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Testing for differences in the tails of stock-market returns   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we use a database consisting of daily stock-market returns for 20 countries to test for similarities between the left and right tails of returns, as well as across countries. We estimate and test using the distribution of extreme returns over subsamples approach. Via Monte-Carlo simulations, we show that maximum-likelihood estimators are essentially unbiased, provided the size of subsamples is correctly chosen, and that the likelihood-ratio tests on parameters characterizing the behavior of extremes are correctly sized. For actual returns, we find that left and right tails behave very similarly. Across countries, we find that extremes are located at different levels and that their dispersion varies. The tail index, characterizing large extreme realizations, is found to be constant within each geographical group. We verify that the perception that left tails are heavier than right ones is not due to clustering of extremes. The failure to detect statistical significant differences is likely to be due to the relative infrequency of large extremes.  相似文献   

The well known Proportional Hazard Premium Principle, introduced by Wang (1996), depends upon the survival function of the insured risk and a risk aversion index. Using this premium principle, we propose an asymptotically normal semi-parametric estimator for the net-premium of a high-excess loss layer of heavy-tailed claim amounts. An algorithm to compute confidence bounds is given. Moreover, a comparison between this estimator and the non-parametric estimator, proposed by Necir & Boukhetala (2004), is carried out.  相似文献   

Using an extensive global sample, this paper investigates the impact of the term structure of interest rates on bank equity returns. Decomposing the yield curve to its three constituents (level, slope and curvature), the paper evaluates the time‐varying sensitivity of the bank's equity returns to these constituents by using a diagonal dynamic conditional correlation multivariate GARCH framework. Evidence reveals that the empirical proxies for the three factors explain the variations in equity returns above and beyond the market‐wide effect. More specifically, shocks to the long‐term (level) and short‐term (slope) factors have a statistically significant impact on equity returns, while those on the medium‐term (curvature) factor are less clear‐cut. Bank size plays an important role in the sense that exposures are higher for SIFIs and large banks compared to medium and small banks. Moreover, banks exhibit greater sensitivities to all risk factors during the crisis and post‐crisis periods compared to the pre‐crisis period; though these sensitivities do not differ for market‐oriented and bank‐oriented financial systems.  相似文献   

Linear regression models are used in a number of studies examining the presence or absence of incremental information content in cash flows. The results of these studies are not consistent. This paper provides evidence of the impact that extreme observations can exert on parameter estimates in a regression model. Two techniques commonly used to address the problem of extreme observations are considered. These techniques, winsorising the data and trimming the data, are compared to a regression diagnostic technique, Cook's distance. The comparison of these techniques provides evidence that the choice of technique can determine the significance or otherwise of regression results. This paper concludes that the inconsistency in reported results examining the incremental information content in cash flows may be attributed to the techniques adopted to address the issue of extreme observations.  相似文献   

以2001~2009年我国上市公司发生的对外并购事件为样本,首先运用累积超常收益法度量收购方中国企业对外并购的短期财富绩效.研究显示:中国企业在海外并购中存在负的短期财富效应,其次,将多个动因理论引入到并购绩效的研究中,对这些企业的财富绩效显著为负的现象进行了实证分析.通过累积超额收益对各种并购动因的代理财务变量做横截面多元回归,结果发现,自由现金流量假说、狂妄假说可以部分解释中国企业财富损失的原因;政府关联假说也具有一定的解释力,但是大股东控制假说和报表重组假说虽然系数为负,却不显著.  相似文献   

This paper tests the relation between stock excess returns and risk factors measured by volatility. The sources of the volatility are based on the volatility of macroeconomic factors and time-series volatility. To model the macroeconomic fundamentals, we divide the risk into real and financial volatilities pertinent to Taiwan's economic environment. By examining the data of indusry excess returns and market excess returns, we find evidence to reject the hypothesis that the stock excess returns are independent of the real and financial volatilities.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the return–liquidity relationship on one Middle East and North Africa frontier market, the Tunisian Stock Exchange (TSE). The findings provide evidence that there is a significant and positive premium for companies with high price impact and low trading frequency. However, Tunisian investors appreciate more low spread stocks. We show, also, a non-linear relation between potential delays of execution and stock returns. In addition, we find that Tunisian investors require a premium to compensate past cumulative illiquidity risk (high price impact, low turnover and high potential delay of execution) over the prior three to 12 months and to compensate past cumulative spread over 12 months. We point out also that these effects are seasonal.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the price movement of the Japanese market on the Hong Kong market. We find that the Hong Kong stock prices react rapidly to the return information of the Japanese market. The evidence also indicates that the large price movement of the Japanese market can be used as an indicator for the Hong Kong market. The price reaction of the Hong Kong market is instantaneous and takes place in the opening minutes of the afternoon session. However, there is no excess profits when the transactions costs are included. Finally, the Hong Kong market has a significantly higher turnover when the Japanese market is open.  相似文献   

