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改革开放以来,中国的股票市场走过了一个不平凡的发展道路。在股票市场起起落落的发展过程中,其作为融资的一个重要渠道在发挥着重要的作用。但中国股票市场的发展也存在一些问题,为此,应解决好股票指数变化带来的连带反映;提高金融监督效率;改革现行发行制度;解决资本市场结构单一的矛盾。  相似文献   

杨敏  周尚万 《改革与战略》2009,25(4):175-178
随着我国改革开放的深入发展,西方经济思想对我国改革开放的影响在逐步从经济领域蔓延到政治领域和社会思想领域。这一方面促进了我国经济理论和社会主义市场经济的发展,另一方面也带来了对社会主义价值观、世界观和共产主义的信仰危机。因此,我们应对西方经济思想有正确的认识,既要看到它是资产阶级上层建筑的一部分,是为资本主义制度和资产阶级服务的阶级本质,同时也应看到它是对资本主义市场经济运行经验总结,反映了市场经济运行的一些一般规律,对社会主义市场经济建设有借鉴意义。但是,我国不能照搬资本主义市场经济,更不能以西方经济思想作为我国改革开放的指导思想。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the formation of convergence clubs and examines the drivers of growth convergence in Africa by accounting for individual heterogenous effects and establishing transitional paths. We particularly employ the sophisticated log t test to identify underlying convergence clubs and use LSDVC as a benchmark model for analysing the drivers of convergence. We also apply the System Generalized method of moments (GMM) model for sensitivity purposes. Our results reveal four core convergence clubs; seemingly characterised by the measures of institutional stability with distinct transitional paths. We consequently highlight the importance of initial conditions, human capital and institutions in the formation of convergence clubs. Thus, the paper provides insights into the adoption of differentiated development policies consistent with the specific conditions of African countries with the integration agenda driven by accelerated levels of human capital development and technological progress.  相似文献   

黄国勤 《科技和产业》2009,9(9):19-26,79
对改革开放30年来我国农业发展取得的巨大成就和成功经验进行了简要回顾,在此基础上,结合国内外农业发展的新形势以及我国农业发展面临的问题,提出了我国未来农业发展的十大趋势,对推进新世纪、新阶段我国农业的又好又快发展具有积极参考价值。  相似文献   

新疆是我国对外开放的重要门户,改革开放以来,新疆在战略决策层面始终保持着融入世界的主流意识;在实践层面,一系列的战略转型和新定位使得其对外开放战略在驱动经济发展的进程中主要经历了三个阶段:在1970年代末-1980年代后期的起步阶段,利用口岸优势与优惠外资政策,突破封闭型经济,逐步形成“向西倾斜”的开放战略;在1980年代后期-2000年的战略营建和扩充阶段,“全方位开放,向西倾斜”与“内引外联,东联西出”的开放战略体系逐步形成;进入新世纪后,提升对外开放战略,优化对外开放政策,内外联动、互利共盈、安全高效的对外开放战略理念日益成熟,建成中国西部国际商贸中心的战略目标形成。  相似文献   

对外开放与经济增长:基于山东的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘泽   《华东经济管理》2011,25(1):47-50,58
文章依据1984-2009年的时间序列数据, 以外贸依存度、外资依存度为度量指标对山东省的对外开放度进行了测算,并基于协整检验、 误差修正模型和格兰杰检验对山东省对外开放与经济增长之间的关系进行了实证研究。结果表明,山东省对外开放度提高很快,但低于全国平均水平及其他沿海省份;长期而言,经济增长与外贸依存度存在稳定的协整关系,而与外资依存度不存在协整关系;短期来看,经济增长与外贸依存度存在双向因果关系, 进口对经济增长的促进作用显著大于出口。最后,提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

