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工资合约、灰色收入和职业生涯考虑   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
范瑛  平新乔 《经济学》2004,3(3):679-702
本文用一个简单的两期动态模型分析年薪制下的显性激励和隐性激励。本文明确引入“灰色收入”作为企业经营者收入的一部分,定义广义的“职业生涯考虑”,同时,放弃了完全竞争市场的假设。通过对现行年薪制下经理考虑“灰色收入”时显性激励和隐性激励的共同作用的分析,本文解释了如下经济现象:虽然现行的年薪制引入了显性的工资合约,但并不一定使得经理的努力程度提高,而且也不能解决灰色收入问题。  相似文献   

家附近的一家理发店是我的“定点单位”,每次理发都去那里。事不凑巧,前几日再去,该店因故歇业,无奈之下只好另寻他家。理发店满大街都是,找寻并不困难,困难的是找个适合自己的理发师。因而,脚虽已迈进理发店的大门,心却仍存疑虑:这里的理发师水平如何?  相似文献   

利用职业生涯考虑模型,分析了中国地方政府官员的激励机制。研究发现,地方政府官员在职业生涯的前期会选择努力工作,树立工作能力强的声誉;而在职业生涯的后期,地方政府官员的能力已经被上级政府了解,晋升无望的地方政府官员没有了工作的动力。领导干部终身制会产生激励不足,而官员的任期制解决了地方政府官员努力不足的问题。  相似文献   

在以往的研究中,行政分权通常作为模型环境的一部分而被看作是外生给定的。本文则认为行政分权改革是政府组织内部行政权力最优配置的结果。通过在AghionTirole(1997)的分权模型里引入中央的事后监督职能及地方政府的剩余道德风险行为,我们得出了行政分权改革在多个维度上的决定因素:项目的相对重要性、中央与地方的利益相关性、剩余道德风险水平和危害程度以及地方政府的讨价还价能力。在此基础上我们对2004、2013和2014年版本的《政府核准的投资项目目录》进行了深入的分析,发现该理论对我国行政分权改革实践有着一定的解释力。这也为我国行政分权改革实践提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

真实世界中的企业通常会依靠长期的和不完全的合约去构造和调整它们间的关系,其本质是依靠关系合约来治理企业间的关系。企业主动选择不完全合约的原因:一是合约人在签约的边际成本与边际收益间的理性算计的权衡结果;二是签约人出于一些重要的策略性考虑,如加快缔约的速度、回避高缔约费用、鼓励创造性地执行合约等。企业选择长期合约的原因则主要是出于一些策略性考虑。关系合约治理的意义在于,关系合约的各种非法律的实施机制构成了一个往往包含着各种程序、承诺、权利、激励、信任和情感等元素在内的精细的交易框架。  相似文献   

以转型期民营科技企业的激励合约为研究对象,从历史角度考察了不同所有制环境下民营科技企业产权及激励合约的变迁,发现尽管我国两类民营科技企业(公有民营与私有民营科技企业)合约的初始产权安排及激励制度不尽相同,但都呈现出向以激励人力资本为导向的分成合约演进的趋势。在此基础之上,探讨了我国科技企业激励合约变迁过程中存在的问题及解决思路。  相似文献   

针对如何解决由农村金融市场特殊性所导致的农户融资难问题,文章以信息不对称条件下的不完全合约理论为基础,从二元转型过程中农村正规金融借贷合约的激励设计这一新视角,对产生这一问题的微观经济机制进行了深入的分析.研究结果表明:(1)二元转型是促进农村正规金融供给与需求增加的重要因素,但仅会引起农村非正规金融需求的显著变化,而对非正规金融供给不具有显著影响;(2)借贷合约激励结构的优化有助于促进农村正规金融机构贷款供给的增加,但并没有形成对非正规金融强有力的替代;(3)新型农村金融机构的引入有助于促进农村借贷合约激励结构的优化,但并没有显著改变农户面临的融资约束问题.  相似文献   

黄圣 《发展研究》2007,(11):81-82
员工的待遇包含物质待遇和精神待遇两个部分,精神待遇由于其隐蔽性容易被管理者所忽略.企业应当注重精神工资的发放.精神工资能满足人们自我实现的终极需求,使物质激励的效果事半功倍,激发员工的潜能,从而提高员工对企业的忠诚度.管理者应当善于运用亲情理念,充分肯定人的尊严,进而巧妙使用精神激励.  相似文献   

本文通过引入一个两期动态模型对基金经理人的行为选择进行分析,刻画了经理人自身基于“职业生涯考虑”的最优努力行为和对“不正当的收入”的攫取。通过动态优化模型的建立得出两种不同业绩评价体系下基金经理人的最优行为选择及若干个具有现实指导意义的结论,并以此为基础对我国基金经理人市场的现状进行了探讨。  相似文献   

