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马斯洛需求层次理论视角下的大学生村官制度建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马斯洛需求层次理论认为,人是有多方面需求的,人的需求是人的行为的动力。大学生村官制度建设是大学生村官计划顺利实施的客观需要,按照马斯洛需求层次理论,大学生村官制度建设不仅要考虑到国家与社会发展的需要,同时还要充分考虑到大学生村官的各种合理需要并尽可能满足这种需要。只有这样,才能较好实现大学生村官“下得去、待得住、干得好、流得动”的目标。  相似文献   

马斯洛自我实现理论包括三个重要层次:"需要层次论"、"自我实现论"、"高峰体验论".自我实现的理论表明了道德规范对人的重要性.要研究人的愿望与道德需求,一是尊重人,二是依靠人,三是发展人,四是为了人.要从维护广大师生员工的根本利益出发,谋改革、促发展、维稳定.马斯洛自我实现理论的许多内容都可直接用于指导学校的道德教育工作.他的理论揭示出在道德教育过程中一定要体现人本主义,把人的尊重和需求结合起来,帮助学生达到自我实现的目的,要坚韧不拔地努力,要诚实等,这些都是值得我们在工作中借鉴的.  相似文献   

CEO声誉评价综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对声誉的研究最早始于经济学,而后激励理论的发展也将声誉逐渐纳入管理学研究的范围内,马斯洛的需求层次理论、麦克利兰的成就激励力理论、赫茨伯格的双因素理论均将人的一些更高层次的动机作为激励的因素之一。如马斯洛将人自我实现的需要作为需求的最高层次,赫茨伯格关于激励因素和保健因素的划分等,都在一定程度上涉及到了企业家对声誉的追求。  相似文献   

本文以心理学家马斯洛的五大需求层次理论作为基础,将需求理论与当前现状结合,利用二个典型案件,分析了会计人在工作中对应心理需求层次及表现行为.通过对案例存在问题的分析,有利于会计人防止错误和舞弊的发生,提高工作效率,同时对企业的发展有好的引导作用.  相似文献   

顾客在产品的生产和服务中扮演着越来越积极的角色.顾客参与不仅为企业节约人力成本,提供创新思维,优化工作流程.对于顾客自身,顾客参与会带来经济利益,也会满足顾客马斯洛需求层次中的自我实现的需要.本文在详细梳理国内外顾客参与、顾客满意文献及整个领域研究的脉络的基础上,运用马斯洛需求层次理论全面分析顾客参与对顾客满意度的影响机制.  相似文献   

马斯洛的"人的需要层次理论"在企业管理中占有重要的地位,他分别从人的生理需要、安全需要、社会需要、尊重需要和自我实现需要五个方面阶阐明了企业的发展必须抓住"以人为本"的思想核心.本文以马斯洛理论为蓝本,以百度公司员工政策作为对象进行研究,用科学发展、区别对待、以及特有"国民文化"的观点来研究"需求层次理论"在我国现代企业管理中的应用方式.  相似文献   

针对高校高层次人才特殊的薪酬需求,运用马斯洛的需要层次理论、亚当斯的公平理论和弗罗姆的期望理论等相关激励理论,在高层次人才薪酬管理、薪酬分配及薪酬体系等方面获得几点启示。  相似文献   

企业应有效开展针对性培训   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用美国心理学家马斯洛的"五大需求"理论和赫茨伯格的双因素激励理论对企业如何开展培训进行了分析探讨.  相似文献   

产品附加服务是企业产品策略中的重要组成部分,也是企业借以赢得竞争优势的一种方法。以马斯洛的需求层次理论和赫兹伯格的双因素理论为依据,论证了职能质量与技术质量的“需求双层次”与“激励双层次”,并分析了二者对建立产品附加服务竞争优势的作用。  相似文献   

从马斯洛理论探讨企业员工多层次激励问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
袁丁 《经济师》2006,(9):173-174
文章对企业员工多层次激励问题进行了探讨。马斯洛理论认为,人的需求有五个层次,当满足了低层次的需求后,人就会更加关注高层次的需求。根据该理论,文章根据对象的需求不同,分别对普通员工、中层经理、经营者的激励问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

高校实践教学的灵魂是锻炼学生的动手能力,提高学生的综合素质。面对即将踏入工作岗位的高校大学生,利用马斯洛的需求层次理论,借助实践教学课程作为基础,以社会需求和学生自身需求为导向,研究分析学生的心理特征,激发学生的动机,锻炼学生的动手实践能力,挖掘学生的内在潜力,培养造就社会需要的全面创新型人才。  相似文献   

