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技术(产品)替代、创造性破坏与周期性经济增长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟春平  徐长生 《经济学》2005,4(4):865-890
论文以熊彼特的创造性破坏思路为基础。将宏观经济中的长期经济增长和短期经济波动统一为周期性经济增长过程。本文追述创造性破坏概念的生态学根源,并将生态学的结论和方法引入经济学分析,其中竞争是生态学的核心,所以分析种群之间的多种关系,并对照阐述技术(产品)之间的竞争替代类型。用数值模拟方法描述的动态替代过程和美国经济增长的经验分析表明,增长更多地体现为周期性增长。  相似文献   

新古典熊彼特主义增长理论引入垂直产品创新,把熊彼特的“创造性破坏”思想纳入到了内生增长理论中,并运用此理论讨论了“创造性破坏”经济动态下的技术进步、经济增长与失业、市场结构与经济增长、经济周期与经济增长以及制度与经济增长等一系列经济结构问题。虽然这一派理论仍未脱离新古典经济学的框架,但在方法上已有所突破,有助于人们深入认识有关经济增长的结构问题,对现代经济增长理论的发展产生了重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

文章通过对资本-产出比率变化的分析,指出由于发展阶段和技术进步形式的差异,较高的该比率能够证明中国经济存在较为普遍的"创造性破坏",从而使得资本形成与技术进步形成了紧密的联系,这种机制有助于保持较高的资本效率。因此,我们有理由对中国经济增长的长期前景保持谨慎乐观。  相似文献   

Aghion和Howitt把熊彼特主义的"创造性破坏"模型与劳动力市场搜寻匹配理论结合起来建立了一个分析经济增长与失业关系的框架.在该框架中,经济增长存在着加重失业的"创造性破坏"效应和缓解失业的资本化效应.一些学者在此框架基础上讨论了劳动力市场不完全情况下经济增长与失业的关系以及就业政策对经济增长和失业相互关系的影响."创造性破坏"的框架,把技术进步作为切入点,为认识增长与失业的相互关系提供了一个全新的分析视角.  相似文献   

信息技术发展是我国正在经历的一次重大通用技术变革。通用技术变革中存在的创造性破坏导致我国经济结构发生剧烈变化。经济结构变化提出了进行供给侧结构性改革的要求,要求解决好衰退企业的市场出清,要求采取措施激励创新,要求解决好结构性失业问题。通用技术变革中的创造性破坏会在一定时期内使经济增长放缓。实施供给侧结构性改革之后,通用技术变革将带来更高质量的经济增长。  相似文献   

经济周期系指国民经济活动周而复始地变化,包括复苏、繁荣、衰退和萧条四个阶段,或包括上升和下降两个阶段,通常分为古典型周期和增长型周期,当经济活动的绝对水平下降而向后反弹,就是所谓的古典型周期。即:一个周期包括同时发生在许多经济活动中的扩张,接下来是同样一般性的衰退、紧缩和复苏,复苏又事 下一周期的扩张之中;这一系列的是周期性的,但并不是定期的。增长型周期是在增长率的趋势上有明显的离差,因此是通过经济增长率的增减来描述增长型周期的定义。增长型周期更为普遍,有着许多与古典型周期相同的特点,它在总理经济活动上是短期的经济波动。  相似文献   

熊彼特曾试图建立一个以创新为动力的内生经济变迁理论。在沉寂多年以后,熊彼特的这一经济理论在20世纪90年代以后复活。演化新熊彼特主义借用生物学隐喻构建了企业的行为模式,使创新得以内生化,并类比生物学中的自然选择过程描述了经济动态过程。新古典熊彼特主义增长理论则将熊彼特"创造性破坏"思想模型化,通过引入研发生产函数和对创新组织的探讨将技术创新内生化,深入地研究了与经济增长相关的市场结构问题。三支理论在方法论和学术传统上的差别导致了它们对创新机制以及经济变迁的不同理解。文章系统地梳理了熊彼特主义经济理论的主要发展并对之进行了比较、评价和展望。  相似文献   

本文以最终产品种类扩大刻画横向的多样性创新,而中间产品质量提升为纵向的质量改进创新,并分析种类扩大与质量提升的创新中蕴涵的创造性破坏效应.借用数论结论探讨了多样性和质量改进之间的替代选择,并分析厂商在扩大种类和提升质量之间的创新决策.两种形式的创新都有创造性破坏效应,而多样性的创新具有间接的增长效应,质量提升的创新具有直接的增长效应.邮电行业及其相关产品的变更证实了创造性破坏效应及增长效应.  相似文献   

