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The creation of a common cross-border stock trading platform is found, by use of a Flexible Dynamic Component Correlations (FDCC) model, to have increased long-run trends in conditional correlations between foreign and domestic stock market returns.  相似文献   

Several methods have been developed for filtering seasonal influences and extreme returns in financial and economic time series. The theoretical support for these approaches is rather questionable since it focuses on the effects of shocks on prices and not on their sources. Removing such effects modifies the true generating system of market dynamics because of the non-proportional character of non-linearity. Thus, taking into account that the underlying process of economic time series is highly non-linear we cannot be certain a priori what the impact of new information will be on the dynamic structure of a system. The main contribution of this paper is to demonstrate using the methodology of simulations the eventual distortions in time series data arising from the arrival of news when agents follow non-linear trading strategies. We argue that if news can really modify the dynamical behaviour of a system, then the methodology of filtering exogenous distortions needs to be re-examined.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of unanticipated Australian monetary policy changes on AUD/USD exchange rate futures, and 3‐year and 10‐year Australian Treasury bond futures, during the period from January 1997 to April 2010. Our study contributes to the literature by using both the 30‐day and the 90‐day bank accepted bill (BAB) rates to disentangle the unexpected surprise component of monetary policy changes from overall cash rate target changes in the Australian money market, and by concurrently modelling the effects of monetary surprises and other key macroeconomic announcements in Australia. The empirical results suggest that the 30‐day BAB rate is the best proxy for the expected monetary policy actions. We find that the effect of monetary surprises on the volatility of the 3‐ and 10‐year bond future instruments is significant and persistent. We have also documented a strong monetary policy effect on the mean returns of the exchange rate futures, indicating that unexpected monetary policy adjustments have a significant impact on the level of the exchange rate movements rather than on the volatility of the FX futures market.  相似文献   

This exploratory paper is among the first to examine the impact of stock exchange mergers on informational market efficiency. We focus on the merger of Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa e Porto (Portuguese Stock Exchange) with Euronext in 2002 (that created Euronext Lisbon). To investigate this question we perform numerous statistical tests: serial correlation test (ACF test), runs test, unit root test (Kwiatkowski, Philips, Schmidt, & Shin, 1992), multiple variance ratio test (Chow & Denning, 1993) and ranks and signs test (Wright, 2000).The results indicate that the Portuguese Equity Market is inefficient in weak form during pre-merger period implying that investors possessed an opportunity to earn abnormal returns though small in magnitude. The results, sensitive to the methodology used, indicate a mixed evidence of improvement in market efficiency during the post-merger period. Although the findings are mixed, yet most tests show a tendency of improved efficiency.  相似文献   

We are concerned with the problem of spot volatility estimation in the presence of microstructure noise. We introduce an estimator based on the technique of multi‐step regularization. A preliminary form for such an estimator was proposed in Ogawa (2008) and was shown to work in a real‐time manner. However, the main drawback of this scheme is that it needs a lot of observation data. The aim of the present paper is to introduce an improvement to this scheme, such that the modified estimator can work more efficiently and with a data set of smaller size. The technical aspects of implementation of the proposed scheme and its performance on simulated data are analysed. The scheme is tested against other spot volatility estimators, namely a realized volatility type estimator, the Fourier estimator and three kernel estimators.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the predictive ability, both in-sample and the out-of-sample, for South African stock returns using a number of financial variables, based on monthly data with an in-sample period covering 1990:01 to 1996:12 and the out-of-sample period of 1997:01 to 2010:04. We use the t-statistic corresponding to the slope coefficient in a predictive regression model for in-sample predictions, while for the out-of-sample, the MSE-F and the ENC-NEW tests statistics with good power properties were utilised. To guard against data mining, a bootstrap procedure was employed for calculating the critical values of both the in-sample and out-of-sample test statistics. Furthermore, we use a procedure that combines in-sample general-to-specific model selection with out-of-sample tests of predictive ability to further analyse the predictive power of each financial variable. Our results show that, for the in-sample test statistic, only the stock returns for our major trading partners have predictive power at certain short and long run horizons. For the out-of-sample tests, the Treasury bill rate and the term spread together with the stock returns for our major trading partners show predictive power both at short and long run horizons. When accounting for data mining, the maximal out-of-sample test statistics become insignificant from 6-months onward suggesting that the evidence of the out-of-sample predictability at longer horizons is due to data mining. The general-to-specific model shows that valuation ratios contain very useful information that explains the behaviour of stock returns, despite their inability to predict stock return at any horizon. The model also highlights the role of multiple variables in predicting stock returns at medium- to long run horizons.  相似文献   

