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The slumping of the GCC currencies against other major currencies and the ensuing rising imported inflation have sparked an ongoing debate about the viability of the dollar peg. This paper extends and applies the contribution of Berger et al. (2001) to the largest economies of the GCC, namely Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the UAE, by introducing a foreign inflation dimension. Empirical estimations suggest little or no evidence supporting the suitability of a fixed exchange rate regime in any of the three analyzed economies. It is this paper's contention that policy makers ought to play an immediate and active role in identifying a suitable more flexible exchange rate regime as well as an achievable timeline and road map to effectively abandoning the dollar peg.  相似文献   

人民币汇率制度改革评述   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
本文从“退出战略”角度评析2005年7月21日人民币汇率制度改革,分析了盯住篮子货币与盯住单一美元在稳定汇率方面的不同操作策略。然后,从逻辑上推出目前所实行“参考”篮子货币的内涵及在当前汇率制度下,央行可能存在的操作策略。最后利用实证的方法验证了在现有的货币篮子中,美元的权重仍占到95%以上,欧元和日元的比重较小。文章因此认为,短期内,我国的汇率制度仍是“参考美元为主的软盯住的汇率制度(Defacto)”,还没有真正退出,并分析了没有真正退出的原因。  相似文献   

This paper studies the relationship among Italian, Spanish and United Kingdom prices over the period 1874–1998, for most of which the currencies of these three countries maintained a floating exchange rate regime. By using cointegration techniques with broken linear trends, we find a single vector for the period 1874–1935 and two vectors and, consequently, a single common trend for the period 1940–1998. Therefore, this paper provides new evidence of no long-run monetary independence under floating regimes. Furthermore, the price differential dynamics captured by deterministic trends in the period 1940–1998, as well as agreeing with the evidence of long-run transmission of interest rates in the floating post-Bretton Woods era, fit in perfectly with the new de facto taxonomies on exchange rates.  相似文献   

In the past decade, some observers have noted an unusual aspect of the Mexican peso’s behavior: During periods when the U.S. dollar has risen (fallen) against other major currencies such as the euro, the peso has risen (fallen) against the dollar. Very few other currencies display this behavior. In this paper, we attempt to explain the unusual pattern of the peso’s correlation with the dollar by developing some general empirical models of exchange rate correlations. Based on a study of 29 currencies, we find that most of the cross-country variation in exchange rate correlations with the dollar and the euro can be explained by just a few variables. First, a country’s currency is more likely to rise against the dollar as the dollar rises against the euro, the closer it is to the United States and the farther it is from the euro area. In this result, distance likely proxies for the role of economic integration in affecting exchange rate correlations. Second, a country’s currency is more likely to exhibit this unusual pattern when its sovereign credit rating is more risky. This may reflect that currencies of riskier countries are less substitutable in investor portfolios than those of better-rated countries. All told, these factors well explain the peso’s unusual behavior, as Mexico both is very close to the United States and has a lower credit rating than most industrial economies.  相似文献   

Using daily data for a select set of four Asian exchange rates, namely the Hong Kong dollar, the Singapore dollar, the Taiwan dollar and the Thailand baht, from October 1985 to October 2002, we apply principal components analysis and the O-GARCH model to describe the evolution and persistence in the correlations over time. We also estimate 2-, 3- and 4-variable multivariate GARCH models, without imposing the assumption of constant correlations, to investigate volatility interaction amongst the currencies. To allow for fat tails in the distributions of exchange rate changes, we use the multivariate student-t distribution in maximising our log-likelihood functions. Our results indicate the possibility of designing an Asian exchange rate system involving a number of the region's currencies.  相似文献   

人民币对美元汇率和非美货币汇率定价机制的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要研究人民币对美元汇率和人民币对非美货币汇率的定价机制。首先本文探讨了人民币对美元汇率的定价机制,分析了这种定价机制存在的问题,并进一步探讨了人民币对美元汇率参考人民币有效汇率的一篮子货币的定价机制,指出可通过人民币对美元汇率的调整,实现人民币有效汇率目标。其次本文分析人民币对非美货币的定价机制,指出人民币对非美货币汇率必须通过套算机制来确定,本文认为人民币对林吉特和卢布的定价最终可能仍然通过套算确定。最后本文分析了人民币对美元汇率、人民币对非美货币汇率波动幅度之间的关系,指出由于人民币对美元汇率和人民币对非美货币汇率之间存在相互制约的关系,可先放开人民币对非美货币的波动幅度。  相似文献   