In this paper, the relationship between finance and growth is analysed in the context of an endogenous growth model with government regulation and intervention. Our theoretical model suggests that financial intermediaries can affect the process of economic growth in several ways. Using the recent Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) techniques, we test our model in a panel data set covering 29 Chinese provinces over the period of 1990–2001. Empirical results show that financial development and government deregulation in the financial sector significantly promote China's economic growth.  相似文献   

侯亮  郭灵 《科学决策》2010,(1):44-52
2003年我国正式启动了电力工业结构重组和市场竞争的改革。但是我国现阶段电力市场距离有效竞争的目标尚有不少差距,阻碍市场竞争的诸多因素仍有待消除。本文根据有效竞争的理论,从市场的静态效率和动态效率两个方面选取指标变量建立有效竞争的理论框架和评价体系,以此对我国电力行业市场竞争现状进行分析,并提出我国电力行业要实现有效竞争就必须从明确发电企业社会性责任、实施民间资本参与,以及建立促进市场有效竞争的规制政策这三方面进行改革。  相似文献   

This paper uses provincial panel data to examine club convergence in China during 1981–2004. We estimate the province‐specific initial technology level, A(0), and classify the Chinese economy into “developed club” and “underdeveloped club” based on the economic characteristics of A(0), instead of on geographical location. We find significant evidence of conditional convergence across provinces, and that the convergence speed in the developed club is faster than that in the underdeveloped club. We also find that: (i) human capital accumulation contributes more than physical capital does to club convergence; (ii) there is a positive correlation between infrastructure and growth convergence at the national level and within the developed club, while the spillover effect of infrastructure has not been developed in the developing club; and (iii) the effect of economic openness on convergence is tiny, and insignificant across and within clubs.  相似文献   

Increased trade openness and rapid market-oriented transformation have largely altered the patterns of wealth accumulation and wealth distribution in post-reform China. In the present paper, with the help of Chinese provincial level data over the period of 1986 to 2000, simultaneous equations estimation and generalized method of moment techniques are applied to investigate the relationship between trade and poverty in urban China. Empirical results suggest that China's trade liberalization helps to reduce urban poverty both directly and indirectly through its favorable impacts on economic growth.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the development of spatial concentration of various innovation activities in China from 2000 to 2015 by using a generalized Theil index based on a balanced provincial dataset. It tracks concentration development back to the developing heterogeneity within and between regions in general and the mega‐economic zones in particular. Results show that innovation activities tend to be distributed unequally across provinces in China, with more pronounced unequal distribution of innovation outcomes than innovation inputs. Over the research period, the innovation activities considered became more and more equally distributed across provinces. The between‐region inequality of innovation activities has, however, not yet significantly improved, despite the implementation of Chinese regional policies to encourage more equal regional development. Instead, more equal distribution of innovation activities within mega‐economic zones is observed.  相似文献   

文章基于1995-2012年的统计数据,选取仅包含加工贸易净出口的外贸依存度以及外资依存度来衡量江苏省的对外开放水平,对江苏省对外开放度与区域经济增长的关系进行实证研究,并基于苏南、苏中以及苏北数据进行差异分析。结果显示:调整后的外贸依存度与人均GDP无论是在整个江苏还是苏南、苏中以及苏北地区都具有较高的相关性;外资依存度与苏南地区人均GDP的相关性最高,但为负值,苏中地区两者的相关性最弱。整体而言,对外开放度对苏南、苏北地区经济增长产生正向影响,而苏中地区由于开放进程有所放缓,且外商投资绩效较低,对外开放对该区域经济增长的贡献相对较小。  相似文献   

After more than three decades of rapid growth, China's economy is going through an important turning point, where structural imbalances in both supply and demand sides must be addressed for a more moderate and sustainable growth path. By focusing on the structural changes to its ownership, a central element in China's economic transformation under market reform, the present paper highlights the importance of private entrepreneurship in deepening market reform and, thereby, in driving economic growth in a more efficient and sustainable way. Based on a perspective of resource allocation and a conceptual framework of entrepreneurship, the paper elaborates on the evolution of the private sector and its performance in the context of ownership reform, making comparisons with the performance of the state sector. The analysis suggests that there is further room for more productive use of economic resources, especially capital, land and natural resources, by increasing the participation of private entrepreneurs in industries with high entry barriers in favor of state‐owned enterprises. Moreover, more competitive and equal access to productive resources through reform is needed to promote more productive entrepreneurship and to reduce rent‐seeking activities.  相似文献   

