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梁温英 《中国经贸》2009,(12):175-175
和谐社会发展,需要建立合理的社会流动机制,推进城市化进程,促进中等收入阶层尽快形成;贯彻公平原则,确立公民的平等权利;建立利益协调机制,有效协调不同利益群体的关系,以促进和谐社会的发展,  相似文献   

在社会主义经济不断向前进步的今天,人才的单向流动对社会经济的发展极为不利,对用人单位、政府、人才以及中介组织行为进行引导与规范,建立起联系比较紧密的档案管理改革制度、社保制度、住房改革制度、人才中介服务制度以及打破用人界限制度等,以此保证人才的“全方位自由流动”,确保组织、人才以及工作岗位能够合理的配置,这是在积极开发人才的基础上,实现经济快速发展的最终目标。  相似文献   

当前,欠发达地区县乡机关公务员流动中存在着流动机制不畅,流动难甚至流不动,高学历、年轻公务员流失严重等突出问题,这不仅影响基层公务员队伍的新陈代谢,而且也影响基层社会的稳定发展。究其原因,相关制度不健全和不完善,是公务员流动中各种问题产生的主要成因。对此,需要从完善基层公务员招录政策和考试体系,提高基层公务员待遇,建立合理有序的公务员流动方式等多个层面进行完善解决。  相似文献   

王巍 《宁波经济》2006,(5):22-23,47
完善社会流动机制是构建和谐社会的一个重要内容,构建和谐宁波必须进一步完善宁波的社会流动机制。本文分析了宁波社会流动机制存在的一些不足之处,并提出进一步完善宁波社会流动机制的五项建议。  相似文献   

论底层社会向上的社会流动机制的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会流动机制是保证社会正常运行的基础机制,在建立社会主义和谐社会的进程中,社会底层能否实现公正合理的社会流动显得更为重要,这也是对我们党和政府的执政能力与执政合法性的重大考验。当前底层社会在向上流动中遇到很多的障碍,这既有他们自身的原因,但更多的是社会体制的原因。因此,为了促进社会和谐,有必要进一步加快社会体制改革,建立和完善底层群体向上的社会流动机制。  相似文献   

王章华  黄丽群 《改革与战略》2012,28(4):73-75,106
新型农村社会养老保险试点中还存在部分人户分离人群难以参加新农保,个人缴费标准和基础养老金设计缺乏调整机制,政府财政补贴低,补贴机制不完善,已年满60周岁、未参保的农村户籍老年人领取基础养老金存在困难及新型农村社会养老保险与其他养老保障的配套衔接政策制度缺失的问题。文章认为,应该尽快建立统一的城乡居民社会养老保险制度;完善缴费、政府补贴机制;规范集体、其他组织、个人对参保人补助和资助行为;尽快制定全国统一的新农保与其他社会群体养老保险制度衔接办法;加大宣传力度,增强农村居民参保意识。  相似文献   

张超 《江苏改革》2001,(11):43-44
为适应加入WTO后就业形势的需要,培育发达的劳动力市场在我国已很迫切。我国应该尽快完善劳动力市场,促进人才合理有序流动。  相似文献   

要加快形成具有国际竞争力的人才制度优势,必须改革现行的人力资源开发体制机制。在"逢进必考"之后建立"逢升必考"制,打破传统的干部提升体制壁垒,用利益晋升机制调动人们步入职业生涯后继续学习的积极性,在提高民族素质的过程中实现我国综合国力的飙升。设立"逢升必考"制是完善党政机关、企事业单位、社会各方面人才顺畅流动的制度体系的有力保障,并为集聚人才提供公平、合理的晋升通道。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国社会阶层结构呈现出多元化发展的趋向。从社会生态学的角度来看,社会各阶层间的流动,因其动力机制及方向的不同,分别将产生积极和消极的社会影响。其中,消极的影响将会降低社会效率,妨碍社会公平,甚至出现社会动荡和倒退。因此,构建公正、合理、开放的社会生态环境,培育和发展社会中间层生态住,关注、缩小社会基础层生态位已成为当务之急。  相似文献   

党的十七届三中全会提出要统筹城乡经济社会发展,把构建新型工农关系、城乡关系作为推进现代化的重大战略,并要求建立起促进城乡经济社会发展一体化的制度,尽快在城乡规划、产业布局、基础设施建设、公共服务一体化等方面取得突破,促进公共资源在城乡之间均衡配置、生产要素在城乡之间自由流动,推动城乡经济社会发展  相似文献   

Two essential strategies to understand the mechanisms of intergenerational mobility are to compare mobility across countries and across time. However, for multi-generational mobility, estimates for developing countries are mostly missing, and trend studies are rare. This paper uses education to measure social status and provides nationally representative estimates of social mobility over three generations in China that are suitable for international comparison. Results show that grandparents’ education positively correlates with children’s education, controlling for the parents’ education. This grandparent effect is comparable to what is found in Western countries, despite differences in cultures and institutions. During the sample period, the correlation between grandparent and child education is relatively stable. When exploring mechanisms, we find that the observed grandparent effect is primarily due to omitted information from the parents’ generation, not direct interactions between grandparents and children.  相似文献   

This paper explains how surname distributions can be used as a way to measure rates of social mobility in contemporary and historical societies. This allows for estimates of social mobility rates for any population for which we know just two facts: the distribution of surnames overall, and the distribution of surnames among some elite or underclass. Such information exists, for example, for England back to 1300, and for Sweden back to 1700. However surname distributions reveal a different, more fundamental type of mobility than that conventionally estimated. Thus surname estimates also allow for measuring a different aspect of social mobility, the underlying average social status of families. This is the aspect that matters for mobility of social groups, and for families across multiple generations.  相似文献   


