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The currency crisis literature has identified two possible types of crisis: fundamentals based crises and self-fulfilling crises. A fundamentals based crisis arises when some state variable, such as foreign exchange reserves, reaches a critical level and triggers the abandonment of the fixed rate. A self-fulfilling crisis is triggered by an autonomous change in the beliefs of speculators. This paper demonstrates how these two types of crises generate different behaviour in the term structure in the period before the crisis. JEL Classification Numbers: E43, F31  相似文献   

This article employs a rational expectations IS-LM model with price adjustment to study the effect of domestic monetary and fiscal policy and world interest rate disturbances on the real and nominal small open economy term structure of interest rates. The impact of both temporary and permanent shocks are investigated. Notable results include the fact that monetary expansions lead to positive yield curves, while the implications of fiscal expansions and increases in the world interest rate depend crucially on the duration of the shock.  相似文献   

吴丹  谢赤 《科技和产业》2005,5(10):14-20
无论从国际还是国内来看,支持货币政策的利率期限结构研究意义重大;对于该问题的近期研究工作主要集中于从利率期限结构中剖析支持货币政策的信息、以及探究货币政策对利率期限结构的影响这两方面,也就是研究利率期限结构作为货币政策信息指示器和传导机制的功能;其中还存在许多重要问题有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

It is well known that goodness-of-fit measures lead to overfitting. We compare the small-sample properties of linear and several nonlinear models using a Monte Carlo study. A large number of linear series are generated and conventional methods of fitting nonlinear models are applied to each. The best linear and nonlinear models are compared using in-sample and out-of-sample criteria. Out-of-sample forecasts are shown to be superior for selecting the proper specification. The experiment is repeated using a nonlinear model and the in-sample lit and forecasts of the various models are compared. An example is provided using the term structure of interest rates.  相似文献   

陈学胜 《南方经济》2006,(10):96-103
在CKLS模型的基础上,我们提出了一个加入跳跃过程的单因子利率期限结构模型。通过对我国国债回购利率的实证检验,发现加入跳跃过程后,模型不但能更好地拟合实际数据.而且揭示了利率均值回复和水平效应的部分原因,从而增强了模型的解释能力。  相似文献   

已有研究表明中国宏观经济和金融市场近20年来表现出区制转换和非线性特征,在此背景下国债市场是否也存在结构性变化,将关系到利率模型的稳定性和经济政策的效果。文章基于未知间断点的结构突变方法实证检验2002年到2015年间中国国债利率期限结构,并通过把新凯恩斯动态一般均衡框架嵌入仿射无套利期限结构模型中,解释突变的宏观动因。结果认为,受2005年金融市场一系列重大改革的累积和联动影响,中国国债利率期限结构于2005年11月发生了显著的结构变化;间断后由于市场风险水平降低,货币政策波动性减小,所以利率偏离预期假说的程度锐减;与货币政策相关的斜率因子风险价格的减小是突变的关键动因。  相似文献   

