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社会经济发展中,PPP项目有较长的生命周期、资金需求量大且投资回报率不高,证券化产品的发性,能够为资本退出拓宽渠道,减小融资成本,提高私人部门参与积极性。尽管发行的证券化产品融资优势明显,但对PPP项目资产证券化依然存在制约发展的因素。一方面,项目资产周期长不符合证券化产品设计;另一方面,破产隔离效果差强人意。所以,实践中要重视证券化产品设计及合理定价,充分发挥证券化融资优势。基于此,针对PPP资产证券化问题与对策相关知识,本文进行了简单的论述。  相似文献   

资产证券化和供应链融资是两项重要的金融创新。针对中小企业融资难问题,提出了基于供应链的中小企业信贷资产证券化产品设计模式,即借助供应链上集成的大批优质中小企业,利用供应链融资模式所特有的对中小企业信用提升能力,提高证券化产品的评级,为重新开闸的资产证券化项目提供切实可行的产品设计方案。  相似文献   

国内地方政府融资平台在经历爆炸式发展的同时,对促进国民经济发展功不可没,但也遗留了沉重的债务包袱,"高负债、政策紧、融资难"的困局迫切需要引入资产证券化工具突围。地方政府融资平台资产证券化具有融资成本低、效率高等优点,但它也是一把效益与风险兼具的双刃剑。文章研究了地方政府融资平台资产证券化的交易环节风险和政策性风险,认为交易环节风险具有普遍性,政策性风险是制度性根源,并提出了相应的风险防控机制。  相似文献   

资产证券化的制度建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
证券化就是实现金融权益可交易的过程.从广义上讲,资产证券化包括一级证券化(初级证券化)和二级证券化(高级证券化).在证券化过程的初级阶段,资产证券化主要是指资金短缺者在资本市场和货币市场上通过发行证券来融资,所使用的融资工具包括商业票据、企业债券和股票,因此,又被称之为融资证券化.  相似文献   

资产证券化融资方式作为近年来世界项目融资领域的重大创新之一,利用成熟的项目融资改组技巧,将项目资产的未来现金流量包装成高质量的证券投资对象,显示了金融创新的优势。但由于其在我国的实践仍处于探索和试验阶段,还有很多方面需要完善。笔者这一问题从健全资产证券化法律制度、完善资产证券化市场环境两方面,探讨了我国资产证券化项目融资的科学发展策略以及资产证券化融资操作建议。  相似文献   

资产证券化融资方式作为近年来世界项目融资领域的重大创新之一,利用成熟的项目融资改组技巧,将项目资产的未来现金流量包装成高质量的证券投资对象,显示了金融创新的优势。但由于其在我国的实践仍处于探索和试验阶段,还有很多方面需要完善。笔者这一问题从健全资产证券化法律制度、完善资产证券化市场环境两方面,探讨了我国资产证券化项目融资的科学发展策略以及资产证券化融资操作建议。  相似文献   

PPP项目资产证券化是PPP项目拓宽融资渠道、降低融资成本的有效方式,对盘活PPP项目存量资产、加快社会投资者的资金回收、吸引更多社会资本参与PPP项目建设具有重要意义。PPP项目资产证券化业务的税务处理问题在资产证券化发展的整个过程中受到人们的普遍关注。本文首先概述了PPP项目与资产证券化的内涵,分析了PPP项目资产证券化在公司实践中的税务障碍,提出了PPP项目资产证券化在公司实践中的税务处理方法。  相似文献   

PPP项目资产证券化风险管控研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PPP项目具有投资规模大、周期性长、不确定因素多等特征,经常遭遇融资瓶颈.PPP项目资产证券化是解决其融资困难的重要途径之一,同时也是政府下一步布局PPP项目融资的重要手段之一.PPP项目资产证券化具有诸多优势,为了PPP项目资产证券化顺利推广,就其项目的质量风险、资本市场的风险以及资产证券化设计中的风险展开分析,并结合实际情况给出相应的防控建议.  相似文献   

以“QYSJ知识产权供应链金融资产支持专项计划”和“RXZL2017年一期资产支持专项计划”为例,研究供应链金融资产证券化产品信用风险控制问题。首先通过分析交易结构和产品设计,对比两案例的风险分散和控制情况;其次基于证券化前后的财务数据,通过Z值变动判断资产证券化对公司信用风险的影响,分析专项计划的实施效果。研究发现:合理选择基础资产、使用信用增级措施和采用供应链这种交易结构均能够对证券化项目的信用风险防范起到一定促进作用。同时,借鉴QYSJ-ABS的成功经验,从证券化项目交易结构的设计、证券化项目基础资产的选择和信用增级举措的选择三方面总结了版权证券化的风险管理流程。最后,从风险管理体系建设方面入手,对未来拟进行供应链金融资产证券化的企业提出发展建议。  相似文献   

冯克红 《会计师》2011,(10):21-22
<正>资产证券化是一种新兴的金融工具。判断基础资产转让行为究竟是"真实出售"还是"担保融资",是资产证券化会计的核心问题。发起人都期望把证券化基础资产确认为销售,以便将该资产移出财务报表,改善资产的流动性和降低负债比率。表外融资是发起人开展资产证券化业务的主要动机。在许多资产证券化的交易结构中,基础资产的转让方式可能采取多种形式,而现代金融工程技术的发展也增加了会计确认问题的  相似文献   

