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How to sell services more profitably   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When products become commodities, manufacturing companies may seek to differentiate themselves with value-added services--a potentially profitable strategy. Unfortunately, companies often stumble in the effort. Reinartz and Ulaga conducted in-depth studies of 18 leading companies in a broad variety of product markets to learn what distinguished the successes from the rest. They discovered four steps to developing a profitable services capability. RECOGNIZE THAT YOU ALREADY HAVE A SERVICE COMPANY: You can identify and charge for simple services--as Merck did when it stopped quietly absorbing shipping costs. Switching services from free to fee clarifies their value for managers as well as for customers. INDUSTRIALIZE THE BACK OFFICE: To prevent delivery costs from eating up service-offering margins, build flexible service platforms, closely monitor process costs, and exploit new technologies that enable process innovations. The Swedish bearings manufacturer SKF provided off-site access to an online monitoring tool that could warn of potential failure in customers' machines. CREATE A SERVICE-SAVVY SALES FORCE: Services require longer sales cycles and, often, decisions from high up in a customer's hierarchy; what's more, product salespeople may be inimical to change. Schneider-Electric did a major overhaul of its sales organization and trained its people to switch from cost-plus pricing to value-based pricing. FOCUS ON CUSTOMERS' PROCESSES AND THE OPPORTUNITIES THEY AFFORD FOR NEW SERVICE OFFERINGS: You may need to acquire new capabilities to take advantage of those opportunities: The industrial coatings specialist PPG had to learn how painting robots function after it offered to take over Fiat's Torino paint shop. Services can both lock in customers and help acquire new accounts. They should be developed with care and attention.  相似文献   

Forests play a vital role in balancing natural systems: the stabilization of global climate and the management of water and land. 30% of the earth's total land area is forested. 66% of the tropical moist forests are in Latin America and the remainder in Africa and Asia. 75% of tropical dry forests are in Africa. Temperate forests are primarily in developed countries. Deforestation and misuse of forests occurs primarily in developing countries at significant social, economic, and environmental costs. Losses have occurred in fuelwood, fodder, timber, forest products, biological diversity, habitats, genetic materials for food and medicine. The World Bank's evolving role in forestry is briefly described. Agreement has not been reached among people or nations about the most appropriate means to balance conservation and development goals. The challenge is to stabilize existing forests and increase forest planting. The causes of forest degradation must be understood. Direct causes include agricultural encroachment, cattle ranching, fuelwood gathering, commercial logging, and infrastructure development. These direct causes are driven by economic, social, and political forces: market and policy failures, population growth, and poverty. The market failures include: 1) the lack of clearly defined property rights on forest resources for now and the future, 2) the conflict between individual and societal needs, 3) the difficulty in placing a value on nonmarket environmental services and joint products, and 4) the separation between private and social costs. The solution is action at the local, national, and global levels. Countries must establish forest policy. The existing government incentives which promote deforestation must be changed. For example, concession policy and royalty systems must be corrected; explicit and implicit export subsidies on timber and forest products must be stopped. Private incentives must be established to promote planting of trees, practicing preservation, and setting up sustainable management systems. Property rights must be clearly defined and land use policies must spell out forest use patterns. A global strategy for forest management is needed for conservation, protection, reforestation, agricultural and rural development, sustainable use, and research with funding.  相似文献   

陈元,外界以及传媒对他评价甚高:做人的低调一如名字:外德人和;做事的高调一如角色:开路先锋。他是风险控制大师,融现代理念于机制创新,在健康金融的地基上助力民生,在海外能源的跑道上践行国家战略与远谋。可见,在国内金融界,陈元的理论水平和实践能力都得到相当的认可。可以说,国开行迈出的每一步都与其董事长陈元良好的大局观和超前的创新意识分不开,更与他多年来始终坚持中国共产党领导金融事业的指导思想和坚定信念分不开。在国开行的党建工作中,陈元付出了相当多的心血,将党建统领作为开发性金融的核心竞争力,卓有成效地践行"抓好党建、办好银行、支持发展"的办行方针,使国开行取得了不菲的成绩。为隆重庆祝建党90周年,本刊特别邀请陈元——这位中国和世界经济界、金融界的风云人物登上杂志封面,并进行了独家专访,让国人乃至世界继续领略这位资深金融家的风采以及他对党的一份执著和忠诚,一份沉淀已久的深厚感情,一份勇于担当社会责任的博大情怀!  相似文献   

