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服务型领导理论是近年来引起西方领导学界广泛关注的一种不同于传统领导理论的领导学说.1970,Robert K.Greenleaf首次提出了服务型领导的概念,并对服务型领导的含义及其对下属的影响进行了全面的论述.  相似文献   

本文从服务型领导和家长式领导的比较出发,以315份问卷调查数据为研究对象,运用SPSS 17.0和LISREL 8.70进行统计分析,结果发现虽然服务型领导和家长式领导对员工的工作满意度、组织公民行为有显著的正向影响,对工作场所偏离行为有显著的负向影响,但服务型领导比家长式领导更能提高员工的工作满意度和组织公民行为,更能减少员工的工作场所偏离行为,即服务型领导比家长式领导对中国大陆企业员工具有更高的领导效能。  相似文献   

创业型领导是组织获取竞争优势并持续创造价值的关键驱动因素。本文首先介绍了创业型领导的内涵、结构特征主要研究模型,对相关的实证研究进展做了归纳和总结,同时提出了创业型领导研究的下一步方向。  相似文献   

新的"变革型领导理论"则更能有效地激励员工,把员工从"要我干"提升到"我要干"的境界. 领导者作为一个企业的掌舵者,采取什么样的领导方式才能使企业绩效最大化,使员工"心甘情愿"地效力,提升员工满意度?众多学者和企业家一直在寻找答案.传统的以交易为基础的领导理论对企业绩效及员工满意度等的作用是有限的,而最新的"变革型领导理论"则更能有效地激励员工,把员工从"要我干"提升到"我要干"的境界.  相似文献   

服务型领导构念与影响因素及结果研究述评与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现实中,服务型领导行为往往不太常见,人们往往把服务和领导当作两个相互矛盾的概念。然而,Greenl eaf率先提出的"服务型领导"思想则完全改变领导者高高在上的观点。文章围绕服务型领导的概念和构成维度、服务型领导的影响因素以及对员工态度、行为、绩效的影响进行了文献综述,研究得出服务型领导构念是由多个维度构成,影响服务型领导的因素包括领导者个人特质、环境及与员工之间的信任关系,服务型领导能提高员工工作满意度、组织承诺、工作绩效及对领导的信任度,降低员工工作倦怠、反生产行为的结论。  相似文献   

发展导向领导行为作为一种新型的战略领导行为,对企业的顾客价值创造有着显著的影响作用。文章通过理论和实证研究,提出并验证了发展导向领导行为对顾客价值不同维度的影响作用。研究结果显示,发展导向领导行为对功能价值、享乐价值和成本价值的创造都具有显著的影响作用,并且发现员工态度在其中发挥着中介作用。  相似文献   

领导、人力资本管理、市场竞争优势、企业变革与转型以及利益相关者关系是当今世界最为突出的五大企业管理主题.世界最大猎头公司海德思哲国际公司的两位高级商业咨询师梅瑞狄斯·艾什比和斯蒂芬·迈尔斯的结论:"伴随着全球经济的转型,即从物力资本主导型经济向无形资本占主导地位的服务经济和信息经济的转变,一个事实一次又一次地得到了证明,这就是:人力资本对任何一个组织来说,都是最伟大的一项资产.因此,企业所面临的最大挑战就是人力资本的创造、培育及其充分利用.于是,企业首脑的第一要素也就表现为:构建一个对人进行管理的模式以及一个能够对为企业提供服务的人提供最佳服务的系统."而"那些不努力去把人是企业竞争优势的巨大源泉这种理念转化为行动的领导人,也根本不用奢望自己还能够获得市场竞争优势".  相似文献   

李梓涵昕 《价值工程》2011,30(35):285-286
对于服务型领导的研究,由于众多学者认为服务者与领导者角色不可能同时集中与同一个体,所以自从由Greenleaf于1977年提出后长时间处于空白期。随着知识经济的到来,服务型领导的相关研究逐渐成为热点问题。文章归纳和总结了服务型领导的内涵、结构与测量等方面的研究成果,并对服务型领导未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

企业的家长式领导理论(Paternalistic Leadership)产生于近年来学者对华人组织领导行为所做的研究,是华人组织领导行为最突出的特点之一。目前企业家长式领导的三个维度,威权领导、德行领导、仁慈领导已为大多数学者所接受,然而其具体的作用机制及对组织效能的影响,则还在探索当中。文章对以往国内外对于企业家长式领导的主要研究文献进行了回顾,指出了当前研究的不足,以及未来研究应当深入探讨的问题。  相似文献   

