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Prior research regarding reporting and accountability by local governments in several countries has questioned the value of traditional annual reporting and the level of accountability to the public. This article reports on comparable research for local governments throughout Canada. The disclosure index methodology is used to evaluate the quality and quantity of information published in the annual reports and in the financial statements of Canadian local governments in 2003 with a comparison in 2005. Although all municipalities published audited financial statements, less than one‐third of municipalities published a comprehensive annual report in 2003. The results show an overall low disclosure index with significant improvements in 2005 compared to 2003 and significant differences across the country. The results, largely consistent with previously published international studies, raise questions about local government accountability and about the conceptual framework for local government reporting.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effectiveness of a public sector financial management initiative. Specifically, the powers awarded to the Irish Financial Services Ombudsman (FSO) in 2013 to name and shame malfeasance by financial service providers (FSPs) in its annual reports. As the first country to award such powers to its public sector financial ombudsman, Ireland represents a novel setting in which to test the impact of regulatory disclosure as a way to promote accountability and transparency. Our results show that the number of complaints lodged against malfeasants dropped in the immediate aftermath of this and, following a one-year lag, so did the percentage of complaints lodged that proceeded to a full investigation and legally binding finding. Despite the failure of such strategies in some jurisdictions, the Irish experience indicates that regulatory disclosure can, in line with Neo-Durkheimian institutional theory and consistent with the accounting and accountability literature, have considerable impact where and when contextual preconditions are met. These findings have important implications for the operationalisation of regulatory disclosure as an accountability enhancing measure in other jurisdictions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new consolidation method to improve local government accountability. After a brief review of consolidated financial statements in the public sector, the International Public Sector Accounting Standards approach to consolidation is described. The authors explain why this approach does not adequately consider the distinctive features of local governments. A case study is presented to illustrate the principles underlying the new method.  相似文献   

In the Australian public sector. departmental administrative reform is intent on producing lean. efficient. commercially orientated government entities. An accounting regulatory response is AAS 29. Financial Reporting for Governtizetzt Departments. which requires all government departments as reporting entities to adopt in principle much of the whole corpus of private sector accounting standards and statements including. importantly, current cost accounting. This paper explores the proposition that the commercialization of departmental accounting through AAS 29 or similar pronouncements is directly associated with a significant reduction in social and public welfare accountability. Accounting processes are powerful. value-laden agents of social change. Benston (1980) states that 'benefits (net of costs) of accounting standards to society' cannot be measured but can be specified for individuals. Here. accounting outcomes are identified to be the residuals of economic policies to eliminate quasi rents in government. Standardization in AAS 29 rests on the assumption that rights and obligations being equities of generations of participants can be periodically measured as A -L = E at current factor prices. This economic notion lacks cultural heritage in financial disclosure of continuing equities in government and may, for any generation of consumers. induce an excess of social costs over social benefits for the accounting standardization process under prevailing managerialist philosophies.  相似文献   

The concept of public accountability promotes the need for a comprehensive set of performance‐related information to satisfy the information needs of a diverse stakeholder interest group. However, literature concerned with the scope of information to be disclosed, and in particular within the context of a developing country, is limited. This paper identifies the information set which stakeholders of Malaysian local authorities consider relevant in the monitoring and assessment of local authority performance. Stakeholders indicated strong interest in performance information that is not traditionally disclosed in the financial statements: non‐financial information particularly performance measurement of outputs, outcomes, efficiency and effectiveness. Disclosures in the Statement of Revenue and Expenditure and forward‐looking information are generally regarded as the most important disclosures. The results of the study also indicate differences amongst stakeholders as to the level of importance that they place on certain items especially items related to internal policies and governance and financial position of the local authorities. The findings will be of significance to policy makers interested in improving the performance reporting of Malaysian public sector entities, particularly local authorities.  相似文献   

公共财务管理与政府财务报告改革   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
本文根据政府财务报告主要反映政府财务受托责任和财务受托业绩 ,并为上级政府、政府主要官员、审计机关、监督机构提供政府财务信息 ,以及近年来公共部门存在一系列财务管理问题的客观现实 ,拟从报告主体内部管理的需要出发 ,阐述公共 (部门 )财务管理对政府财务信息的需求 ,提出改革政府财务报告的基本思路 ,以促进公共 (部门 )财务管理水平的提高 ,并推动政府对外财务报告的改进  相似文献   

