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世界石油资源地域分布极不平衡,受资源丰度、勘探进展及开发强度等因素影响,世界石油供应格局发生了深刻变化。目前世界石油供应多元化的格局不仅形成,而且正不断得到强化。在供应多元化的基础上,石油市场构成已从垄断性向竞争性转变,供求关系将在决定油价方面发挥积极作用,但投机行为仍将左右国际市场油价变动的步伐和幅度,一定范围内的油价波动将在所难免。  相似文献   

研究目的:研究地价走势与各宏观经济指标及市场因素变动间的相关性,从而辅助科学制定宏观调控政策。研究方法:统计分析法、定性分析法。研究结果:地价变动与多数宏观经济指标呈显著相关,与土地供应量相关性较弱,甚至出现逆规律性。研究结论:中国地价变化与各宏观指标的相关性符合市场经济的一般性规律,体现了中国土地资源市场化配置改革的初步成效;在特定阶段,资本变动主导居住用地市场,土地供应调控作用的发挥需全方位考量、多因素配合;地价增长与人均收入变化协调性降低以及工业用地市场初显资本炒作等迹象值得关注。  相似文献   

国际油价暴涨背后中国石油安全战略探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石油作为一种重要的战略性基础能源,对一国国家经济安全产生重要影响。甚至使某些西方大国不惜动用武力来试图控制国外的石油资源。我国目前面临的状况是:国际油价高企,在强劲经济的拉动下我国石油需求持续增长,而国内原油产量增长缓慢,供求失衡不断扩大,对国际石油供应的担忧也日益严重。文章就国内目前高油价对经济的不利影响、石油供求现状、石油进口价格、风险等问题做了分析,并提出了大力开展石油期货贸易,建立石油储备体系,提高能源利用效率等项政策建议。  相似文献   

新兴市场国家农业政策改革进程历来备受关注。利用经济合作与发展组织的生产者支持估计方法,分析金砖国家农业支持政策的结构特征可知,以市场价格支持为重心保护农业生产者、逐步加大直接补贴投入额度、注重强化农业知识创新和基础设施建设成为当前金砖国家农业政策调整的主要趋向。鉴于此,应稳步推进农产品价格支持向直接补贴转型;坚持科技兴农导向,提振农业可持续发展能力;制定差异化保护策略,提高农产品支持的针对性和有效性。  相似文献   

国外地价与房价关系及其启示   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
研究目的:介绍美国、英国、瑞典、韩国、日本以及新加坡等国家地价与房价的关系.研究方法:比较分析法.研究结果:国外地价与房价的关系可分成4类:一是地价低房价也低的国家(瑞典),二是地价低房价不低的国家(美国),三是地价高房价不高的国家(新加坡与英国),四是地价高房价也高的国家(韩国与日本).研究结论:中国应根据人多地少的基本国情,借鉴国外有关经验,协调好地价与房价的关系,促进房地产业的健康发展.  相似文献   

The myriad of deficiencies that are responsible for derailing efforts of development in the developing countries has among its culprits, most of the marketing activities and institutions. The agricultural sector is the most important sector of development in developing countries; furthermore, it comprises the most catastrophic problems. A model is deemed necessary, one which offers the decislon makers in developing countries an opponuniv to find a solution to these identifiable problems. Such a model was proposed in this study to integrate the marketing system for their agricultural products. The model is conceptual in nature and is based on a system's approach; considerations were given to the following variables: current environments, domestic and international conditions, internal and external determinants, plans, macro and micro decisions, modifiers, spheres of activities, marketing mix, switches and ultimate output.  相似文献   

何鸿  王丹 《中国国土资源经济》2012,25(3):18-20,54,55
突发事件造成的重大石油供应中断前后油价的变化取决于:供应中断的规模、直接供应中断恢复的时间、突发事件有无引发其他事件造成新的供应中断的可能、欧佩克对待供应中断的态度和国际社会对突发事件的干预等因素。欧佩克对各类供应中断均会作出增产决定,其总产量将达到甚至超过突发事件前的总产量。产油国战争或罢工结束时的油价基本和突发事件前相当,战争或罢工事件结束对油价的影响作用结束。革命结束时的油价要高于革命前,革命事件对油价仍有一定的影响。  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between the transmission of price volatility and market power in the German fresh pork supply chain. We use a theoretical model underpinning this relationship followed by an empirical application that uses monthly farm, slaughterhouse and retail pork price data for the period 2000–2011. We examine both the relationships of market power with price level transmission and price volatility transmission in the chain. We use a vector error correction model and least squares regressions to analyse price transmission and price volatility transmissions, respectively. Results show that retail market power limited both types of transmissions. Competition inducing policy measures coupled with measures that support price risk management initiatives of chain actors are suggested.  相似文献   