交易型领导理论是Bass于1985年提出的一种领导理论,主要内容包括领导者在实施一定激励措施的基础上通过及时交换(物质的、精神的激励等)来影响组织成员的行为。现在大多企业都处于这种领导模式下,在这种领导模式下员工与领导之间更多的是一种交易关系,没有深厚的感情基础。而在这种模式下领导更需要理性的管理自身的情绪,防止与员工的交往过程中产生情绪化。情绪智力是情绪管理的核心,领导的情绪智力与自我情绪智力的感知对员工的组织公民行为,对员工的信任感,对公司的发展都有很重要的影响。当员工感知领导情绪智力大到某一范围时,领导感知自我情绪智力正向调节员工感知领导情绪智力与组织公民行为之间的关系。而当员工感知领导情绪智力低于某一范围时,领导感知自我情绪智力反而负向调节这一关系。  相似文献   

As our complex society continues to call for leadership across all career fields, preparing leaders at the college level can be challenging. This article outlines the results of a comprehensive examination of learning outcomes of 475 academic programs within 72 academic accrediting organizations in regard to student leadership development. The purpose of the current study was twofold: (a) to understand better what competencies college students need to develop in order to engage in leadership in their respective career fields and (b) to use research findings to develop a list of leadership competencies across academic disciplines, serving as a “common language” for use in program planning, course development, as well as individual student advising and mentoring. The Student Leadership Competencies have been translated to contemporary leadership models such as the Relational Leadership Model, the Social Change Model of Leadership Development, the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership, Emotionally Intelligent Leadership, and the CAS Standards. Implications for the use of the Student Leadership Competencies in program development, program assessment, and the development of strategic partnerships are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article begins a symposium in the Journal of Leadership Studies on the subject of a formal review process for academic programs in leadership studies. The authors argue that such a process would be a way for the field to achieve more legitimacy in higher education, establish itself as a discipline, and delineate parameters of its intellectual distinctiveness. In so doing, the authors present a brief history of the development of leadership studies literature, a central question to theory building and program development, and common goals pursued by academic programs in leadership studies. Finally, the authors call for the development of standards that can help leadership programs expand their curricular and cocurricular initiatives to reflect the intellectual maturity of the field.  相似文献   

In 1992, Margaret Wheatley urged leadership scholars to search for “new ways of understanding” (Wheatley, 1992/2006, p. 160). The search, with some exception, has stalled. Leadership studies remains mired in a philosophical understanding grounded in positivism. Within the current paper, an exploration of how an understanding is informed by its core philosophical assumptions is presented. An alternative framing for understandings is explored through the reconstruction of these same core philosophical assumptions. The benefits of dwelling within the alternative framing are sketched.  相似文献   

abstract The leadership literature typically talks about the discrete individuality of its subject and particularly the personal qualities and capabilities of a few key people occupying top positions in a hierarchy. Current leadership research now has begun to generate new knowledge about leadership practice in relations of interpersonal exchange. Nevertheless, there is an urgent need for the ramifications of this insight to be more sufficiently developed. The current discussion explores how a perspective of process studies challenges the dominance of the field by individual social actors and discrete schemes of relations. Its aims are twofold. First, it will show how both of these latter epistemologies are lacking and suggest that current leadership research and development activities must rise to the ontological challenge of processes rather than things. Second, it looks at some methodological implications of this way of thinking as a productive incitement to future management studies.  相似文献   

领导力的四大核心素质,是通过长期的各种科学文化知识学习以及思想道德修养培养累积而成的。领导者要具备更加高效的执行能力与战略眼光,需要领导者在构建管理领导架构的过程中,有战略性地推动其竞争力的形成。真正优秀的领导者并不在于其个人有着顶尖的执行能力或者战略分析能力,而是能够充分挖掘组织内部所蕴藏的各项资源,能够把各项有效的资源投入组织的全方位发展与日常工作的开展中,能进一步地实现组织的中长期目标,从而实现组织的全面进步。  相似文献   

The Enduring Romance of Leadership Studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Those who seek to develop other leaders encounter leadership challenges themselves. The current paper is an interview with an expert who has guided hundreds of leaders in their effort to develop measurable leadership development and human capital interventions. Dr. David Vance has been working with human capital leaders for over 15 years and has become increasingly frustrated with the lack of movement in the field. Through this interview, we begin to feel his frustration but can also gain insight from his recommendations. Although the field has moved very slowly in “thinking like a business,” Vance remains hopeful.  相似文献   

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