmetric information theory of underpricing and suggests that aggressive earnings management increases valuation uncertainty of IPO firms and leads to steeper price discounts.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of the introduction of VIX exchange‐traded products (ETPs) on the information content and pricing efficiency of VIX futures. We document that trades in VIX futures have become less informative and that pricing errors exhibit more persistence after the introduction of VIX ETPs. In addition, we observe that the price process of the VIX futures has become noisier over time. These findings suggest that the introduction of the VIX ETPs had a prominent effect on the properties and dynamics of the VIX futures.  相似文献   

A study used FTE employees per adjusted occupied bed (FTE/AOB) as a measure to ascertain the effect of EHR investments on labor productivity. The study focused on three primary questions: Do FTE/AOB decline as the number of EHR applications used in a hospital increases? Is impact on FTE/AOB greater with some EHR applications than with others? Do FTE/AOB decline overtime, as the hospital continues to use the EHR application?  相似文献   

We investigate whether non-fundamental comovement results from investors using credit ratings to group assets into different “styles”. We find that bonds that join a new rating class start comoving more with the bonds in this class, even when fundamental factors suggest otherwise. We show that this comovement effect varies according to the nature of the bond considered, and the modalities of the rating action. Downgrades have a larger impact than upgrades, and rating reviews matter as much as actual movements. Finally, rating changes between grades BBB and BB, which lead bonds to be reclassified as either “high-yield” or “investment grade” assets, seem to be of particular importance.  相似文献   

The study investigates the intraday dynamics and price patterns of the primary cryptocurrencies. The Granger Mackey-Glass (M-G) model is employed to examine the asymmetric and nonlinear dynamic interactions in the first moment using positive and negative returns. The bivariate BEKK-GARCH model is applied to identify cross-market volatility shocks and volatility transmissions in the cryptocurrency market. The intra-cryptocurrency market analysis reveals that Bitcoin contains predictive information that can nonlinearly forecast the performance of other digital currencies when cryptocurrency prices either are rising or declining. The dominant power of Bitcoin is not dismissed using the intraday data. Further, Bitcoin's intraday lagged shocks and volatility induces more rapid and destabilizing effects on the conditional volatility of other currencies than each of the other currencies does on BTC's conditional volatility. The virtual currency markets are dynamically correlated and integrated through first and second-moment spillovers.  相似文献   

We investigate the claims of superiority of fundamental indexation strategy over capitalisation‐weighted indexation using data for Australian Securities Exchange listed stocks. While our results are in line with the outperformance observed in other geographical markets, we find that the excess returns from fundamental indexation in Australian market are much higher. On a rolling 5‐year basis, the fundamental index always outperforms the capitalisation‐weighted index. Our results suggest that superior performance of fundamental indexation could not be entirely attributed to value, size or momentum effects. The outperformance persists even after adjusting for slightly higher transaction costs related to turnover.  相似文献   

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has faced calls to act in the interest of users of financial statements given the perception of the greater influence exerted by preparers and professional accounting firm stakeholders. In response, the IASB has, over more than a decade, sought to increase user centricity, adapting its people and processes to more fully engage the views of users. We report on our empirical analysis from the standard setter’s perspective of user engagement which is a research objective not documented in the prior literature. Our results draw on interviews conducted with 31 IASB representatives, comprised of 26 staff and 5 Board members representing approximately 60% of IASB’s non-support staff as well as publically available archival data. We deploy the Griffiths (1960) citizenship participation framework in reporting on the procedural rigor directed at user utility, to assess IASB’s attempt to enhance its perceived relevance (existential enhancement) as a standard setting body. We explain how a “clash” between new user centric practices and the extant practices led to challenges for the IASB in factoring the views of, and acting in the interest of users, as demanded by regulatory authorities. We discuss some of the tensions this has made evident in IASB’s objective to function as an effective standard setter. Conceptually, our paper clarifies how more embedded representation modes per Griffith (1960) elicited greater user feedback, but that tensions arose in relation to the IASB’s broader objectives to more directly serve users’ interests. Functionally, we offer a more nuanced appreciation for why the IASB might not unilaterally seek to be “user-focused” in the interests of both users and other stakeholders, and in doing so, serve the longer term objectives of accounting standard setting.  相似文献   

We investigate whether firms’ corporate social performance (CSP) ratings impact their performance (cost of capital) and risk. Using a proprietary CSP ratings database, we find no difference in the risk-adjusted performance of UK firms with high and low CSP ratings. Additionally, the firms do not differ in their amount of idiosyncratic risk. We find some evidence of high-ranked firms being larger. The empirical evidence therefore indicates that investors and managers are able to implement a CSP investment or business strategy without incurring any significant financial cost (or benefit) in terms of risk or return.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of local competition and local firm market power on misconduct by analyzing the investment adviser market. The study is based on an extensive sample of more than 3.8 million employee-year observations of investment advisers resulting in 709,416 firm-county-year observations over 12 years. The findings show that a firm's county-level market power and county market competition have a negative influence on investment adviser misconduct. The result is robust to a battery of empirical tests. We show that a firm exhibits lower levels of misconduct in counties in which it has greater local market power. We also identify the effect of local competition and market power on misconduct using two exogenous shocks, mergers and acquisitions (M&As) and the end of a local monopoly. We establish adviser employment stability as a novel channel for explaining the impact of local competition and firm market power on misconduct.  相似文献   

Based on a panel of bilateral FDI flows among 11 OECD countries over 1984–2000, we show that, although agglomeration-related factors are strong determinants of FDI, tax differentials also play a significant role in understanding foreign location decisions. We further investigate non-linearities in the impact of tax differentials, and explore the impact of tax schemes. Our results are consistent with the imperfect competition literature which underscores the possibility of tax differentials across countries in equilibrium.JEL Code: F21, H25, H87  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the impact of bank market power on the change in NPL ratios in the euro area over the period 2005–2017 by employing a penalized quantile regression model for dynamic panel data. The results suggest that post-crisis consolidation facilitates the faster reduction of NPLs, especially in the euro area periphery countries, while competition discourages the growth of new NPLs. In addition, the presence of foreign banks is beneficial on its own and with respect to containing market power effects. Finally, while commercial banks create more NPLs, market power plays a moderating role.  相似文献   

This paper examines market-based returns and risks of environmental vis-à-vis non environmental stocks from a portfolio selection point of view. The selection of environmental stocks is a function of greenhouse gas emissions of firms in S&P 500 for the period from 2005 to 2018. Our findings show that stocks with superior environmental performance have lower idiosyncratic risk, but higher systematic risk, while we also control for endogeneity issues. We show that that it pays to invest in environmental stocks. Robustness analysis, such as counterfactual regressions and panel VAR, confirms our main findings, though it demonstrates some of underlying complexities.  相似文献   

Does Corporate Transparency Contribute to Efficient Resource Allocation?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines whether a country's corporate transparency environment, which includes the quality of accounting information, contributes to efficient resource allocation. Based on a cross-country study of 37 manufacturing industries in 37 countries, we provide three pieces of related evidence. First, we find the contemporaneous correlations in industry growth rates across country pairs are higher when there is a greater level of corporate transparency in the country pairs, after controlling for country-level economic and financial development. Second, we find the influence of transparency on these correlations is stronger when country pairs are at similar levels of economic development (GDP). Finally, when we control for the level of transparency explained by a country's institutions in place, we find that residual transparency (unexplained by country-level factors) is associated with industry-specific growth rates. Taken together, the results are consistent with corporate transparency facilitating the allocation of resources across industry sectors.  相似文献   

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