With respect to the idea of multifunctional agriculture, one way to raise farmers' environmental stewardship is to reward environmental practices through food quality labelling schemes. The objective of our study was to identify existing relationships between the production of quality food and the production of environmental goods at farm level. In this article, we report the results of analyses conducted to examine the effects of major ‘quality’ and ‘eco-labelling’ schemes in the Midi-Pyrenees region of the south of France. Factor analysis and analysis of variance were used with a data set of 107 farms—some participating in the labelling schemes and some not participating—for which environmental scores had been assigned. The statistical analyses were complemented by a qualitative analysis based on in-depth interviews of 85 farmers and review of the labelling standard guidelines. This study shows that organic farms and farms enrolled in various quality and eco-labelling programmes in France do provide some environmental benefits. However, they do not necessarily perform better than other farms on all environmental measures.  相似文献   

In recent years, parastatal grain marketing boards have re‐emerged as important elements of grain markets in eastern and southern Africa, yet little is known about how farmers are responding to their scaled up activities. This article develops a conceptual model of farmers’ production decisions in the context of dual output marketing channels (government and private sector) when output prices at harvest time and the availability of one of the marketing channels are unknown at planting time. It then applies the model to the case of Zambia and uses nationally representative household‐level panel survey data to estimate the effects of the Food Reserve Agency (FRA), the government parastatal maize marketing board, on smallholder crop production and fallow land. The FRA buys maize from smallholders at a pan‐territorial price that typically exceeds market prices in major maize producing areas. Results suggest that increases in the farmgate FRA maize price raise farmer maize price expectations, which induces a supply response. Smallholders respond to an increase in the FRA price by extensifying their maize production. On average, a 1% increase in the FRA price is associated with 0.06% increases in smallholders’ maize area planted and quantity harvested. There is also some evidence that farmers reduce the area of land under fallow in response to FRA incentives but there is no evidence of reductions in the area planted to other crops.  相似文献   

偏低的农地非农配置价格是农地过度损失的重要原因,从农地非农配置产生的社会、经济和生态纯收益出发,从理论角度探讨了农地非农配置的合理价格,进而分析转型期我国农地价格扭曲现状及原因,认为消除扭曲的最优方法是体制改革,对我国而言,减少政府干预,建立和完善农地非农配置市场是当务之急。  相似文献   

We examine empirically the predictability of conditions associated with a higher probability of a price spike in agricultural commodity markets. We find that the forward spread is the most significant indicator of probable price jumps in maize, wheat and soybeans futures markets, a result which is in line with the ‘Theory of Storage’. We additionally show that some option-implied variables add significant predictive power when added to the more standard information variable set. Overall, the estimated probabilities of large price increases from our probit models exhibit significant correlations with historical sudden market upheavals in agricultural markets.  相似文献   

国外农地转用价格的确定方法   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
研究目的:分析和介绍国外农地转用价格的确定方法,为中国农地转用价格的理论研究和实践提供借鉴.研究方法:文献资料法和比较分析法.研究结果:农地转用价格的确定方法可以分为三类,依据土地收益确定农地转用价格;依据对土地价格影响因素的量化分析确定农地转用价格;依据已有的经济学模型或经验公式确定农地转用价格、确定农地转用价格.研究结论:农地转用价格是土地价格的一种特殊形式,进行中国农地转用价格的研究具有重要的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made in this study to assess the market power of major Asian exporters in world rice market using standard oligopoly models. Quantity has been used as the strategic variable based on previous literature. Structural and reduced form approaches have been used. Results indicate that the major Asian rice exporters like Thailand, China, and India face a downward sloping demand curve whereas the United States does not appear to possess market power. However, the results are inconclusive about the precise market structure. The results, in the backdrop of the history of world rice markets, indicate a need for Asian exporters to rely more on trade than on domestic stocks in order to reduce the thinness of world rice market.  相似文献   

