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This article provides a microfoundation for the rise in optimism that seems to precede market crashes. Small, young markets are more likely to experience stock‐price run‐ups and crashes. We use a Zeira–Rob type of model in which demand size is uncertain. Optimism then grows rationally if traders' prior distribution over market size has a decreasing hazard. Such prior beliefs are appropriate if most new markets are duds and only a few reach a large size. The crash occurs when capacity outstrips demand. As an illustration, for the period 1971–2001 we fit the model to the Telecom sector.  相似文献   

This paper utilizes data on subjective probabilities to study the impact of the stock market crash of 2008 on households' expectations about the returns on the stock market index. We use data from the Health and Retirement Study that was fielded in February 2008 through February 2009. The effect of the crash is identified from the date of the interview, which is shown to be exogenous to previous stock market expectations. We estimate the effect of the crash on the population average of expected returns, the population average of the uncertainty about returns (subjective standard deviation), and the cross-sectional heterogeneity in expected returns (disagreement). We show estimates from simple reduced-form regressions on probability answers as well as from a more structural model that focuses on the parameters of interest and separates survey noise from relevant heterogeneity. We find a temporary increase in the population average of expectations and uncertainty right after the crash. The effect on cross-sectional heterogeneity is more significant and longer lasting, which implies substantial long-term increase in disagreement. The increase in disagreement is larger among the stockholders, the more informed, and those with higher cognitive capacity, and disagreement co-moves with trading volume and volatility in the market.  相似文献   

This study uses two popular technical trading rules to assess whether the gradual liberalization of Taiwan's securities markets has improved the efficiency of its stock market. The results show that the two rules have considerable predictive power for 1983–1990, they become less predictive for 1991–1997, and they cannot predict the market for 1998–2005. These results indicate that the efficiency of Taiwan stock market has been greatly enhanced by the liberalization measures implemented over the last 20 years.  相似文献   

股市发展与收入分配状况的关系是金融理论界和业界广泛关注的问题之一。本文构造全球33个国家从1988年至2013年有关股市发展和收入分配不平等的面板数据,实证研究各国股市发展及自由化改革对其收入分配不平等程度的影响及内在机理。研究发现:首先,一国股市规模越大,由于门槛效应的存在,其收入分配状况趋于恶化,而流动性的提升将在一定程度上改善其收入分配状况。其次,一国股市的发展对不同收入阶层存在不同的影响。最后,股市自由化前后,股市对收入分配状况的影响存在显著差异:股市自由化之后,股市规模的扩大和股市流动性的提升将在一定程度上改善收入分配状况。  相似文献   

投资者情绪、市场波动与股市泡沫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国投资者情绪容易受到噪音交易者影响,其他类型交易者可利用噪音交易者的交易策略在博弈中获取超额利润,这为投机性泡沫的产生提供了微观基础。在市场波动机制中,投资者情绪与股价变化存在动态关系,股价泡沫存在内在持续性,引发市场正反馈效应,从而促成投机性泡沫的生成。  相似文献   

中国股市与世界其他股市之间的大风险溢出效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文分析了中国证券市场A股、B股和H股之间,中国股市与世界其他股票市场之间的极端风险的溢出效应.实证结果表明:A股与B股之间存在着强烈的风险溢出效应,B股大幅下跌的信息可用来预测未来A股大幅下跌的可能性;A股和H股之间,尤其是B股和H股之间也存在着强烈的风险溢出效应;B股,尤其是H股,与世界其他股市之间存在着显著的风险溢出效应;与此相反,A股虽然与韩国、新加坡股市之间存在着一定的风险溢出效应,但它与日本、美国和德国等世界主要股市之间不存在任何风险溢出效应.  相似文献   

本文构造了一个股票市场均衡模型来分析非流通股的存在对中国股票市场和上市公司的影响。我们发现非流通股的存在,使得股票市场价格发现机制扭曲,一方面使得股票价格不能真实地反映上市公司的经营绩效,另一方面使得流通股市场的股价波动与流通股比例密切相关。而且从我们的实证分析证实,非流通股比例越高,流通股市场的股价波动就越大,股票价格中含有的非流通股的放大作用越大,非流通股的存在也会影响经理人员的激励和报酬水平。  相似文献   

Many stock market analysts think that in 1929, at the time of the crash, stocks were overvalued. Irving Fisher argued just before the crash that fundamentals were strong and the stock market was undervalued. In this article, we use growth theory to estimate the fundamental value of corporate equity and compare it to actual stock valuations. Our estimate is based on values of productive corporate capital, both tangible and intangible, and tax rates on corporate income and distributions. The evidence strongly suggests that Fisher was right. Even at the 1929 peak, stocks were undervalued relative to the prediction of theory.  相似文献   

This paper examines the interplay between stock market returns and their volatility, focusing on the Asian and global financial crises of 1997–98 and 2008–09 for Australia, Singapore, the UK, and the US. We use a multivariate generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (MGARCH) model and weekly data (January 1992–June 2009). Based on the results obtained from the mean return equations, we could not find any significant impact on returns arising from the Asian crisis and more recent global financial crises across these four markets. However, both crises significantly increased the stock return volatilities across all of the four markets. Not surprisingly, it is also found that the US stock market is the most crucial market impacting on the volatilities of smaller economies such as Australia. Our results provide evidence of own and cross ARCH and GARCH effects among all four markets, suggesting the existence of significant volatility and cross volatility spillovers across all four markets. A high degree of time‐varying co‐volatility among these markets indicates that investors will be highly unlikely to benefit from diversifying their financial portfolio by acquiring stocks within these four countries only.  相似文献   

采用4个变化的口头双向拍卖模拟市场(2个先稳定后通胀,2个先通胀后稳定),本研究发现通胀市场中的预期与理性预期假设吻合良好,同时通货预期不受通胀率的影响。相反稳定市场不支持理性预期模型。结合Williams(1987)的研究结果,本研究提示市场设置是影响稳定市场和通胀市场表现差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

采用4个变化的口头双向拍卖模拟市场(2个先稳定后通胀,2个先通胀后稳定),本研究发现通胀市场中的预期与理性预期假设吻合良好,同时通货预期不受通胀率的影响.相反稳定市场不支持理性预期模型.结合Williams(1987)的研究结果,本研究提示市场设置是影响稳定市场和通胀市场表现差异的主要原因.  相似文献   

累积多年的股市矛盾和问题在2004年集中显露出来,导致危局凸现。2005年的股市走势取决于股票发行规模、资金供给状况、上市公司质量改进、市场监管、股票全流通等因素,存在着较大的不确定性。  相似文献   

《经济学季刊》2004年第3卷第3期第703—726页发表的洪永淼、成思危、刘艳辉、汪寿阳共同撰写的论文"中国股市与世界其他股市之间的大风险溢出效应"存在若干笔误,特作如下更正  相似文献   

In laboratory asset markets, subjects trade shares of a firm whose profits in a linked product market determine dividends. Treatments vary whether dividend information is revealed once per period or in real time and whether the firm is controlled by a profit‐maximizing robot or human subject. The latter variation induces uncertainty about firm behavior, bridging the gap between laboratory and field markets. Our data replicate well‐known features of laboratory asset markets (e.g., bubbles), suggesting these are robust to a market‐based dividend process. Compared to a sample of previous experiments, both real‐time information revelation and endogenous uncertainty impede the bubble‐mitigating impact of experience.  相似文献   

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