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This paper presents a surprising example that shows that the lattice theoretic properties in Mas-Colell's (1986) seminal work are relevant to the existence of equilibrium even when the commodity space is finite dimensional.The example is a two-period securities model with a three-dimensional portfolio space and two traders. The paper identifies a non-marketed call option that fails to have a minimum cost super-replicating portfolio. Using this option, we construct an economy that satisfies all of Mas-Colell's assumptions, except that the three-dimensional commodity space is not a vector lattice. In this economy, there is no Walrasian equilibrium and the second theorem of welfare economics fails.Our example has important finite- as well as infinite-dimensional implications. It is also an example of a “well behaved” economy in which optimal allocations that are not supported by linear Walrasian prices are decentralized by the non-linear prices studied in Aliprantis-Tourky-Yannelis (2001).  相似文献   

In Mukherji [Global stability condition on the plane: a general law of demand, J. Econ. Theory 134 (2007) 583-592], a set of sufficient conditions for global stability of price adjustment processes on the plane is identified. The aim of this note is to point out that one of the conditions can be dropped.  相似文献   

This paper studies the efficiency of competitive equilibria in environments with a moral hazard problem and unobserved states, both with retrading in ex post spot markets. The interaction between private information problems and the possibility of retrade creates an externality, unless preferences have special, restrictive properties. The externality is internalized by allowing agents to contract ex ante on market fundamentals determining the spot price or interest rate, over and above contracting on actions and outputs. Then competitive equilibria are equivalent with the appropriate notion of constrained Pareto optimality. Examples show that it is possible to have multiple market fundamentals or price-islands, created endogenously in equilibrium.  相似文献   

Summary Contrary to the finite dimensional set-up, the hypothesis of an atomless measure space of traders does not entail convexity of aggregate demand sets if there are infinitely many commodities. In this paper an assumption is introduced which sharpens the non-atomicity hypothesis by requiring that there are many agents of every type. When this condition holds, aggregate demand in an infinite dimensional setting becomes convex even if individual preferences are non-convex. This result is applied to prove the existence of competitive equilibria in such a context.Thanks to E. Dierker, K. Milford, M. Nermuth, C. Puppe, and N. Yannelis for comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

This paper examines the links between asset price movements and fiscal adjustments. Our findings suggest that higher asset prices improve fiscal balances and contribute to sustained consolidation. This refers in particular to real equity and real residential property prices. We find evidence that revenue windfalls due to higher residential, commercial property and equity prices can be sustained, thus, improving revenue and primary balances. There is evidence of a positive association of some asset prices changes with expenditure adjustments. Fiscal adjustments and in particular sharp spending cuts are more likely to be successful if undertaken in periods of dire budgetary and economic conditions.  相似文献   

We analyze the pricing of a productive asset in a class of dynamic exchange economies with heterogeneous, infinitely-lived agents, and self-enforcing intertemporal trades. Individual incomes fluctuate and are correlated; preferences, dividends and aggregate income are fixed. Almost all economies in this class have a unique stationary Markovian equilibrium with fluctuations in asset prices. As the set of unrationed households changes over time and states, excess demand functions shift, asset returns fluctuate, and some households are shut out of asset markets. Examples suggest that the amplitude of these movements is negatively correlated with the productivity of the asset and with the penalty for default.  相似文献   

In infinite horizon, a credible durable-good monopolist may resort to intertemporal price discrimination. We provide an analytical characterization of his optimal price policy when consumers and the monopolist have different values for the trade because of distinct discount factors.  相似文献   

It is well known that global stability of competitive equilibrium obtains only under quite stringent restrictions. This paper identifies a set of restrictions which may be interpreted as a very weak form of the so-called Law of Demand and shows how this may imply global stability for motion on the plane. It is also of some interest that this condition is satisfied by a perturbed version of the celebrated Scarf example which does not satisfy existing conditions for global stability.  相似文献   

Uniqueness of asset prices in an exchange economy with unbounded utility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. This paper studies conditions under which the price of an asset is uniquely determined by its fundamental value – i.e., no bubbles can arise – in Lucas-type asset pricing models with unbounded utility. After discussing Gilles and LeRoy's (1992) example, we construct an example of a two-period, representative agent economy to demonstrate that bubbles can arise in a standard model if utility is unbounded below, in which case the stochastic Euler equation may be violated. In an infinite horizon framework, we show that bubbles cannot arise if the optimal sequence of asset holdings can be lowered uniformly without incurring an infinite utility loss. Using this result, we develop conditions for the nonexistence of bubbles. The conditions depend exclusively on the asymptotic behavior of marginal utility at zero and infinity. They are satisfied by many unbounded utility functions, including the entire CRRA (constant relative risk aversion) class. The Appendix provides a complete market version of our two-period example. Received: January 22, 1996; revised version: February 18, 1997  相似文献   

An exchange economy in which agents have convex incomplete preferences defined by families of concave utility functions is considered. Sufficient conditions for the set of efficient allocations and equilibria to coincide with the set of efficient allocations and equilibria that result when each agent has a utility in her family are provided. Welfare theorems in an incomplete preferences framework therefore hold under these conditions and efficient allocations and equilibria are characterized by first order conditions.  相似文献   

Ascending price auctions involving a single price path and buyers paying their final bid price cannot achieve the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) outcome in the combinatorial auctions setting. Using a notion called universal competitive equilibrium prices, shown to be necessary and sufficient to achieve the VCG outcome using ascending price auctions, we define a class of ascending price auctions in which buyers bid on a single price path. Truthful bidding by buyers is an ex post Nash equilibrium in such auctions. By giving discounts to buyers from the final price, the VCG outcome is achieved for general valuations.  相似文献   