This article provides an introduction to the special feature on impact evaluation of agricultural projects in developing countries. The special feature is motivated by an increased interest in impact evaluation both within the economics profession and the development community. The article highlights methodological issues in conducting such evaluations and discusses the current literature that empirically assesses the effectiveness of agricultural projects. A synthesis of the articles presented in the special feature and their contribution to the literature are noted as well as conclusions on the next steps in evaluating agricultural projects in developing countries.  相似文献   

A price discrimination model is proposed to explain why firms provide extraneous information on Internet sites selling agricultural inputs. Whether an informative site is offered depends on price discrimination potential, which depends on how much farmers reveal heterogeneity by Internet behavior. Price discrimination is greater if information benefits are negatively correlated with farm size (or other characteristics), explaining why extraneous (not product-related) information is offered on Internet sales sites. Price discrimination adversely affects some farmers but may be beneficial on average because it generates free information. Outcomes depend on whether Internet users are aware of price differentials on the basis of clickstream information.  相似文献   

研究目的:以2004年8月31日和2005年5月1日为界,将北京市住宅用地市场分为三个阶段,从土地供应量、地价、竞租曲线、土地—资本替代弹性等方面分析土地供应规则的变化对住宅用地招拍挂出让市场的影响。研究方法:定性分析,土地竞租曲线和土地—资本替代弹性分析。研究结论:(1)经营性项目用地招拍挂供应的政策对住宅用地市场的影响胜于“熟地”供应政策;(2)土地竞租曲线的变化反映土地市场在经过较大波动之后正在适应新的土地供应规则;(3)土地—资本替代弹性分析显示北京市住宅用地的市场效率仍然偏低。  相似文献   

重复交易模型在土地价格指数编制中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究目的:探讨重复交易模型在土地价格指数编制中的应用。研究方法:理论建模和实证研究相结合。研究结果:用该模型编制出2003—2008年杭州住宅用地价格季度指数,拟合度较好且通过各项统计检验。研究结论:重复交易模型在土地价格指数编制中的应用具有良好的效果。  相似文献   

Bid prices for the demand and supply of water allocations between 2001 and 2007, and average monthly prices paid for water allocations from 1997 to 2007 in the Goulburn–Murray Irrigation District are analysed to estimate price elasticities. Based on bid prices, the price elasticity of demand for water allocations appears highly elastic, with elasticities strongly influenced by the season and drought. The price elasticity of supply for water allocations is also elastic, albeit less elastic than demand. Using actual prices paid, water demand is negatively related to price and is inelastic, and appears to be most influenced by demand the previous month, drought and seasonality factors.  相似文献   

研究目的:从全局和局部双重视角探究长三角地区地方政府差别化价格供地对工业绿色发展的影响效果和作用机制。研究方法:Super-SBM模型,面板Tobit回归模型,时空地理加权回归模型。研究结果:(1)2007—2019年长三角地区工业绿色发展效率呈稳步上升的态势,其空间分布格局由“中心低、四周高”演变为“东北高、西南低”。江浙沪工业绿色发展效率的线性变化趋势均为上升,且江苏的增幅要高于其他省份。(2)全局视角上,地方政府差别化价格供地对工业绿色发展具有正向促进作用,主要通过引导工业用地资源流向高技术绿色企业,实现选择优质企业、优化工业结构、优化制度环境,来推动工业绿色发展。(3)局部视角上,地方政府差别化价格供地对工业绿色发展的影响在苏中、浙西南、皖南表现正向作用,与全局视角一致;在苏北、皖北、皖中表现出Ⅰ型负向作用,这源于非预期的挡板效应;在苏南、浙东北、沪表现出Ⅱ型负向作用,这源于工业政策优惠弱化效应。研究结论:虽然全局视角显示整体影响效果为正,但是局部视角显示部分区域存在抑制作用,可通过改进地方产业发展导向来引导差别化价格供地政策进一步释放积极影响。  相似文献   

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