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The Case for Cameral Accounting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cameral accounting was developed as early as the 16th century onwards in order to contribute to increased control of public money. Such a control demand does not seem to be of minor importance at the threshold of a new millennium as it was several centuries ago, and therefore Ludwig Mülhaupt in the excerpt above states that 'Unfortunately there are very few researchers and practitioners who are interested in developing the cameral bookkeeping method, which is strongly to be regretted with a view to the importance of these questions.' Most of the literature dealing with cameral accounting is published in German, and it seems to be known only to a small extent beyond the German speaking countries. The purpose of this article is therefore to present this historically important accounting model to a larger audience, allowing us to draw upon the experiences of cameral accounting in our continuous attempts to control public money, including the current international debate about the introduction of commercial (accrual) accounting in the public sector.  相似文献   

This paper reviews accounting technologies used over recent decades in the National Health Service: a public service (good) and the accounting for public interest (good) therein. The trends in NHS accounting are considered in the context of the defining characteristics of a modern public service. The accounting technologies, collectively known as New Public Financial Management (NPFM), are integral to wider public service reform. The overview of accounting technologies in context attempts to draw out some of the deficiencies or apparent mismatches in accounting technologies and public service reform.  相似文献   

随着传统金融领域反洗钱监管力度的加大,洗钱风险开始日趋转向特定非金融机构。作为特定非金融机构之一的会计师行业,其反洗钱工作日益受到关注。因此,如何有效防范会计师行业洗钱风险成为今后我国反洗钱工作的一个重点。为此,本文对FATF《会计师行业风险文本方法指引》进行了研究。  相似文献   

Based on governmental accounting experiences and on the rising criticism of accrual accounting, this paper proposes that accrual accounting in governments will only succeed in businesslike (parts of) governments in the coming years. This proposition leans on the inappropriate transfer of the accrual accounting framework from the profit sector, the underestimation of difficulties considering accrual budgeting and the lack of attention to the political dimension. This paper points out that the advocates of accrual accounting have neglected some important considerations.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to place a broad perspective on the problems of HRA by arguing that its objectives are wider than appear to have been admitted. Such is the importance of HRA for problems as disparate as economic efficiency, organisational effectiveness, and social effectiveness that it must become a subject in its own right with its own methodology and measurements. Many conceptual and measurement problems have not yet been adequately treated. The imediate objective of research should be a rigorous testing of the validity of the assumptions that have hitherto been relied on. Ce papier cherche à donner une vision globale des difficultés que rencontre la ‘Comptabilités des Ressources Humaines’, tout en désmontrant que les objectifs de celle-ci sont plus éstendus qu'on a voulu le reconnaftre. Face à des problèmes aussi divers que le rendement économique, l'harmonie des structures et le bien-être social, la ‘Comptabilités des Ressources Humaines’ prend une telle ampleur qu'elle ne peut que devenir une branche spéscifique revendiquant alors sa propre mésthodologie et ses unités de mesure. De nombreux problèmes concernant concepts et ésvaluations n'ont pas encore été traités de manière appropriée. Le premier objectif des recherches devrait consister en un examen profond de la validité des hypothèses sur lesquelles on s'est appuyées jusqu'ici. Dieser Beitrag versucht eine breite Perspektive auf die Probleme von Human Resource Accounting (HRA) zu werfen, indem behauptet wird, dass ihre Ziele weitreichender sind als scheinbar anerkannt worden ist. Die Wichtigkeit der HRA bezüglich Problemen, die so verschiedenartig wie ökonomische, organisatorische und soziale Leistungsfähigkeiten sind, spricht für die Entwicklung einer neuen, ganz selbstständigen Disziplin mit ihrer eigenen Methodik, Masse und Messungen. Viele begriffliche und Messungsprobleme sind noch nicht ausreichend behandelt worden. Das nächstliegende Forschungsziel solte eine strenge Prüfung der Gültigkeit der Annahmen sein, auf die man sich bisher verlassen hat.  相似文献   

This paper illuminates materiality features during experimentation with central government accounting in Norway. Data was collected using observations, interviews, informal conversations and documents. We found that materiality was constrained by numerous factors, including: time, disagreement, coordination and communication difficulties, actors’ background, standardizing and thinking ahead. Moreover, a mixture of theoretical accounting approaches and construction forms was found, indicating a hybridization‐based experimentation and materiality construction. Therefore, construction came about as an effect; materiality was often constructed implicitly, and not aligned with its defined elements. Finally, we comment on associated implications for accounting complexity and endeavors to make accounting changes.  相似文献   

