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<正>"中美经济对话之所以叫作‘对话’而不是‘谈判’或者‘交易’,这是具有深意的。我们双方都应该客气地倾听对方的意见,然后按照自己的意思去做。"  相似文献   

透过镜头感受摄影之美,遥远的地方,不再遥远。  相似文献   

关于对水坝、水库、大堤防洪作用的评价问题,《中国国家地理》执行总编单之蔷在第11期“诗人的情感与水库大坝”一文中说到“防洪不一定要修水库、建大坝.也不一定需要加高大堤。至少有以下的方法;湘西凤凰县土家族的吊脚楼就建在河边,地下是空的用几个柱子支撑屋子,二层住人,洪水来时,从下面流走。德国科隆市用钢板来防洪,洪水退后,拆除钢板。  相似文献   

文化是旅游者出游的出发点和归结点,是旅游业的灵魂。面对目前文化旅游在世界范围内的蓬勃发展,本文在对文化旅游产品界定的基础上,阐述了文化旅游产品对旅游目的地形象塑造的作用机理。最后,通过《印象·刘三姐》的案例分析,为我国其他地区开发文化旅游产品提供一些有益的启示,也对其他旅游目的地提升形象有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

董开栋 《中国报业》2009,(10):66-69
英国金融时报集团是世界上领先的商业信息公司,旨在为日益增长的全球商业人士提供全面的商业信息和服务。金融时报集团旗下媒体包括:《金融时报》——全球领先的财经报纸,为全球23个城市超过140万名读者提供大量的新闻、评论和分析信息,  相似文献   

张宸 《中国报业》2014,(13):57-60
由世界报业和新闻出版商协会主办的第66届世界报业大会暨第21次世界编辑论坛、第24次世界广告论坛6月8日至11日在意大利北部重要商业和文化中心都灵举行。这次大会的主题为"新声音、新现实、新活力"。大会吸引了许多国家的报纸和其他媒体组织,来自《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》、《今日美国》、《金融时报》、《卫报》、美联社、法新社等媒体的共1000多位专业人士参加了这一全球新闻业重要聚会。  相似文献   

黄云扬  高约西 《商》2014,(12):179-180
随着中国在国际舞台地位的上升,西方媒体对中国新闻的关注度不断提高,涉华报道在西方主流媒体新闻报道中所占比例也有涨幅,而由于各国意识形态和国家利益的巨大差异,新闻报道中难免出现立场、角度的巨大偏差。美国作为世界第一经济大国,长期密切关注着中国的经济、社会、政治文化发展,涉华报道在美国主流媒体中一直占据一席之地。  相似文献   

英国《卫报》网站日前发表文章,原题为《爱尔兰处于"中国征服欧洲计划"的前沿中国又发现了一个买入机会:欧洲》。文章称,中国企业在利用欧元区国家现金紧张的机会抢占立足点。中国一些制造企业希望在7月就获得在爱尔兰中部阿斯隆开发一块价值5000万欧元的土地的许可,  相似文献   

陈琳 《中国会展》2012,(22):54-56
成郜作为国务院确定的西南地区科技、商贸、金融中心和交通通信枢纽,在2011年进人中国城市GDP排名前十,同时凭借成郜双流机场2907.4万人次的旅客乔吐量升格为“中国航窄第册城”。成都近年来先后荣获全国义明城市、中国最佳旅游城市、中国最具经济活力城市、中国内陆投资环境标杆城市、中国会展名城、世界美食之都等称号,被《福布...  相似文献   

刘玥 《国际广告》2009,(7):125-126
纸媒高调挺进微博客 一向在新媒体技术上引领潮流的英国《卫报》,在今年4月1日宣布,它们将抛弃纸质媒介与其他互联网媒介平台,成为首家仅在微博客Twitter上发行的纸媒。此外,它们还计划将从1821年开始的报纸旧档案搬到Twitter上。  相似文献   

