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We propose a reasonable condition, which we call repetitive risk aversion (RRA), to be imposed on any utility function to account for the observed data on the relationship between the degree of absolute risk aversion and wealth. We deduce this condition from the concept of the fear of ruin (Aumann and Kurz 1977) and show it to be equivalent to the behaviorally meaningful condition that the risk premium is increasing at a non-increasing rate with the size of the bet. We drive mixed risk aversion, which is known to be stronger than standard and thus proper risk aversion, from RRA. We present several economic applications of RRA to demonstrate that it delivers better comparative static results.I am thankful to Jacques Drèze and Louis Eeckhoudt for their comments. I greatly appreciate the comments of an anonymous reviewer of this journal which have resulted in substantial improvement to both the content and presentation of the paper. An earlier version of this paper was presented at seminars at Brown, CORE, Hopkins, HKUST, Yale, and IMS  相似文献   

This paper investigates how real estate wealth affects the household’s attitude toward risk, and derives the closed-form expressions for risk aversion with generalized recursive preferences. We find three channels through which real estate wealth affects risk aversion, and these channels are absent in the traditional measure of relative risk aversion as in Arrow (1965) and Pratt (1964). First, illiquidity and fluctuations in real estate value increase consumption risk, thereby increasing risk aversion. Second, real estate as an asset provides a cushion for absorbing negative shocks to households, reducing risk aversion. Third, an increase in real estate prices lowers the profit of the firm that uses real estate as a factor of production, induces a decline in the real wage, and causes a rise in consumption risk. This channel increases risk aversion. We study how these channels as a whole determine relative risk aversion using a basic real business cycle model with generalized recursive preferences and compare the results with the case of expected utility preferences. Finally, we explore the implications of the firm’s and the household’s real estate holdings and illiquidity of real estate on the risk premiums for equity and real estate.  相似文献   

Summary. Following the seminal works of Schmeidler (1989), Gilboa and Schmeidler (1989), roughly put, an agents subjective beliefs are said to be ambiguous if the beliefs may not be represented by a unique probability distribution, in the standard Bayesian fashion, but instead by a set of probabilities. An ambiguity averse decision maker evaluates an act by the minimum expected value that may be associated with it. In spite of wide and long-standing support among economists for indexation of loan contracts there has been relatively little use of indexation, except in situations of extremely high inflation. The object of this paper is to provide a (theoretical) explanation for this puzzling phenomenon based on the hypothesis that economic agents are ambiguity averse. The paper considers a general equilibrium model based on Magill and Quinzii (1997) with ambiguity averse agents, where both nominal and indexed bond contracts are available for trade and all relevant prices are determined endogenously. We obtain conditions which prompt an endogenous cessation of trade in indexed bonds: i.e., conditions under which there is no trade in indexed bonds in any equilibrium; only nominal bonds are traded.Received: 7 April 2003, Revised: 8 March 2004, JEL Classification Numbers: D81, E31, D52, E44.Correspondence to: Sujoy MukerjiWe thank seminar members at Birkbeck, Oxford, Paris I, Southampton and Tel Aviv, the audience at the 00 European Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory, and especially, E.Dekel, I. Gilboa, D. Schmeidler and A. Pauzner for helpful comments. The first author acknowledges financial assistance from an Economic and Social Research Council of U.K. Research Fellowship (# R000 27 1065). The second author thanks financial support from the French Ministry of Research (Action Concertée Incitative).  相似文献   

Parametric characterizations of risk aversion and prudence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. Our first main result says that whether one decision maker is more risk averse than another can be determined from their attitudes toward a given two-parameter family of risks. When all risks belong to this family, risk aversion can be compared even when initial wealth is random. Our second main result solves a long-standing problem in mean-variance analysis: what is the interpretation of the concavity of utility as a function of mean and variance? We show that in the case of normal distributions, this utility function is concave if and only if the agent has decreasing prudence. Received: July 29, 1996; revised: October 2, 1998  相似文献   

Summary. This paper studies monotone risk aversion, the aversion to monotone, mean-preserving increase in risk (Quiggin [21]), in the Rank Dependent Expected Utility (RDEU) model. This model replaces expected utility by another functional, characterized by two functions, a utility function u in conjunction with a probability-perception function f. Monotone mean-preserving increases in risk are closely related to the notion of comparative dispersion introduced by Bickel and Lehmann [3,4] in Non-parametric Statistics. We present a characterization of the pairs (u,f) of monotone risk averse decision makers, based on an index of greediness G u of the utility function u and an index of pessimism P f of the probability perception function f: the decision maker is monotone risk averse if and only if . The index of greediness (non-concavity) of u is the supremum of taken over . The index of pessimism of f is the infimum of taken over 0 < v < 1. Thus, , with G u = 1 iff u is concave. If then , i.e., f is majorized by the identity function. Since P f = 1 for Expected Utility maximizers, forces u to be concave in this case; thus, the characterization of risk aversion as is a direct generalization from EU to RDEU. A novel element is that concavity of u is not necessary. In fact, u must be concave only if P f = 1.Received: 10 April 2001, Revised: 18 November 2003, JEL Classification Numbers: D81. Correspondence to: Michéle CohenAlain Chateauneuf, Michéle Cohen, Isaac Meilijson: We are most grateful to Mark Machina, Peter Wakker and two anonymous referees for very helpful suggestions and comments.  相似文献   

