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即将到来的知识经济时代,必将给企业带来种种挑战,为了赢得这场挑战,企业首先要进行组织结构再造。 在知识经济时代,我们认为企业组织结构再造是一种根本性的、本质的、剧烈的变革,是一种范式转换,是一种对自我认知方式的彻底转变,包括在经营理念、思维方式和价值观等方面的全方位变革,是组织的一次再生,使组织更具人性化,更重视员工的权利,将尊重员工人格看作是管理的目的,从而将等级制管理方式转变为参与式管理方式。其中所谓范式转换是指在组织发展过程上,组织成员所共有的关于组织自身、组织环境和组织中工作着的人们的观…  相似文献   

在现实生活中.政府依法享有的权力是一种“公权”.即公共权力,是国家职能的一项重要权力。自然人、法人和其他社会组织等享有的权利称之为“私权”,是在国家管理中与“公权”相对应的一种权利。从本源上讲,权力来源于权利。我国宪法第二条规定:“中华人民共和国的一切权力属于人民。”国家权力只有以公民权利为轴心.为公民权利的实现提供保障.才能得到巩固和发展。也就是确立“私权”为基础.“公权”保障“私权”的实现。  相似文献   

企业组织在应对变化的环境和严峻的挑战中,形成了一种新的组织形式--团队。它跨越组织中严格的工作内容、职责、部门甚至权力等级的界限,聚合组织中最优势的资源来面对组织面临的来自组织内外部的各种挑战,创造出传统组织无法比拟的业绩增量。一般认为,团队是由少数有互补技能,愿为共同的目的、业绩目标和方法而相互承担责任的人组成的群体。团队完全不同于传统的组织模式,它的有效运作对传统模式下的人力资源管理提出了完全不同的要求。  相似文献   

现代企业制度可以有多种形式,其中公司制企业在现代市场经济中居支配地位。而对于公司组织制度的完善则是整个现代企业制度的核心。本文拟就世界各国的公司具体制度比较分析并结合我国的实际情况,对我国公司法的公司组织制度的现状及不足作一审视,提出几点完善我国公司组织制度的有益建议,以期能以一管之见对我国公司法的修改有所启示。一、两大法系公司组织制度比较分析公司组织是与公司同时产生的,并随着公司的发展而逐渐制度化,从当代世界各国的公司立法态势来看,显现出限制股东大会权力,加强董事会权力的趋势,即“由股东大会中…  相似文献   

铜川矿务局改制成立煤业公司,既是改革和发展的需要,也是社会主义市场经济发展的必然要求。在公司制改革前,国有企业的权力结构是党政并行结构,党组织在这个权力结构中拥有重要的权利。公司制改革后,产权发生变化,企业的权力结构转变成了法人治理结构,在这个权力结构中,根本没有企业党组织的法定地位。  相似文献   

企业内部权力关系的来源探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业内部权力来源可以分为两种:职位和知识.传统组织将管理者的权力建立在职位的基础上。随着知识经济的来临,越来越多的企业内部权力建立在管理者拥有的知识基础上。  相似文献   

孙连才 《企业文化》2012,(12):71-71
一家良性运作的企业往往是显性权力属于主流文化,如果隐性权力有与之显性权力相抗衡的趋势,这个企业就要考虑组织本身的缺陷或即将发生的颠覆性事件,隐性权力的扩张往往是一个企业发生问题的信号,比如:不正常的非官方传言被验证;组织中的上级越权指挥级别更低的员工;或者是没有正式的管理层官方决议而执行的某项制度等等,这都是一个组织不...  相似文献   

企业产权及其结构产权结构是通过将组织中各种具体权利 (包括所有权、经营权、支配权、收益权、处置权 )的分配 ,形成一种框架 ,在此框架基础上 ,通过各种权利协调运作 ,发掘企业内外部资源的潜力 ,实现价值增值。企业产权结构运作过程中必须做好三项关键性工作 :首先是确定企业中各种权利的利益主体 ,使其在产权结构中权力明晰化。对于一个既定企业 ,无论规模大小 ,其内在的权利总是客观存在的 ,关键问题是如何细分这些权利 ,界定适当的权利主体 ,使产权明晰化。对各种权利采用的具体形式和实现方式要注意分离整合、制动平衡及多样化 ;要能…  相似文献   