In Post Keynesian Economics, theorists have sought an alternative to neoclassical choice theory by turning to Maslow's hierarchy of needs (Pasinetti 1981 Pasinetti LL 1981 Structural Change and Economic Growth Cambridge: Cambridge University Press  , Lavoie 1992 Lavoie M 1992 Foundations of Post-Keynesian Economic Analysis London: Edward Elgar  ). Instead of each individual surveying a complete choice set, individuals prioritize (basic) physiological needs, moving with increasing incomes to satisfy safety and social needs, through to the higher needs associated with self-actualization. This framework provides a theoretical foundation for the Engel curve, since as incomes increase consumers become satiated when particular needs are satisfied. As an alternative to the neoclassical preoccupation with prices and substitution, a Post Keynesian theory of consumption has been formulated with income effects as the cornerstone. The main problem with Maslow's approach is that individual needs are innate, so that questions of social interaction and culture are seriously downgraded. In this article, the social theory of Pierre Bourdieu is offered as an alternative to the Maslow approach, providing the basis for a social critique of consumerism and an alternative evolutionary theory of consumption. In this approach, the structure of the social hierarchy both constrains the consumption of lower social strata and leads to subtle, less conspicuous consumption patterns at the top of the social hierarchy: a scenario that could provide a social foundation to the Engel curve.  相似文献   

李脱尘口述的八幕短剧《无底洞》剧词和表演提示,可以视为1930年代滦州影戏演出的鲜活呈现。它可为现代都市影戏短剧创作与演出提供借鉴,具有极大的文献价值和现实意义。李脱尘结合八股文模式,对《无底洞》的故事情节进行了形象的解读,并将其与西洋话剧相对应,作为一名基督教徒,他还关注了剧中的宗教意味。  相似文献   

以"需求层次理论"为依据,将农民工的信息需求从低到高分为物质信息、安全信息、尊重信息、自我实现信息四类,分别考察了四类信息的获取障碍。农民工的信息获取普遍存在较大障碍,层次越高的信息障碍越大;新生代农民工不同亚群体在信息获取障碍方面存在差异;信息环境、社会融合、信息费用是新生代农民工信息获取障碍的主要影响因素,两代农民工的影响因素同中有异。  相似文献   

由于面向"三农"的市场定位,农村银行业金融机构在城乡一体化发展战略中发挥着重要的作用,其经营发展状况会直接影响区域"三农"问题的缓解。本文以利益相关者理论为基础,根据层次分析法构建评估体系框架,将模糊理论与层次分析法相结合,通过专家问卷调查的方式确定评估体系中各类构面、指标的权重,尝试建立农村金融机构经营绩效综合评估体系,并运用该评估体系进行实证评估。  相似文献   

朱元璋的惩贪思想从其萌芽、形成,到其成熟和完备有着一个复杂的过程。他的惩贪思想具有系统性、完整性的特点。朱元璋惩贪态度坚决,手段残酷,规模宏大,诛杀贪官之众多的原因,源于其惩贪思想的体系化。  相似文献   

The authors postulate the necessity of establishing a coherent system of socio-economic goals and say that the analysis of human needs and studies of the dynamics of their satisfaction can become the means for goal-setting. They refer to the psychological theory of human needs [1, 2] enabling the decomposition of goals and quantification of requirements concerning the satisfaction of particular categories of needs. The model of needs is discussed and its usefulness for forecasting of the tasks of research and technology is shown. The program design based on the concept of the model should include such elements as diagnosis of the current state of needs satisfaction, diagnosis of the current state of identified desires, assessment of areas of needs dissatisfaction expected in the future, forecasts of the development of the system of needs, analysis, and evaluation of the present and future opportunities, and forecasts of barriers to growth. Decomposition of goals and dynamic analysis of needs satisfaction allow one to make a hierarchy of research projects from the point of view of their social importance.  相似文献   

The world of health care has changed. We can't operate on 17th century models and be successful. We don't have to argue for the movement to committed, inspired leadership models, and the death of compliance leadership. There is abundant research to document this is the way we must go. In reality, we have a moral obligation to provide the kind of work environment that provides the meaningful work that Maslow (1998) tells us makes life meaningful. No one has the right to make people miserable at work because we have failed to create the cultures that create commitment, inspiration, and transformation for our patients, their families, and our staff. It is unfortunate that in times of staff shortages, this message is heard louder. We should be equally committed no matter what the situation, because it is the right thing to do. We do not have the right to be abusive to others in any context.  相似文献   

Humanistic economics is founded on the reality of human needs. One of those needs is for truth. According to the correspondence theory, that truth is a relation between statement and objective reality. This reality serves as a constraint on the (ego) self. Therefore, it can also be shown that self-interest is an independent principle from the commitment to truth, and that these two principles can clash. These two principles of the self, or the “higher” and “lower” self, constitute what we call the dual self. In a critique of humanistic economics from a feminist direction, Julie Nelson has claimed that such dualisms form a hierarchy that is sympathetic of patriarchal hierarchies. In a previous response to that criticism we showed that Nelson’s own work involved similar hierarchies. Here we attempt to show how Nelson's conception of value hierarchies involving the feminine and masculine and our conception can be resolved into one coherent framework.  相似文献   

环境保护规划的可持续发展需要有先进理念的指导,应用循环经济理论框架来指导环境保护规划对区域可持续发展具有重要意义。本文通过分析循环经济的内涵、原则及其层次性,并结合我国珠江三角洲地区环境保护规划目标和对策进行了深入研究和探讨。分析得出,应用循环经济理念框架来指导环境保护规划是一种适宜的选择,与传统环境保护规划相比,基于循环经济理论框架指导下的区域环境保护规划更强调污染废气物排放减量化、企业生产清洁化、工业生态化以及区域固体废物的循环再利用。  相似文献   

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