The familiar measures of absolute and relative risk aversion constructed by Pratt and Arrow, along with the measures of absolute and relative prudence inspired by Leland and later developed by Kimball, are local instruments based on the first and second derivatives of utility at a specific level of wealth. As such, they are applicable only to infinitesimal risks—those for which differential calculus is a suitable analytical tool. Consequently, they may not accurately gauge preferences regarding the larger risks typically encountered in practice. To address this problem, the present paper develops more general, closed-form index measures of risk aversion and prudence that are applicable to either large or small risks. The new measures are exact in that they do not rely on approximations, they can be implemented empirically without knowledge of the functional form of utility, and they do not require information regarding pre-existing wealth.  相似文献   

Summary. In order to analyse the effect of ambiguity and uncertainty aversion on equilibrium welfare, a two period, pure exchange one good economy is considered. Agents are Choquet-expected-utility maximizers with same convex capacity and strictly concave utility index. It is proven that equilibrium is indeterminate whenever several probabilities in the core of the capacity minimize the expected value of aggregate endowment and not all agents have same expected endowments under those probabilities. It is further shown that small changes in aggregate endowment may have drastic welfare implications. A more general model is considered in the case of no aggregate uncertainty: agents have a set of priors and are uncertainty averse as modelled by Gilboa-Schmeidler [1989]. In the case of complete markets, it is shown that assets have a spread of equilibrium prices similar to the spread of no-arbitrage prices compatible with absence of arbitrage in markets with imperfections.Received: 2 June 2000, Revised: 27 March 2003, JEL Classification Numbers: D46, D59,D60, G12.I have benefited from conversations with L. Epstein, F. Magnien and J. M. Tallon.  相似文献   

Summary. This note provides an alternative proof for the equivalence of decreasing absolute prudence (DAP) in the expected utility framework and in a two-parametric approach where utility is a function of the mean and the standard deviation. In addition, we elucidate that the equivalence of DAP and the concavity of utility as a function of mean and variance, which was shown to hold for normally distributed stochastics in Lajeri and Nielsen [4], cannot be generalized. Received: November 27, 2000; revised version: November 26, 2001 Correspondence to: T. Eichner  相似文献   

Summary. This paper defines decreasing absolute risk aversion in purely behavioral terms without any assumption of differentiability and shows that a strictly increasing and risk averse utility function with decreasing absolute risk aversion is necessarily differentiable with an absolutely continuous derivative. A risk averse utility function has decreasing absolute risk aversion if and only if it has a decreasing absolute risk aversion density, and if and only if the cumulative absolute risk aversion function is increasing and concave. This leads to a characterization of all such utility functions. Analogues of these results also hold for increasing absolute and for increasing and decreasing relative risk aversion.Received: 31 January 2003, Revised: 15 January 2004, JEL Classification Numbers: D81.The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author in his individual capacity and should not in any way be attributed to Morgan Stanley or to Lars Tyge Nielsen as a representative, officer, or employee of Morgan Stanley.  相似文献   

We show that range convexity of beliefs, a `technical' condition that appears naturally in axiomatizations of preferences in a Savage-like framework, imposes some unexpected restrictions when modelling ambiguity averse preferences. That is, when it is added to a mild condition, range convexity makes the preferences collapse to subjective expected utility as soon as they satisfy structural conditions that are typically used to characterize ambiguity aversion. Received: February 25, 2000; revised version: April 17, 2000  相似文献   

Summary.   This paper proposes a preference-based condition for stochastic independence of a randomizing device in a product state space. This condition is applied to investigate some classes of preferences that allow for both independent randomization and uncertainty or ambiguity aversion (a la Ellsberg). For example, when imposed on Choquet Expected Utility (CEU) preferences in a Savage framework displaying uncertainty aversion in the spirit of Schmeidler [27], it results in a collapse to Expected Utility (EU). This shows that CEU preferences that are uncertainty averse in the sense of Schmeidler should not be used in settings where independent randomization is to be allowed. In contrast, Maxmin EU with multiple priors preferences continue to allow for a very wide variety of uncertainty averse preferences when stochastic independence is imposed. Additionally, these points are used to reexamine some recent arguments against preference for randomization with uncertainty averse preferences. In particular, these arguments are shown to rely on preferences that do not treat randomization as a stochastically independent event. Received: February 10, 2000; revised version: March 30, 2000  相似文献   

