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The World Economic Forum has identified biodiversity loss as an increasingly significant and impactful risk facing business. However, businesses themselves can negatively impact on biodiversity. Recognizing this, a number of companies have developed their own biodiversity commitments, including those to achieve a no net loss (NNL) or net positive impact (NPI) on biodiversity by balancing or outweighing any negative impacts through mitigation activities. We reviewed corporate‐level NNL and NPI commitments over the last two decades to establish the extent of their adoption, retraction, and scientific foundation. Between 2001 and 2016, 66 companies had made NNL/NPI environmental commitments. Thirty three of these 66 companies made specific biodiversity commitments. The numbers of companies making commitments increased in that period. However, some commitments were retracted, or their status became unclear, leaving only 18 companies with active NNL/NPI biodiversity commitments in 2016. Added to this, many of the commitments are lacking science‐based criteria that would allow more transparent and systematic assessment of corporate activities. Thus, although commitments are being made, they may not be delivering as intended. To secure real biodiversity gains, we recommend advancing methods to assess biodiversity risks to businesses, and using science‐based criteria to deepen corporate commitments and actions. Concerted effort from all sectors is needed to halt and reverse biodiversity loss, and the “biodiversity policy super‐year” of 2020 is the perfect moment for business to deliver through well‐framed and implemented commitments to biodiversity NPI.  相似文献   

The present study was an empirical endeavor to explore the effect of nature‐based solutions (NBS) on the customer and employee loyalty generation process by considering the role of mental health and well‐being in the hotel industry. A quantitative approach was employed. A survey methodology with a convenience sampling technique was used to collect the data. A total of 303 responses and 301 responses for customer and employee groups, respectively, were used for data analysis. Our results of the structural analysis indicated that green indoor and outdoor environment as NBS helps customers and employees improve mental health perception, emotional well‐being, and loyalty. In addition, the prominent role of emotional well‐being in building customer loyalty and of mental health perception in building employee loyalty was uncovered. The developed conceptual frameworks for customers and employees contained a satisfactory ability in predicting loyalty. Mental health perception and emotional well‐being were mediators. Moreover, the relationship strength among study variables differed between customer and employee groups. Overall, our findings significantly increased our understanding of NBS and its critical role in the hotel industry.  相似文献   

张英辉  毛鹏  李苏慧 《价值工程》2011,30(22):156-157
随着世界经济的快速发展,软件产业发展己经成为衡量一个国家或区域综合实力的重要标志之一。我国软件产业在上世纪90年代末,在国家政策的鼓励与支持下,许多省份相继成立国家火炬计划软件产业基地,发展软件产业,顺应世界经济发展的需要。本文利用SPSS统计软件,采用因子分析法建立了我国软件产业竞争力评价模型,并针对最后的评价结果提出改进相关建议与意见。  相似文献   

本文基于2007—2012年中国2 408个区县样本的工业用地出让数据和工业企业数据,对城市工业用地配置过程中关键因素进行测度,并利用计量模型对其影响工业效率的作用路径加以验证。主要结论包括:(1)降低内生交易费用与外生交易费用,降低工业用地使用成本,提升城市工业用地配置市场化程度均能显著提升地区工业效率水平;(2)区县距城市中心距离对内生与外生交易费用、市场机制的作用均具有正向调节效应,对价格机制表现的集聚效应具有负向调节效应,并且在不同等级城市的效应不同;(3)开发区政策的实施对外生与内生交易费用的作用均具有负向调节效应。中国城市工业用地配置制度变革的核心在于发挥价格机制作用,政府在优化产权配置结构的同时,须注重优化工业用地的交易过程,从产权配置结构与产权交易结构两个方面保障工业效率最大化。  相似文献   

北京工业存在的主要问题是 :结构呈现“小、散、重”特点 ;产品结构不合理 ,缺乏竞争力 ;工业管理体制不适应市场经济体制的要求 ;技术改造投入偏少。在发展中 ,利用市场机制不足 ;缺少特色 ;未能从首都功能上考虑调整和发展问题 ;缺少具有核心能力的企业和企业集团 ;缺乏能驾驭市场风云的企业家队伍。北京发展工业具有丰富的人才优势、信息优势和市场区位优势。北京工业结构调整和产业提升 ,必须把重点放在传统产业的改造和提升与高新技术产业化方面 ,和对外与对内开放、所有制调整、其他产业发展相结合 ,突出长远发展战略指导和宏观规划 ,改革工业管理体制 ,加快转换企业经营机制 ,加强企业家队伍建设 ,培育有竞争力的企业和企业集团 ,探索新的调整和提升机制 ,加大投入。  相似文献   

海峡两岸的产业发展符合内生性产业发展规律。本文通过产业发展阶段、影响企业利润函数的关键因素和基于全球价值链动力机制的产业分类这三个维度相匹配,提出了拓展的内生性产业发展模型。在拓展的内生性产业发展模型基础上,从整体框架与具体平台两个层面解读两岸产业合作制度性框架,提出分阶段、分产业类型、分因素的两岸产业协调性政策及其调整路径。  相似文献   