This paper examines an implication of applying International Financial Reporting Standards to the government sector in Australia. We posit both a self‐interest and a transparency motivation for local governments effecting revaluations of both infrastructure assets and community land. The self‐interest motivation was expected to manifest as a relationship between the amount of revaluation and CEO (or management team) remuneration. The transparency motivation was expected to result in a relationship between revaluation and the extent of spending on these assets, measured as both the quantum of materials and contracts expense, and as the quantum of contracts awarded by the entity above the disclosure threshold. We also speculated that revaluations may be used to signal to state governments a need for additional funds through capital and/or operating grants. At conventional levels of significance, we find no support for these relationships, suggesting that agency motivations at the local government level are either more subtle or non‐existent. As local government authorities in our study follow a reporting framework and standardised accounting procedures prescribed by the state government (in compliance with applicable AASB/IFRS standards), financial and public accountabilities are also likely to be a driver for the valuation of local infrastructure assets at fair value, and this is not likely to be undermined by the opportunistic incentives we have considered.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the search for external users of public sector financial reports, and for decisions for which users might plausibly need information that could feasibly be provided in general purpose financial statements, has failed empirically and theoretically. The implications for the construction of a conceptual framework for public sector financial reporting are examined. It is suggested that'intermediate'users operating in an environment of'indirect control'might form an appropriate basis for a conceptual framework. Some tentative observations about such a framework are made and its application in accounting for central government agencies is explored.  相似文献   

This paper reports the main findings of a research project carried out on behalf of the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) and the New Zealand Financial Reporting Standards Board. The purpose of the research is to inform standard setters about implementation issues that had been encountered in the not‐for‐profit (NFP) public sector when applying the control concept in AASB 127, Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements. The intention is to use the findings to inform proposed implementation guidance for AASB 10, Consolidated Financial Statements. Data were collected via a literature review and meetings with various NFP public sector constituents. Identified issues were either conceptual in nature (for example, who are the relevant users of NFP public sector general purpose financial statements and what are their needs?) or related to implementation concerns (for example, is the power exerted by one NFP public sector entity over another of an ‘ownership’ or a ‘regulatory’ form?). The findings give rise to several suggested actions that standard setters could take in providing useful guidance to NFP public sector constituents.  相似文献   

The annual report is promoted and regarded as the primary medium of accountability for government agencies. In Australia, anecdotal evidence suggests the quality of annual reports is variable. However, there is scant empirical evidence on the quality of reports. The aim of this research is to gauge the quality of annual reporting by local governments in Queensland, and to investigate the factors that may contribute to that level of quality. The results of the study indicate that although the quality of reporting by local governments has improved over time, councils generally do not report information on aspects of corporate governance, remuneration of executive staff, personnel, occupational health and safety, equal opportunity policies, and performance information. In addition, the results indicate there is a correlation between the size of the local government and the quality of reporting but the quality of disclosures is not correlated with the timeliness of reports. The study will be of interest to the accounting profession, public sector regulators who are responsible for the integrity of the accountability mechanisms and public sector accounting practitioners. It will form the basis for future longitudinal research, which will map changes in the quality of local government annual reporting.  相似文献   

Harmonisation between the Australian accounting standards applicable to the public sector and Government Finance Statistics is the highest priority for Australian public-sector reporting. The objective of harmonisation is to achieve a standard for a single set of government reports which are auditable, comparable between jurisdictions, and in which the outcome statements are directly comparable with the relevant budget statements. The result will be an improvement in the quality, clarity and transparency of government financial statements, and will remove the source of confusion as to which set of financial reports presents a more reliable portrayal of financial results.  相似文献   

Harmonisation between the Australian accounting standards applicable to the public sector and Government Finance Statistics is the highest priority for Australian public-sector reporting. The objective of harmonisation is to achieve a standard for a single set of government reports which are auditable, comparable between jurisdictions, and in which the outcome statements are directly comparable with the relevant budget statements. The result will be an improvement in the quality, clarity and transparency of government financial statements, and will remove the source of confusion as to which set of financial reports presents a more reliable portrayal of financial results.  相似文献   

财务治理与财务报告舞弊之间存在密切关系,公司的内、外部财务治理结构包括管理当局、董事会、监事会、注册会计师等各方面,他们都对财务报告的生成与披露产生影响。因此,防范财务报告舞弊的措施应从分析公司相关财务治理结构对财务信息的监督与制衡功能出发,改变其中的薄弱环节,强化相关的治理功能。  相似文献   

