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张璇  刘贝贝  胡颖 《南方经济》2016,35(11):1-21
税收的弹性空间使低成长率的企业能够借助吃喝腐败进行税收寻租以促进其成长,这破坏了公平的市场竞争环境,导致了资源误置。本文运用2005年世界银行对中国企业的调查数据,分析吃喝腐败和税负对企业成长的影响。分位数回归结果发现,重税负阻碍企业成长,吃喝腐败有助于缓解企业税负对其成长的不利因素。但这种润滑剂作用主要体现于低成长的企业,使其能在权力庇佑下继续生存,对高成长的企业这种作用并不明显。在运用工具变量解决税收的内生性问题和一系列的稳健性检验后,以上结论仍然成立。进一步根据企业规模和制度质量进行的分样本研究发现,吃喝腐败缓解企业税负以促进其成长的润滑剂作用在中小企业和制度质量低的地区表现得更为突出。因此,结构性减税与建立公平的市场竞争环境是释放企业成长空间的关键。  相似文献   

This paper exploits China's accession to the WTO to investigate the impact of a supply shock on quality across the Indian production network. After controlling for increased import competition, including in downstream and third-country markets, and for new export opportunities, we find that a fall in input tariffs raises revenue, quality and prices, whilst lowering quality-adjusted prices and the probability of product exit – consistent with a simple model of multi-product manufacturers gaining access to higher-quality components. Upgrading persists for at least ten years; at the peak in 2010, products with a 10% higher pre-accession input tariff, and hence a larger post-accession fall in tariffs, have 5.3% higher quality. This in turn raises quality further down the supply chain, with input-output linkages amplifying the one-step effect by up to 75%. These results highlight a potential beneficial impact of the “China shock” in developing countries, namely supply-driven quality upgrading.  相似文献   

李硕  王敏  张丹丹 《世界经济》2022,45(1):110-132
本文利用2013-2018年中国所有新建企业的注册信息,构建中国所有城市月度分行业的企业进入数据,并利用双重差分模型识别第一轮中央环保督察如何通过影响新企业进入进而影响中国的产业结构调整。结果表明,环保督察显著减少了民营、高污染行业的企业进入数量。此外,部分生产性服务业企业进入数量也受到环保督察的冲击。在督察组退出督察省份之后,其影响有随时间增强的趋势。环保督察促进了新建企业平均投资规模的增长,在一定程度上提高了行业集中度。考虑到环保督察政策常态化,本文有利于理解中央环保督察政策对产业的影响,并为环保督察政策的制度化和进一步完善提供依据。  相似文献   

苏昕  周升师 《南方经济》2019,38(5):52-77
文章基于组织二元性理论、资源基础理论,探究了双元性创新与企业竞争地位的关系以及冗余资源的权变影响,并以2009-2015年我国上市企业为样本进行了实证分析。研究显示:探索式创新对企业竞争地位的影响具有"拐点效应",呈正"U"型,利用式创新促进了企业竞争地位的提升;双元性创新的互补性降低了企业竞争地位,而平衡性则对企业竞争地位的提升产生了积极影响;财务冗余强化了双元性创新对企业竞争地位的促进作用,并能缓解利用式创新的负效应;人力资源冗余弱化了探索式创新对企业竞争地位的积极效应,但对利用式创新与企业竞争地位的关系却未表现出显著影响。统计结果在基于勒纳指数年度行业排名的面板排序模型和一阶差分模型中依然保持稳健。进一步分析发现,探索式创新与双元性创新互补性的积极作用具有"时滞效应",利用式创新及双元性创新平衡性之积极影响存在差异化的效应周期。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an uncertainty-preference-housing choice model and empirically investigate the effect of uncertainty on the probability of homeownership using microdata from Chinese cities. Introducing several measures of uncertainty, we observe that after the reform of the housing distribution system, unemployment uncertainty negatively affects the housing tenure choices of high-income families, whereas educational expenditure uncertainty has a negative effect on the homeownership rates of low-income families. We also find that unemployment uncertainty negatively affects the housing choices of local families and that medical expenditure uncertainty has a negative effect on housing choice for migrant families. Finally, an increase in unemployment uncertainty decreases the homeownership rate among families in which the head of household did not experience the change in enterprise ownership.  相似文献   


This study examines whether foreign equity investment promotes domestic firms’ innovation activities. Using panel data on the Korean firms during the 1999–2013 period, we find that foreign ownership has a positive effect on firms’ innovation activities. Furthermore, we also show that, as compared to non-chaebol firms, chaebol firms’ innovation activity becomes much greater with the increase of foreign ownership. Finally, we investigate industry-level spillover effects of innovation. Specifically, we find that foreign ownership promotes innovation activities via forward linkage, the effect of which is also more pronounced in chaebol firms.  相似文献   

