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This paper investigates the effect of trade liberalization on the exchange rate passthrough (ERPT) to import prices. To do so, it employs an empirical estimation of the effects of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on the Mexican ERPT, and uses a Ricardian general equilibrium model. The model identifies two channels that explain how the trade liberalization alters the ERPT. The first channel is the direct relationship between the tariffs and the pass‐through by good. The second channel is the effect that tariffs have on the composition of imports, altering indirectly the aggregate pass‐through.  相似文献   

We examine exchange rate passthrough into US import prices for 29 manufacturing industries using eight exchange rate indexes. These indexes vary by the number of currencies included; whether the weight on each currency is based on total trade with the United States or solely imports; and, whether the weights vary by industry. Our results indicate that passthrough is generally incomplete but varies across industries. Moreover, passthrough is sensitive to the exchange rate index. Using bootstrapped J‐tests we show that major currency indexes perform better than their broad currency counterparts. When using a major currency index, industry‐specific exchange rate indexes are preferred to aggregate indexes.  相似文献   

本文基于月度单位出口价值和汇率数据,采用固定效应面板数据模型分析了2005年6月-2008年12月间人民币汇率变动对中国出口价格的短期汇率传递率的行业和国别差异。研究表明,中国出口的314个HS4行业的平均汇率传递率和整体汇率传递率都很高,接近于完全传递,但不同行业的汇率传递率差异非常大,其中有14个HS4行业的按市场定价系数大于0.5,且涵盖食品、化工、纺织、钢铁、机械等多个HS1行业。在对15个HS2行业10大贸易伙伴按市场定价系数进行的国别差异估计中,发现我国出口对美国存在明显的按市场定价行为,对其他贸易伙伴汇率传递率近似完全传递。这意味着试图通过人民币升值来改善美国对华贸易逆差的政策效应会被削弱,同时也表明我国应加强与东亚贸易伙伴的区域经济合作,并提高出口商抵御汇率风险的能力。  相似文献   

For the most part, the relationship between import and domestic prices, and their common linkages to currency movements, has been ignored, especially at the industry level. This paper examines the direct and indirect impacts of exchange rates on prices, analyzing a panel of 26 4-digit SIC industries over the 1978–1987 period. The results are consistent with the view that the indirect influence of exchange rates on domestic prices through import competition clearly dominates any direct impact, and that import prices are motivated largely by pricing-to-market. We find some evidence of a limiting effect of market concentration on passthrough into both domestic and import prices, while an increased reliance on imported inputs and increased substitutability between domestic and foreign goods each enhances the passthrough into domestic prices.  相似文献   

A growing empirical literature reports evidence of a decline in exchange rate passthrough to import prices in a number of industrial countries. Our paper complements this literature by examining passthrough from the other side of the transaction; that is, we assess the exchange rate sensitivity of export prices (denominated in the exporter's currency). We find that the prices charged on exports to the United States are more responsive to the exchange rate than are export prices to other destinations, which is consistent with results in the literature that import price passthrough in the US market is relatively low. In addition, the exchange rate sensitivity of export prices over time has been significantly affected by country‐ and region‐specific factors, including the Asian financial crisis (for emerging Asia), deepening integration with the United States (for Canada), and the effects of the 1992 ERM crisis (for the United Kingdom).  相似文献   

This paper studies the degree of the exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) to import and consumer prices in China with both the ratio of China’s imports to GDP and domestic prices of China’s main trade partners going up. Statistic results show that the degree of ERPT is somehow less than the degree of marginal cost plus mark-up pass-through of exporters, and econometric analyses reach the same conclusion. Besides, the ERPT to import prices is found to be high while the ERPT to CPI is low owing to some factors that obstruct the import prices pass-through channel to domestic CPI. But this situation has been changing significantly since August 2005. Thus, a more flexible exchange rate system is needed for China to absorb the price shock from aboard efficiently.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on Mexico's possibilities in the world economy, especially in North America. Any successful policy must reorient Mexico's development away from oil and import substitution and toward exports. Proposed reforms would involve (1) devaluing the exchange rate and unifying the official and free-market exchange rates; (2) liberalizing imports by abolishing import restrictions, eliminating official import reference prices, and reducing those tariffs exceeding 40 percent; (3) reducing the existing bias against exports of the incentive system; and (4) limiting the public sector's influence in the economy by reducing the public sector deficit, liberalizing the financial sector, and denationalizing public firms outside basic industries.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of India's policy reforms on exchange rate pass‐through into import and export prices, using panel data (at one‐digit SITC level) for pre‐ (1980–90) and post‐reform (1991–2001) periods. While the pass‐through into import prices has declined, the pass‐through into export prices (in USD terms) has increased during the 1990s. The results suggest that, relative to rupee depreciation, Indian exporters increased their USD prices around 20% in the 1980s, but decreased them by around 70% in the 1990s. Moreover, the number of sectors exhibiting some degree of pass‐through increased in the 1990s (six), relative to the 1980s (three). These changes may be attributable to the elimination of currency and trade controls, which increased competition among firms and fostered a concern with market share gains in the 1990s over an attempt to use depreciations to increase profits in the 1980s.  相似文献   