An agent's acceptance set consists of the probability distributions preferred to the status quo. One agent is more risk averse than another if the more risk averse agent's acceptance set is a proper subset of the less risk averse agent's acceptance set. An agent's odds premium expresses the odds in favor of winning the largest cash prize in a lottery over the best and worst alternatives that is indifferent to the the agent's initial wealth. Comparisons of two agents odds premia completely characterizes the risk aversion relations between them when facing lotteries in a probability triangle. The result applies to expected utility and some non-expected utility theories. Received: December 30, 1998; revised version: February 10, 1999  相似文献   

This article examines relative risk aversion in the framework of a three-moment asset pricing model that accounts for skewness. Accounting for skewness in calculating risk aversion gives a more accurate series of estimates of risk aversion and helps to reconcile the wide disparity in risk coefficients found in past literature. Risk aversion coefficients are calculated from 1926 to 2014 using stock market returns. This procedure results in a time series of data that can be related to other variables such as real interest rates and changes in demand for various asset classes.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes risk aversion when outcomes/consequences may not be measurable in monetary terms and people have fuzzy preferences over lotteries, i.e. they choose in a probabilistic manner. The paper shows that comparative risk aversion is well defined in a constant error/tremble model but not in a strong utility model.  相似文献   

Summary. In their seminal paper on the principal-agent model with moral hazard, Grossman and Hart (1983) show that if the agent's utility function is , then the loss to the principal from being unable to observe the agent's action is increasing in the agent's degree of absolute risk aversion. Their proof is restricted to the case where the number of observable outcomes is equal to two, and it uses an argument that is specific to that case. In this note, we provide an alternative proof that generalizes their result to any (finite) number of outcomes. Received: March 21, 2001; revised version: June 21, 2001  相似文献   

Summary. Using the Savage set up, this paper provides a simple axiomatization of the Choquet Expected Utility model where the capacity is an inner measure. Two attractive features of the model are its specificity and the transparency of its axioms. The key axiom states that the decision-maker uses unambiguous acts to approximate ambiguous ones. In addition, the notion of ‘ambiguity’ is subjective and derived from preferences. Received: March 23, 2000; revised version: April 24, 2001  相似文献   

Jan Werner 《Economic Theory》2009,41(2):231-246
When uncertainty is associated with some intrinsically relevant states of nature, there is no reason for an agent to base his or her preferences only on probability distribution of claims. We propose a new concept of risk for state-contingent claims that, unlike the standard concept of Rothschild–Stiglitz, does not identify state-contingent claims with their probability distribution. This concept is called mean-independent risk, and we provide a simple characterization in terms of marginal utilities of (non-expected) utility functions that exhibit aversion to mean-independent risk. We study implications of aversion to mean-independent risk on agents’ choices under uncertainty. This research has been supported by the NSF under Grant SES-0099206. I have benefited from numerous conversations with Rose-Anne Dana and illuminating discussions with Tadeusz Miłosz about the theory of subgradients.  相似文献   

For any random vector of wealth payoffs , let the random variable be mutually independent of and with . The basic question we address in this paper is the following: When can we say that is preferred by an expected-utility maximizer to whenever is preferred to ? In other words, when can we guarantee that the addition of an arbitrary independent background noise will not affect the preference ranking between other risks?  相似文献   

This paper determines the precise connection between the curvature properties of an objective function and the ray-curvature properties of its dual. When the objective function is interpreted as a Bernoulli or cardinal utility function, our results characterize the relationship between an agent’s attitude towards income risks and her attitude towards risks in the underlying consumption space. We obtain these results by developing and applying a number of representation theorems for concave functions.The work of Juan E. Martínez-Legaz has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology and the FEDER, project BEC2002-00642, and by the Departament d’Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la Informació, Direcció General de Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya, project 2001SGR-00162. He also thanks the Barcelona Economics Program of CREA for its support. John Quah would like to acknowledge with gratitude the financial support of the ESRC (grant number R000271171). He would also like to thank the Department of Economics at UC Berkeley, whose hospitality he enjoyed while completing this project. Both authors would like to thank Simon Cowan for pointing the way to some important references. They are also very grateful to the referee whose insightful suggestions led to a much improved paper  相似文献   

Hammond (J Econ Theory 11, 465–467, 1975), Meyer (J Econ Theory 11, 119–132, 1975), and Lambert (The distribution and redistribution of income Manchester University Press, Manchester, 2001) provide the formal result connecting leximin and the idea of extreme inequality aversion for social preferences of the expected utility type. Using an analogous approach, we show that for social preferences not necessarily satisfying the separability axiom that underlies expected utility theory, the case of extreme inequality aversion is covered by the class of weakly maximin social preferences—i.e., the class of social preferences that give priority to the worst off in all cases in which the worst off is not indifferent. I wish to thank Bart Capéau, Frank Cowell, Peter Lambert, Luc Lauwers, Erik Schokkaert, Frans Spinnewyn, and Bertil Tungodden for valuable comments. Remaining shortcomings are mine. Financial support from the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (grant G.0005.04) and the Interuniversity Attraction Poles network funded by the Federal Public Planning Service, Belgian Science Policy (grant P5/21-A) is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

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