本文在CES生产函数下,从理论上讨论了要素替代弹性、技术进步偏向与经济增长之间的关系,采用Kmenta近似估计方法,估算1979-2011年中国工业各行业的替代弹性;并根据Acemoglu对技术进步偏向定义,测算1979-2011年各行业技术进步偏向情况。实证结果表明,大多数行业的要素替代弹性大于0小于1,且资本技术进步增长率小于劳动技术进步增长率;我国行业经济增长过程中的技术进步大致是资本偏向性的。同时,1987-2011年间要素替代弹性变大和技术进步偏向资本对行业经济增长具有明显的促进作用,但人均资本对行业经济增长具有抑制作用。  相似文献   

De La Grandville (1989) suggests that large elasticities of substitution between factor inputs and a change in relative prices might (i) explain historical economic growth in developing countries and (ii) account for the varying growth among sectors within economies undergoing technological change. Yuhn (1991) supports de La Grandvilles first hypothesis in his finding that Korea's economic growth relative to the United States, over a given interval, could be explained by the higher elasticities of substitution between labor and capital in Korea relative to those of the United States. This paper explores de La Grandville's second hypothesis with respect to telecommunications.  相似文献   

This paper tries to explain the polarization of economic growth through mechanization. We derive a complementary relationship between capital accumulation and mechanization. While we assume an external effect that occurs as a result of mechanization, given the external effect, mechanization yields a constant‐elasticity‐of‐substitution production function in which the elasticity‐of‐substitution is greater than unity as the envelope of Cobb–Douglas production functions. When mechanization is difficult, which implies a low value for the elasticity‐of‐substitution, and the external effect is weak, there is potential for multiple steady states to exist.  相似文献   

This paper tests aggregate Variable Elasticity of Substitution production functions for the Soviet economy. The estimated equations show that the elasticity of substitution is less than unity and is decreasing quite rapidly.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,很多学者基于增长模型的角度对能源消耗和经济增长的关系进行了研究,但所得到的结论都较为悲观。近年来,经济学者开始考虑通过政府管制、技术进步和能源替代来纠正污染问题和资源过度消费带来的经济扭曲。本文基于新经济增长理论的视角,从三个方面(不同环境管制工具的政策效果及其对经济体和能源系统的影响,能源技术创新对经济增长的影响,能源替代对实现可持续发展的作用)对国内外涉及能源、环境和经济增长的研究进行梳理。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to empirically investigate the link between economic growth and unemployment, using microeconometric evidence for the United Kingdom. The results show a significant and negative relation between unemployment and economic growth, using fixed effects panel regression methods. This implies that faster sectoral change, driven by higher rates of innovation and therefore by higher rates of economic growth, would foster structural unemployment. Moreover, we find that economic growth even more strongly influences job creation and job destruction.  相似文献   

Review of Explaining Growth: A Global Research Perspective, edited by Gary McMahon and Lyn Squire and Productivity Growth, Inflation, and Unemployment: The Collected Essays of Robert J. Gordon by Robert J. Gordon  相似文献   

Foreign aid has often been intended by donors to entice recipient nations into policy and institutional reforms favorable to private sector economic development. In this study, we investigate the relationship between aid and changes to economic freedom in recipient nations over the 1990–2000 decade. The evidence is mixed. In general, we find that foreign aid has no significant effect on economic freedom overall. However, using a hedonic approach on the different categories of economic freedom, we find that aid has still managed to contribute toward a policy and institutional environment favorable to growth, as the different categories of economic freedom improved by aid more than offset those which are harmed by aid, in terms of their impact on growth . ( JEL 010, 019)  相似文献   

在市场不完善的情况下,有一部分腐败活动虽然有损于社会公平和正义,而且造成了社会资源的损耗,但对经济资源的配置也有着一定的作用.该文通过一个经济增长模型讨论了代表社会利益的政府如何规划反腐败路径,并保证经济的增长.分析结果表明,政府是可能在反腐败的同时实现经济增长的.一旦政府开始加大反腐败力度,则社会的腐败程度将持续下降.随着市场的完善,经济资源可以更好地借助于市场机制进行配置,这时社会可以加大打击腐败的力度.如果腐败的路径依赖性更强,政府也将加强对腐败的打击.  相似文献   

Recent contributions by Brookes (1990), Saunders (1992), and Inhaber and Saunders (1994) argue that cost-effective improvements in energy efficiency may, in the long run, lead energy use to grow more rapidly than it would in a world of fixed technologies. Since efficiency improvements may be viewed as a form of technological change that both reduces the effective cost of energy services and stimulates economic activity, energy demand may, under some circumstances, rise even as energy productivity improves. This paper examines this hypothesis using a simple model that distinguishes the roles of energy and energy services in production activities. In this model, improved energy efficiency can-not give rise to increased energy use unless: (i) energy costs dominate the total cost of energy services and (ii) expenditures on energy services constitute a large share of economic activity. Since neither of these assumptions is empirically plausible, the paper concludes that energy efficiency improvements will yield long-run reductions in energy use under the assumptions of the model.  相似文献   

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