Sherry’s nonparametric pattern tests for neural information processing are used to ascertain if the Asian foreign exchange (FX) rates followed random walks [Sherry, C.J., 1992. The Mathematics of Technical Analysis: Applying Statistics to Trading Stocks, Options and Futuresm Probus, Chicago]. The stationarity and serial independence of the price changes are tested on minute-by-minute data for nine Asian currencies from 1 January 1997 to 30 December 1997. The efficiency of these FX markets before and after the Asian currency ‘regime discontinuity’ are compared. The Thai baht (THB), Malaysian ringgit (MYR), Indonesian rupiah (IDR) and Singapore dollar (SGD) exhibited non-stationary behavior during the entire year, and gave evidence of a trading regime break, while the Phillipines’ peso (PHP), Taiwan dollar (TWD), Japanese yen (JYP) and German deutschmark (DEM) remained stationary, with the US dollar (USD) as numeraire. However, each half-year regime showed stationarity, indicating stable and nonchaotic trading regimes for all currencies, despite their high volatilities, except for the MYR, which exhibited non-stationarity in the second half of 1997. The Thai baht traded nonstationarily in the first half of 1997, but stationarily in the second half. while the TWD reversed that trading pattern. Based on Sherry’s four tests for serial independence, none of the currencies exhibited complete independence. Thus no Asian currency market—including the JYP—exhibited complete efficiency in 1997, in particular when compared with the highly efficient DEM. Remarkably, the PHP remained as efficient as the JYP throughout 1997.  相似文献   

This paper examines the nonlinear dynamic behaviors in foreign exchange excess returns of eight currencies. We applied the BDS test and two other nonlinear statistical techniques, the Markov chain, and time reversibility tests to characterize the exchange rate returns dynamics. The results from the BDS test provide strong evidence of nonlinear dependence on the British pound, the Singapore dollar, the South African rand, and the Swedish krone. The Markov chain test shows evidence of a non-random walk and positive serial dependence in all currencies except for the British pound, the Canadian dollar, and the Swiss franc. Lastly, evidence of time irreversible and asymmetric dynamic behavior is found in seven currencies with the exception of the Canadian dollar. The results indicate that the asymmetry in the Singapore dollar, the South African rand, and the Swiss franc is due to nonlinearity in the functional form as opposed to non-Gaussian innovations.  相似文献   

This study examines the long-run dynamics between oil price and the bilateral US dollar exchange rates for a group of oil-dependent economies before and after the 2008–2009 Global Financial Crises. Exchange rates are for the euro, Indian rupee, Russian ruble, South African rand, Ghanaian cedi and the Nigerian naira. The dependence on crude oil of these economies is either because fiscal revenues are primarily reliant on oil export receipts or because industrial production is heavily dependent on petroleum. Empirical results show evidence of a long run equilibrium relationship between oil price and exchange rate, especially for currencies of the key oil-exporting countries. This relationship is more evident in the post crisis period, which is also the period when both exchange rate volatility and the inverse relationship between oil price and exchange rate experienced a significant increase.  相似文献   

A linear econometric error correction model (ECM) model is built, based on short interest rates, gross domestic product (GDP) growth expectations and inflation differentials, in order to explain the euro/dollar exchange rate dynamics and provide reliable forecasts. This specification performs well. However, the introduction of non-linear threshold dynamics provides a better understanding of ‘abnormal’ features other than deviations from long-run equilibrium levels, allowing for the possibility of asymmetric behaviour. Empirical evidence of this is found in the actual dynamics of the euro. The non-linear specification performs better than the linear model in both in-sample fitting and out-of-sample forecasting, showing that fundamentals hold, working also through some non-linear mechanism, in explaining the euro/dollar dynamics.  相似文献   

We derive the Bitcoin exchange rate dynamics by solving the exchange rate equation of the standard flexible-price monetary model to investigate any characteristics of Bitcoin like a currency. The dynamics is driven by an asymmetric mean-reverting fundamental shock which can be attributed to a money demand shock. A crash occurs when the exchange rate with a weakened mean-reverting force breaches a lower boundary where a smooth-pasting condition is imposed. The empirical results show the exchange rate dynamics can be calibrated according to the model, in which the mean reversion of the dynamics is positively co-integrated with the Bitcoin transaction volume indicating demand for Bitcoin; and with the risk reversals of the commodity currencies (Australian dollar and Canadian dollar) in currency option markets. The analysis shows that the Bitcoin exchange rate shares some characteristics of commodity currencies with crash risk. This suggests that Bitcoin behaves as a currency between fiat money and a crypto-commodity used for trading and investment purposes.  相似文献   

This paper examines linkages in expected future volatilities among major European currencies. For that purpose, volatility expectations implied by currency options on the euro, British pound, and Swiss franc quoted against the U.S. dollar are analysed. Vector autoregressive modelling is applied to ascertain the dynamics of the implied volatilities across currencies. The results show that the market expectations of future exchange rate volatilities are closely linked among major European currencies. Furthermore, it is found that the implied volatility of the euro significantly affects the volatility expectations of the British pound and the Swiss franc.  相似文献   

