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杨小凯和张永生在《经济学(季刊)》第一卷第一期上发表的新贸易理论、比较利益理论及其经验研究的新成果:文献综述中声称比较优势说等国际贸易理论的四大命题已经被否定,断言分工才更本质地确定了贸易结构.该文的文献综述发现并非如此,而且,在其他著作中,杨小凯(2001)也认为贸易结构和分工是由各国的技术和要素禀赋的比较利益决定.该文证明分工可能会提高生产效率,但并不改变要素禀赋与技术比较优势决定贸易结构的结论.  相似文献   

杨小凯和张永生在《经济学(季刊)》第一卷第一期上发表的“新贸易理论、比较利益理论及其经验研究的新成果:文献综述”中声称比较优势说等国际贸易理论的四大命题已经被否定,断言分工才更本质地确定了贸易结构。本文的文献综述发现并非如此,而且,在其他著作中,杨小凯(2001)也认为贸易结构和分工是由各国的技术和要素禀赋的比较利益决定。本文证明分工可能会提高生产效率,但并不改变要素禀赋与技术比较优势决定贸易结构的结论。摘要杨小凯和张永生在《经济学(季刊)》第一卷第一期上发表的“新贸易理论、比较利益理论及其经验研究的新成果:文献综述”中声称比较优势说等国际贸易理论的四大命题已经被否定,断言分工才更本质地确定了贸易结构。本文的文献综述发现并非如此,而且,在其他著作中,杨小凯(2001)也认为贸易结构和分工是由各国的技术和要素禀赋的比较利益决定。本文证明分工可能会提高生产效率,但并不改变要素禀赋与技术比较优势决定贸易结构的结论。  相似文献   

杨小凯和张永生在《经济学(季刊)》第一卷第一期上发表的"新贸易理论、比较利益理论及其经验研究的新成果:文献综述"中声称比较优势说等国际贸易理论的四大命题已经被否定,断言分工才更本质地确定了贸易结构。本文的文献综述发现并非如此,而且,在其他著作中,杨小凯(2001)也认为贸易结构和分工是由各国的技术和要素禀赋的比较利益决定。本文证明分工可能会提高生产效率,但并不改变要素禀赋与技术比较优势决定贸易结构的结论。  相似文献   

对贸易理论发展阶段的划分主要有二种。第一种划分将绝对优势理论、比较优势理论称为古典理论,将H-O型理论、要素均等化、S-S定理、雷布金斯定理等称为新古典理论,基于不完全竞争和规模经济的贸易理论称为新贸易理论。第二种划分将基于不完全竞争和规模经济的贸易理论称为新贸易理论,以前的均称为传统贸易理论。鉴于古典理论、新古典理论在假设前提、分析范式和政策建议上大体相同,本文采用后一种划分方法。  相似文献   

我们在"新贸易理论、比较利益理论及其经验研究的新成果:文献综述"(见《经济学季刊》第1期)中,评述了否定赫克歇尔-俄林禀赋比较利益说(简称 H-O 定理)的文献,并用3个反例证明流行的比较利益说并不具有一般性。梁琦和张二震两位教授在"比较利益再探讨"(以下简称"比文")一文中对我们的文章提出批评。我们感谢他们认真地读我们的文章,并检验我们文中的计算。但是,对于他们提出的批评,我们却不能同意。第一,关于能否事先假定要素密集度逆转不出现的问题。对于一个代表  相似文献   

杨小凯  张永生 《经济学》2002,2(1):251-256
我们在“新贸易理论、比较利益理论及其经验研究的新成果:献综述”(见《经济学季刊》第1期)中,评述了否定赫克歇尔—俄林禀赋比较利益说(简称H—O定理)的献,并用3个反例证明流行的比较利益说并不具有一般性。梁琦和张二震两位教授在“比较利益再探讨”(以下简称“比”)一中对我们的章提出批评。我们感谢他们认真地读我们的章,并检验我们中的计算。但是,对于他们提出的批评,我们却不能同意。  相似文献   

