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在国际货款结算中信用证业务备受青睐,然而信用证属于单据业务,因此,出口商应了解信用证业务及其相应规则,做到认真审证、准确制单、及时交单,以确保安全收汇,维护自身的利益。  相似文献   

A Theory of Discouraged Borrowers   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Kon  Y.  Storey  D.J. 《Small Business Economics》2003,21(1):37-49
This paper examines the implications for the SME financing market of Application costs that vary between firms, and of imperfect screening of applicants by Banks. Under these conditions 'Discouraged Borrowers' can exist. These are good borrowers who do not apply for a bank loan because they feel they will be rejected. The paper shows that, under a range of assumptions, the scale of discouragement in an economy depends upon the screening error of the banks, the scale of Application costs and the extent to which the bank interest rate differs from that charged by the moneylender. Discouragement is shown to be at a maximum where there is some, but not perfect, information.  相似文献   

支付服务市场潜力巨大,有待深度挖掘。研究表明:银行与第三方支付机构各具优势,各自的核心市场和利益并不存在严重重叠和排斥。双方相互弥补和配合可充分开拓市场。在未来发展中,银行在传统金融服务领域依旧会占据主导地位,第三方支付将在网上支付等创新服务领域占据稳固市场。银行方面应完善电子渠道建设,拓展备付金存管业务,增加中间业务收入;加大金融创新力度,加强与支付机构的合作,积极应对金融传媒;介入电子支付链,大力拓展中小企业融资业务,拓展新客户群体。支付机构方面应进一步细分市场,发挥自身优势开展差别化经营;加强技术安全合作,完善内控管理,加强消费者权益的保护;严格备付金管理,提升风险管理水平,稳健、规范、可持续发展。  相似文献   

Banks offer loans to support many projects; however, some of these projects may not give adequate consideration to the environment. Little is known regarding the extent to which banking customers experience guilt when discovering that their bank supports projects that disregard the environment. An experiment with 313 participants was conducted, and the results showed that customers do experience guilt when discovering that their bank supports projects that do not give adequate consideration to the environment. This study found that guilt drives perceived consumer effectiveness and negative word‐of‐mouth regarding banking projects that neglect environmental considerations but not attitudes towards green banking. Negative word of mouth, but not the attitude towards green banking, mediates the effect of perceived consumer effectiveness on the intention to use green banking services. Negative word‐of‐mouth, rather than attitudes towards green banking and its perceived consumer effectiveness, drives the intention to use green banking services. These findings imply that banks need to encourage their customers to perceive that they are eco‐friendly to avoid a significant loss of customers.  相似文献   

基层人民银行支持新农村建设要把贯彻执行货币信贷政策与支持社会主义新农村建设有机结合起来;充分发挥六大服务功能,为社会主义新农村建设提供优质、高效的金融服务;以大力支持农村信用社改革为重点,加强对辖内金融改革的指导,重构支农金融体系;加强农村金融生态环境建设,为社会主义新农村建设提供良好的金融生态环境;加强调查研究和监测分析,找准切入点,努力探索基层人民银行支持新农村建设的新思路和新方法;进一步加强金融稳定工作,为社会主义新农村建设提供稳定的金融保证。  相似文献   

The paper develops a theoretical link between foreign investment, scale and reversibility in the banking industry. This link is used to formulate hypotheses that are empirically examined with a unique data set collected through interviews with senior managers of multinational banks in London. Findings reveal that banks do not set up large operations to service domestic customers or get a foothold, but do so to create hubs. Banks with confident beliefs set up large operations, and use large offices to lock themselves into the market. These results explain the cross-sectional variation in the size of foreign investments in the industry. Robustness checks do not reveal presence of influential data points; regressions are stable over time and consistent with what we know from secondary samples.  相似文献   

A fundamental problem for measuring marketing performance is defining and identifying both the best metrics and best practice. This article, based on a three-year research project among major companies, summarises both what firms do and what the research implied they should do. It proposes a common use of language as a prerequisite to defining metrics and introducing performance measurement systems. Boards should establish and regularly review both external and internal market metrics, including innovation health. The author also explains why he thinks market research responsibility, and reporting marketing performance to the board, should be turned over to the finance director or chief knowledge officer.  相似文献   

文章对我国商业银行系统性风险进行评估,采用系统性预期期望损失和边际预期期望损失两个测度变量,以此作为系统重要性指数,通过预期期望损失方法利用我国14家上市商业银行的面板数据评估我国商业银行系统性风险水平。实证结果表明:国有银行系统重要性虽然占据主要地位,但系统性风险贡献排名却远低于其他商业银行,主要原因是国有银行的现金流更稳定,政府隐性担保及政策优惠对弱化系统性风险贡献度有很大帮助。另外我国中小城市商业银行更有可能带来系统性风险,因为股份制商业银行资产总规模虽然相对较小,但资产扩张速度过快、盈利大幅波动、资本充足率低且负债率较高,相比较国有银行更需要得到监管部门的重点监管。  相似文献   


Banks have traditionally been hostile to the marketing concept. Whilst this is being eroded, banks do not seem to have firmly embraced marketing information systems, according to an interview survey undertaken, although some steps are being made. With their major investments in technology it is crucial that banks take the opportunities to develop a comprehensive marketing information system.  相似文献   

企业发展面临着许多自身难以克服的经济、制度以及法律等方面的矛盾和问题。在这些难题中,作为一个世界性的难题,融资问题更是首当其冲。以银行为主体的金融体系是适合我国企业融资要求实际的,然而由于风险等种种问题,银行对企业贷款申请的拒绝率比较高,企业银行融资面临严重的融资困境。信息的不对称性对于企业融资选择有着重大的影响作用。融资难问题需要企业和银行共同的努力来解决,相关部门应全面提升企业自身素质,努力解决银企间信息不对称问题,加大金融机构支持力度,强化企业的融资制度保障,以此来促进我国特设社会主义市场经济的发展。  相似文献   

