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1月CPI同比上涨4.9% 国家统计局2月15日在其网站发布的最新宏观经济数据显示,1月份中国CPI同比上涨4.9%,环比上涨1.0%。其中,食品价格同比上涨10.3%,  相似文献   

国家统计局10月23日发布了今年前三季度国内生产总值(GDP)分产业初步核算数据。今年前三季度匡内生产总值353480亿元,同比增长7.7%。其中,  相似文献   

12月10日,国家统计局公布11月物价指数。数据显示,11月CPI同比上涨4.5%,这是自2012年1月以来近8年间,CPI月同比涨幅首次“破4”。这一数据引起了广泛的关注。一方面是CPI“破4”的具体原因,另一方面是后续物价走势情况以及对货币政策的影响分析。  相似文献   

159.5万亿元 中国银监会的数据显示。截至2014年一季度末,中国银行业金融机构境内外本外币资产总额为159.5万亿元,同比增长12.89%。增速创近38个季度的新低,负债总额为148.7万亿元,同比增长12.54%,亦低于去年同期增速。学者认为,银行资产增速下滑的原因包括:整体基数不断扩大,银行竞争加剧,互联网金融产品对存款造成分流,存款减少给贷款规模扩张造成压力。  相似文献   

人民币成为世界第八大外汇交易货币 10月8日,为国际金融交易提供电文网络服务的环球银行金融电信协会(SWIFT)发表报告称,人民币已成为世界外汇市场上的第八大交易货币。今年8月,人民币占全球交易外汇市场份额的1.49%,超过俄罗斯卢布、韩币等,进入全球十大最活跃交易货币。  相似文献   

苹果当季iPad销量733万台,利润60亿美元受益于Mac电脑以及iPhone和iPad销售强劲推动,苹果(NASDAQ:AAPL)最新财季实现营收267.4亿美元,同比增长70%;实现净利润60亿美元,每股盈利6.43美元,分别同比增长78%和75%。营收和净利润双双创下新记录。苹果第一财季实现净利润60亿美元,每股摊薄收益6.43美元;  相似文献   

撒莉 《国际融资》2011,(10):74-75
2010年以来,铁矿石价格一路走高。海关统计显示,2011年上半年,中国铁矿石进口金额537.77亿美元,同比增长54%,上半年进口均价(到岸价)160.89美元/吨,同比上涨47.95美元/吨,涨幅42.46%。中国钢铁工业协会8月2日表示,  相似文献   

7月新能源汽车销量增长31.6%出口同比增长87%中国汽车工业协会8月10日发布数据显示,今年7月,中国新能源汽车产销分别完成80.5万辆和78万辆,同比分别增长30.6%和31.6%,市场占有率达32.7%。1至7月,新能源汽车产销分别完成459.1万辆和452.6万辆,同比分别增长40%和41.7%,市场占有率达29%。7月,新能源汽车国内销量67.9万辆.  相似文献   

数字 8.9% 国家财政部近日公布,2014年1~6月,国有企业累计实现利润总额12211.1亿元,同比增长8.9%。但近三分之一的中央管理企业和近一半省份的地方国有企业利润总额负增长或亏损。国有交通、汽车。建材等行业实现利润同比增幅较大,国有煤炭、化工、纺织等行业实现利润同比下降明显,国有有色行业继续亏损。  相似文献   

数字1.25亿中国互联网协会8月2日发布的《2014中国互联网金融发展报告》显示,去年中国手机支付用户规模达1.25亿,同比增长126%,手机支付、网络银行、金融证券等相关各类移动应用累计下载量超过4亿次。其中,支付宝钱包下载量占比达58%。去年,中国移动支付交易规模增长率为707%,远高于银行卡收单、互联网支付等增速。  相似文献   

In the last 35 years, research at the intersection of corporate finance, industrial organization, and organizational economics has grown substantially. This paper reviews work that combines elements from these fields of finance and economics, with an emphasis on recent developments. I discuss how product market competition, customer-supplier relations, firms’ organizational form, and ownership structures interact with firms’ financial policies. I also overview new developments in the literature from a special issue of the Journal of Corporate Finance.  相似文献   

The recent financial crisis exposed the inability of traditional theoretical and empirical models to parsimoniously capture the rich dynamics of the economic environment. This has stimulated the interest of both academics and practitioners in the development and application of more sophisticated models. By allowing for the presence of nonlinearities, complex dynamics, multiple equilibria, structural breaks and spurious trends, these latter models resemble more closely the properties of economic and financial time series. In this article, we illustrate the flexibility of a family of econometric models, namely the exponential smooth transition autoregressive (ESTAR), to encompass several of the above characteristics. We then re-assess the power of the ESTAR unit root test developed by Kapetanios, Shin and Snell ((2003) Kapetanios, G., Shin, Y. and Snell, A. 2003. Testing for a unit root in the nonlinear STAR framework. Journal of Econometrics, 112(2): 35979. (doi:10.1016/S0304-4076(02)00202-6)[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) in the presence of nuisance parameters typically encountered in the literature and compare its performance with that of the augmented Dickey-Fuller and the Enders and Granger ((1998) Enders, W. and Granger, C. W.J. 1998. Unit-root tests and asymmetric adjustment with an example using the term structure of interest rates. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 16(3): 30411. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) tests. Our results show the lack of dominance of any particular test and that the power is not independent to priors about the nuisance parameters. Finally, we examine several asset price deviations from fundamentals and one hyper-inflation series and find contradictory results between the nonlinear fitted models and unit root tests. The findings highlight that new testing procedures with higher power are desirable in order to shed light on the behavior of financial and economic series.  相似文献   