In this study we estimate and compare the realized range volatility, a novel efficient volatility estimator computed by summing high–low ranges for intra‐day intervals, to the recently popularized realized variance estimator obtained by summing squared intra‐day returns. Our results, derived from a Greek equity high‐frequency data set, show that realized range‐based measures improve upon the corresponding realized variance‐based ones in most cases, especially for the most actively traded stocks. The usefulness of high‐frequency data in measuring and forecasting financial volatility is apparent throughout the paper.  相似文献   

In this paper we extend the FMLS-based CUSUM cointegration test (Xiao and Phillips, 2002) for testing the smooth time-varying cointegration null hypothesis. For this purpose we use Chebyshev time polynomials to specify time-varying coefficients under the null. We derive the limiting distribution of the statistic, which is pivotal with the order of the Chebyshev time polynomials, and we provide the critical values to conduct the proposed test.  相似文献   

The Effect of Annual Earnings Announcements on the Chinese Stock Markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the annual earnings announcement effect of the stock markets in China. The investigation is based on events analysis and carried out by modeling the daily changes of stock returns using the M-EGARCH approach, by testing the news effects of annual earnings announcement on the conditional mean of abnormal return and the variance of the returns. It is found that a higher than expected earnings announcement leads to a rise in the conditional mean of stock returns on days before the news announcement and a fall afterwards. The conditional volatility of the changes are significantly reduced by bigger absolute values of reported earnings before the news announcement and increased afterwards, supporting the rejection of semi-strong-form efficiency.  相似文献   

In this article, we show that macroeconomic time series may contain unit and fractional roots at both, at zero and at zero and at the seasonal frequencies. The importance of the root at the long run or zero frequency requires in many cases to consider this root at both, separately in an independent polynomial, and also included in the seasonal one. Several Monte Carlo experiments are conducted to examine cases when the root at the zero frequency is not appropriately considered. An empirical application based on the tests of Robinson, Peter M. “Efficient Tests of Nonstationary Hypotheses,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 89, 1994, pp. 1420–37 is also carried out at the end of the article.The author gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Government of Navarra (“Ayudas de Formación e Investigación y Desarrollo”).  相似文献   

This paper applies the 0-1 test for chaos to returns from the German stock market, providing empirical evidence of chaotic structures in the returns of all DAX members. For noise reduction purposes, wavelet denoising is employed prior to the application of the 0-1 test.  相似文献   

In this paper we test for deterministic chaos in seven East European black market exchange rates, using Koedijk and Kool's (1992, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 10, 83-96) monthly data from January 1955 through May 1990. In doing so we use three (non-parametric) inference methods, the BDS (Brocket al., 1996, Econometric Reviews, 15, 197-235) test for whiteness, the Lyapunov exponent estimator of Nychkaet al.(1992, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 12, 135-136) as well as the Lyapunov exponent estimator of Gencay and Dechert (1992, Physica D, 59, 142-157). We find some consistency in inference across methods, and we conclude, based on the Nychkaet al.(1992) estimator, that there is evidence consistent with a chaotic non-linear generation process in only two out of seven series.  相似文献   

资本配置、管理激励与内部资本市场效率   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过构造了一个多分部企业内部跨期资本配置模型,本文考察了内部资本市场的管理激励和配置效率问题,这是对企业内部资本市场配置效率研究的一个综合和扩展。本文的模型把内部资本市场“有效率论”和“无效率论”结合到一起,分析表明,在通过内部资本市场重新配置资本并能诱使两个经理努力工作的情况下,内部资本市场的效率可能高于、低于或等于两个单分部企业组合的效率,而不只是其中的某一种结果。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the presence of the moral hazard phenomenon in the Korean car insurance market. In the context of natural experiment, I examine whether the regulatory reform introduced in 2000 generates significant difference in accident probability between before and after the reform. Further, I analyse the different effects of regulatory reform on different parts of the outcome distribution. In any case, I do not find the significant effects of regulatory reform on accident probability.  相似文献   

