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All the branches and headquarters comprise the huge and crisscross network of CCPIT system. At the National CCPIT Work Meeting on January 16-17, 2010, 50 CCPIT local sub-councils, 22 CCPIT industrial sub-councils, 16 .CCPIT overseas offices voiced their views on how CCPIT can be built as a worldwide top class trade promotion agency.  相似文献   

Building Materials Sub-council of CCPIT is the other sub-council in construction field.CCPIT Building Materials Sub- council(CCPITBM),as well as CCO1C Build- ing Materials Chamber of Commerce,is au- thorized by CCPIT and state administration of building materials industry in 1992.CCPITBM  相似文献   

On August 29, Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT, meets the visiting delegation led by Sheldon G. Adelson, Chairman of the Board and principal owner of Las Vegas Sands Corp. in CCPIT. Zhao Zhenge, Vice Director of International Connection Department of CCPIT, Luo Guoxiong from Beijing China Exhibition Investment Company, Xu Jingyi, Assistant Director of American and Oceanian Affairs Division of CCPIT, also attended the meeting.  相似文献   

After the strong earthquake centered in Wenchuan County in the Southwestern Chinese Sichuan Province took place,the CCPIT Overseas Representative Offices immediately responding to the call of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and following the instructions of CCPIT concerning disaster relief work, vigorously organized local enterprises to make donation for the quake-stricken regions, Below are the statistics of donation from partial overseas representative offices by May 19.  相似文献   

On April 3, the first commission session of 2006 Partenariat was held in CCPIT, the attendees included Yu Ping, Vice Chairman of CCPIT, Sui Jianmin, Director General of CCPIT International Relations Department,Guo Qizhou, Project Manager of the EU-China Partenariat 2006, Han Meiqing, Director in charge of International Organizations Affairs at the Department of International Relations, CCPIT, representatives from EU Delegation, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minstry of Commerce, etc..  相似文献   

Electric Power     
Metallurgical Council of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (MC-CCPIT)is an organization engaged in promoting foreign trade and economic cooperation for Chinese metallurgical industry.Approved by theChinese government, MC-CCPIT has the authority to organize domestic and overseas exhibitions. Acting as a window of China's steel industry, MC-CCPIT conforms to national policies, regulations and laws, offers services to enterprises based on the grass roots, and makes full use of its own advantages to promote all forms of economic and trade co-operations and technical exchanges. The main business scope covers developing and cultivating world famous conference and exhibition projects, censoring and reporting groups to go abroad,  相似文献   

I would like also to acknowledge the contribution of CCPIT to our work.Since the opening of the ICE office in Beijing in 1965,the Italian Trade Commission has collaborated with CCPIT on many occasions  相似文献   

From December 8 to December 17,Zhang Wei,Vice President of CCPIT headed a delegation comprised of entrepreneurs,delegates from sub-branch of CCPIT and the relevant government institutions etc to have made the visit to the UK, Finland and France.This visit aimed at pushing forward CCPIT's goal of promoting enterprises togo global,and helping Chinese enterprises forcefully cope with the  相似文献   

On March 11, a CCPIT delegation headed by WangJinzhen, Vice President of CCPIT visited Federation of Korean Industries (FKI), Korean SME Central Council and Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI).  相似文献   

On November 13, Latvia-China Business Seminar was held in the meeting hall of CCPIT. Mr. Ludviks, Deputy Chair man of Riga City Council,Mr. Yu Ping, Vice Chairman of CCPIT, Le Jia, Director General of Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry attended the seminar and gave speeches. Mr. Ludviks introduced the economic and trade  相似文献   

CCPIT will organize a business delegation consisting of over one hundred entrepreneurs to visit U.S. and Canada in June 2009, which are invited by US Chamber of Commerce, the U.S. Western Gover-nors Association and the China-Canada Trade Council. Mr. Han Meiqing, vice minister of International Liaison Department of CCPIT, announced this news on April 16, 2009 at a press conference. And they will launch a series of economic and trade exchanges. “Forum on Sino-US trade and investment cooperation” will be held in the U.S, and it will be the largest scale economic and trade exchange by China and U.S business communities since Obama took office.  相似文献   

On the afternoon of July 9, Boakai, the Vice President of Liberia who took a state visit to China, attended Sino-Liberia Investment and Trade Forum sponsored by CCPIT. And a talk was carried on between Boakai, the Vice-President of Li beria, and Zhangwei, the Chairman of CCPIT.  相似文献   

After the strong earthquake centered in Wenchuan County in the Southwestern Chinese Sichuan Province took place,the CCPIT Overseas Representative Offices immediately responding to the call of the CPC Central Committee,the State Council and following the instruction of CCPIT concerning disaster relief work,vigororsly organized.Below are the statistics of donation from partial overseas representative offices by May 19.  相似文献   

On June 5,the 5th China-South Asia Business Forum,sponsored by CCPIT,Yunnan Provincial Government,South Asia Federation of Business Associations(SAFBA),CCPIT Yunnan SubCouncil and China-South Asia Business Forum Secretary,was held in Kunming,Yunnan Province.This forum got support from the business circles of the South Asian countries,and India  相似文献   

Previously founded as CCPIT Machinery and Electronics Subcouncil and CCOIC Machinery and Electronics Chamber of Cornmerce in June,1988,CCPIT Electronics Sub-Council and CCOIC Electronics Chamber of Commerce were established in May, 1993, and then renamed as CCPIT Electronics and Information Industry Subcouncil and CCOIC Electronics and Information Industry Chamber of Commerce (CCPITECC) in September 1999.  相似文献   

On the afternoon of July 3,CCPIT Vice Chairman Dong Songgen met with Mr.Gutierrez,the visiting Peruvian Vice Foreign Minister,both of whom attended the Seminar on Economic and Trade Opportunities in Peru.The seminar was organized by CCPIT and Peruvian Embassy in China,Peru- vian Vice Foreign Minister has briefed on macro economy as well as trade policies and investment opportunities in Peru.  相似文献   

On January 26, more than 200 representatives from the business circles in China and Argentina joined together to find more opportunities at the Luncheon Party for China-Argentina Opportunities in Trade, Investment and Business.The Luncheon was jointly initiated by CCPIT and Argentina's Embassy in China.Mr. Yu Ping, Vice President of CCPIT, and Mr. Tayana, Minister of International Trade and Culture of Argentina attended and addressed the luncheon.  相似文献   

On January 27 and January 28,South Asia-Sichuan Business Promotion Seminar sponsored by CCPIT Sichuan Council was held in Chengdu, Sichuang.Present at the Seminar were Liu Qibao, Governor of Sichuan Province, Mr. Hook, President of South Asian Federal Association of Industry and Commerce, Mr. Yuping,Vice President of CCPIT as well as head of chamber of commerce of Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Bhutan.  相似文献   

On August 26,China—Ukraine Local Cooperation Forum,jointly sponsored by CCPIT and Ukraine Chamber of Commerce and Industry(UCCI)was held in Kiev,Ukraine.The subject of this forum was strengthening the cooperation and coordination between the sub—councils of CCPIT and local branches of UCCI to promote the economic and wade cooperation of the SMEs in the two countries."More than 200 delegates from the governments,business associations and enterprises of the countries attended the forum.  相似文献   

Commercial Service is vital to social life and sub-councils of CCPIT provide that to businessmen both at home and abroad. The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Commercial Sub- Council is a non-governmental foreign economic and trade organization composed of social celebrities and representatives of enterprises in China's commercial circle.  相似文献   

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