公司权力是现代企业制度的产物.它有别于股东权力、董事会权力、监事会权力、经理权力,它体现的是公司的整体利益.公司权力具有十分显著的经济学表征,它是公司的一种重要资源,具有有用性、稀缺性、成本效益性特征.公司权力配置能够实现优化改进.为此,本文从经济权利和企业本质出发,对经济学中的经济权利和企业相结合的方法进行了简要的论述.  相似文献   

管理中层在组织结构中的变化:组织结构描述的是一个企业运行的框架体系,它在很大程度上决定着企业的形状和功能。组织的管理层次即纵向的组织环节.其实质是一条从企业最高层到最低层不间断的权力路线。管理中层通常指介于最高层与最基层之间的管理。  相似文献   

Politics and Organizational Learning   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper it is argued that organizational learning is facilitated by a free and open form of politics in the workplace based on a system of political, social and civil rights and obligations within a framework of legitimate authority, parallel to the system that exists in the wider society. The argument is developed by examining issues at three related levels: why 'psychic' space is needed to nurture selfidentity and learning; the institutional pressures in the wider social environment that bring about learning within a whole business sector through open political activity; and how existing organizational learning theory and practice reveal numerous ways in which space for learning and innovation can be made available within work organizations through political processes. Finally, suggestions are made for ways of creating a framework within organizations that will enable such processes to develop.  相似文献   

The HIV/AIDS epidemic has focused increased attention on catastrophic illnesses in the workplace, and because of the stigmas associated with HIV/AIDS, it raises three primary concerns for organizations: (1) organizational avoidance of legal sanctions and litigation; (2) the maintenance of organizational legitimacy; and (3) organizational protection of employee rights. Although many organizations adopt legalistic responses to cope with these concerns, the analysis presented in this article suggests that while legalistic approaches function well to protect organizational interests in terms of both legal liability and legitimacy, the are only partially able to protect employee rights. Drawing upon the limited literature on HIV/AIDS in the workplace, this article presents an agenda for future research on organizational responses to HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

To transform in stride with the business changes, organizations need to think of development as "organizational learning" rather than "training." Companies need to manage learning as a strategic competitive advantage for current and future business rather than as a perk for individuals. To position themselves for success in a dynamic business environment, companies need to reframe their concept of learning and development to a mindset of organizational learning.  相似文献   

Contemporary organizations increasingly rely upon information technologies as platforms for their core work processes. The Internet age has witnessed the creation of new business models based almost entirely on electronically-mediated business processes involving multiple organizations. Information systems link suppliers, manufacturers, logistics companies, and other partners, allowing organizations to add value using smaller investments in physical assets. The creation of these linkages establishes both technical and social interfaces between organizations and their business partners. We apply Giddens’ concept of time-space distanciation to analyze the interfaces in iTalk, an organization in Silicon Valley hosting Internet voicemail services. iTalk achieved initial success in bridging external social and technical interfaces with the major regional telephone companies in US, allowing their voicemail service to attract millions of subscribers. In effect, iTalk used information technologies to dis-embed social and technical elements from global systems (the telephone companies) and re-embed them as part of iTalk’s local organizational presence. However, iTalk was unable to provide a sufficiently reliable service to customers as volume increased. Ironically, bridging external interfaces created internal interfaces within iTalk, which in turn produced technical problems and social conflicts that were not satisfactorily resolved by the time iTalk was acquired by a larger media company in 2001. The study provides theoretical understanding of the challenges associated with creating and sustaining social and technical interfaces in organizations that rely heavily upon electronically-mediated business processes that cross organizational boundaries.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether project management maturity (PMM) relates to perceived organizational performance and how an organization's cultural orientation is a contributing factor. Perceived organizational performance is defined as project effectiveness and efficiency followed by resulting business performance. A survey‐based research was conducted with 86 project professionals from various U.S. service and manufacturing organizations. The study revealed that PMM is significantly related to business performance but not to project performance. Furthermore, while clan organizational culture is a sole contributing factor for project and business performances, PMM interacts with market culture in improving business performance. This study shows that in order to deal with project time, budget, and expectations issues, an organizational culture change toward sharing, collaboration, and empowerment is a must. Furthermore, an increasing project management maturity along with a results‐oriented organizational culture improves an organization's competitiveness, resulting in cost savings and increased sales. PMM efforts are therefore crucial. PMM accompanied by an understanding of cultural orientation is a best strategy for today's project‐based organizations.  相似文献   

