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论农村公共物品供给中的均衡   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
自农村改革以来,存在四种农田灌溉均衡:一是税费改革前,乡村组织以收取共同生产费的形式来组织农田灌溉的均衡;二是由村庄强人出面组织农户进行灌溉的均衡;三是既无乡村组织借重国家强制力,也无村庄强人借重私人暴力来抑制搭便车行为,从而形成的以微型水利灌溉为主的均衡;四是以村民小组或村为单位建立用水协会,组织农户灌溉的均衡。在当下中国,由于农民特殊的公正观,乡村组织退出农村公共物品供给领域后,农村很可能普遍出现第二或第三种均衡的糟糕局面。因此,农村公共物品供给,必须以国家强制力为保障,形成国家与村庄之间合作与互补的供给机制。  相似文献   

An economic model of the allocation process with public goods is presented. We define a concept of equilibrium and prove the existence. Next we present a voting game in which a level of the public goods to be produced is decided. We prove that the core of the voting game and the equilibria exist simultaneously, and that they coincide.  相似文献   

The existence of a public competitive equilibrium for any arbitrary (nondistortive) tax schemes (in particular, proportional taxes) for economies with local public goods, is proved. Allowing preferences to be both nontransitive and noncomplete enables an explicit introduction of the government as an (additional) agent in the economy. Moreover, we allow for “spillovers” of the public goods among localities, and for the production sets to depend on the amount of public goods produced in the economy. The only restriction on the tax system is that every individual is able to afford it and that the government's budget never runs a surplus. Since every equilibrium allocation is a Pareto optimum, every tax scheme is optimal (in the sense that its equilibrium allocation is a Pareto optimum).  相似文献   

It is well known that equilibria may not exist for majority voting over multidimensional policy spaces. This paper shows that certain institutional constraints can be imposed upon the voting process to ensure existence of a restricted equilibrium. A restricted equilibrium point must defeat only those points connected to it by one of an exogenously given set of linearly independent voting vectors. Using this procedure in a general equilibrium model to determine demands for public goods, existence of a general political equilibrium is proven. The equilibrium need not be Pareto optimal and may be manipulated by changing the vectors.  相似文献   

This note addresses Sugden's criticisms, levelled against our Non-Nash theory for public goods. In particular, we argue that our previous exercise was not to present a theory of public goods that could escape the voluntary contribution problem by relaxing Nash conjectures. Rather, our non-Nash model was merely an analytical exercise, meant to encompass a widevariety of behaviour. This note also indicates when positive conjectures might be realistic and, therefore, potentially consistent. Finally, we extend our specific example to include negative, zero, and positive conjectures.  相似文献   

A general equilibrium model of an economy with cities, farms and free migration of population is constructed. The cities produce internationally traded goods via production functions subject to economies of scale. They also produce housing and a local public good. Two areas are defined to be disjoint if households performing an economic activity in one area are not operating in the other. An area is exclusive if it is disjoint to its complement. The economic surplus of an area is then defined to be the value of the area's net export of goods and resources. Local efficiency of an area is defined to be a state in which its economic surplus attains its maximum value. This state is proved to be a necessary condition for Pareto optimality of the economy. It is then proved that beside Piguvian corrective taxes the only taxes necessary and sufficient to finance local government activities efficiently, are taxes on land rents. Furthermore, if jurisdiction of a local government is over an exclusive area no intervention of central government is necessary, and local authorities can be fully autonomous. If the economy can be divided into pairwise disjointed exclusive areas, those areas are optimal jurisdictions in the sense that efficiency in the economy can be achieved with local authorities only.  相似文献   

We consider a general model of the non-cooperative provision of a public good. Under very weak assumptions there will always exist a unique Nash equilibrium in our model. A small redistribution of wealth among the contributing consumers will not change the equilibrium amount of the public good. However, larger redistributions of wealth will change the set of contributors and thereby change the equilibrium provision of the public good. We are able to characterize the properties and the comparative statics of the equilibrium in a quite complete way and to analyze the extent to which government provision of a public good ‘crowds out’ private contributions.  相似文献   

We prove a theorem on the existence of rational expectations general economic equilibrium when agents condition on prices as well as on private information, and maximize the expectation of a state-dependent utility function. The key to the result is a new idealization of what it means for a set of empirical distributions to support agents' expectations. This idealization depends on the notion that agents compare their expectations with continuous versions of the random empirical distributions that are generated by the workings of the economy. The existence theorem covers all strictly concave utility functions, arbitrary distributions of the state variable, and situations in which the dimension of the state variable is large relative to the number of commodities.  相似文献   

Most models of social preferences and bounded rationality that are effective in explaining efficiency‐increasing departures from equilibrium behavior cannot easily account for similar deviations when they are efficiency‐reducing. We show that the notion of sampling equilibrium, subject to a suitable stability refinement, can account for behavior in both efficiency‐enhancing and efficiency‐reducing conditions. In particular, in public goods games with dominant strategy equilibria, stable sampling equilibrium can involve the play of dominated strategies with positive probability both when such behavior increases aggregate payoffs (relative to the standard prediction) and when it reduces aggregate payoffs. The dominant strategy equilibrium prediction changes abruptly from zero contribution to full contribution as a parameter crosses a threshold, whereas the stable sampling equilibrium remains fully mixed throughout. This is consistent with the available experimental evidence.  相似文献   

The existence and optimality of a general equilibrium in a model with a finite number of locations among which the continuum of individuals (each individual belonging to one of a finite number of types) have to choose is investigated. Each community finances its own production of public goods by taxes. The way in which the tax burden in shared among the different types in the different regions is left arbitrary. The model allows for: restrictions on the mobility of either residents and/or workers, congestion and externalities in both production and consumption, commuting costs, preferences of an individual may also depend on his location as well as on the distribution of all individuals across locations.  相似文献   

An equivalence relationship between cores and Pareto optimal allocations of a public goods economy where the public goods are to be provided through a proportional income tax is presented. For this purpose, the definition of the core is modified by allowing coalitions to tax their complements at any given rate. Also, a certain rule which specifies the rate is introduced.  相似文献   

On the existence of pure strategy Bertrand equilibrium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The paper analyses the existence of pure strategy Nash equilibrium in price competition (or Bertrand equilibrium) in a homogeneous product market when costs are strictly convex and proves that if output is demand determined such equilibrium always exists. This paper also characterises such equilibria and shows that if firms are identical such equilibria are necessarily non-unique. However for firms with asymmetric costs it can be unique or non-unique.I am greatly indebted to Anjan Mukherji and Kunal Sengupta for this paper. I also express my profound gratitude to a referee of this journal for a very helpful set of suggestions.  相似文献   

We are interested in how public goods get allocated by a centralized state. We use data on public goods and social structure from parliamentary constituencies in rural India to understand the allocation of these goods over the 1970s and 1980s. National policies and political agendas during this period emphasized universal access to basic amenities and financed a rapid expansion in rural infrastructure. We find evidence of considerable equalization in many of these facilities, reflecting perhaps the importance of these commitments. Among the historically disadvantaged social groups, those that mobilized themselves politically gained relative to the others. Measures of social heterogeneity that have been emphasized in the recent empirical literature on public goods are relevant but not overwhelming in their importance.  相似文献   

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