房丽 《价值工程》2011,30(33):117-118
本文着眼于现代产业转移这一重要课题,从一般规律、经济动因、转移模式、转移效应、转移战略与对策五个方面进行了综合论述,为产业格局和产业结构当中产业承接方与产业转移方进行产业的科学评估和选择提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

赵维众 《价值工程》2011,30(6):68-68
本文重点介绍国际工业高空绳索技术,从国际工业高空绳索的发展,安全原理到其在海洋石油工业领域的广泛应用,并着重对比了高空绳索技术和常规脚手架作业的安全记录,分析了国际工业高空绳索技术在海洋石油行业的安全性和经济性等方面的优缺点,从而可以在不同条件下选择一种更加合适的高空作业方法。  相似文献   

本文通过全面调研切实了解湖南省产业技术创新战略联盟发展现状、做法与成效及存在问题,围绕"十三五"新时期湖南省产业发展需求,重新梳理了产业联盟发展定位,并结合湖南省"十三五"科技创新规划和长江经济带十大重点发展产业领域,布局形成了下一步推进产业联盟建设发展方向。最后,针对现阶段存在问题在政策层面给出了具体的对策建议。  相似文献   

审计的本质是审计本身所固有的属性,它反映的是审计的主要职能而不是全部职能.随着审计环境的改变,审计的职能在不断拓展.现代政府审计的本质是"经济监督",其职能是"经济监督、经济评价和经济鉴证".发挥"免疫系统"功能的实质是要求政府审计进一步发挥"防护、清除、修补"功能.审计职能的拓展要求重塑政府审计概念框架,并进一步确立与之相适应的政府审计责任.  相似文献   

Nature‐based solutions (NBS) are becoming increasingly crucial as NBS brings diverse health‐related benefits to travelers and workers in the tourism business sector. This research explored the influence of green atmospherics as NBS on airport occupants' mental health value, image, and loyalty generation processes. A quantitative approach with a field survey method was employed. A structural equation modeling and metric invariance test were used as data analysis technique. Our empirical result revealed that green atmospherics as NBS significantly improve the occupants' mental health value and image of the airport, and these variables contribute to their loyalty enhancement for the airport. The effect of green spaces and natural surroundings on loyalty was maximized through mental health value and image. In addition, the linkages from natural surroundings to mental health value and image were stronger in the visitor group whereas the mental health value—loyalty relation was stronger in the worker group.  相似文献   

根据当前国家政策,为了改变国内环境污染严重以及经济增长难以持续等问题,提出了节能减排,淘汰落后,升级换代等举措。国家政策的实质是调整我国钢铁行业的发展方向以内需为主而非出口导向型的发展模式,鼓励高附加值的钢铁产品生产。因此,钢结构凭借自身材料的优势,必将在以后的生产生活中占据更加重要的位置,而其在工业领域的应用和设计将是一个重要的工作。  相似文献   

张建宏 《价值工程》2013,(14):21-23
作者通过对产业经济产能过剩的研究,提出了产能过剩的判定方法,并在应对产能过剩方面提出应对办法,并对政府在应对产能过剩政策方面提出政府应在应对产能过剩中起主导作用,最后作者就产业经济方面提出新的见解。  相似文献   

乙二胺具有碱性和表面活性的特点,既溶于水,又溶于多种有机溶剂。文章综述了其性质及其应用,并对其广阔的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

介绍了组合式工业货架在国内外的发展概况和组合式工业货架的几种典型结构及其优缺点.分析了在我国发展组合式工业货架技术的主要途径  相似文献   

徐建中  毕琳 《物流科技》2005,28(3):97-99
城市化与产业发展的正相关关系,不仅为发展经济学所证明,而且为中国和世界的发展所证明。产业结构的变化是城市兴衰的决定性因素。对我国来说,重视城市化发展过程中的产业支撑,根据产业结构的演进实施不同的城市化发展模式,尤为重要。  相似文献   

Held under the banner of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation,the China-Africa Industrial Forum(CAIF)is committed to promoting development and cooperation between China and African countries.It aims to encourage rapid and sound economic development in China as well as African countries and boost exchanges and cooperation in politics,the economy,culture,science and technology,and tourism.  相似文献   

产业升级是经济发展的必然趋势,产业结构的不断调整会引起经济社会的一系列变化。文章综合过去近30年数据,研究了广西经济、产业的发展趋势,通过实证分析发现:广西的产业目前处于"三、二、一"结构,与标准结构相比,广西的第二产业所占比例明显偏低;与发达省份广东相比,广西的产业结构与劳动力结构存在严重的不匹配情况。  相似文献   

物流园区在地方经济发展中扮演着特殊经济区的部分或全部角色,国家的鼓励措施是地方政府发展物流园区的外在动力。发展物流园区是工业化和城市化的迫切需要,它可以提高区域综合功能,物流产业也通过提高企业的综合竞争力,促进产业集群的形成等途径带动关联产业和地方经济发展。物流园区具有公益性和经营性,并且现阶段经营性占主导,具有较大的开发价值。物流园区在发展过程中也要合理规划定位,避免借发展物流园区的名义圈占土地。  相似文献   

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