本地市场效应是指,在一个存在报酬递增和贸易成本的世界中,那些拥有相对较大国内市场需求的国家将成为净出口国。它源自新古典贸易理论解释复杂贸易实践的理论局限和新贸易理论经验证据匮乏的困境,在探寻两种理论范式相对解释力的过程中应运而生,并随着空间经济学的迅猛崛起而成为新经济地理范式(New Economic Geography Paradigm)的核心特征之一。本文在回顾本地市场效应的理论背景和基本理论模型的基础上,对其理论模型和经验证据的新近发展作了系统的梳理并进行了简要的评论。  相似文献   

当代国际分工新特点与马克思国际价值理论新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际价值理论是马克思对国际贸易分工理论的重要贡献。国际价值理论反映了生产力发展的一般规律,同时对揭示当代国际生产关系本质有重要指导意义。国际价值理论内含的互惠互利、等价交换的思想对当代的国际分工与贸易仍有很强的解释力。随着国际分工的深化,国际价值理论也在不断扩充和发展,这是马克思国际价值论的生命力之所在。  相似文献   

产业内贸易常被作为支持"新贸易理论"的一个关键因素.然而该文从理论和实证两个方面对这一观察提出了若干质疑.建立在68个国家数据基础上的静态和动态计量模型结果显示,经济规模、消费者偏好、地理位置、贸易不均衡以及贸易环境(国家的经济开放程度)等因素,在短期和长期都对产业内贸易产生影响.这些发现促使"新贸易理论"重新去审视支持它的"证据".  相似文献   

钱学锋  梁琦 《经济学》2007,6(3):969-990
本地市场效应是指,在一个存在报酬递增和贸易成本的世界中,那些拥有相对较大国内市场需求的国家将成为净出口国。它源自新古典贸易理论解释复杂贸易实践的理论局限和新贸易理论经验证据匮乏的困境,在探寻两种理论范式相对解释力的过程中应运而生,并随着空间经济学的迅猛崛起而成为新经济地理范式(NewEconomic Geography Paradigm)的核心特征之一。本文在回顾本地市场效应的理论背景和基本理论模型的基础上,对其理论模型和经验证据的新近发展作了系统的梳理并进行了简要的评论。  相似文献   

We extend the Salter-Swan model to include both factor markets and semi-traded goods. In our model, changes in relative factor prices depend on changes in world commodity prices, factor endowments, and the trade balance. In contrast, only changes in world commodity prices can affect factor prices in the neoclassical trade model. The inclusion of semi-traded goods weakens the magnification effect in both the Stolper-Samuelson and Rybczynski theorems. When imports and domestic goods are poor substitutes, a characteristic of some commodities in developing countries, the sign of the Stolper-Samuelson theorem is reversed.  相似文献   


This paper studies impacts of factor endowment on international trade in a general equilibrium model in which firms choose their technologies endogenously. Although countries only differ in factor endowment ex ante, countries may also differ in their chosen technologies. If industries choose different capital-labor intensities in equilibrium, the Heckscher–Ohlin theorem, factor price equalization theorem, the Rybczynski theorem, and the Stolper–Samuelson theorem hold. If industries choose the same capital-labor intensity in equilibrium, the volume of trade is zero. None of the four theorems applies.  相似文献   

This paper generalizes the Heckscher–Ohlin trade theory summarized in Samuelson's [Samuelson, P.A., 1949, International Factor Price Equalization Once Again, The Economic Journal 59, 181–197.] calculus treatment to the domain of non-differentiable technologies characterized by discrete alternative Leontief–Sraffa techniques. Demonstrated here is how the close qualitative parallelisms between limited-substitutability technologies and neoclassical marginal-productivity models permit the validity of the theorems of international factor price equalization and their well-known extensions even when smooth marginal productivities cannot obtain.  相似文献   

