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都市时尚情感系列剧《泡芙小姐》在互联网上积聚了很高人气,成为行业关注的焦点;泡芙小姐也成为时下流行的人物形象。从《泡芙小姐》的制作特点入手,可以窥视新媒体时代互联网动漫业发展的新趋势。  相似文献   

The 1993 SNA proposes a revised treatment of the output of financial intermediaries which treats intermediation services in part as a component of final demand, so that GDP is higher than the 1968 SNA suggests. In this paper we present the results of attempts to estimate FISIM (Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured) for France and the U.K. The French study uses a reference rate calculated to ensure that no imputation is made with respect to own funds, while the U.K. study relies on a market interest rate. Both studies present an allocation of intermediation services by industry as well as by category of demand. The adjustments to GDP are of similar magnitudes in both countries.  相似文献   

Because of the recent public concern over the brain drain, this study attempts to measure the U.S. gain of highly skilled manpower. The paper discusses the serious short-comings of the data on gross immigration of scientists and engineers provided by the U.S. immigration authorities as a measure of true U.S. gains. In a case study of Swedish scientists and engineers it was found, for example, that whereas the U.S. data showed a gain of 106 Swedish scientists and engineers over a number of years, the net figure was only 26 after adjustment for remigration and the application of the proper OECD education criteria. The paper then reports the findings of a statistical study which uses the stock data on U.S. scientists in the National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel to estimate the number of foreign born in this stock and analyse their characteristics with respect to age, educational attainment, and employment preferences. It was found that nearly 7 percent of all U.S. scientists are of foreign origin (foreign born and foreign secondary education), whereas 11.5 percent of all scientists with a Ph.D. are of foreign origin. The percentage among Ph.D. holders is highest in meteorology (22.3), followed by linguistics (18.7), physics (17.1) and statistics (14.6). The greatest percentage of scientists comes from Canada (10.4 per thousand), followed by Germany (8.3 per thousand) and the United Kingdom (6.7 per thousand). However, after adjustment of these data for the different sizes of the total foreign born population from each country in the U.S., it turns out that by this measure the greatest shares of scientists are supplied by the Japanese, followed by the Austrian-Swiss, Benelux and Canadians. The analysis of the age composition of all foreign born reveals that in the age groups that were 20–29, 45–54, and 65 and over in 1964 foreigners represent a smaller than average share, probably reflecting war casualties and education completed at a later age. Germans and Austrians are heavily concentrated in the group 55–64 years old in 1964, suggesting that a great share of scientists from these countries may have been victims of a brain push.  相似文献   

基坑方案的设计直接影响着基坑工程的投资规模、生产成本和经济效益的高低,也影响着施工管理方案的制定,其优化设计更是深基坑工程的重要环节。基坑设计方案受许多因素的影响,因而也需要从多个角度去评价方案的优劣。基坑设计方案的优化实质上是实现多重目标的最优,必须运用基于多重目标的模糊综合评价法去评价一个方案的好坏,即用模糊数学对受到多种因素制约的事物或对象做出一个总体的评价。本文将以武汉创世纪广场基坑工程为例,应用多目标模糊优选理论,研究深基坑工程方案的优选。  相似文献   

There are major methodological and practical problems in comparing the performance of capitalist and communist economies. They have been most carefully analysed for the former Soviet Union, for which there was a huge research input, mainly by the CIA. The CIA effort had considerable merit, particularly in assessing Soviet rates of growth. Unfortunately, it was terminated in 1991, partly because it suffered from unduly harsh criticism, partly because its political relevance waned. However, the CIA archives remain an important source for the study of comparative economic growth. It would be extremely useful if they were opened to scholars, a serious loss if they were destroyed.  相似文献   

美国信息技术与创新基金会的创新竞争力评价指标体系由6个一级指标、16个二级指标构杨,其指标"经济绩效"和"创新能力"是影响国家竞争力的最重要因素;欧盟推出《创新联盟记分牌》,旨在发现欧盟成员国研究和创新体系的相对优劣势,帮助成员国认识自身实力,集中力量提高创新绩效;欧洲工商管理学院推出《全球创新指数》,强调创新环境、基础设施以及相关成果的测度和评价。国外创新测度对于我国开展创新型国家评价具有重要借鉴意义:创新型国家测度的关键是创新绩效测度,应以事实型数据为基础,并根据形势变化不断调整评价指标和体系。  相似文献   