Flexible, innovative institutions are integral to meeting the development challenges of the next century. Multilateral Development Banks have been the focus of intense criticism, and that criticism is now resonating from increasingly organized opposition groups. As the MDBs strive to increase their private sector focus by adopting a range of promarket policies, they are caught in a race against time. Countries and firms alike are turning to emerging capital markets for funding traditionally sought from MDBs. Are the Banks capable of transforming themselves into efficient, responsive and effective institutions? Or will they become historical footnotes? Lacking a coherent and reasoned defense, the difficult job of maintaining public support may become impossible.  相似文献   

Consumers are adopting increasingly active roles in co-creating marketing content with companies and their respective brands. In turn, companies and organizations are looking to online social marketing programs and campaigns in an effort to reach consumers where they ‘live’ online. However, the challenge facing many companies is that although they recognize the need to be active in social media, they do not truly understand how to do it effectively, what performance indicators they should be measuring, and how they should measure them. Further, as companies develop social media strategies, platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are too often treated as stand-alone elements rather than part of an integrated system. This article offers a systematic way of understanding and conceptualizing online social media, as an ecosystem of related elements involving both digital and traditional media. We highlight a best-practice case study of an organization's successful efforts to leverage social media in reaching an important audience of young consumers. Then, we conclude with several insights and lessons related to the strategic integration of social media into a firm's marketing communications strategy.  相似文献   

Banking firms are becoming increasingly aware that their clients’ management of environmental and social risks may in term threaten their own business as lenders and investors. In addition, stakeholders are requiring banks to improve their social performance. As a result, some banks are developing corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies and management systems to reduce potential risks and improve their performance. In the Spanish financial system, half of the banking firms are savings banks, most of which have always used some Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) criteria in their management. Private Banks have only recently started to integrate social aspects in their performance. However, no formal analysis has been carried out on the impact of CSR strategies. Various initiatives have been launched nationally and internationally to include the social dimension in management systems. The purpose of this research is to analyse the social performance of the main Spanish financial companies through public data such as social or sustainability reports and media sources. In order to do this, we need to determine which CSR criteria most greatly affect banking firms and to choose the most accurate quantitative and qualitative indicators to measure social performance.  相似文献   

In the early years conglomerates were seen as the financial concept of the future. More recently their economic advantages have been seriously questioned. This article reviews the existing literature on conglomerate performance and extends the investigation through the early seventies. While conglomerates provide investors with less variability from market movements than do nonconglomerate firms, they provide less diversification than closed-end investment companies and mutual funds. Furthermore, risk adjusted performance measures of conglomerates did not differ significantly from those of other firms of portfolios. Thus, conglomerates should be viewed simply as another category of investments that plot along the security market line.  相似文献   

Banks continuously look for methods to implore to retain existing customers and to acquire new customers. In this paper a type of performance measurement/customer satisfaction method, used at a Midwest regional bank, to gauge the cross-selling efforts by its employees is introduced and examined.  相似文献   

Evidence continues to accumulate which supports marketing's contribution to hospital performance. When hospitals do adopt a marketing orientation they reap the benefits of higher occupancy rates and revenues. The study advances our understanding of the relationship between marketing orientation and hospital performance by investigating the specific contribution of each component of marketing orientation. Results indicate that hospitals should develop a "gestalt" market orientation, with all its components, but a well-developed customer philosophy makes the single greatest contribution to hospital performance.  相似文献   

Banks should be able to afford their customers a certain degree of privacy, but a number of disclosure-limit laws have been passed to thwart criminals who engage in such practices as money laundering. The legitimate investor who needs a degree of financial privacy must examine banking strategies carefully.  相似文献   

It is commonly agreed that firm performance is a multi-faceted construct. Lacking a single accepted method for performance, managers are often judged by a mechanism they do not know or understand. This paper utilises a bottom-up approach to investigate manager perceptions of the important dimensions of performance in the hotel industry, and their evaluations of achievements in these dimensions. The paper offers a qualitative technique that characterises the managers' profile in a two-dimensional space of performance. One dimension is a composite of production-oriented indicators of performance, and the other is a composite of service-oriented indicators of performance. The findings indicate that most managers lack a focus and do not differentiate between production and service indicators of performance. The qualitative technique can be utilised for gauging manager perceptions of performance and for evaluation and feedback for manager performance.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether CEO power matters in Chinese banks. We find that the effects of four power dimensions on banks' performance and board structure vary in their own unique ways. The CEOs with structural power are negatively related to performance but positively related to gender-diversified boards. Moreover, CEOs with ownership power enhance performance but are negatively associated with professionalism and diversification in the boards. Banks that have CEOs with expert power perform well and have gender-diversified boards. Meanwhile, CEOs with prestige power are likely to appoint politically connected directors to the board.  相似文献   

This article explores the important role of Industrial Development Banks in promoting the quality of technological development. It is argued that the historical experiences of the developed economies and several developing economies during recent times support the need and potentials of a more pro-active role by Industrial Development Banks. Against this background, the specific experiences of Industrial Development Banks in the Gulf Co-operation Council Countries are examined and the results of a select field survey are reported. This exploratory study suggests that some fundamental steps are needed in order to develop Industrial Development Banks from being comparatively passive conduits of technological aid to more active promoters of technological development.  相似文献   

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