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Fruit is Ripe     
As of last March 2005, China Fruit Exposition Park at Wuzhou District in Suzhou city has completed its planninga ndt rialo perations tage. In one year, it has not only become the window of the cooperation for domestic fruit producers, but also posed as th…  相似文献   

This paper offers a definitive distinction between capital flight and capital outflows. It unifies and synthesises the capital flight concept as used in both theoretical and empirical work and shows that various definitions have two common elements. These are: (1) capital flight is a subset of capital outflows from developing countries by its residents; (2) these outflows must be motivated by risks and uncertainties that are peculiar to developing countries. The former points to the counter‐intuitive nature of these outflows. The latter gives these counterintuitive outflows’ explanation. We then propose an econometric method to measure this concept, and illustrate its use by applying it to Korea.  相似文献   

有这样一个有趣的案例:两个果酱摊,一个有6种口味,一个有24种。24种口味的摊档吸引了更多顾客,但销售额却远低于6种口味的摊档。试验证明选择过多隐含着机会成本提高的风险,客户更容易忧虑错误选择带来的后果。当不知道怎么选的时候,他们可能就放弃选择。繁杂的生产线对企业来说是一种庞大的成本,而产品种类过多对顾客来说也意味着选择成本的负累。苹果只有一款手机iPhone,在保持核心特性稳定的前提下升级新产品。王老吉,一款产品打天下,造就中国饮料传奇。“Lessismore”理念在专注、极致的互联时代愈发彰显其独特的价值。拴牛绳太长往往会把自己闲住,浪费的不仅仅是更长的绳子,也制造了意想不到的麻烦。我们渐渐发现,在淘汰和检验后往往保留的是最经济的做法:最小的成本,创造最多的价值。如果从经营角度讲,事物运行背后潜藏的规则便是最优的经营模式。  相似文献   

Who is W&K?     

China's Cis-Butadiene Rubber(BR) market is basically-- monopolized by sevenpetrochemical manufacturers, namely theYanshan Petrochemical Co., Ltd., QiluPetrochem, Yueyang Petrochem. GaoqiaoPetrochem. Daqing Petrochem JinzhouPetrochem and Dushanzi Petrochem.among which the Yanshan PetrochemicalCo., Ltd. ranks first with a market shareof 36%. About the marketing strategy ofYanshan Petrochemical on its CisButadiene Rubber products, thecorrespondent interviewed the vicedirector of Yansh…  相似文献   

This paper, presented at the Conference on Value Issues in Business at Millsaps College, is divided into three parts. The first sketches the logic of the evolution of U.S. business and suggests reasons for its remarkable success. The second assesses the power of U.S. business in modern society, both from an economic and political perspective. The third attempts to formulate the underlying philosophy of U.S. business using ideals such as the work ethic, entrepreneurism, democracy, and equality. Some of these ideals, the paper suggests, are irreconcilable. Thomas J. Donaldson is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Loyola University of Chicago. His publications in the area of business ethics include numerous articles and two books, Ethical Issues in Business co-edited with Patricia Werhane, and Corporations and Morality.  相似文献   

There are two major factors constraining the homeownership rate today: limited supply relative to net household formation and restricted credit availability. In this paper, we carefully document each of these factors, arguing that is is very difficult to fix the supply issues, as so much of the problem is local zoning laws, while steps can be taken to fix the credit availability issues. The supply/demand imbalance is currently the more significant of the two problems, as it places upward pressure on both home prices and rents.  相似文献   

本期网络专题的主题是“Hello!Mynameis CHINA!”。在这期专题中,我们介绍了近期中国出境会奖活动日益活跃的情况。随着世界经济论坛非洲峰会、巴西全球互联网治理大会等国际会议中中国面孔的高光表现,以及中国大规模企业会奖团组赴欧美国家受热捧引发关注,中国会议及奖励旅游业者成了向世界展示形象的先锋。  相似文献   

The best practice, key indicator of marketing performance is widely claimed to be Return on Investment (ROI). This paper takes issue both with ROI and the relative level of attention given to marketing efficiency. It argues that achieving integrated marketing and corporate goals is far more important, namely marketing effectiveness. The aim of marketing is the sourcing and harvesting of cash flow the cash flow which is the lifeblood of the business. The intangible asset, brand equity, is the store of created demand not yet converted into sales and needs to be taken into account. Thus marketing differs from other types of expenditure and should be treated accordingly.  相似文献   

When you name the different automakers,what comes to your mind? Bayerische Motoren WerheAG(BMW),Mercedes- Benz,and Audi from Germany?Ford and General Motors from the U.S.?Toyota,Mitsubishi,and Mazda from Japan?Peugeot and Citroen from French?Volvo from Sweden?Mini from Britain?Fiat from  相似文献   

Mr.Xu Dianqing is a ratheronspoken person in China's economiccircles. In the event of setting up a nongovernment bank which had beenwidely published'by the media somedays before, he is the leading role whodares to say and dares to do. But afterwards, he seems to have disappeared.Recently a journalist from <> interviewedhim regarding questions about China'snon-government bank.Reporter: Your proposal of organizing a non-government bank was opposed by the People…  相似文献   

<正>“立功、立人、立言。”Joanna用这三个词形容自己的职业经历。作为一位市场营销界的资深大咖,Joanna长期深耕消费品行业,超过25年的全球及本土市场品牌运营经验让她深谙品牌的战略与增长之道,尤其在消费趋势方面拥有敏锐的洞察力与前瞻性的战略眼光。凭借卓越的领导力,她被授予Campaign Asia 2018年度“亚太地区最具影响力CMO”。此外,  相似文献   

We have talked about a lot of important subjects hereon , like hotel management agreements controlling the value of an asset, but I believe we may be on a new frontier where "GREEN" will be more important and faster than anyone ever imagined. It will be  相似文献   

China's central bank said March 23 that there hadn't been any serious outflow of capital from China, but that capital inflows had slowed.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》1987,30(2):31-38
Sooner or later almost everyone's career reaches a plateau, and these days it's more likely to be sooner than later. How do individuals and organizations know that a plateau is approaching, and in what situations is plateauing most likely to occur?  相似文献   

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