Global water resources are subject to increasing supply constraints. We respond by exploring how novel public sector performance reporting can service public accountability. Here our focus is an exploration of the drivers and utility of a unique ‘sustainability’‐focused, publicly disclosed, performance reporting initiative undertaken by a water agency in Australia. Semi‐structured interviews were conducted with a range of individuals from 2013 to 2014. A disclosure index was also constructed to assess the quality of the disclosures. While the key purpose of the reports was to provide managerial accountability with intra‐governmental stakeholders, they were also drawn on to serve a secondary public accountability purpose with external stakeholders. We argue that the prioritisation of internal stakeholders could threaten utility for public accountability purposes. However, in this case, the reports were also found to be largely relevant to the general public. The study demonstrates that reporting developed for managerial accountability purposes can be designed and targeted also to contribute usefully to ancillary public accountability objectives. Our engagement with the public sector to explore the role and effectiveness of novel reporting strategies in support of sustainability and accountability objectives is topical, and contributes to understanding potential solutions in other contexts.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to assess whether and to what extent public sector hospital reports in New Zealand disclose information which best support the public interest. We analyse the content of the annual reports of Crown Health Enterprises (CHEs) for 1994, 1995 and 1996. It is concluded that the developments in public sector accounting, with respect to the public interest, have not permeated these reports to any significant extent. The following changes would improve these reportings: Reports providing costs relative to non-financial accomplishments; removing the traditional 'revenue' disclosure; disclosing non-financial as well as financial resources and obligations; providing further disaggregation in the reports; disclosing budgetary information and valuing assets alternatively. Implications of the lens used for the analysis are also considered.  相似文献   


Recent years have witnessed a significant shift in the financial reporting frameworks available in the UK and Ireland affecting entities of all sizes with the Financial Reporting Council issuing three financial reporting standards replacing the extant UK GAAP. This paper reports the results of a content analysis of 151 comment letters sent to the standard-setter in response to its policy proposal. The paper explains why the standard-setter stepped back from its controversial proposal to enforce IFRS for SMEs based on the absence of public accountability. Additionally, the standard-setter addressed all concerns positively apart from two, representing two anomalies. First, despite being opposed by the majority of the respondents, the standard-setter published a new framework for wholly-owned subsidiaries of listed companies allowing them to make substantially less disclosure. Second, the standard-setter is yet to respond to the call by the accounting profession and the Not-for-profit sector to publish a sector-specific framework.  相似文献   

Recent Australian public sector reforms have raised concerns about the disclosure of infrastructure asset information as a basis for improved accountability. This paper examines whether specific infrastructure asset information identified in relevant literature is disclosed in practice. A cross-sectional, content analysis of 1999 annual report disclosures made by 73 Australian public sector entities operating in economic infrastructure industries revealed a low level of, and considerable diversity in, disclosures, particularly relating to the physical condition of infrastructure assets, their maintenance and performance measurement. Such disclosure was found to be driven by government reporting guidelines rather than the use of corporate form.  相似文献   

论改进我国政府会计与财务报告   总被引:57,自引:0,他引:57  
政府会计与财务报告关系到政府向社会公众及其他各方提供的财务信息是否具有真实性、完整性和可靠性的问题。本文认为 ,政府会计作为反映政府财务活动的信息系统 ,应当根据我国政府的职能及政府财务活动的内容 ,全面、完整地反映政府财务活动情况及结果。随着我国预算管理体制改革、政府职能转换 ,政府会计与财务报告应当借鉴国际公共部门会计与财务报告的通常做法 ,吸收我国企业会计与财务报告改革的成功经验 ,进行改进和完善 ,并着重从政府会计名称、政府会计对象 (内容 )、政府会计模式、政府会计基础及政府财务报告等方面进行改革 ,真正建立具有中国特色、与国际公共部门会计可比的、科学规范的政府会计与财务报告体系 ,保证政府向社会公众提供的财务信息的真实性和完整性  相似文献   

In Australia, statutory authorities constitute the main form of non-Departmental organisation in the public sector. Although devised on UK Westminster blueprints, they have developed several unique characteristics as an organisational type. These characteristics have given rise to a number of problems of unsatisfactory performance, inadequate financial accountability and inappropriate creation processes. Although several improvement initiatives have recently been (or are about to be) adopted to address these issues there is a very real question hanging over their practicality. This paper looks at characteristics of Commonwealth statutory authorities which have an important bearing on these problems; particularly the problem of improving financial accountability for management performance. The paper reviews the accountability context and structures of Commonwealth statutory authorities, highlights various shortcomings which contribute to the present unsatisfactory situation and discusses factors that may determine the possible extent of real improvement from forthcoming initiatives.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s the general and financial management of the Victorian public sector has been significantly transformed. This research examines and explains the content, nature and quality of non-financial disclosures, including those related to performance indicators, through a disclosure indicator analysis of reporting practices in recent government budget papers. It reports the results of its application to the last three years' budget papers. The findings highlight the problems in the reporting of non-financial performance indicators in the Victorian budget papers. These results indicate a significant gap between "official" expectations of the type of items required to be reported and actual budgetary reporting practices – some many years after regulation and major financial accountability reforms have taken place.  相似文献   

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