This paper studies the pricing behavior of Indian exporters using both annual and monthly data in order to uncover the role of data frequency in determining variation in the degree of short and long-run exchange rate pass-through (ERPT). Export price data during the post-1991 economic reforms period is disaggregated at the two-digit industry level and using a novel methodology in the ERPT literature (cointegration for heterogeneous panels) cross-industry differences in adjustment are identified. We observe that there is clear evidence of incomplete ERPT to prices in India's export markets, after having controlled for the level of exchange rate volatility and domestic inflation as an indicator of variations in marginal cost. The empirical results indicate that monthly data reflect more incomplete ERPT to destination market prices, relative to annual data, in which all the short run rigidities are more likely to have been adjusted. Thus studies that use higher frequency data are more likely to find incomplete ERPT in the short-run, even in the context of an emerging market economy. In the long-run, incomplete ERPT subsists in a few industries for both data frequencies.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on the trade mode choices of assembly firms. Using Chinese customs data, we show that exchange rate pass‐through (ERPT) depends on which party is responsible for sourcing inputs. Relative to passively receiving inputs under the pure assembly (PA) mode, foreign‐invested assembly firms mainly source inputs themselves through the import and assembly mode and enjoy lower ERPT. We find that the share of imports through PA increases with exchange rate fluctuations. This effect is more pronounced for firms in liquidity‐constrained industries and mitigated by better local financial development.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide new empirical evidence on the relationship between market power, as measured by market share, and incomplete exchange rate pass-through. The role of market power is examined in the context of a Cournot model, which is estimated with data relating to Japan's presence in the US market. To test for the existence of possible aggregation biases due to sectoral heterogeneity, estimations are carried out on time series data for the total economy and the manufacturing sector and on panel data for five manufacturing industries at the three-digit level of classification, using the Johansen multivariate cointegration technique and the recently developed by [Larsson, R., Lyhagen, J., & Lothgren, M. (2001). Likelihood-based cointegration tests in heterogeneous panels. Econometrics Journal, 4, 109–142] multivariate panel cointegration technique. Hypotheses about the degree of pass-through are tested as restrictions on estimated equilibrium pricing equations and robustness tests are performed. The empirical results indicate that Japanese firms have market power and this validates the use of an imperfect competition model. However, it appears that market power is not the only element on which to base the analysis of the incomplete exchange rate pass-through by Japanese firms.  相似文献   

The impact of changes in exchange rate on inflation is an issue of extreme importance for nations with a history of high inflation. While there have been significant studies on industrial and advanced economies, little analysis has been conducted on smaller economies that are open to trade and financial relationships. This paper estimates exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) into CPI and import prices from 1970 to 2010 for nine Latin American nations. ERPT is further estimated for each decade documenting declining pass-through after the turn of the millennium. The paper also examines the impact of macro fundamentals on ERPT, and finds monetary policy stability, inflation rate and trade openness to have a positive impact on pass-through. Finally, de facto exchange rate flexibility indices are constructed and ERPT rates are found to negatively affect them.  相似文献   

Rodrik (1995) notes that trade regimes tend to be biased towards import protection, while the standard political economy models either yield no prediction on the bias of the trade regime or predict, counterfactually, a bias towards the export sector. This constitutes an important shortcoming in the political economy of trade literature. In this paper, the Grossman and Helpman (1994 ) “Protection for Sale” model is extended by adding government expenditure. This expenditure may be financed via a combination of tariff revenue and a distorting wage tax. In addition to the government expenditure, export subsidies need to be financed either via tariff revenue or a distorting wage tax. With this addition, plausible values of the model's parameters yield import protection bias.  相似文献   