中国的汽车市场有多大?中国的轿车市场有多大?这可能是一个很难轻易回答的问题,但这绝对是一块诱人的"大蛋糕".在中国市场国际化进程加快之际,世界级的汽车生产厂商开始在中国大举动作.与以往不同的是各家均拿出其顶级产品,以先声夺人之势,激发中国消费者的购买欲.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of foreign acquisition on the productivity of Slovenian manufacturing firms subject to takeover in 1997. It finds evidence that foreign investors acquire those enterprises with higher productivity, that are more inclined to export and that operate in more concentrated industries. It then controls for the estimation bias induced by this non‐random selection process by applying the combined propensity score matching and difference‐in‐differences estimation technique. The results of the empirical analysis show no robust statistical evidence of a positive causal effect of foreign acquisition up to two years following takeover. This finding suggests that a transfer of intangible assets from foreign firms to their Slovenian affiliates does not take place over this time period.  相似文献   

高峻 《广告大观》2005,(12):31-32
十月西安秋已入凉,第十二届中国广告节让这座古老的皇城多了几分炫意。为迎接广告界的朋友们,盛况空前且充满古意时风的入城式着实让“老外”们开了眼界,震撼之余对中国文化平添了几分敬畏之意。干广告这行的人,不管来自何方,不管是蓝眼睛还是黑头发似乎都有着常人不常有的激情,常常会有些出乎意料的举动。  相似文献   

This paper uses a rich data set of Slovenian manufacturing firms active in the period 1994–2002 that contains information on outward FDI and exports to different markets in order to test three empirical hypotheses that relate the decision for outward FDI to total factor productivity. First, the evidence supports the hypothesis proposed by Helpman, Melitz and Yeaple (2004) that more productive firms are more likely to invest in a foreign affiliate. Second, the hypothesis proposed by Head and Ries (2003 ) that less productive firms may be encouraged to invest in low‐income countries is rejected by the data. However, the main contribution of the paper is to confirm the third hypothesis that required firm's productivity increases with the number of markets that the firm serves, i.e. there is a positive relationship between the number of a firm's foreign affiliates and its total factor productivity.  相似文献   

The paper applies a multilevel modeling approach in the study of individual behavior in choice experiments. The purpose is to study the relationship between choice time and several features of the choice task such as the number of choice alternatives, amount of choice information, and (dis)similarity of the choice alternatives. A special focus is on the difference in choice time between individuals who frequently maximize in choice making and their counterparts who are habitually satisficing. In total, 15 choice experiments were conducted (three versions of choice experiments for five different choice stimuli: restaurant, holiday resort hotel, smartphone, job, and project partner). The results show that choice time increases as choice tasks are more complex. As to the people's maximizing tendency, no significant differences in choice time are found between maximizers and satisficers.  相似文献   

为了培育消费者对品牌的至爱、狂热和依恋,培养和管理消费者对品牌的"完美"体验是其中的一种重要方式,取得与众不同的品牌体验是品牌管理的中心工作.本文探讨品牌体验对消费者的社会关系构建、自我展示和娱乐享受的影响作用,进而分析这些变量对品牌至爱的影响.研究表明,非凡的品牌体验能够促进消费者的社会关系构建、自我展示和品牌至爱的形成;自我展示和娱乐享受正面影响品牌至爱.  相似文献   

The traditional theories of the firm leave no room for love in business organizations, perhaps because it is thought that love is only an emotion or feeling, not a virtue, or because economic efficiency and profit making are considered to be incompatible with the practice of charity or love. In this article, we show based on an approach to the human action within the organization, that love can and must be lived in firms for firms to operate efficiently, be attractive to those who take part in them, and act consistently in the long run.  相似文献   

On June 25, China-Slovenia Economic and Trade Forum was held in Beijing.The Financial Minister of Slovenia attended and addressed the forum. He said that Slovenia was politically stable and kept sustainable economic growth. Owing to the advantageous geographic position, Chinese enterprises not only could invest in Slovenia, but also could take Slovenia as the gate and transfer station towards the EU market.  相似文献   

There are a number of misconceptions about the ongoing Eurozone crisis. One is that it is a debt crisis: in fact many countries that are considered to be reasonably sound have bigger long-term fiscal deficit problems than even the weakest Eurozone countries. The crisis partly reflects the pain of frontloaded fiscal repair. But even more so, the crisis has turned into a step-by-step attempt to forge a stronger and more coherent Europe. The reluctance of the European Central Bank to defuse the tensions which this process creates makes the region vulnerable to bouts of market turmoil. This paper outlines the course of the crisis, the policy responses to date, and the actions that are necessary to resolve it.  相似文献   

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