Stationary equilibria are constructed for a series of nonstochastic production economies in which the decisions of producers, wage earners, shareholders, and savers modulate, via a “production function”, the endowment variables in an additive manner. The efficiency of each model is compared to that of a single agent who produces for personal consumption.Most of this work was carried out during the spring of 2004, while Sudderth was visiting the Cowles Foundation at Yale University. The work of Karatzas was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant NSF-DMS-06-01774, and by the Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications (IMA) which made possible a visit to the University of Minnesota during a week in May 2004. The support of these foundations is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

I build a dynamic game consisting of a continuum of players to investigate the effects of previous winners’ actions on the spreading of subsequent players’ actions. In each stage, besides the private signal, each player also observes actions taken by the winners of all previous stages as public signals. A unique equilibrium of the game is found and characterized. I then define the variances of three forms of gap: the gap between the average play and the underlying fundamental value, the gap between a generic player’s action and the average play, and the gap between a generic player’s action and the winner’s play. By checking their dynamics in the equilibrium, it is shown that the accumulation of private signals always reduces the first variance and the accumulation of the public signals always reduces the second variance. However, the effects of accumulated public (private) signals on the first (second) variance are rather ambiguous. Based on a theoretical finding that expresses the third variance as a weighted sum of the other two, I conduct an empirical study on the Miss Korea pageant during 1994–2013. I find a descending trend in the variance of the gap between the average face and the underlying “true beauty” face over these years. Moreover, this process is accompanied by ascending trends in the other two variances, indicating that contestants’ faces have been converging to the “true beauty” overall but diverging from each other over the two decades, which is consistent with our theoretical results.  相似文献   

本研究透过社会企业概念与运作型态的分析,提升企业型基金会在社会企业方案推动成效和社会影响性。研究发现中华电信基金会采取社会企业方案的宗旨,在于缩短社会数字落差、协助传统文化产业、耕耘小区生活等,所有项目的规划和执行皆以永续经营为主轴。在中华电信基金会仅两、三年的运作之后,当社会大秉听到“数字好厝边”就是中华电信关怀偏乡地区的数字培力;而中华电信基金会的社会企业方案,具体产生封社会良性的影响与善尽企业社会责任,也可成为企业型基金会在推动社会企业时的参考范例。  相似文献   

United States input-output accounts identify and measure the interrelationships between the various industries in the United States economy. However, these accounts do not identify nonprofit activities from their for-profit counterparts in the service-producing sector. This paper, prepared by Gabriel Rudney and Paula Young, presents the methodology and summary data produced by disaggregating the service-producing industries to identify separately nonprofit activities.
The input-output accounts for 1977 produced in this study include 107 industries, but in this paper the results are summarized into 14 industries showing only nonprofit and for-profit components. The GNP and total outputs in this study are consistent with the revised input-output accounts for 1977 prepared by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.  相似文献   

Innovative activity is performed to a considerable extent in the service sector, namely within the so-called knowledge intensive business services (KIBS). Particularly emphasizing the role of absorptive capacity, we analyze possible determinants of incremental and radical firm innovation using firm micro data from the KIBS Foundation Survey. The results show that access to knowledge through networking and cooperation is of utmost importance for innovative activity in the KIBS sector. Access to knowledge from universities and research institutions is particularly important for radical innovation, notwithstanding the degree of formality of cooperation. In contrast, access to knowledge from clients or suppliers only has a significant impact on the probability to innovate if the cooperation with these partners is based on formal cooperation via joint projects or formal cooperation contracts. Furthermore, we find empirical evidence for a positive correlation between KIBS firms and clients from the manufacturing sector: these stimulate in particular incremental, but also radical innovation.  相似文献   

Data from the National Science Foundation (2014) indicate that at least one PhD in economics was awarded to a Swarthmore College graduate in every year since 1966. The authors’ purpose in this article is to consider factors that may have contributed to the high number of PhDs in economics awarded to Swarthmore College graduates. While there is little doubt that self-selection plays a significant role, they describe curricular and environmental aspects of the economics department at Swarthmore that may have contributed to this outcome.  相似文献   