Pre-industrial rural societies have often been pictured as stationary and immobile both in geographical and social terms. In the last decades this image has begun to change, especially as regards geographical mobility, while our knowledge of social mobility of rural pre-industrial Europe is still rudimentary. This study focuses on social attainment and mobility in a rural community of nineteenth-century southern Sweden, making use of high quality micro-level demographic and socioeconomic data. We show that intergenerational social mobility was quite frequent. Downward mobility was more prevalent than upward, and also increased over time. Social attainment and mobility were determined by a combination of inherited factors and individual agency. Social origin was of major importance, and so was the social origin of the spouse, which points to the crucial role played by partner selection in determining individual social outcome. Availability of networks as measured by place of birth also played a role in social achievement.  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate a new determinant of the demand for children: upward mobility. Upward mobility can affect the demand for children in two opposite directions: upward mobility means more resources to spend on childbearing and increases the demand for children; it also lowers the need to rely on children for old-age support and this leads to lower demand for children. In this paper, we use the difference between the subject's self-evaluations of the future and current social class as the measure of upward mobility, and fertility desire to represent the demand for children. Using the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) data, we find that upward mobility significantly increases the demand for children, and the results are robust across various model specifications (pooled data regression, Poisson regression, and IV regression). The effect is concentrated among affluent and/or urban households, suggesting that those from more advantaged social-economic backgrounds appear to have a higher elasticity of fertility in response to upward mobility. Our results imply that improving upward mobility and public services such as education, health care, and social security would be effective to boost fertility in China.  相似文献   

跨越“中等收入陷阱”的公共政策因应:韩国做法及启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
社会不均等会严重威胁社会稳定,进而影响经济的持续增长。韩国在跨越中等收入陷阱这一关键时期,充分发挥了就业、教育、税收和社会保障等一系列与经济发展相适应的社会均等化政策,从而实现了高速增长同时的社会均等化发展。借鉴韩国跨越中等收入陷阱时期的社会均等化政策,中国应着力从创造社会流动性、合理分配教育资源、发挥税收和社会保障制度的再分配效应等方面入手,制定社会均等化政策,突破中等收入陷阱。  相似文献   

自我效能感是个体与环境相互作用并决定其行为的核心概念。作为对普通高等教育的补充,自学考试制度有利于促进社会流动,建设和谐社会。在这个背景下,本文从理论上分析了一般自我效能感对高等教育自学考试考生社会流动信心的影响机理,并提出了提高自考生一般自我效能感水平,从而加强其社会流动信心的一些对策。  相似文献   

There is longstanding pride among Australians that by throwing off the social class demarcations that defined their ossified colonial parent society, England, they created an open, socially mobile society. The paper tests this belief by estimating long run social mobility rates in Australia 1870–2017, using the status of rare surnames. The status information includes occupations from electoral rolls 1903–1980, and records of degrees awarded by Melbourne and Sydney universities 1852–2017. Status persistence was strong throughout, with an intergenerational correlation of occupational or educational status of 0.7–0.8, and no change over time. Mobility rates were also just as low within UK immigrants and their descendants, so ethnic group effects explain none of the immobility. The less pronounced class divisions of Australia compared to England did not enhance social mobility. A possible sign of enhanced Australian social mobility – the fact that surnames associated with convicts already had a modest elite status by 1870 – seems to derive from convicts transported to Australia from England being positively selected in terms of human capital.  相似文献   

Estimates of inequality of living standards based on average height differences between socioeconomic strata are likely biased if the social status of some individuals changed during their lifetime. Height differences estimated from skeletal remains, reflecting living standards during childhood and adolescence, are probably too small if social status is inferred based on grave goods which are associated with the individuals’ social status at the time of their death. The higher the level of social mobility, the more distinguished individuals will not have had a privileged childhood and, therefore, have the biological characteristics of the disadvantaged group. In a newly assembled sample of individual level anthropometric data from 26 early medieval row grave cemeteries in south-western Germany, men buried with a long sword in their grave were on average about 3 cm taller than the others. In a simple model of the mechanics of the social-mobility bias, this height difference, together with parameters from the literature, implies a level of social mobility typical of small-scale agricultural or pastoral societies.  相似文献   

This study uses data from a random sample of births in the Netherlands during the period 1850–1922 to examine the relationships between social class, social mobility and mortality at middle and old age. Population registers and personal cards covering the period from 1850 to 2004 for all Dutch provinces were used to reconstruct individual life histories of 14,900 births. For men we did not find an effect of the social class of origin (using two different SES-classifications) on mortality in age group 18 to 35. We also did not observe an effect of own social class on mortality after age 35. For women effects of social class of origin and social class of husband were generally absent as well. Our conclusion is that the standard ideas about the negative effects of processes of industrialization and urbanization on the duration of life do not seem to apply to the Netherlands. Where one lived mattered more for survival than the social class one belonged to.  相似文献   

社交媒体中奢侈品牌口碑的社会属性较为凸显,口碑发布者的先赋地位会影响消费者对奢侈品牌的态度。先赋地位是指个体依赖于性别、原生家庭等先天资源所获得的社会地位。本研究从社会比较的视角,探究口碑发布者先赋地位逆转口碑效价法则的机理和边界,揭示出好口碑却带来坏印象的负面效应。研究结果表明,当口碑发布者具有先赋社会地位时,其正面口碑反而引发口碑接收者的恶意妒忌情绪,使接收者产生负面品牌态度。而且,当口碑接收者有较低社会流动性感知,或口碑内容具有较高品牌显著性时,口碑发布者先赋地位的负面效应更为凸显。本研究改变了社交媒体情境强化口碑效价法则的片面认知,在实践中有助于更深层次地理解社会阶层分化感知对消费者态度的影响,并为奢侈品牌的社交媒体营销提供管理建议。  相似文献   

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