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The authors explore the implications of buyer concentration in markets for primary commodity exports of developing countries. Simple partial equilibrium models of monopsony and oligopsony show that the best available policy for the exporting country may be to tax exports so as to extract some of the profits of the monopsonist, even though doing so will actually worsen the distortion caused by the buyer's market power. They also explore the general equilibrium implications of these results for factor markets and for patterns of trade.  相似文献   

受国际金融危机的影响,粤东传统的出口市场需求萎缩。要保持对外贸易的稳定增长,在巩固粤东传统出口市场的同时,应大力开拓新兴市场和发展中国家市场。文章通过对当前外贸形势和金融危机影响下粤东出口状况的分析,提出开拓新兴市场和发展中国家市场的策略。  相似文献   

We offer the first test of the hypothesis that rapid growth helps incumbents win elections for a developing country, India. We generalize the Fair (1978) model to allow for multiple candidates and test it using cross‐state data on 422 candidates in the 2009 parliamentary elections. We find quantitatively large and statistically robust effect of growth on the prospects of the candidates of the state incumbent parties to win elections.  相似文献   

This study is an application of Yano's market quality economics to trade. It considers the quality of labor markets in a developing country and sheds light on an important role of the voting mechanism in the process of which the quality of labor markets is endogenously determined. Assuming the majority vote, it is demonstrated that if the timing of voting is wrong, a developing country misses high‐quality labor markets although trade provides an opportunity for it to reach such markets.  相似文献   

The authors present a model of regional catching‐up and development without scale effects. Regional growth is driven by technological imitation which is determined by positive externalities from international trade, the regions’ geography, and regional institutions. For the two regions considered, factor endowments are immobile land and human capital which is perfectly mobile between the two regions. Endogenous formation of regions is analyzed by introducing a non‐symmetric decrease in international transaction costs, reflecting the different geography and institutions in the two regions. Using panel data from 354 South African magisterial districts over the period 1996 to 2000, we find that geography is important in explaining trade patterns. As predicted, regions that are larger in terms of economic size, with good foreign market access and know‐how of foreign markets, competitive transport costs and a good local institutional support framework will be more successful in exporting manufactured goods than other regions.  相似文献   

Some Asian countries experience small real exchange rate appreciations or even a real depreciation despite a fast growth in tradable productivity. A key‐characteristic of these countries is that they are constrained on capital inflows. Is the Balassa–Samuelson theory still valid in those countries? Are there other factors likely to explain real exchange rate (RER) changes? To address these questions, we develop a two‐sector model in which a small open economy faces a constraint on capital inflows. In this setting, the RER does not only depend on productivity, but also on other factors like the rate of time preference, the age dependency ratio or the level of the external constraint. A calibration of the constrained economy model seems to match at least qualitatively empirical evidence for China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore, between 1970 and 1992.  相似文献   

This paper examines and resolves a puzzling issue associated with less developed country (LDC) export compositions. Since the newly industrialized country (NIC) takeoff during the early 1970s, LDC exports have involved an increasingly broader and diversified export base. Yet trade theories, both “old” that focus on classic comparative advantage, and “new” which rely on scale economies, lead to expectations of growing specialization as a concomitant of LDC takeoff. This study examines periods of rapid growth and structural transformation of trade for a representative group of LDCs covering a wide geographic and temporal sample.  相似文献   

中国作为发展中国家在经济发展方面享有后发优势,但是中国经济的后发优势是相对于发达国家的先发优势而言的,因而属于比较优势。另一方面,中国只有通过积极参与经济全球化,才能在事实上真下享有后发优势,进而才能最大限度地实现跨越式发展。  相似文献   

The point of departure of Piketty's influential Capital in the Twenty‐First Century (2014) was the dramatic growth of private wealth‐income ratios in advanced economies between 1970 and 2010. Using official balance sheet data for South Africa—the first country to publish such data in the developing world—, this paper examines to what extent this re‐emergence of private wealth was also experienced in the developing‐country context. First, we find that the South African current wealth‐income ratio is very close to its 1975 level, and much lower than those of Piketty's sample of advanced economies. Second, we show that the discrepancy is explained not only by South Africa's relatively low savings rates, but also by the reduction of wealth before and during the transition to democracy in the 1990s. Since then, private wealth recovered significantly, but the U‐shaped relationship does not support the argument that there is a clear correlation between the capital‐income ratio and capital share.  相似文献   