Why do people choose bank deposit contracts over a direct participation in asset markets? In their seminal paper, Diamond and Dybvig’s (1983) answer this question by claiming that bank deposit contracts can implement allocations that are welfare superior to asset markets equilibria. The present paper demonstrates that this claim is false whenever the asset market participants are highly rational.  相似文献   

We analyze bidding behavior in large discriminatory-price auctions in a common value setting where the number of objects is a non-trivial proportion of the number of bidders. We show that the average price paid in the auction is biased downward from the expected value of the objects, even in the competitive limit. We show that conditional on a signal that falls below a threshold, a bidder bids no more than the expected value of an object conditional on the signal and winning; while conditional on any signal that lies above the threshold the bid is strictly lower than the expected value conditional on the signal and winning.  相似文献   

We show that the (Baillie and Chung, 2001) minimum distance estimates of the GARCH (1,1) model induce spurious persistence in the volatility when there are structural changes in the mean of the process.  相似文献   

On the Efficiency of Competitive Markets for Emission Permits   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
It is typical for economists andpolicy makers alike to presume that competitivemarkets allocate emission permits efficiently.This paper demonstrates that competition in theemission permits market cannot assureefficiency when the product market isoligopolistic. We provide the conditions underwhich a bureaucratic mechanism is welfaresuperior to a tradeable emission permitssystem. Price-taking behaviour in the permitsmarket ensures transfer of licenses to the lessefficient in abatement firms, which then becomemore aggressive in the product market,acquiring additional permits. As a result, theless efficient firms end up with a higher thanthe welfare maximizing share of emissionpermits. If the less efficient in abatementfirms are also less efficient in production,competitive trading of permits may result inlower output and welfare.  相似文献   

This paper provides an insight into the level of economic and monetary integration in Europe by analysing the degree of growth cycle synchronisation between seven European countries over the past thirty years. Two univariate trend-cycle decomposition methodologies, the Beveridge–Nelson (BN) decomposition and Harvey and Trimbur [Harvey, A.C. & Trimbur, T.M. (2003) “General Model-Based Filters for Extracting Cycles and Trends in Economic Time Series”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 85(2), 244–255.]'s unobserved component model, together with a multivariate extension of the BN decomposition incorporating trend and cycle restrictions, are used to identify the trend and cyclical components from real GDP for each of the seven countries. The cycles extracted from the two univariate approaches vary significantly in both cycle period and amplitude. The average correlation calculated from the BN cycles are also smaller than the corresponding correlation estimated using cycles extracted from the unobserved component model. This confirms the argument in Canova [Canova, F. (1998) “Detrending and Business Cycle Facts”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 41(3), 475–512.] that the use of different trend-cycle decomposition methodologies may influence the results obtained. The results produced from the multivariate model indicate the presence of common features in the data. This may reflect the coordinated and common monetary and fiscal policies that these countries have shared over the sample period. However, the finding of codependent and heterogeneous growth cycles raises concerns about the operation of the European Monetary Union (EMU), as it implies that members may face significant stabilisation costs.  相似文献   

Price of a financial derivative with unilateral counterparty credit risk equals to the price of an otherwise risk-free derivative minus a credit value adjustment (CVA) component, which can be seen as a call option on investor's NPV with strike 0. Thus modeling volatility of NPV is the foundation for CVA valuation. This paper assumes that default times of counterparty and reference firm follow a special contagion model with stochastic pre-intensities that allows for explicit formulas for default probabilities. Stochastic interest rate is also incorporated to account for positive correlation between pre-intensity and interest. Survival measure approach is employed to calculate NPV of a risk-free CDS, and semi-analytical solution for CVA is obtained through affine specifications. Numerical analysis shows that contagion has more significant impact on CVA than diffusion of pre-intensities, and the positive correlation between interest and reference firm's pre-intensity has monotonic decreasing impact on CVA.  相似文献   

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