1.柜面高速打印异军突起 (1)近年来,随着信息化建设深入各行各业,高端打印应用市场蓬勃发展,特别是在银行、保险、证券、电信、移动、邮政等领域,许多单位广泛应用各种计算机管理系统和业务系统,建立了各种数据中心、账务中心、打印中心,不仅能打印大量内部报表数据,还能为庞大的客户群提供对账单、发票、保险合同、明细清单等各种单据。市场需末的增大,使得高端打印市场迅速发展起来。  相似文献   

曾明 《银行家》2003,(5):14-19
历来在各种报表和文件中,总是被排后面的天津农信社,如今却给当地的金融界带来一个不小的惊讶 天津,这一历史上的中国北方工商金融重镇,"入世"后金融业第一批对外开放城市之一,一直是金融机构竞争的战略要地.国有商业银行和其它形式的国内金融机构都在此安营扎寨,外资金融机构早就开始在这里抢占地盘.然而,这一次吸引人们眼球的不是这些,而是在这里土生土长、被不少人忽视的农村信用社.  相似文献   

中国资产评估协会发布的《投资性房地产评估指导意见(试行)》(以下简称《指导意见》),对以财务报告为目的的投资性房地产公允价值评估进行规范。这是继《以财务报告为目的的评估指南(试行)》(以下简称《评估指南》)于2007年11月发布之后.  相似文献   

The social implications of accounting are explored through an historical study of spoiled identities in state welfare systems. The processing, recording, classification and communication inherent in the accounting practices deployed in such systems have the potential to (re)construct identities, inform perceptions of self and impact on the social relationships of the welfare claimant. The paper examines these potentialities through an investigation of the accounting regime attending the system of poor relief in Victorian England and Wales. Informed primarily by the work of Goffman it is suggested that accounting processes comprised degradation ceremonies which compounded the stigmatisation of the recipient of relief, accounting classifications served to inscribe existing and create additional spoiled identities of the pauper, and individualized forms of accounting disclosure compromised the management of stigma by the poor.  相似文献   

崔勇 《中国金融》2020,(7):36-38
<正>新冠肺炎疫情的爆发,在对实体经济产生阶段性巨大冲击的同时,也让生鲜配送、线上购物、在线教育、远程办公、在线医疗等新型"宅经济"增长迅速,带动了各行各业新一轮数字化转型的高潮,推动金融业务特别是零售金融业务朝着零接触服务、全线上运作、智能化经营的方向加速前进。包括农业银行在内的金融机构在抗击疫情过程中充分运用数字化技术与服务模式,取得了明显的成效。面对新的消费需求,金融业将持续深化零售业务数字化转型,通过"零距离"金融创新服务,在"宅  相似文献   

2001年10月1日实施的<信托法>标志着我国正式确立了信托制度.面对这个崭新的制度,我们需要用新的眼光看待信托,用新的思路发展信托事业.  相似文献   

Prior studies document that managers consider a variety of costs and benefits when deciding whether to issue earnings forecasts. Using an abstract experiment and a survey of experienced financial managers, we provide evidence that managerial overconfidence may also contribute to this decision. Our experiment shows that participants engage in self‐serving attribution, giving greater weight to internal than external factors as explanations for good performance. This increases confidence in improved future performance, which increases their willingness to issue forecasts. Two facets of the stable individual trait overconfidence, dispositional optimism and miscalibration, also contribute to confidence in improved future performance and willingness to issue forecasts. Consistent with these results, experienced financial manager survey participants believe other managers are likely to overestimate the extent to which they contribute to positive firm performance, and both overoptimism about firm performance and overconfidence in their ability to predict future firm performance contribute to issuance of earnings forecasts.  相似文献   

<正>习近平总书记在2019年全国两会期间参加福建代表团审议时,结合福建实际强调,要坚持精准扶贫、精准脱贫,确保老苏区"一个都不掉队"。近日,中共福建省委十届八次全会深入学习贯彻习总书记讲话精神,对推进老区苏区脱贫奔小康作出重要部署,要求各地各部门迅速传达学习,认真贯彻落实,结合工作实际出实招。最近习总书记再次深入作为当年中  相似文献   