财经类高校图书馆建立学科化服务模式既突破了图书馆传统服务模式,又强化了图书馆为教学服务的意识和能力,是财经类高校图书馆服务职能的延伸与发展。本文从学科化服务在财经类高校图书馆的发展现状出发,在分析财经类高校图书馆建立学科化服务的必要性的基础上,提出学科化服务运行机制及其优化。  相似文献   

While mainstream neoclassical finance ignores the role played by noise traders, a significant amount of empirical evidence is available to show that noise traders are active market participants and that their participation gives rise to market anomalies. Unlike neoclassical finance, behavioral finance allows for market inefficiency on the grounds that market participants are subject to common human errors that arise from heuristics and biases. In this paper we review the literature on the behavior of noise traders and analyze the consequences of their presence in the market, starting with a distinction between neoclassical finance and behavioral finance. We identify the market anomalies that provide evidence for the tendency of markets to trade at irrational levels, demonstrate how noise trading is related to some market fundamentals, and describe the models used to quantify noise trader risk.  相似文献   

Recent literature on the decomposition of a time series into components has produced several alternative methodologies. This situation has arisen because of a lack of consensus on how components should be defined, and on the appropriate decomposition structure. Uncertainty about components structure seems to be inevitable when it is accepted that the behavior of a typical business or economic time series implies evolving rather than fixed components patterns. None of the existing procedures can be viewed as uniquely appropriate for the isolation of unobserved components.  相似文献   

We review accounting and finance research on corporate governance (CG). In the course of our review, we focus on a particularly vexing issue, namely endogeneity in the relationships between CG and other matters of concern to accounting and finance scholars, and suggest ways to deal with it. Given the advent of large commercial CG databases, we also stress the importance of how CG is measured and in particular, the construction of CG indices, which should be sensitive to local institutional arrangements, and the need to capture both internal and external aspects of governance. The ‘stickiness’ of CG characteristics provides an additional challenge to CG scholars. Better theory is required, for example, to explain whether various CG practices substitute for each other or are complements. While a multidisciplinary approach to developing better theory is never without its difficulties, it could enrich the current body of knowledge in CG. Despite the vastness of the existing CG literature, these issues do suggest a number of avenues for future research.  相似文献   

Truth is important in the theory and practice of finance. Asset valuation is based on models that calculate true asset values as distinct from observed market prices. In financial economics, truth is essential in theoretical and empirical work in market microstructure, corporate finance and asset pricing. The versatile use of “true values” in finance is reviewed and assessed in the context of those philosophical theories of truth which are most relevant to asset pricing debates: the correspondence theory of truth, the coherence theory as well as the pragmatist approach to truth. We find that truth, in asset valuation, is not external to the context of inquiry; it is always model-dependent. This finding motivates the argument that (the truth of propositions about a) theory-independent reality should be explored on the level of structures that trigger market outcomes, rather than the level of asset values. Our findings on the context-dependent character of true asset values also necessitate the exploration of the structure of scientific inquiry in which some contexts prevail over others and some valuation models are widely adopted as measures of truth.  相似文献   

That the returns on financial assets and insurance claims are not well described by the multivariate normal distribution is generally acknowledged in the literature. This paper presents a review of the use of the skew-normal distribution and its extensions in finance and actuarial science, highlighting known results as well as potential directions for future research. When skewness and kurtosis are present in asset returns, the skew-normal and skew-Student distributions are natural candidates in both theoretical and empirical work. Their parameterization is parsimonious and they are mathematically tractable. In finance, the distributions are interpretable in terms of the efficient markets hypothesis. Furthermore, they lead to theoretical results that are useful for portfolio selection and asset pricing. In actuarial science, the presence of skewness and kurtosis in insurance claims data is the main motivation for using the skew-normal distribution and its extensions. The skew-normal has been used in studies on risk measurement and capital allocation, which are two important research fields in actuarial science. Empirical studies consider the skew-normal distribution because of its flexibility, interpretability, and tractability. This paper comprises four main sections: an overview of skew-normal distributions; a review of skewness in finance, including asset pricing, portfolio selection, time series modeling, and a review of its applications in insurance, in which the use of alternative distribution functions is widespread. The final section summarizes some of the challenges associated with the use of skew-elliptical distributions and points out some directions for future research.  相似文献   

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