梁馨  梁松 《生产力研究》2012,(7):137-138,162
公务员激励手段形式多样,但激励机制不完善将可能导致各种激励手段的效果不佳。出现此种情况的原因,可以从合约理论的角度加以解释。通过运用合约理论的核心思想,可以看到在公务员的公务行为的合约实施过程中,存在委托代理层次过多,公务员能力类型难以区分,努力程度无法观察,工作成果评价方法缺乏,以及多任务中的道德危机和集体任务中的机会主义倾向等问题。为了降低这些因素的影响,在公务员的激励机制方面可参照合约理论的思想进行调整。  相似文献   

Raiders may suffer from information disadvantage since the current employer is often better informed about his workers' quality. When workers have career concerns and matching influences productivity, the initial employer can strategically disclose information to influence incentives and matching efficiency. Long‐term complete contracts induce full disclosure when raiders are perfectly competitive. The optimal short‐term contract induces full disclosure if raiders are perfectly competitive, and the workers are risk neutral and are not liquidity constrained. These conditions are not only sufficient but also “almost necessary” for full disclosure. Partial disclosure may be optimal if any of these conditions is relaxed.  相似文献   

We consider a model of wage determination with private information in an oligopoly. We investigate the effects of unions having relative concerns on the negotiated wage and the strike activity. We show that an increase of unions’ relative concerns has an ambiguous effect on the strike activity.  相似文献   

本文基于2013年中国居民收入调查数据(CHIP),考察各类迁移对工资收入水平的影响。OLS及PSM估计结果均表明各类迁移有利于工资收入水平的提升;采用局部工具变量法进行稳健性检验,发现本文的研究结论依然成立。分迁移范围来看,市外迁移的平均收入增长效应大于市内迁移的平均收入增长效应;分户籍类型来看,农村户籍迁移的平均收入增长效应大于城市户籍的平均收入增长效应。综合比较各种迁移类型的收入增长效应,由强至弱可以将其排列为:永久移民市外迁移、农村户籍市外迁移、本地居民市外迁移、城市户籍市外迁移、农村户籍市内迁移、城市户籍市内迁移、本地居民市内迁移、永久移民市内迁移。城市化的核心在于满足居民的自由迁移意愿,从本文的研究结论来看,鼓励就近城市化而妨碍人口跨区域流动的城市化模式尚未得到收入增长激励的支撑。在推动户籍制度改革及公共服务均等化的同时,应注重建立全国统一的要素市场,进一步完善城市的空间结构体系。  相似文献   

This paper, the first of a two-part series, surveys the literature in the field of income and wage distributions. The author divides work in this area into two schools: the theoretic-statistical school, and the socio-logical school. Within each of these groups he reviews leading contributions. He then examines the work of Tinbergen, which, the author feels, fits into neither of the older classifications; rather, Tinbergen approaches the distribution of income as a problem in analyzing the supply of and demand for various attributes, such as intelligence, physical strength, ability to get along with people, etc. In conclusion, the author points out areas which he feels need further work. The paper is based upon the author's book in Danish, Indkomst-og lonfordelinger .  相似文献   

This article concerns optimal income taxation under asymmetric information in a two‐type OLG model when individuals’ relative consumption matters. Positional concerns affect the policy choices via two channels: (i) the average degree of positionality and (ii) positionality differences between the low‐ability type and the mimicker. Under plausible empirical estimates, the marginal labor income tax rates become substantially larger, and the absolute value of the marginal capital income tax rate of the low‐ability type becomes substantially smaller, than in the conventional model. In addition to measures of reference consumption based on average consumption, we also address within‐generation and upward comparisons.  相似文献   

In an attempt to augment the lowest wages, the United States and several other countries utilize legal minimum wages. However, the minimum wage has potentially adverse employment effects. The analysis here suggests that an alternative policy that combines a minimum wage and a wage subsidy is superior to either by itself. Such a combination can assist the low wage worker, avoid disemployment effects, and maximize market efficiency.  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper provides a model of involuntary unemployment by combining the insights of the sticky wage theory and the efficiency wage theory. It implies that employed workers tend to supply more effort in response to economic downturns. Thus, a negative shock to an economy has intriguing impacts on the unemployment. The model also shows that a negative demand shock may have a relatively small effect on output since changes in work effort serve to partially mitigate the effects of the shock. Moreover, it yields some implications that complement the existing 'work sharing' literature.  相似文献   

Based on a re-parameterised Blanchflower–Oswald model this paper uses long macro-data from the OECD countries to discriminate between the Philips curve and the wage curve and examines whether there are any differences in wage dynamics between Europe and the United States. The evidence gives support for the Phillips curve and shows that wage dynamics are no different between the United States and Europe.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes distributional changes over the last quarter of the twentieth century. We focus on four distinct distributions: the distribution of hourly wage rates, the distribution of annual earnings of individuals, the distribution of annual earnings of families, and the distribution of total family income adjusted for family size. Both male wage rate inequality and family income inequality accelerated during the early 1980s, increased at a slower rate through the early 1990s and then stabilized at a high level through the early 2000s. The similarity in the timing of changes in these two distributions has been used as evidence that increased family income inequality primarily reflects increased inequality of wage rates. We show that other important factors were also at work.  相似文献   

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