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The COVID-19 pandemic brought about an increase in online shopping because of government-imposed restrictions and consumer anxiety over the potential health risk associated with in-store shopping. By end of 2021, many health concerns had been alleviated through efforts such as vaccinations and reductions in hospitalizations in certain countries. Some governments started to relax their restrictions and consumers started to return to in-store shopping, creating the possibility that the volume of online shopping would decrease once stores reopened. However, consumers may continue to shop online more than they did prior to the pandemic because of their experience during the lockdown. This study seeks to understand the factors that explain the potential of online shopping continuance. A novel model is constructed by extending ES-QUAL, and adding hedonic motivation, social shopping and health susceptibility as mediators. Empirical data is collected from Canada, Germany and the US. We find that convenience and efficiency, as well as security for some females, are important factors contributing to online shopping's perceived usefulness and, ultimately, intentions to continue shopping online. In addition, creating an enjoyable online shopping experience adds to these continuance intentions.  相似文献   

An increasing number of households are equipped with Internet-enabled televisions (IETVs) that yield opportunities for online activities. This research contributes by investigating the motivational factors of consumers’ attitudes and intentions toward IETV shopping. A quasi-experimental study in the environmental context of a living room was designed to explore IETV shopping behavior. Findings indicate that utilitarian motivations are determined by characteristics of technology and hedonic motivations from the physical environment. Attitudes toward IETV shopping are primarily influenced by hedonic shopping motivations. Conclusions suggest that by providing an IETV shopping app, retailers would make online shopping more enjoyable and comfortable for consumers.  相似文献   

Understanding consumers’ behavioural responses is crucial to improve the usage of augmented reality (AR) by retailers. Both in the online and offline retail market, AR enhances consumers’ shopping experiences by offering them enjoyable and immersive information about products and services. This paper explores consumers' behavioural responses by measuring the role played by product involvement in affecting the AR flow experience. To this end, the study employs a quantitative approach based on data collected from August to September 2022. Results show that consumers' involvement with products affects their AR flow experience, along with their behavioural intentions in terms of purchase intention and intention to visit the retailer’s website and recommend or share the experience. In addition, the latter two variables mediate the relationship between the AR flow experience and loyalty, showing interesting insights on high-body-involvement products. The paper ends by highlighting the main theoretical and managerial implications of these results, along with the scope for further research.  相似文献   

This research investigates the extent to which Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) apps can influence user attitudes and shopping behavior. It empirically explores user experience and examines its effects on consumer perceptions of hedonic and utilitarian gratification, informativeness, and ease of use. Findings indicate perceptions of gratification and informativeness significantly associate with MAR app use. When consumers perceived the MAR app as enjoyable, useful, and contributing to the information acquisition, they were inclined toward a more positive affective response. Practically it provides insights into MAR use, which benefits both consumers and MAR app designers, and influences company marketing strategy.  相似文献   

This special issue of the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services on innovation management in retailing from a consumer and corporate perspective includes seven papers. The papers cover a variety of interesting topics focusing on consumers׳ viewpoints and corporate strategies towards new advanced systems introduced at the points of sale. The issue is organised into two sections: (i) impact of new technologies on consumer behaviour (which includes new approaches for managing shopping experience), and (ii) corporate strategies (which includes retailers׳ actions and strategies). This introduction summarises the papers and identifies some empirical insights and contributions to the growing body of knowledge on innovation management that has appeared in the recent retailing literature.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore, illustrate and conceptualise how the introduction of mobile phones transforms the practice of shopping. Drawing on a focus group study of young adults and making use of Practice Theory, this paper shows that the introduction of mobile phones reconfigures the practice of shopping subsequently transforming the agency of consumers. Mobile phones enable consumers to access, store, and process information in new ways; supporting new modes of social shopping, enabling consumers to change the experience of shopping, and making them better equipped economic actors with more access to financial systems and new calculative capacities. While this new agency is beneficial to consumers, it also causes them stress and anxiety.  相似文献   

虚拟社区、在线口碑与消费者行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王佳 《商业研究》2011,(12):71-76
随着电子商务的发展,虚拟社区成为消费者分享个体购物经验、消费体验和沟通信息的重要场所,消费者在购物时也将虚拟社区中的口碑信息作为重要参考依据。本文在对国内外相关文献的研究基础上,构建出在线口碑对消费者行为的影响因素模型,并运用因子分析法对假设的模型进行了修正,发现口碑信息源因素、口碑信息传播方向因素、社区成员自身因素、社区成员互动因素和产品因素,在网络口碑对虚拟社区成员消费行为的影响过程中起了很大作用;企业若要利用好口碑信息就应提供充足的口碑信息,增加信息的可信度,提高在线口碑作为反馈机制的效益,提高在线口碑的间接收益,并掌握处理负面口碑的应急之策。  相似文献   