This paper uses 15‐minute exchange rate returns data for the six most liquid currencies (i.e., the Australian dollar, British pound, Canadian dollar, Euro, Japanese yen, and Swiss franc) vis‐à‐vis the United States dollar to examine whether a GARCH model augmented with higher moments (HM‐GARCH) performs better than a traditional GARCH (TG) model. Two findings are unraveled. First, the inclusion of odd/even moments in modeling the return/variance improves the statistical performance of the HM‐GARCH model. Second, trading strategies that extract buy and sell trading signals based on exchange rate forecasts from HM‐GARCH models are more profitable than those that depend on TG models.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the evolution of the US dollar real exchange rate vis-à-vis the European Union currencies in the floating post-Bretton-Woods era, both before and after the birth of the Euro. In the first period we find that most of the persistence shown by this rate is due to the movements of the US dollar during the mid-1980s. Once these effects are isolated, we can conclude that the US dollar real exchange rate exhibits stationarity with those currencies that are closely linked to the German Mark. However, when we include the observations covering the period during which the Euro was created, we cannot reject the unit root null hypothesis for any currency.  相似文献   

While most observers concur that the time is not ripe for Asia to consider a common currency, there has been some discussion about the possible creation of an Asian Currency Unit (ACU). This paper examines the specific issue of the ACU which, in a general sense, is a weighted average of regional currencies á la the European Currency Unit (ECU) which was created in March 1979 under the European Monetary System (EMS). The paper critically examines the rationale for the ACU proposal and offers an initial attempt at computing optimal currency composition of the ACU. The optimal basket weights computed are aimed at ensuring a regional currency basket that has minimal variance. Hence it will deliver stability in intra-regional exchange rates for alternative configurations of currency baskets in the Asian and Pacific region.  相似文献   

This paper studies the dynamics of volatility transmission between Central European (CE) currencies and the EUR/USD foreign exchange using model-free estimates of daily exchange rate volatility based on intraday data. We formulate a flexible yet parsimonious parametric model in which the daily realized volatility of a given exchange rate depends both on its own lags as well as on the lagged realized volatilities of the other exchange rates. We find evidence of statistically significant intra-regional volatility spillovers among the CE foreign exchange markets. With the exception of the Czech and, prior to the recent turbulent economic events, Polish currencies, we find no significant spillovers running from the EUR/USD to the CE foreign exchange markets. To measure the overall magnitude and evolution of volatility transmission over time, we construct a dynamic version of the Diebold–Yilmaz volatility spillover index and show that volatility spillovers tend to increase in periods characterized by market uncertainty.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how U.S. monetary policy affects the pricing of dollar‐denominated sovereign debt. We document that yields on dollar‐denominated sovereign bonds are highly responsive to U.S. monetary policy surprises—during both the conventional and unconventional policy regimes—and that the passthrough of unconventional policy to foreign bond yields is, on balance, comparable to that of conventional policy. In addition, a conventional U.S. monetary easing (tightening) leads to a significant narrowing (widening) of credit spreads on sovereign bonds issued by countries with a speculative‐grade credit rating but has no effect on the corresponding weighted average of bilateral exchange rates for a basket of currencies from the same set of risky countries; this indicates that an unanticipated tightening of U.S. monetary policy widens credit spreads on risky sovereign debt directly through the financial channel, as opposed to indirectly through the exchange rate channel. During the unconventional policy regime, yields on both investment‐ and speculative‐grade sovereign bonds move one‐to‐one with policy‐induced fluctuations in yields on comparable U.S. Treasuries. We also examine whether the response of sovereign credit spreads to US monetary policy differs between policy easings and tightenings and find no evidence of such asymmetry.  相似文献   

本文研究了最近10年东南亚国家的汇率政策和汇率变动趋势,并且估算了东南亚国家货币篮子中的主要货币的权重。结果显示,在东南亚国家的汇率政策调整中,人民币已经变得比美元更加重要。这主要是由东南亚国家自身的偏好决定的,而其偏好则取决于国内政治经济关系及其在国际贸易体系中的地位。  相似文献   

This paper explores the theory of optimal currency basket in a small open economy general equilibrium model with sticky prices. In contrast to existing literature, we focus on an economy with vertical trade, where the currencies in the basket may play different roles in invoicing trade flow. In a simple two-currency basket, one currency is used to invoice imported intermediate goods and is called “import currency”, while the other currency is used to invoice exported finished goods and is called “export currency”. We find that the optimal weights of the import currency and the export currency depends critically on the structure of vertical trade. Moreover, if a country decides to choose a single-currency peg, the choice of pegging currency also depends on how other competing economies respond to external exchange rate fluctuations.  相似文献   

We analyze the sources of changes in nominal and real rates of exchange between six European currencies and the U.S. dollar. We conclude that over the period 1973–1979 unexpected changes in the price of oil, together with unanticipated monetary shocks at home or in the U.S. were the most important causes of changes in exchange rates. A multi-state Kalman filter technique is used to compute empirical proxies for unanticipated changes in the exogenous variables. Since both oil price shocks and changes in U.S. monetary trends effect the European currencies in different degrees, it follows that differential domestic rates of inflation are not the only reason why arrangements to restrict exchange rate fluctuations, such as the European Monetary System, may run into trouble.  相似文献   

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