Interpretations and explanations of experience that make consequences interpretable and actions imaginable are said to be given by accounts. Formal accounting systems used in economic, social and political institutions are seen as portraying their political realities. The purpose of this study is to explore connections and tensions between the realities portrayed in the accounting systems and the governance structures of local governments in two counties, one in Norway and one in Russia. The formal accounting and governmental systems of these two counties are described, analyzed and compared using accounting and democratic governance perspectives. The article ends with a discussion of interrelationships and tensions between accounting and democratic governance. Through comparing the democratic governing structures of these two counties with the accounting systems employed, three main conclusions are presented. Firstly, it is shown that principal–agent relations influence accounting procedures that symbolize democratic governance. Secondly, the accounting language applied does not portray local politicians. Thirdly, accounting norms do not reflect democracy and democratic governance. In summary, the study shows that even very formalized accounting offers flexibility by way of giving meaning to processes and structures in organizations characterized by strictly formalized structures.  相似文献   

Dutch municipalities and provinces, denoted here as local government, have seen a succession of changes in their management accounting systems and have also introduced other changes related to New Public Management (NPM) in the last twenty years. This paper examines accounting changes, such as the introduction of accrual accounting, output and outcome budgets and performance measurement, from an institutionalist point of view. The paper presents experiences of 23 politicians and professional managers with the various changes over a period of fifteen to twenty years. The interviewees, just like various researchers in the field of NPM, were critical of the accounting changes and their effects. However, several of them also made clear that, seen over the long run, the changes did have some effects that they liked and seem to be in line with the ‘ideals’ presented in NPM literature. The paper suggests that an institutionalist perspective is helpful for studying change processes in organizations and for observing factors and developments that might not be noticed when a more functional and short‐term perspective is adopted.  相似文献   

During the last twenty-five years, the changes in Spanish accounting have been radical and significant, especially since 1986 when Spain joined the European Union. Those changes were first introduced in business accounting, following the patterns of the Fourth Directive, but governmental accounting has also been affected by structural reforms that have modified the financial reporting system, the accounting standards and the accounting principles to be applied. However, the governmental accounting system needs further improvement, particularly given the EMU framework and the relationship between governmental accounting and national accounting.  相似文献   

This study examines the usefulness of three accounting systems (cash, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) accrual, and Government Finance Statistics (GFS) accrual) for public sector decision‐making. From a survey of internal users, external users, and preparers in Australia, we find that GAAP accrual information is perceived to be relatively more useful and understandable than the other two systems for most decisions examined. The relatively higher ratings for GAAP accrual information differ from earlier studies and may reflect an experience or familiarity effect whereby perceptions of usefulness are enhanced because respondents have become more used to the system. This effect might also explain the lower ratings for GFS accrual.  相似文献   

This paper compares the research and development (R&D) disclosure practices in France and Canada, as evidenced in the annual reports of 76 French and 110 Canadian listed companies. It finds that Canadian high-tech companies (hardware, software, and biotechnology) disclose significantly more information on their R&D activities than their French counterparts. It also finds a strong link between R&D intensity and R&D disclosure among Canadian high-tech companies. Canadian companies overall are also found to be more likely to use non-financial disclosure as a means to resolve any R&D information asymmetry, while French firms disclose more traditional financial and accounting information. Canadian companies are also more willing than French firms to provide information concerning their future R&D expenditures. These results are consistent with inherent cultural and capital market differences between France and Canada. In contrast, the study does not find any significant difference in R&D expenditure capitalization policies between French and Canadian firms.  相似文献   

A major obstacle to the effective utilization of regression analysis in accounting practice and research is the presence of multi-collinearity. This paper analyzes the impact of multicollinearity on ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation, and describes a recently developed estimation procedure, ridge regression analysis (RRA), that offers the possibility of improved coefficient estimation. An auditing example is provided comparing the results of OLS to those of RRA.  相似文献   

Prior research has identified the difficulties associated with encouraging physicians to 'take resource management to their hearts' and has questioned the efficacy of implementing management accounting systems (MASS) in the health care setting. Although physicians are now being integrated into management structures, they typically do not identifjr with managerial values and goals. This creates a potential impediment to the effective implementation of accounting-based controls. No prior research has, however, assessed if this impediment is equally significant in the effective implementation of other non-accounting forms of control. This paper builds on prior research and assesses the extent to which a physician manager's managerial orientation significantly influences the effectiveness of both accounting and non-accounting forms of control. The paper contributes to the literature by simultaneously assessing the effect of managerial orientation on the use and relative importance of three forms of control. The results confirm the importance of an identification with managerial values and norms for the effective implementation of management accounting systems. This orientation, did not, however, appear to be important for the effective implementation of non-accounting forms of control. These findings have direct implications for the design of effective management control systems in hospitals and other organizations dominated by professionals.  相似文献   

Local authorities only adopt the accruals concept in a very narrow sense. Their financial accounting model can be called 'modified accruals', though it remains fundamentally different from best commercial practice. This paper explores the rationale for this unique model, using historical analysis. Because it has been used since before the First World War, and because the first decade of this century saw the only major public debate on local government accounting, the paper concentrates on this period. It was found that the essence of modified accruals is in the political nature of local government and control of it by central government.  相似文献   

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