中国信贷资产证券化仍处于以零星个案、小规模试点为主的初级阶段。审慎和重在规范的发展路径既推动了信贷资产证券化实践,又尚存诸如与上位法不统一、规则制定权限错配、发行难度和成本增大、一级市场销售不畅、二级市场流动性严重不足等负面效应,制约着信贷资产证券化深入发展。2008年以来,受美国金融危机以及国内宏观调控变化的影响,资产证券化发行环境不利,亟待获得政策层面的持续鼓励和支持。国内商业银行应找准切入点,积极探索业务品种,更好地做好证券化产品的资产储备和发行准备工作。  相似文献   

Credit Card Securitization and Regulatory Arbitrage   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper explores the motivations and desirability of off-balance sheet financing of credit card receivables by banks. We explore three related issues: the degree to which securitizations result in the transfer of risk out of the originating bank, the extent to which securitization permits banks to economize on capital by avoiding regulatory minimum capital requirements, and whether banks' avoidance of minimum capital regulation through securitization with implicit recourse has been undesirable from a regulatory standpoint. We show that regulatory capital arbitrage is an important consequence of securitization. The avoidance of capital requirements could be motivated either by efficient contracting or by safety net abuse. We find that securitizing banks set their capital relative to managed assets according to market perceptions of their risk, and seem not to be motivated by maximizing implicit subsidies relating to the government safety net when managing their risk. This evidence is more consistent with the efficient contracting view of securitization with implicit recourse than with the safety net abuse view.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop and test a model of implicit recourse in asset-backed securitizations. Fraud losses on securitized assets are generally incurred by the bank and do not affect the performance of securitization trusts, while credit losses do affect the trust’s performance and are potentially borne by the owner of the securitized assets. Thus, the classification of losses as either fraud or credit losses provides a potential avenue of implicit recourse to manipulate the performance of securitization trusts. Using annual data from 2001 to 2006, we find that the performance of the credit card securitization portfolio is negatively related to fraud losses reported by the bank. We examine these results in light of the proposed Basel II capital rules and argue that a bank’s incentive to provide implicit recourse will increase under the anticipated regime.  相似文献   

资产证券化的复杂性和高度杠杆化加剧了投资者与发行人之间的信息不对称问题,信用评级制度作为信息披露手段,在减轻信息不对称、促进风险资产定价和保护投资者利益等方面发挥着重要作用.但若缺乏有效的制度保障,资产证券化信用评级过程中隐含的对系统性风险的累积和传导危险则会对金融系统稳定产生负面作用.我国信用评级制度缺乏良好的法律监管环境和充分的市场竞争,难以支持资产证券化产品的多样化发展和规模的快速扩大趋势.对此,需从宏观审慎监管框架的确立、信用评级监管权力的统一和制度完善以及评级行业的市场化推进等方面完善信用评级制度.  相似文献   

We study the development of asset securitization markets in China. We manually collect all asset securitization projects and securities data from 2005 to 2015. Inspection of this sample combined with related policy changes reveals distinct characteristics and some potential problems. At the macro level, asset securitization market in China is policy driven, regulation‐segmented, and highly illiquid. At the micro level, the underlying assets are mainly corporate loans or assets, rather than mortgage or consumption loans as in the US and European markets. State owned commercial banks and enterprises enjoy significantly lower interest rates when issuing securitization bonds. Finally, risk‐isolation and credit enhancing techniques significantly improve the rating of asset‐backed securities.  相似文献   

Securitization is a global multi-trillion dollar market that embodies financialization. Prior to the recent financial crisis, securitization fueled an unsustainable increase in mortgage credit. As the recent financial crisis reveals, securitization increased credit market volatility and was heightened by a reliance on debt and incentive schemes that focused on short-term profits. As extensive global reform of the securitization market takes place, there are serious reservations about the sustainability of securitization. In this paper I provide a critical perspective on securitization through a number of lenses. The story of securitization comes down to the globalization of finance and the declining importance of banks. I provide an historical assessment of securitization as well as its rise and fall over the last four decades. I also provide a critical perspective on the role of ethics and risk management in securitization in the context of the recent financial crisis. Finally, as many agencies reconsider the future of securitization, I discuss whether all assets are necessarily suitable candidates for the process.  相似文献   

Using exogenous liquidity windfalls from oil and natural gas shale discoveries, we demonstrate that bank branch networks help integrate U.S. lending markets. Banks exposed to shale booms enjoy liquidity inflows, which increase their capacity to originate and hold new loans. Exposed banks increase mortgage lending in nonboom counties, but only where they have branches and only for hard‐to‐securitize mortgages. Our findings suggest that contracting frictions limit the ability of arm's length finance to integrate credit markets fully. Branch networks continue to play an important role in financial integration, despite the development of securitization markets.  相似文献   

葛勇 《海南金融》2009,(3):9-12
本文首先从信贷资产证券化发起人、发行人以及投资者三个角度分析各自参与证券化的判断标准,并由此得到信贷资产证券化竞争力的判断模型。接着用实证分析的方法进行论证,最后得出我国在信贷资产证券化初级阶段宜采用市场规模较大、期限较长的信贷资产进行证券化的结论。  相似文献   

Using predominantly precrisis U.S. commercial bank data, this paper employs a propensity score matching approach to analyze whether individual banks did improve their performance through securitization. On average, our results show that securitizing banks tend to be more profitable institutions, with higher credit risk exposure. Despite a more diversified funding structure, they face higher funding costs. We also find that securitizing banks tend to hold larger and less diversified loan portfolios, have less liquidity, and hold less capital. However, our analysis does not provide evidence to suggest that securitization had an impact upon bank performance.  相似文献   

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