图书馆是高校必备的重要办学设施之一。民办高校图书馆是办好民办高校的重要组成部分,应该在资源共享、服务社会方面做出自己应有的贡献。从多方面分析了民办高校图书馆信息资源共享的必要性和面向社会服务的可行性。  相似文献   

党的十九届五中全会通过的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标的建议》提出,要加快构建以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局.这是顺应新时代发展要求、更好应对国内国际错综复杂形势的时代选择,也是加快推动经济发展方式转变、实现高质量发展的必由之路.在新发展格局下,江西省优...  相似文献   

知识产权战略是创新型国家建设的主要战略之一。这一战略和目标,需要全社会力量共同推动。经过近二十年的长足发展,资产评估作为独立的专业中介服务行业,已成为社会主义市场经济中不可或缺的组成部分,在推动知识产权战略中发挥着重要作用。下面将从三个方面就资产评估行业积极服务知识产权战略与大家进行交流与探讨。  相似文献   

The National Audit Act does not provide quite the role for the Comptroller & Auditor General that the original St John Stevas bill envisaged. Nevertheless, his recent investigation of the methods used by Departments to monitor and control the industries for which they are responsible shows that even his restricted remit can carry him into some hitherto unexplored areas. In the first report of this kind, covering the Departments of Energy, Industry, and Transport, Gordon Downey concentrated on the limited question of how well the system of control based on the 1978 White Paper was actually working.

As David Heald and David Steel argue in PUBLIC MONEY, June 1981, that system has come to be dominated by the essentially short‐run control mechanism, external financing limits. Not surprisingly, therefore, the investigation concentrated heavily on that. What it reveals is just how elastic this system of control is and just how weak a grip it affords Departments over what the industries actually do.  相似文献   

习近平总书记在中共中央政治局第十三次集体学习时指出“金融活,经济活;金融稳,经济稳。经济兴,金融兴;经济强,金融强。经济是肌体,金融是血脉,两者共生共荣”。习近平总书记的重要讲话全面深刻地阐述了金融与实体经济的关系,科学精准地对金融服务实体经济作出了重要部署,为深化金融供给侧结构性改革、增强金融服务实体经济能力提供了行动指南和根本遵循。  相似文献   

<正>党的十九届五中全会,是在我国即将进入新发展阶段、实现中华民族伟大复兴正处在关键时期召开的一次重要会议。全会审议通过了《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标的建议》(下称《建议》),为做好"十四五"乃至更长一个时期经济社会各项工作指明了方向。学习贯彻全会精神,是农发行当前和今后一个时期的重大政治任务。全行上下要自觉把思想和行动统一到全会精神上来,深刻领会核心要义、精神实质和科学内涵,全面贯彻会议作出的各项工作部署。  相似文献   

内蒙古作为我国向北开放的重要桥头堡,在中蒙经贸合作与草原丝绸之路经济带构建中承担着重要的国家使命。面对历史性机遇,内蒙古财经大学将发展战略聚焦国家向北开放,聚焦中蒙经贸合作及草原丝绸之路经济带构建研究,推动中蒙合作办学,构建协同创新中心,努力打造高端人才培养基地与特色新型智库,以期在新的历史时期办出特色,有所作为。  相似文献   

随着2020年中国实现全面脱贫,中国乡村振兴步入了新阶段。但乡村振兴依然面临着诸如乡村产业基础薄弱、农村金融体系不完善导致乡村产业融资难融资贵等问题。基于过往证券业帮扶乡村脱贫的经验,本文建议证券业从以下几方面强化扶持乡村振兴:一是充分利用多层次股权市场,拓宽乡村产业股权融资渠道;二是加快培育国内高收益债市场,助力乡村产业债券融资;三是发展农村供应链金融,鼓励供应链资产证券化等新产品的发展;四是打造乡村龙头企业,多方式助力乡村产业发展。  相似文献   

Commentary: Internationalization of the world's securities markets: Economic causes and regulatory consequences  相似文献   

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