We study the short run response of daily stock prices on the Spanish market to the announcements of inflation news at an industrial level, deepening the potential explanatory factors of this response (risk-free interest rate, risk premium and growth expectations). We observe a positive and significant response of the stock returns in case of “bad news” (total inflation rate higher than expected one) in recession, and also in case of negative inflation surprises (“good news”) in non-economic recession. This behaviour is consistent with the evolution of the company dividend growth expectations, since we observe that the relationship between this theoretical component of the stock price and the unexpected inflation, to a large extent, seems to explain the observed behaviour.  相似文献   

风险偏好是银行在实现战略目标过程中愿意且能够承担的风险数量和种类,实质上是银行战略在风险管理上的具体体现。本轮金融危机表明,构建良好的风险偏好框架是建设稳健的全面风险管理体系的重要内容之一。风险偏好设置包括选取指标、量化指标值等;传导则包括自上而下的分解和自下而上的反馈过程。风险偏好应成为全程风险管理的主线。本文从风险偏好的定义、作用、设置和传导角度做一分析,以期对国内商业银行构建和实施科学的风险偏好框架有所启示。  相似文献   

Using a news-based gauge of geopolitical risk, we study its role in asset pricing in global emerging markets. We find that changes in risk positively predict future stock returns. The countries with the highest increase in geopolitical uncertainty outperform their counterparts with the lowest change by up to 1% per month. The anomaly is not explained by other established asset pricing effects and remains robust to many considerations. We link the observed phenomenon with investor overreaction to geopolitical news driven by the availability bias.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to estimate tail-related risk measures using extreme value theory (EVT) in the Indian stock market. The study employs a two stage approach of conditional EVT originally proposed by McNeil and Frey (2000) to estimate dynamic Value at Risk (VaR) and expected shortfall (ES). The dynamic risk measures have been estimated for different percentiles for negative and positive returns. The estimates of risk measures computed under different quantile levels exhibit strong stability across a range of the selected thresholds, implying the accuracy and reliability of the estimated quantile based risk measures.  相似文献   

Using both panel and cross-sectional models for 28 industrialized countries observed from 2001–2009, we report a number of findings regarding the determinants of the volatility of returns on cross-border asset holdings (i.e., equity and debt). Greater portfolio concentration and an increase in assets held in emerging markets lead to an elevation in earning volatility, whereas more financial integration and a greater share held in Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries and by the household sector cause a reduction in the return volatility. Larger asset holdings by offshore financial corporations and non-bank financial institutions cause higher market volatility, although they affect volatility in the equity and bond markets in the opposite way. Overall, both panel and cross-sectional estimations provide very similar results (albeit of different magnitude) and are robust to the endogeneity problem.  相似文献   

An experiment is reported which compares directional forecasting performance of experts, novices and simple statistical models over three time horizons on a task involving probabilistic forecasts of exchange rate movements. Probability-judgement accuracy analyses illustrated no clear overall performance differences between experts and novices, but significant differences between the groups on various important components of judgement suggested that the groups obtained their similar overall scores using different cognitive strategies. Striking horizon effects and expertize–horizon interactions were also observed. The subjects performed better than a random walk forecaster, but worse than the random walk with constant drift and first-order autoregressive models. Composite human judgement, however, not only improved on individual judgement but, also, surpassed the simple statistical models in many instances. Possible explanations are offered for these results, suggestions are made for future research, and practical implications are emphasized.  相似文献   

Our aim of this research is to propose a model which estimates implied relative credit reliability from the yield spread of defaultable bonds and evaluates their spread risk. We introduce “yield spread term-quality surface” (YSTQS) which is defined on the space of duration and credit reliability of the issuers, and express their yield spread. First, we review the general pricing theorem of defaultable bonds with unpredictable recovery in the no-arbitrage context based on the external hazard rates. Second, we show that the dynamics of state variables determine the shape of the YSTQS, and they drive the YSTQS if the loss-adjusted hazard rates are described by a function of them. Finally, we show an empirical analysis of our model with daily yield spread, duration, and the credit ratings of corporate bonds.
Tomoaki ShoudaEmail:

中国作为全球最大的发展中国家,其综合实力伴随着经济、科技的快速发展而不断增强。但我国的极端气候事件趋多趋强,气候风险水平呈上升趋势,影响我国经济社会的发展。金融作为经济运行的核心,在宏观经济中有着举足轻重的作用。为了研究气候变化与经济金融稳定之间的关系,本文对极端气候事件损失体系和区域经济金融稳定性综合体系进行指数合成并构建面板模型探讨气候变化中气温和降水量因素的变动和极端气候事件对区域金融稳定的影响,得出气候变化的物理风险通过极端气候事件对经济发展和金融稳定有负面影响,并根据实证结果提出完善绿色金融市场和优化信息披露制度的政策建议。  相似文献   

卖空机制作为一种金融创新,如何在提高证券市场定价效率的同时,有效发挥外 部治理功能、改善公司治理、间接推动国内资本市场健康发展成为理论和实践中的一项重要 课题。运用多元回归模型对国内卖空机制改变审计风险、进而影响审计收费行为的实证检验表 明,随着股票卖空比率的上升,公司审计收费也相应增加。而股票卖空比率与公司审计费用受 制度环境影响显著,在市场化水平较高的地区,公司审计面临来自投资者更大的压力。此外, 公司审计收费与股票卖空比率的正相关关系会因卖空机制的存在变得更加显著。  相似文献   

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