我国建设创新型国家的对策思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文探讨创新型国家的内涵,分析创新型国家的三种类型,通过与当代创新型国家的比较,指出我国在自主创新能力方面的差距,提出建设创新型国家的对策。  相似文献   

The author, a teacher of economics and commercial subjects in Papua New Guinea which recently became independent, reports on the difficulties encountered in teaching these subjects in this developing country, where education of the western type is still associated in the minds of many with an aura of “cargo-cult” thinking. Other problems are the lack of textbooks in the language of the country, and the fact that the traditional beliefs of the majority of students run counter to principles of modern business and economics, making for a lack of even the most elementary economic understanding. Thus, the author believes, the transplanted course now being taught in Papua New Guinea cannot achieve the objective of providing basic economic understanding.

Mr. Smyth also suggests that the teacher “should be concerned with searching out those aspects of the traditional culture fhat can be used as ‘spring boards’ into a more complex study of the modem economy.”  相似文献   

利用扩展的南方和北方产品周期模型探讨发展中国家的知识产权保护对自主创新和经济增长的影响,其中北方厂商进行突破性发明创新,南方厂商进行渐进性实用新型创新,北方厂商通过直接投资将生产从北方转移到南方。研究发现,严格的南方知识产权保护总是激励自主创新,对于北方创新和FDI的影响则取决于南方模仿率和创新率的初始水平:如果南方模仿率和实用新型创新率都比较低,那么严格的知识产权保护导致北方创新率和FDI率减慢,不利于南方经济增长;如果南方模仿率或实用新型创新率较高,那么严格的知识产权保护会促进北方创新、FDI和经济增长。  相似文献   

我国对外贸易的快速发展使我国成为贸易大国,但是如何从贸易大国走向贸易强国是一个非常值得研究的课题,发展循环经济是我国实现贸易强国目标的一个途径.作为一种新型的经济形态,循环经济是以资源的高效利用和循环利用为核心,以"减量化、再利用、资源化"为原则的一种生态经济.因此,循环经济为改变我国对外贸易结构存在的问题,实现可持续发展提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

This study uses a large panel of industrialized and developing countries to investigate the link between exchange rate volatility and exports. Although the empirical literature on this relationship is extensive, a clear consensus about its nature and importance is yet to emerge. Using fixed- and random-effects models to capture cross-country differences, pooled export equations are estimated for the entire panel and various subsets of countries. The results, which are robust across different volatility measures, indicate that negative effects exist for LDC exports, especially from Latin America and Africa, but not for exports from Asian LDCs or industrialized countries.  相似文献   

追赶是发展中国家经济发展的一种必然过程与现象,一些发展中国家和地区通过追赶,成功地缩小了与发达国家之间的差距,技术差距理论也说明了技术扩散与发展中国家追赶的可能,从而指出,在知识经济时代里,国际间的知识扩散以空前的规模与速度进行着,这为我国加速经济发展,实现追赶提供了巨大的历史性机遇。  相似文献   

公共物品和私人物品定义的深层思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从“提供者”或“享用者”的角度定义公共物品和私人物品容易引起混淆 ,这是逻辑、方法论、属性的主观性和客观性等方面的问题造成的。从物品的自然属性角度来定义则不存在这方面的问题。因此 ,物品可以分为“客观公共物品”和“客观私人物品”、“主观公共物品”和“主观私人物品”。  相似文献   

邹玉娟 《经济问题》2008,(4):105-108
近年来越来越多的研究发现,处于技术劣势的发展中国家跨国公司正逐渐把对外直接投资作为在国际上寻求技术优势的有力工具和手段.发展中国家跨国公司通过对发达国家的对外直接投资,可以利用东道国的技术资源优势获得逆向技术转移,并向母国返流和传递,进而促进母国企业、产业和国家整体技术水平的提升.积极利用技术寻求型对外直接投资进行技术学习和逆向技术转移,是发展中国家跨国企业在经济全球化形势下的一种适宜选择.  相似文献   

论我国发展特许连锁经营的问题和对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了特许连锁经营的特色和优势,分析了我国发展特许连锁经营的必要性和制约因素,并对我国发展特许连锁经营中出现的主要问题和对策进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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