Reichlin [Equilibrium cycles in an overlapping generations economy with production, J. Econ. Theory 40 (1986) 89-102] has shown in an OLG model with productive capital that whenever the steady state is locally indeterminate and undergoes a Hopf bifurcation, it is Pareto-optimal. While these results were established under the assumption of Leontief technology, the author has partially extended them to show that the Hopf bifurcation is robust with respect to the introduction of capital-labor substitution. In this note, we prove that the Pareto-optimality of the steady state does not extend to technologies with capital-labor substitution. When the steady state is a sink or undergoes a Hopf bifurcation, it is characterized by over-accumulation with respect to the Golden Rule—the interest rate is negative—hence not Pareto-optimal. Most importantly, it follows that stabilization policies targeting the steady state leave room for welfare losses associated with productive inefficiency, apart from the very special case of Leontief technology.  相似文献   

Stochastic stability is applied to the problem of exchange. We analyze the stochastic stability of two dynamic trading processes in a simple housing market. In both models, traders meet in pairs at random and exchange their houses when trade is mutually beneficial, but occasionally they make mistakes. The models differ in the probability of mistakes. When all mistakes are equally likely, the set of stochastically stable allocations contains the set of efficient allocations. When more serious mistakes are less likely, the stochastically stable states are those allocations, always efficient, with the lowest envy level.  相似文献   

The theory of existence of equilibrium with short-selling is reconsidered under risk and ambiguity modelled by risk averse variational preferences. No-arbitrage conditions are given in terms of risk adjusted priors. A sufficient condition for existence of efficient allocations is the overlapping of the interiors of the risk adjusted sets of priors or the inexistence of mutually compatible trades, with non-negative expectation with respect to any risk adjusted prior. These conditions are necessary when agents are not risk neutral at extreme levels of wealths. It is shown that the more uncertainty averse or risk averse the agents, the more likely are efficient allocations and equilibria to exist.  相似文献   

Recently, Hermandez-Lamoneda et al. (2008) and independently Chameni and Andjiga (2008) gave an analytic formulation for all valued solutions to the n-person TU-games that satisfy linearity, efficiency and symmetry axioms. Our main purpose in this paper is to recast the proposed formulation to a more potentially interpretational one. We are focused on an interpretation based on the idea of marginal contribution, a concept already familiar in the Shapley value and the Solidarity value. A general null player axiom is introduced, and it turns out that any valued solution satisfying the three properties is characterized by a null player model.  相似文献   

A large class of stochastic OLG economies with nonclassical production is shown to possess a unique Markov Equilibrium (ME) which is also the unique sequential equilibrium. Additional properties such as monotonicity, continuity, and smoothness of the ME are also discussed.  相似文献   

A Fubini extension is formally introduced as a probability space that extends the usual product probability space and retains the Fubini property. Simple measure-theoretic methods are applied to this framework to obtain various versions of the exact law of large numbers and their converses for a continuum of random variables or stochastic processes. A model for a large economy with individual risks is developed; and insurable risks are characterized by essential pairwise independence. The usual continuum product based on the Kolmogorov construction together with the Lebesgue measure as well as the usual finitely additive measure-theoretic framework is shown further to be not suitable for modeling individual risks. Measurable processes with essentially pairwise independent random variables that have any given variety of distributions exist in a rich product probability space that can also be constructed by extending the usual continuum product.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of commercial, residential property and equity price volatility on the variability of cyclically adjusted government revenue. We find significant evidence that asset price volatility increases the variability of government revenue. A 1% increase in equity price volatility increases government revenue variability by 0.37–0.44%. An increase in residential property price volatility increases revenue volatility by about 0.15–0.22%, whereas this effect diminishes to 0.11% in case of commercial property price. This evidence reflects the automatic increase of government revenue variability due to asset price movements and supports arguments in favour of adjusting fiscal variables for both business cycle and asset price changes. However, we also find evidence that equity price variability increases revenue variability even when government revenue is adjusted for both economic and asset price cycles, indicating the presence of more complicated dynamics between fiscal variables and asset price changes.  相似文献   

Lifetime consumption and investment: Retirement and constrained borrowing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Retirement flexibility and inability to borrow against future labor income can significantly affect optimal consumption and investment. With voluntary retirement, there exists an optimal wealth-to-wage ratio threshold for retirement and human capital correlates negatively with the stock market even when wages have zero or slightly positive market risk exposure. Consequently, investors optimally invest more in the stock market than without retirement flexibility. Both consumption and portfolio choice jump at the endogenous retirement date. The inability to borrow limits hedging and reduces the value of labor income, the wealth-to-wage ratio threshold for retirement, and the stock investment.  相似文献   

Scotchmer and Wooders show that efficient clubs are homogeneous when consumers are divisible in Berglas's anonymous crowding model. However, if consumers are not divisible or if clubs have multiple facilities with economies of scope, mixed clubs are efficient. In such a model, we consider clubs with multiple membership policies for different types of consumers, and show the existence and efficiency of equilibrium with nonlinear policies. We employ entrepreneurial equilibrium, all equilibrium concept with profit-seeking entrepreneurs. Our theorem can be regarded as showing the existence of a core allocation that satisfies envy-free property in the absence of non-anonymous crowding effects.  相似文献   

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