Labor Market Reform, Income Inequality and Economic Growth in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The year 1996 was a turning point both in terms of Chinese labor market reform aria m China's economic growth pattern. Before 1996, labor market reform was mainly implemented through adjustment of people's occupation and income structure. Since 1996, employment restructuring has led to differentiation in terms of employment status. Labor market reform in the former stage resulted in slow growth in wages, whereas reform in the latter stage enhanced economic efficiency. Both stages have enabled the Chinese economy to apply its comparative advantage of low labor cost. Labor market reform has also increased income disparity and, therefore, new challenges are posed in sustaining economic growth. China needs to adjust its development strategies and introduce labor market reform that can improve income equality, so as to achieve sustainable economic development.  相似文献   

侯微 《乡镇经济》2009,25(10):4-7
改革开放至今,我国农地制度市场化改革经历了从农地所有权与使用权相分离,重塑农民为部分产权主体,到承包权与经营权相分离,实现土地流转,再到明确提出建立农地要素市场的目标,最后到以打造农地财产权为重点的农地制度改革来完善农地市场的四个阶段,形成了中国特色的农地制度市场化变革模式。  相似文献   

刘和东 《亚太经济》2012,(1):120-125
收集我国1998-2009年17个高新技术产业研发投入产出及相关影响因素的面板数据,应用随机前沿函数测度了其研发效率及影响因素。发现:1.未考虑效率影响因素时,中国高新技术产业研发效率较低;考虑影响因素后,短期和中期效率得到提升。2.政府支持对研发效率起促进作用,短期效应不明显,中长期效果显著。金融支持对研发效率起显著或不显著的抑制作用。其它因素在不同时期对研发效率有着不同程度的正负面影响。在此基础上提出了有效提升高新技术产业研发效率的政策建议。  相似文献   

We investigate a multi‐market Cournot model with strategic process research and development (R&D) investments wherein a multi‐market firm meets new competitors that enter one of the markets. We show that entry can enhance the total R&D expenditures of the multi‐market firm. Moreover, the incumbent's profit nonmonotonically changes as the number of entrants increases. Depending on the fixed entry costs and R&D technologies, both insufficient and excess entry can appear. Our results imply that diversification of their products can be a useful strategy for firms.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of openness on China's regional productivity growth. We build a model of technology diffusion in which follower economies achieve productivity growth by taking advantage of technology spillovers from the world technology frontier. We hypothesize that China's regional productivity growth is a positive function of regional openness and a negative function of the current level of regional productivity. Empirical analysis in this paper focuses on how openness affects productivity growth in the Chinese provinces. We examine two effects of openness on regional productivity growth in China: the direct growth effect and the convergence effect. By using a variety of panel data regression techniques, we show that the direct growth effect of openness is the main effect while the convergence effect is insignificant. The findings of this paper lend strong support to the claim that the opening-up of China promotes the country's economic growth.  相似文献   

Trade, technology spillovers, and food production in China   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Trade, Technology Spillovers, and Food Production in China. — This paper studies technology spillovers between China and other countries, international trade in inputs being the prime carrier of knowledge in agricultural production. Human capital characteristics and structural characteristics of the agricultural production sys-tems determine the local usability of foreign knowledge for Chinese farmers. The authors utilize a multi-region applied general equilibrium model to analyze Chinese opportunities to benefit from foreign technology improvements in grain production. It is shown that possible negative welfare effects of unilateral trade liberalization of China against North American imports of agricultural inputs may be more than compensated by productivity gains if technology spillovers are included.  相似文献   

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