This research article explores the content of consumers′ experience when they shop online and proposes a first step in conceptualizing the ‘online shopping experience′ (OSE). First, we carried out an extended literature review and proposed an integrative conceptual framework. Then, we relied on a consumers discourse analysis with four focus groups with consumers who differ in terms of age, gender and online shopping experience.We define the OSE and propose a conceptualization through four core dimensions: the physical, ideological, pragmatic and social dimensions. Connections are established between the flow concept and the ‘traditional’ dimensions of experience, and specific shopping values are identified. Moreover, an appropriation process of commercial websites is revealed; beyond purchase intentions and rituals, the OSE is embodied by the use of online tools and patronage routines. Finally, social interactions with Facebook friends are one of the new practices considered.  相似文献   

This research draws on the stimulus-organism-response framework to explore how traditional, physical atmospheric variables relate to consumers’ internal value responses to the m-shopping experience. Further, this research exposes how fulfillment of consumers’ utilitarian and hedonic values relate to consumers’ experience of flow while shopping and their intentions to return to the m-shopping platform. Findings suggest the stimulus-organism-response framework provides a viable perspective on the design of mobile shopping experiences. Moreover, traditional atmospheric variables influence consumers’ shopping experiences in the mobile context. Theoretical and practical implications are provided.  相似文献   

We reinvestigate what constitutes hedonic customer experiences in collectivistic versus individualistic cultures using four country samples (N=2,336) in Germany and the U.S. as well as Oman and India. Across country samples, intrinsically enjoyable customer experiences are associated with the same underlying hedonic shopping motivations as shown in the original U.S. context. In comparison with individualistic cultures, we find that a hedonic shopping experience in collectivistic cultures is less strongly associated with selforiented gratification shopping, yet more strongly associated with others-oriented role shopping.  相似文献   

Researchers typically study how levels of risk perception about online shopping affect whether and how consumers use the channel to buy products. In this paper, we propose to study how different types of attitudes towards online shopping are formed when consumers consider both the benefit and the risk of using the Internet to do their shopping. We consider the possibility that general types of attitudes are formed when consumers' perception of the risk and the benefit of using online shopping conflict. We pay particular attention to the concept of online shopping scepticism where consumers may fully realize the benefit of using the Internet to do their shopping, but also express a certain level of concern about the risk of using that channel. In the risk literature, researchers have shown that experience and increased exposure to a particular technology usually involves the accumulation of more and better knowledge that in turn may lead to a reduction in the perception of the risks involved. In this research, we also explore the role of experience in the context of consumers' intention to use online shopping. More specifically, we postulate that online shopping experience has a direct effect as well as an indirect effect on the intention to use online shopping. Experience with online shopping directly increases the consumer's intention to use the Internet to buy products but it also reduces the degree of scepticism and risk aversion, and that in turn, also increases the intention to use online shopping.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors analyse the influence of specific combinations of online and physical channels (webrooming and showrooming) on the customer experience, specifically, on smart shopping perceptions and feelings. Taking into account that cross-channel consumers are driven by different motivations, the influence of shopping motivations is controlled. The results of an experiment in the fashion industry show that webroomers have greater perceptions of time/effort savings and of making the right purchase, and greater smart shopping feelings, than showroomers. Furthermore, webrooming leads to higher personal attribution than showrooming, meaning that consumers feel responsible and in control of their purchase outcomes. Personal attribution then mediates the impact of webrooming on smart shopping feelings. Although companies may have difficulties in tracking consumers’ use of online and offline channels, their enhanced control over the process may improve their experience through smart shopping perceptions and feelings.  相似文献   

Lizhu Davis 《中国市场》2014,(13):8-17,20
本文旨在探讨中国消费者的购物价值。在利用定性研究所获得的购物价值维度的基础上,本文还采用量化研究来进一步评估消费者在两类零售经销店——百货商店和超型市场中的购物体验及相应的购物价值观。研究结果表明,中国消费者倾向于同时到上述两类零售经销店购物,并从中获得自我满足感和实现社会交往;同时,他们在百货商场获得更多的享乐性购物价值,而在超市里则获得更多的实用性购物价值。这些研究结果凸显了购物体验和购物价值对中国消费者的重要性。  相似文献   

Examining the influence of the retail environment on shopping behavior, Kaltcheva and Weitz (2006. When should a retailer create an exciting store environment? Journal of Marketing 70 (January), 107–118) showed that shopping motivation (utilitarian versus hedonic) moderates the relationship between arousal and shoppers’ behavior in the store environment. In particular, they found that high arousal decreases intentions to visit for consumers with a utilitarian motivational orientation. Focusing on this particular type of shopping motivation, we hypothesized that the negative effects of arousal-inducing store environments occur for consumers with higher utilitarian motivations because these environments prevent those specific consumers from controlling their shopping experience. We consequently adapted Kaltcheva and Weitz's (2006) framework by building a model articulating perceived control, stress, pleasure, and return intent. A multigroup analysis of consumers with high versus low utilitarian shopping motivations identified in a field study conducted in Europe gave support to our hypothesis.  相似文献   

