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北京燕京啤酒股份有限公司1980年建厂,1993年组建集团,1997年完成股份制改造。2008年啤酒产销量422万千升,进入世界啤酒产销量前十名,销售收入112.19亿元,实现利税23.43亿元、实现利润6.42亿元。现拥有控股子公司(厂)29个,其中啤酒生产企业21个,相关和附属产品企业  相似文献   

舒雄 《广告导报》2005,(6):40-41
在目前的国内市场,啤酒绝对是竞争最激烈的行业之一,它已经步入资本时代。在青岛、燕京、华润三大啤酒集团的打压下,众多地方诸侯纷纷倒闭或被兼并。例外的是,以广东为根据地的珠江啤酒集团在啤酒行业近乎“肉搏”的竞争环境中,却实现了较大的发展。2004年,珠江啤酒集团产销总量106万吨(1998年的总销量还不足50万吨),创利税8亿元,  相似文献   

<正> 河南仰韶集团是一个拥有2.5亿元固定资产,下辖8个成员企业的国家大型企业集团,曾先后荣获中国明星企业、河南省文明单位、河南省实现税利百强企业、河南省经济效益百佳企业、全国五一劳动奖状等20多项荣誉。在近两年全国白酒行业竞争激烈、经营困难的情况下,该企业始终保持着较快的发展速度。1998年l~11月该集团共实现税利1.2亿元,同比增长了40.5%,居全省同行业第一位;产销量居全省同行业第一位,居全国同行业第五位。 仰韶集团之所以能全面快速发展,是基于他们坚持了“质量是生命,市场是龙头,效益是中心”的经营方针,确立了“科技兴企,质量创优,名牌兴企,管理创新”的发展战略。  相似文献   

郑阳  王单 《广告导报》2006,(4):56-57
自从2005年8月推广“打开珠江啤酒,打开真感受”推广以来,销售效果同比增长20%。纵观2005年.真是珠江啤酒的收获年,产量、销量均突破122万吨.同比增长约15%,实现利税总额接近9亿元,实现利润首次突破3亿元。2005年珠江啤酒名利双收,得益于珠江人的品牌开拓精神。  相似文献   

<正> 浙江仙都啤酒发展公司在激烈的市场竞争中,实施“名牌、规模、市场”三大战略,企业显示出旺盛的生命力,1997年生产啤酒3.58万吨,销售3.56万吨,实现销售收入5368.7万元,实现利税1328.08万元,同比分别增长了16%、15%、10.6%和32%,产销量在全省同行业排名第九位。仙都公司被评为全国供销社系统工业百强企业,被浙江省政府评为“省级文明单位”。  相似文献   

北京燕京啤酒集团公司组建于1993年,其核心企业是于1980年建厂的北京市燕京啤酒厂。起步时该厂投资640万元,建成年产1万吨的小型啤酒厂,当时燕京在全国几百家啤酒企业中名不见经传。经过19年的努力,燕京目前已发展成为拥有总资产35亿元、年生产能力为90万吨的全国最大的啤酒企业集团。从1995年开始,燕京产品连续四年在全国啤酒行业保持产销量第一;1996年被国家经贸委列入国家  相似文献   

据不完全统计,我国每年消费540亿升啤酒,人均啤酒消费量36公升,啤酒市场规模达到4500亿元,是全球最大的啤酒消费国之一。从2014年开始,啤酒年产量逐年下滑,全国规模以上啤酒企业累计产量4900万千升。到2019年,累计产量下滑到3700万千升,降幅达24.5%。其中,兰州黄河啤酒销售收入的下滑速度更远高于全国行业平均水平。在其两大核心市场中,甘肃省内市场实现营业收入1.17亿元,同比降低26%,青海省下降约18%。省外市场实现营收3600万元,同比降低了54%。  相似文献   

<正> 企业简介企业性质:股份制企业资产总值:1.29亿元职工总数:500人占地面积:14万平方米生产能力:50000吨/年啤酒主要产品:三禾啤酒、杏花村啤酒、杏花村牧笛系列白酒经济效益:年产值1亿多元,年利税1000万元  相似文献   

邓新  高江伟 《中国品牌》2010,(12):126-126
燕京啤酒于1980年建厂,现已发展成为拥有总资产150亿元的全国大型啤酒企业集团,并进入世界啤酒产销量前列。目前,燕京啤酒集团公司拥有啤酒生产企业39家、啤酒原料生产基地2家、相关附属产品企业7家,其中燕京总部已成为亚洲最大的啤酒生产基地。集团公司连年进入中国行业百强,在同行业中率先通过了ISO9002质量管理体系、ISO14001环境管理体系和HACCP食品安全控制体系认证,  相似文献   