陕南汉江走廊新石器时代考古聚落研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陶卫宁 《经济地理》2003,23(4):486-490
陕南汉江走廊地区新石器时代的聚落遗址基本上分布在汉江及其主要支流所形成的平原台地和河谷阶地上。根据聚落的选址特点,可以将区域内的聚落分为平原台地型和河谷阶地型两种。文章以考古发掘资料为主要依据对这一区域内聚落的地理环境进行了微观个案研究。由于所处的地理环境不同,聚落规模和文化层的堆积都有差别,聚落中居民的生产方式也不一样。这种比较研究充分阐述了新石器时代走廊内的人地关系。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲城市群空间集聚与扩散   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
叶玉瑶  张虹鸥 《经济地理》2007,27(5):773-776
以珠江三角洲城市群①为研究对象,在改进"大都市均匀度指数"的基础上建立了空间集聚与扩散的量化指标,定量化测度了近10多年来该地区空间集聚的程度与动态趋向,进而分析了该地区空间集聚与扩散的表象与特征。其结果表明:珠江三角洲城市群目前正处于以集聚为主导的阶段,空间集聚表现出明显的轴线性、空间指向性(中心指向、道路指向、海洋指向)以及非完全集聚的特征。且珠三角城市群在以集聚为主导的空间发展过程中,区域发展趋向于均质化。具体表象为以中小城市增长为主的城市规模分布动态趋向以及大中城市的郊区化倾向。  相似文献   

The private value single item bisection auction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we present a new iterative auction, the bisection auction, that can be used for the sale of a single indivisible object. The bisection auction has fewer rounds than the classical English auction and causes less information to be revealed than the Vickrey auction. Still, it preserves all characteristics the English auction shares with the Vickrey auction: there exists an equilibrium in weakly dominant strategies in which everyone behaves truthfully, the object is allocated in accordance with efficiency requirements to the buyer who has the highest valuation, and the price paid by the winner of the object equals the second-highest valuationElena Grigorieva acknowledges support by the Dutch Science Foundation NWO through grant 401-01-101. Jean-Jacques Herings acknowledges support by the Dutch Science Foundation NWO through a VICI-grant. Rudolf Müller acknowledges support by European Commission through funds for the International Institute of Infonomics  相似文献   

国家自然科学基金是我国科研基金体系中的重要组成部分,其资金分配问题一直备受关注。通过“基尼系数”这一反映贫富差距的经济学指标变化趋势,对2001-2015年国家自然科学基金分配中的“马太效应”进行了实证分析。结果表明,资助额度越高的项目,基尼系数越大,在资金分配过程中的“马太效应”越明显。国家自然科学基金中的“重点”、“杰青”项目与“面上”、“青年”项目相比,具有更明显的优势累积现象,但“青年”项目的基尼系数自2009年以来呈逐渐下降趋势,其资金分配日趋合理。最后,基于上述研究结果,对国家自然科学基金分配中“马太效应”的合理性进行了分析,并就基金的合理分配提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

美国国家科学基金会于2006年设立了科技政策学研究计划(SciSIP),经过十多年发展,在数据与方法研究以及共同体建设方面取得了重要进展。聚焦于SciSIP计划及其历年项目成果,对SciSIP计划发展历程进行总结,对SciSIP计划的研究成果和面临的挑战进行分析,以期为中国推进科技政策学研究及“科技政策学”这一新兴学科建设提供建议。  相似文献   

In 1989 Soviet authorities released unprecedented new data on the size distribution of income in the U.S.S.R. in the 1980s, including the distributions by republics. With the goal of providing a benchmark for evaluating the effect of current and future economic reforms on income distribution in the former Soviet Union, this paper estimates inequality measures for the new data. The estimation uses a simple nonparametric technique based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to fit the Soviet data to a lognormal distribution. The results suggest that, for income from official sources, (1) inequality in the Soviet Union as a whole declined throughout the 1980s-both before and after Gorbachev's accession in 1985, and (2) income inequality was greater in the poorer, southern republics of the U.S.S.R. than in the north. While the inclusion of unofficial (unreported) private income would probably reinforce the second of these two trends, its effect on the first cannot be determined on the basis of available information.  相似文献   

Summary In the framework of dynamic equilibrium theory we propose a model of gradual transition from an Economy with centralized budgets regulation to a Market Economy (with self-financing). It is assumed that information about possible change of the economic mechanism affects essentially the behavior of agents. The duration of the transition period is regarded as a random variable. We study conditions when such a transition allows firms to adapt their plans to future markets and guarantees the existence of equilibrium paths. We also discuss the case of Shock Therapy (instantaneous transition) which may cause bankruptcy, jumps in prices and deficits.This work is supported by Russian Foundation of Basic Researches, grant 93-06-10356  相似文献   

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