In the retail sector, it has become necessary for retailers to differentiate themselves using new strategies, such as managing shopping experiences. The retailer can benefit from applying these experiences in order to gain loyal customers. The purpose of this research is to advance in the analysis of the different dimensions of the e-shopping experience, identified from a literature review, and attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. In addition, this study highlights the importance of emotional experience, analyzing the mediating effect of emotional experience on the relationship between online experiences and consumers’ loyalty. The empirical research is based on a sample of 496 consumers. The results reveal that using different experiences could influence loyalty in two different ways: directly affecting attitudinal loyalty (especially when website trustworthiness is low and consumers experience more uncertainty) and indirectly affecting behavioral loyalty through emotional experience.  相似文献   

Government and industry organizations have declared information privacy and security to be major obstacles in the development of consumer‐related e‐commerce. Risk perceptions regarding Internet privacy and security have been identified as issues for both new and experienced users of Internet technology. This paper explores risk perceptions among consumers of varying levels of Internet experience and how these perceptions relate to online shopping activity. Findings provide evidence of hypothesized relationships among consumers’ levels of Internet experience, the use of alternate remote purchasing methods (such as telephone and mail‐order shopping), the perceived risks of online shopping, and online purchasing activity. Implications for online commerce and consumer welfare are discussed.  相似文献   


The study explored apparel shopping experiences of older Chinese consumers, which integrate apparel product and retail environment aspects from an inclusive strategy perspective. Research questions include: What factors contribute to older Chinese consumers’ satisfaction and dissatisfaction? What are the major implications of older consumers’ (dis)satisfying shopping experience? What role can fashion practitioners play to make the retail environment and apparel products more accessible to the aging segment? Critical Incident techniques were used for data collection at a community park in Beijing. A total of 151 usable critical incidents from 84 older Chinese informants (55 years and older) were included in the data analysis. Content analysis with deductive qualitative data analysis method was used. Findings suggest that the older Chinese consumers assess their shopping experiences largely based on shopping outcome achieved (product purchased). This is in contrast to the movement toward more experiential focus in the developed markets in the recent decades. A significant number of tangible product attributes (including design/styling, comfortability/fit, and material) and intangible attributes (such as price and product assortment) contributed to the older Chinese informants’ satisfying or dissatisfying shopping experience. Aspects related to retail environment, including retail atmospherics and service quality were also important, but to a lesser extent than product attributes. This study represents an early attempt to explore how the tangible and intangible aspects of product attributes and retail environment contribute to the aging Chinese consumer’s shopping experience. Findings of the Chinese older consumers’ utilitarian, rather than experiential focus in their shopping experience evaluation provide insights on this market segment and valuable implications are developed.  相似文献   

In general, channels of meat distribution in Croatia include (a) direct sale in open market area; (b) local stand-alone butcher shops that co-operate with some farms offering their meat there; (c) chains of butcher shops; (d) supermarkets and hypermarkets; (e) the channel of Horeca (hotels, restaurants, snack bars). The whole Croatian meat market has 300,000 tons estimated value, but it has met with changing trends in consumption because consumers have less time for home-prepared meals. Moreover, consumers prefer one-stop shopping and large-scale retailers due to their variety of merchandise offered. The main goal of the article is to find whether new consumption patterns affect the way of butchering and the choice of distribution channels in the case of the Croatian meat market. Therefore, the qualitative research among consumers and meat distributors in three Croatian regions was conducted. The research reveals consumers’ meat outlet preferences.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the website evaluation criteria among college student consumers in the US with different shopping orientations and Internet channel usage (i.e. online information searchers, online purchasers). The sample for this research was 414 college students, non‐married and aged 18–22 who have experience in visiting websites selling apparel products. Five apparel website evaluation criteria were identified by factor analysis (i.e. product information, customer service, privacy/security, navigation, auditory experience/comparison shopping). Based on shopping orientation factors, cluster analysis revealed three shopping orientation clusters (i.e. Hesitant In‐home Shoppers, Practical Clothing Shoppers, Involved Clothing Shoppers). Factorial manova showed that website evaluation criteria were significantly different among college student consumers with different shopping orientations and between online information searchers and online purchasers. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

Patronage in town centres has been fluctuating over the past few years, indicating that consumers are buying elsewhere in pursuit of better and more fulfilling shopping experiences. This is concerning as patronage is considered an indicator of high streets vitality and viability. To help understand the changing patterns of patronage, especially related to the growth in online retail spending, this study sheds light on key touchpoints that influence the town centre shopping experience. Using the customer journey framework and drawing insights from datasets of two central UK regions, we provide new contribution to town centre research by capturing significant and specific physical and digital touchpoints in the town centre shopping journey, thus developing our understanding of the determinants of the town centre shopping experience. Consequently, this work provides recommendations for town centre management to help improve town centre patronage by developing customers’ experience with shopping-specific touchpoints.  相似文献   

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