This study reverses the prediction of geography and growth models that trade integration may cause income divergence. Moreover, a new dynamic welfare gain of trade openness is identified. These results are obtained from embedding a new economic geography model into a neoclassical growth model. Starting from symmetric countries, a country that accumulates more capital than the other increases its home market size, improves its terms of trade, and lowers its relative consumption price index, because trade costs drive a wedge in between relative producer and consumption price indices. Both effects in turn tend to increase its marginal revenue product of capital relative to the other country (divergence forces), while factor substitution diminishes its marginal revenue product of capital (convergence force). Reducing trade costs decreases the wedge and weakens the divergence forces, while the convergence force is unaffected. Hence, divergence is more likely with higher rather than lower trade costs.  相似文献   

围绕实际商业周期所展开的研究涉及经济学研究的基本方法和经济学家们对经济社会运行的基本认识。与此同时,它也反映了经济学两大流派,即凯恩斯学派和新古典学派之问的争论。本文试图从 RBC 理论的产生背景说起,系统地为读者介绍 RBC 的理论体系以及求解和检验 RBC 模型时所使用的一些技术。与此同时,我们也将揭示 RBC 研究所面临的问题和引发的争论,并在此基础上指出未来 RBC 和宏观经济学理论研究可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

This paper first notes the importance of "one-cone" versus "multi-cone" equilibria in the Heckscher–Ohlin model of international trade, then asks whether economic growth in neoclassical growth models leads toward one or the other. The one-cone equilibrium arises with internationally similar factor endowments. It has a single set (cone) of relative factor endowments, within which countries diversify and have global factor price equalization (FPE) under free trade. The multi-cone equilibrium arises with larger factor endowment differences. It has FPE within cones, but not between them. The two configurations differ in important ways. The paper examines several neoclassical trade-and-growth models, distinguished by their assumptions about saving, asking whether factor endowments converge into a single cone. None of the models suggests convergence, while some strongly imply that countries will end up in different cones. This suggests a preference for the multi-cone version of the model.  相似文献   

2008年诺贝尔经济学奖得主克鲁格曼将规模经济、产品差异与运输成本引入一般均衡分析模型,其开创性的研究使贸易理论和经济地理这两个曾经是相互独立的经济学分支融合到一起,成为新贸易理论发展的先导;作为创始人,他还将新经济地理学融入了主流经济学。此外,克鲁格曼还与几位合作者打通了新经济地理学与城市地区经济学传统研究之间的通道,并对国际货币经济学做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

Recently, several papers have reexamined the so-called production efficiency theorem and the Atkinson and Stiglitz theorem on commodity taxes in the optimal taxation literature. Naito [J. Public Econ. 71 (1999) 65] showed that indirect redistribution through production distortion or consumption distortion can Pareto-improve welfare and that the two theorems do not necessarily hold when different factors are imperfect substitutes and factor prices are endogenous. On the other hand, Saez J. Public Econ. (2002) forthcoming argued that in the long run, where human capital accumulation is endogenous, the two theorems are still valid. This paper develops reasonable alternative models where individuals accumulate human capital based on their comparative advantage. The present paper shows that the production efficiency theorem is not necessarily valid and that indirect redistribution from the able to the less able such as tariffs and production subsidies can increase efficiency even when skill accumulation is endogenous.  相似文献   

兼具资本、不动产和商品三种属性的土地,可以作为陌生人社会中的声誉载体。它可以被商业银行接受为抵押品并用于控制借款者的违约风险。土地确权也可以因此促进农村金融的现代化发展。本文理论模型及其实证分析表明:土地确权可以从广度、交易环境、深度和宽度四个方面,促进农村金融的内生发展。本文研究还发现:土地确权不仅提高了制度信任在商业银行风险控制中的重要性,还降低了商业银行对人际信任和社会资本的过度依赖。通过促进人际信任向制度信任的模式转换,土地确权有利于农村金融的新古典式发展。  相似文献   

For the most part, neoclassical trade theory has restricted its concerns to the effect that trade has on the production and distribution of commodities. It implicitly assumes that international trade leaves unchanged the institutional structure of domestic economies.The empirical evidence presented here supports the claim that international trade induces innovation in the institutions regulating the capital-labor relationship. Existing trade theories, neoclassical or otherwise, that assume away such changes give only a partial answer to one of the central questions a theory of trade must answer: What are the effects of trade, and are these effects beneficial?  相似文献   

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