The structure of interest rates in Taiwan is analysed through the vector ARIMA approach using monthly and quarterly data from 1978 to 1989. These rates are the regulated bank interest rate and unregulated money market interest rates in the formal financial market and the kerb rate in the informal market. The results show that the adjustments in the bank interest rate follow that of the money market interest rate. Furthermore, the time lag has been shortened from one quarter in the early stages of interest rate liberalization in Taiwan to only one month in the later stages. Increases in the money market interest rate might be followed by an increase in the kerb market interest rate because of partial market segmentation. In periods when there is excess supply of funds in the banking sector, an increase in the bank rate might be followed by a decrease of the kerb rate. The interest rates structure of Taiwan is relevant to developing countries which have an informal financial sector.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化、金融自由化趋势以及金融创新的发展,在一国宏观金融调控中,对基础货币和狭义货币M1与广义货币M2的调控无论是在理论上还是在实际操作中出现了越来越大的困难:货币供给量的内生性日益明显,中央银行对其的控制办与影响力逐渐减弱。正是在这种情况下,西方国家在其货币政策操作中,更加重视利率的作用,而将其准利率作为调控的直接目标。以美国为例:为应付东南亚金融危机的扩散,美联储在1998年9月29日到11月17日,连续三次下调联邦基金利率。从5.5%调低至4.75%,有效地防止了美国股市的暴跃。而在1999年,由于美国经济增速过猛、股市过热和通货膨胀压力,于6月30日至11月16日,又连续三次将联邦基金利率回调到5.5%,进入2000年后,美联储又两次调高联邦基金利率至6%,有效地防止了通货膨胀。但今年,为了保证美国经济在新世纪开始有较好的增长,防止经济衰退,于1月又将联邦基金利率调低0.5个百分点,从美国货币政策的调控实践中可以看出,西方国家的利率政策使用之频繁,其已成为货币政策调控中最主要的工具,在我国,虽然利率还未市场化,政府调控利率不是通过某一基准利率的变化,影响相关为主体的利益以实现其政策意图的,但无论其采取何种方式,1996年至今的7次大幅度的往复上率调整,已经说明我国货币政策调控中利率的重要。然而,利率这一调控的政策效应,在我国表现的并不明显。国内大多学者是从我国行为主体对利率的敏感性中分析其政策效应不佳的主要原因,本文试图从我国利率结构存在的问题中探析近几年利率政策效应不佳的真正原因。  相似文献   

徐小华 《世界经济》2007,30(6):56-63
本文首先检验了中国交易所和银行间债券市场利率期限结构影响因素的存在情况,之后对影响收益率的因素进行敏感性分析,并将主成分分析与情景分析方法相结合,计算出两市场利率期限结构的风险值,发现只要利用主成分分析的三或四个因素,便可解释大部分样本期间收益率曲线的整体风险变动情况。本文对比了两市场的风险值差异并指出其政策含义。  相似文献   

王赟祥  高新波 《新疆财经》2006,(1):41-43,30
本文简单地阐述了传统的利率期限结构理论,通过连续复利的方式获得了我国国债的到期收益率。在此基础上,构造了国债收益率曲线并通过建模获得了收益率曲线的回归方程。同时,根据我国国债利率期限结构的形状和特点,用传统的利率期限结构理论对其进行理论说明,并指出国债产品设计与定价上的问题与改进建议。  相似文献   

高驰  王擎 《南方经济》2006,22(12):19-26
本文采用Svensson法从上海证券交易所2003年10月到2006年6月交易国债中获得隐舍的利率期限结构,并以此为分析对象,采用卡尔曼滤波和极大似然估计法对三因子仿射期限结构模型进行实证分析。结果表明,模型较准确的反映了我国利率期限结构的动态变化,但模型对短期利率的刻画能力不如对长期利率的刻画能力。  相似文献   

This paper investigates changes in the causal structure linking the G-7 short-term rates by using a sequential test for the constancy of the adjustment coefficients in error correction equations. This technique allows us to detect permanent structural breaks in the causal linkages. In this instance, the hypotheses of interest are the US world-wide leadership, the disengagement of UK monetary policy from those pursued in the Eurozone after the collapse of the ERM, and the German leadership hypothesis (GLH) within the European Union (EU). While we do not find any examples of reversal of causality, the evidence points to a break in the causal linkages between the UK and the German rates after the third/fourth quarter of 1992. The empirical results are also consistent with a US world-wide leadership and a weak German leadership within the Eurozone.  相似文献   

Technological innovations represent significant indicators of scientific and economic vigour in any society. They are however, extremely difficult to both identify, and to evaluate in terms of their importance.

This paper addresses itself to the problems of identification and measurement. As such it forms a necessary prerequisite to a survey of technological innovations in South Africa, and, in the process, seeks to contribute to the general field of technological enquiry.  相似文献   

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