The paper examines efficiency performance of the non-state small and medium manufacturing industries in a transitional and developing economy. Using firm level data in Vietnam from 1996 and 2001, cross-sectional models are estimated using the stochastic frontier method. The results show a considerable variation in efficiency levels among firms and that a greater use of family labor and a metropolitan location are associated with improvement in technical efficiency. The results indicate few benefits from direct government financial and non-financial assistance to businesses.  相似文献   

Using partial factor productivity and data envelopment analysis approaches, this study measures and compares the operational efficiency of the 10 dominant mobile operators in Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) between 2002 and 2006. The results of data envelopment analysis indicate that the two leading Brazilian mobile operators, Vivo and TIM, are fully efficient throughout the entire period of study, however, Indian mobile operators are the least efficient among BRIC operators. Interestingly, the findings of this study verify that full operational efficiency can be achieved by operators with large revenues, such as China Unicorn, and by other, y with medium and small revenues, such as Hvo, TIM and Oi. Partial faetor productivity demonstrates that 3 of the 4 Brazilian mobile operators, Vivo, TIM and Oi, have remarkable productivity ratios, and that the state-owned operator, China Unicom, has the highest revenue per capital expenditure among BRIC operators. In contrast, Indian mobile operators 'productivity ratios are generally low compared to other BRIC mobile carriers.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的快速发展,企业数字化转型已成为推动创新与竞争力提升的关键。该研究基于2007-2022 年中国上市公司的大规模数据样本,采用最小二乘法线性回归和中介效应模型等统计方法,探讨了企业数字化与创新绩效之间的关系,以期揭示数字化背景下企业如何通过技术应用与管理创新提升创新能力,为企业数字化转型实践提供理论指导和决策参考。研究发现,数字化转型显著提升了企业的运营创新绩效和市场创新绩效,其中不仅直接影响显著,还通过管理赋能、投资赋能、营运赋能和劳动赋能等多重内在机制间接促进了创新绩效的提升。该研究发现不仅为理论研究提供了新的视角,同时也为实践中企业数字化战略的制定提供了有力的策略建议。  相似文献   

本文利用2001~2005年中国规模以上工业企业构成的面板数据,运用Tobit模型考察了影响中国企业创新活动的因素。以研发密度衡量创新活动,我们发现企业的创新与规模、市场竞争之间均呈倒U型关系,一定程度的规模和市场竞争有利于促进企业创新;与其他所有制企业相比,国有企业具有更多的创新活动,并且这种相对优势伴随企业规模变大而更加显著;国有企业的创新效率较低,私营企业的创新效率较高。我们特别区分了市场势力和市场集中度,发现后者可能不适合作为衡量市场竞争程度的指标。  相似文献   

This paper examines the roles of firm and country characteristics in determining multinationals' choice of foreign direct investment (FDI) type and location. Using Korean firm‐level data, we find that highly productive firms are more likely than their less efficient counterparts to invest in tough markets and choose a combined FDI strategy rather than a solely horizontal FDI or vertical FDI strategy across host countries. These findings, consistent with recent theories in international economics, indicate that firm and country heterogeneities play a significant role in determining the FDI strategy of a multinational enterprise.  相似文献   

This study adopts a semiparametric smooth coefficient model to evaluate the export–wage premiums, firm size–wage premiums, and the wage gap between skilled and unskilled labor. Particular focus is placed upon widespread evidence indicating that pay levels in ‘large’ and ‘export‐oriented’ firms are higher than in their ‘small’ and ‘domestic‐oriented’ counterparts. Applying the firm‐level data for Taiwanese manufacturing firms, we find a positive export–wage premium for skilled workers and a negative export–wage premium for unskilled workers. The hypothesis of a constant export premium across firm size is rejected. While most of the export–wage premiums for skilled labor can be attributed to the small and medium firms, the large exporting firms have a significant adverse effect on wages for unskilled labor. Moreover, our results suggest that the firm size–wage premiums for skilled workers are larger than those for unskilled workers. The wage gap between the two skill groups is also sensitive to size categories.  相似文献   

Migrants' socio-economic integration is taken as one of important forms for common prosperity. And it is a crucial factor for social harmony and stability. However, the association between housing tenure choice and migrants' socio-economic integration does not receive enough attention. Based on 2017 China Migrants Dynamics Survey (CMDS), it is found migrants' socio-economic integration mainly consists of the following three aspects: Economic integration, socio-cultural integration and psychological integration. Compared with migrant renters, the socio-economic integration of migrants with houses is rather higher, while migrants' level of socio-economic integration, who live in employee's dormitories, is comparatively low, even after controlling the endogenous by using PSM and IV method. Further study indicates that the effect of housing tenure choice on migrants' socio-economic integration partly affects their settlement intention, integration will, local capital and labor supply. Heterogeneity analysis shows that new generation have a negative effect on the role of homeownership on migrants' socio-economic integration, while living in eastern China and the development of digital economy can both strengthen the effect of housing tenure choice on migrants' socio-economic integration.  相似文献   

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