建兵 《商界名家》2006,(5):36-38
外资啤酒的攻势如潮。2006年1月.世界第一大啤酒集团比利时英博啤酒以超过58亿成功收购净资产5亿的福建雪津啤酒.除此之外.英博还收购了珠江啤酒25.31%股权。浙江KK、马来西亚金狮集团在中国的啤酒业务等。  相似文献   

Before a new financial architecture can be established in the wake of the financial crisis, the increasing importance of the global financial market channel must be fully understood. This importance was illustrated by the unexpectedly strong dampening effects of the financial crisis on the real economy and by the worldwide contagion of the crisis, including its spreading to emerging market economies that were macroeconomically stable. This article argues that the financial sphere is gaining in importance over the real sphere and that the impact of global financial determinants on economic activity is growing ever stronger. The keys to dealing with this change are greater transparency, stronger incentive structures and a stronger regulatory and supervisory framework.  相似文献   

CheMatch是化工行业第三方网站中颇具代表性的一家.它是全球最大的石化在线交易市场之一.CheMatch.com是由8家战略投资者共同设立的,包括杜邦、拜耳和通用塑料三家化工行业巨头,大型船运公司和其他风险投资商.  相似文献   

Common market     

Common market     

Common market     

《中国市场》杂志是1994年由原国家计委、国家经贸委等国务院16个部委联合创办的综合性经济类学术刊物。本刊致力于中国经济理论与实践的研究,探索中国经济发展的解决方案,引领中国经济改革方向,研究区域经济和城乡统筹发展,推动营销理念与模式创新,传播物流及供应链科技成果与智慧结晶,力求多角度多方位探究中国经济中长期发展战略的相关问题。本刊为中国人文社会科学引文数据库来源期刊、RCCSE中国核心学术期刊,所录稿件均被CNKI中国期刊全文数据库、中国学术期刊综合评价数据库、中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库、万方数据--数字化期刊群、中文科技期刊等国家级数据库收录。  相似文献   

The relative importance of credit market development and stock market development in boosting innovation remains a long-standing debate issue. In this study, we document how different types of financial markets development affect heterogeneous innovations. Using a broad sample across 42 developed and emerging economies and a generalized difference-in-differences identification strategy, we find that stock market development leads to significantly higher substantive innovation, especially in young and small firms, but has negative impact on incremental innovation. Conversely, credit market development promotes incremental innovation, especially in mature and large firms, but has negative impact on substantive innovation. Further analyses indicate that stronger shareholder protection enhances the positive impact of stock market on substantive innovation, while stronger creditor rights enhance the promoting effect of credit market on incremental innovation, and even turn the negative impact of credit market on substantive innovation into positive. Our paper provides new insights into the heterogeneous effects of credit market and equity markets on the real economy.  相似文献   

The paper examines the informational content of market data for long-term horizons in models, which predict bank failure. Univariate results document patterns such as declining prices, negative returns, declining dividends, and rising return volatility, up to 4 years before failure. Multivariate analysis shows that market information improves the failure predictive content of traditional models, which are based on accounting data. Out-of-sample predictions show that the use of stock market data does improve the forecast of bank failure. Furthermore, the persistence of this contribution generally increases with greater distances from the date of failure documenting the forward-looking nature of financial markets.  相似文献   

This paper examines the evolution of market structure in emerging markets banking systems during the 1990s. While a significant process of bank consolidation has been taking place in these countries, reflected in a sharp decline in the number of banks, this process has not systematically been associated with increased concentration as measured by standard indices. Moreover, econometric estimates based on the Panzar and Rosse (1987) methodology suggest that overall, markets have not become less competitive in a sample of eight European and Latin American countries. Lowering barriers to entry, such as allowing increased participation of foreign banks, appears to have prevented a decline in competitive pressures associated with consolidation.  相似文献   

One key strategic decision in a firm's internationalization process is the international market selection (IMS). IMS must match the firm's own-specific resources and capabilities for optimal performance. This research, drawing on the resource-based view, investigates how a firm's market orientation (MO) resources and capabilities influence the firm's IMS between culturally close and distant markets and how the matching of MO and IMS impacts on its international performance. We hypothesize that market-oriented firms tend to choose culturally distant markets that help them exploit their MO. Firms with a fit between MO and IMS tend to perform better internationally than those without such a fit. Both hypotheses are supported by our database of Chinese manufacturing firms expanding internationally.  相似文献   

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