This paper investigates exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) in the presence of menu costs. Assuming exports prices are negotiated in the exporter’s currency, menu costs give rise to two thresholds around (within) which incomplete ERPT is (not) observed. An error correcting process is triggered from a deviation in the ERPT cointegrating relation only when the deviation is large enough in absolute value to fall outside of a band defined by symmetric thresholds. Threshold autoregressive (TAR) cointegration techniques are used to investigate Quebec and Ontario pork meat export prices in the US and Japanese markets. Through Monte Carlo simulations, we find that our Equilibrium-TAR tests have greater power than a standard unit root test. Our empirical application suggests that Canadian pork exporters exercise market power in the US market. The evidence of incomplete ERPT in the Japanese market is weaker and differs across provinces. Evidence of thresholds is reported for both destinations, thus indicating the existence of significant menu costs for Canadian pork exporters in these markets.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the validity of the conventional wisdom that, unlike in developed countries, exchange rate pass‐through (ERPT) should be ‘complete’ for developing economies. To test this hypothesis, we construct new variables as well as original data sets, which are not readily available in the literature, and employ an alternative error correction model technique for a typical small open developing economy—Bangladesh. The transmission of exchange rate movements to import prices is found to be ‘complete’; however, the ‘second stage pass‐through’ is ‘partial’ both in the short and long run. The response of traded goods prices to exchange rate shocks is found to be significant and larger in the long run compared with the short run. Trade liberalization is also a significant phenomenon for ERPT. The analysis has wider applicability to other small open economies.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper shows that a Tariff‐Rate‐Quota's (TRQ) minimum access expansion can perversely trigger domestic price increases. Often, TRQs have prohibitive over‐quota tariffs to mimic import quotas in providing minimum market access. In the WTO's Doha Round, it is likely that countries using TRQs will avoid aggressive tariff reductions if they increase the quota portion of TRQs. We show that when the import price lies between the unit cost of production and the price received by domestic upstream firms, an increase in import quota as a share of domestic production may cause an increase in the domestic retail price.  相似文献   

魏方  王璐  张伊雯 《技术经济》2021,40(11):62-70
本文在当前中国推动经济高质量发展和积极主动扩大进口双重战略目标叠加的背景下,从行业层面入手研究中间品进口关税减让对出口高质量发展的影响.首先测度2001—2017年中国31个工业行业的中间品进口关税率和出口质量水平,然后据此构造面板数据进行实证分析,发现中间品进口关税减让能显著地促进出口质量升级,这一结论经空间相关和内生性检验后依旧稳健;但分样本回归结果显示该效应在低进口密集度行业中不明显,出口质量升级的外部动力是外资.中国应当依托海南自贸港建设加快推进中间品进口贸易自由化,重视进口中断风险,全力扶持企业自主研发创新,吸引高质量外资,最终助力出口实现高质量发展.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the Swedish imports prices react to exchange ratechanges in the long run. It finds, through non-stationary panel analysis, thatthe Swedish import prices (for the majority of industries) change but not inproportion to exchange rate changes. The evidence from panel cointegrationalso shows that pricing behavior of the Swedish imports varies across industriesand such variations could be related to industry-specific characteristics.  相似文献   

This study examines three developing countries—Colombia, Korea, and Morocco—in order to determine the linkage between exchange rate movements and domestic producer pricing. Generally, incomplete passthrough into domestic prices is found, but greater impact than previously found for developed economies. An important common thread in explanations of industry-varying effects for the three countries is that entry and entry barriers seem to matter in the transmission of exchange rate changes into domestic prices, suggesting that increased openness to imports has only limited influence on domestic prices of import-competing goods, and can be aided by domestic competition policy.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the evidence bearing on the question of whether China's buoyant export growth has led to significant changes in the import prices, and thus inflation performance, of its trading partners. This evidence suggests that the impact of Chinese exports on global import prices has been, while non‐ negligible, fairly modest. We identify a statistically significant effect of US imports from China on US import prices, but given the size of this effect and the relatively low share of imports in US GDP, the ultimate impact on US consumer prices has likely been quite small. Moreover, imports from China had little apparent effect on US producer prices. Finally, using a multi‐country database of trade transactions, we estimate that, since 1993, Chinese exports lowered annual import inflation in a large set of economies by 0.25 percentage point or less on average.  相似文献   

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