This research examines the concept of organizational memory in the context of multi‐unit organizations. It addresses the question: how do organizations collect, store and provide access to their experiential knowledge? I develop a framework for organizational memory in geographically distributed settings based on the concept of organizational memory systems and empirically assess the usefulness of this framework in the context of a multinational, business consulting organization. Multiple memory systems were identified, including social networks, knowledge centers and various computer‐based systems. I present and discuss findings with respect to the characteristics and perceived effectiveness of these memory systems.  相似文献   

In the contemporary business environment, human resource (HR) is an indispensable input for organizational effectiveness. Hence, an effective management of human resources has an important role to play in the performance and success of organizations. Competitive pressures have encouraged organizations to be proactive in diagnosing HR problems and to adopt more innovative HR practices since these were no longer a matter of trend, but rather of survival. The present study attempted to explore the relationship of three dimensions of innovative human resource practices (IHRPs): that is, the extent of introduction of IHRPs, their importance for organizational goal achievement and satisfaction with implementation of IHRPs, with organizational commitment (OC). Regression analyses showed that the perceived extent of introduction of innovative human resource practices by the organizations was the most significant predictor of organizational commitment.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between organizational context and the interpretation of strategic issues by examining the hypothesis that CEOs' interpretations of foreign investment in the USA are influenced by the organizational context in which they are embedded. Three aspects of organizational context - the global business experience of the firm; the firm's level of organizational inertia (as represented by firm age and size); and the resources available for responding - are examined as predictors of CEOs' perceptions of foreign investment as a threat or an opportunity. Analysis of data from 320 organizations, controlled by industry, shows that global business experience, firm size, and perceived capability are significant predictors of the perception of threat and opportunity. the discussion addresses the implications of these findings for future research on issue interpretation and organizational context.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的快速变化,组织中的权力及其来源也在变化。本文在梳理相关文献的基础上首先从组织和个体两个层面总结权力的主要来源,并从组织间关系理论视角分析组织权力来源和个体权力来源的彼此关系,构建了组织与个体的权力来源跨层次关系模型。其次,分析不同管理模式下组织权力来源和个体权力来源的发展趋势,认为长期合约、层级结构、规章制度、物质资源、物质依赖成为传统的组织权力来源,短期雇佣、异质结构、文化价值观、关键资源、多层依赖成为新型的组织权力来源;固定职位、天赋魅力、纵向关系成为传统的个人权力来源,跨界流动、成长型能力、网络关系成为新型的个人权力来源。文章最后讨论了未来值得研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

With climate change emerging as one of the most important issues increasing uncertainty in the business circle, firms have shown different reactions. Why do firms differ in adopting and implementing carbon management practices (CMPs) in response to the global warming issue? This paper attempts to explore this question with particular attention to two factors: external business uncertainty and internal organizational capabilities. This study investigated whether business uncertainty, organizational learning and lean production capabilities influenced the adoption and implementation of CMPs as well as examining how organizational capabilities moderate the relationships between business uncertainty and the level of CMPs. The results of a cross‐sectional survey and hierarchical regression analyses indicate that perceived business uncertainty decreases the adoption of CMPs, organizational learning and lean production capabilities strongly facilitate the adoption and implementation of CMPs, and lean production capability positively moderates the impacts of business uncertainty on the adoption of CMPs. This study provides guidance for managers and academics considering how to identify, design and manage the dimensions of a firm's practices in response to the global warming issue within the organization as well as with other organizations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

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