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This paper empirically tests hypothesized influences on the capital intensity of foreign direct investment (FDI) among the 48 contiguous United States. A theoretical profit maximizing model of the firm is developed linking capital intensity to traditional variables (the prices of labor and capital services); the model also takes account of the price of energy, agglomeration effects, educational levels, the importance of labor unions, and state and local public capital. The main focus is on the effects of public capital on the capital intensity of FDI. Public capital is disaggregated as follows: highway, sewer and water, and other (primarily buildings). The operational model defines FDI as the 1986 gross value of property, plant, and equipment of manufacturing affiliates of firms with headquarters in Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Findings are reported both for total manufacturing and for manufacturing disaggregated into five industry groups. Generally, the results emphasize that highway infrastructure and sewer and water public capital act as powerful incentives to attract capital-intensive FDI across the 48 contiguous United States.  相似文献   

Abstract. The paper surveys the two major episodes of instability of the U.S. money demand function known respectively as 'the mystery of missing money' and 'the great velocity decline'. It also assesses the recent literature on open economy money demand models and their usefulness in explaining the puzzling behaviour of money demand manifested shortly after the transition to floating exchange rates.  相似文献   

今年86岁的何鸿燊终于亲眼目睹了旗下澳博控股上市。但历经周折的上市之路载满的却是与亲妹妹长达数十年的纷争。到底在这一段豪门恩怨中孰是孰非?是否遭遇金钱与权利之时,连亲情都会变得陌生?  相似文献   

张爱玲说:“生命是一袭华美的袍,爬满了虱子。” 在中外家族企业中,这样的“袍上虱”现象比比皆是。 那些在外人眼里极尽奢华、无比光鲜的家族企业内部,常常曝出令人心寒的一面:激烈的嫉妒和角逐、互相诋毁、明争暗斗。  相似文献   

家族企业因其亲情凝聚、机制灵活、低耗成本的优势常在商海中屹立潮头,然而,当亲情与权利争斗交织在一起时,家族企业又不可避免地成了"袍上虱"。  相似文献   

在美国一般的经济文献中,只有大小企业之分,很少使用中型企业这一概念.按照美国官方--美国小企业管理局的定义,小企业是指雇员不超过500人的企业.但为了区别制造业和服务业的不同情况,他们把制造业的小企业定在500人以下,把服务业的小企业定在100人以下.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the widening (divergence) or narrowing (convergence) of black income as well as black income proportionate to all income using median family income over the 1980s. Analysis is undertaken at the regional level using the coefficient of variation and analysis of variance, and at the city level using a linear model. The linear model, in addition to providing a measure for divergence or convergence, provides a measure of residual change which distinguishes city performance above or below expectation. At the regional level, the general result is divergence of black income born 1979 to 1989, while at the city level, the general results were divergence for black income, but a convergence in black income proportionate to all income.  相似文献   

“人很重要”:个人力量还是团队精神IBM创始人沃特森这样的大企业家曾说过:“你可以接收我的工厂,烧掉我的厂房,然而只要留下这些人,我就可以重新建起IBM。”但是,光笼统地知道“人很重要”的大道理还不够,究竟什么样的“人”才重要?应该突出“个人力量”还是强调“团队精神”?这可以说是人力资源管理常说常新的永恒话题。在传统体制下,只讲“组织需要”、强调“个人服从组织”,抹杀了人的个性和积极性。很多企业越来越关注个人、宣传个别(能)人,很多企业家、管理者盲目崇尚所谓“20/80”法则,极端偏爱什么“末位淘汰”,一提“以人为本”…  相似文献   

By the end of 1985 the USA will bo the most heavily indebted nation on the planet. Professor G. K. Shaw of the University of Buckingham and Geoffrey Wood of the City University Business School differ on Reagan's budgetary policy.  相似文献   

This article considers whether the economic model of crime can be applied to terrorist activity. It concludes that the model does explain both secular and religiously motivated terrorism: policy-makers wishing to reduce terrorist activity should aim at devising policies which increase costs and/or decrease benefits to change terrorist incentives. The 'war' should continue as long as the probable costs to society incurred by terrorist activity are greater than the costs of abatement.  相似文献   

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