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This paper explores how the introduction of rational inattention (RI) – that agents process information subject to finite channel capacity – affects optimal consumption and investment decisions in an otherwise standard intertemporal model of portfolio choice. We first explicitly derive optimal consumption and portfolio rules under RI and then show that introducing RI reduces the optimal share of savings invested in the risky asset because inattentive investors face greater long-run consumption risk. We also show that the investment horizon matters for portfolio allocation in the presence of RI, even if investment opportunities are constant and the utility function of investors is constant relative risk aversion. Second, after aggregating across investors, we show that introducing RI can better explain the observed joint dynamics of aggregate consumption and the equity return. Finally, we show that RI increases the implied equity premium because investors under RI face greater long-run consumption risk and thus require higher compensation in equilibrium.  相似文献   

The substantial adjustment cost for housing affects nondurable consumption and portfolio allocations, as well as the frequency of housing transactions. A simple theoretical model, roughly calibrated, is used to assess the quantitative impact of adjustment costs on those decisions. The impact on portfolios is found to be significant, suggesting that housing wealth should be useful in empirical studies of portfolio choice. The welfare loss from the transaction cost is also substantial. The effect on nondurable consumption is small, however, so adjustment costs can explain only a small part of the equity premium puzzle.  相似文献   

Several investment decisions deal with non-marketable assets. Non-marketable assets are available only to one investor and are often indivisible. This has relevant consequences on investor investment opportunities. Adhering to a mean–variance representation of the investment space and considering a non-marketable asset (divisible or not), we derive some possible investment scenarios an investor may face. Furthermore, we show how a limited ability to gather and process information affects investor portfolio choices. Our results define a set of conditions under which the non-marketable asset represents a good investment and show that, under certain assumptions, the efficient frontier exhibits non-linearities and intervals of discontinuity.  相似文献   

A 13-equation model is developed which captures the essential economic features of the housing industry in Australia. The importance of speculative builders and investors is recognized. Empirical results are presented for two key equations. The asset price of existing dwellings (including land) owned by persons is explained by a portfolio choice or generalized asset adjustment model. This asset price then feeds in as a determinant of new private construction, along with construction costs of new dwellings, financial variables and a measure of demand-supply imbalance.  相似文献   

吴卫星  齐天翔 《经济研究》2007,42(2):97-110
本文采用Probit和Tobit模型对中国居民的股票市场参与和投资组合的影响因素进行了分析,主要有以下的实证发现:首先,不流动性资产特别是房地产的投资显著影响了投资者的股票市场参与和投资组合,而且影响以“替代”效应或者说“挤出”效应为主。其次,投资者在进行投资组合时极少利用股票市场对其未来现金流所承担的风险进行对冲,也就是说,中国居民投资的“生命周期效应”不明显;第三,中国居民投资的“财富效应”非常显著。财富的增加既增加了居民参与股票市场的概率,也增加了居民参与股票市场的深度。  相似文献   

职业基金经理的目标经常是希望自己的投资组合以稳定的表现能够超越所某一基准资产或组合。因此本文给出一个考虑基准资产的动态均值——方差投资组合选取模型。假设状态之间的转移遵循马氏过程,给定状态转移矩阵,可以得到对风险资产最优投入的解析表达式。此表达式表明对风险资产的投入由三项构成,前两项是不考虑基准资产时对风险资产的投入,最后一项与基准资产有关;在基准资产上的权重由基准资产收益的大小来决定,与积极投资组合管理者的风险厌恶程度无关;随着风险厌恶程度的增加,管理者会减少在风险资产上的投入。数值分析显示考虑基准资产的投资组合是一个积极的投资组合。  相似文献   

利用中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)数据,研究健康冲击对老年家庭资产组合的影响。把健康冲击分为急性健康冲击和慢性健康冲击两类。遭受急性健康冲击时,老年家庭持有的风险资产减少;遭受慢性健康冲击时,投资于耐用消费性资产的量减少,但拥有房产价值的量增加;健康冲击对城乡老年家庭资产组合的影响不尽相同。  相似文献   

理论上看,从住房支出和财富效应的综合角度加强对居民消费的分析是必要的。本文构造一个包括住房支出、资产及其财富效应、可支配收入和利率的消费函数。实证分析表明,住房支出等占居民消费性支出的比重较大,住房支出的比例与居民消费的增长呈现反方向变动关系,资产呈现较弱的负财富效应。一个重要的涵义是,要通过居民消费的增长来实现经济增长方式的转型,必须有效遏制住房价格的过快上涨,并维持房地产市场的平稳发展。为此,应该使用财政货币政策等多种手段,促进房地产市场的稳定运行。  相似文献   

This paper examines how the menu of investment options made available to workers in defined contribution plans influences portfolio choice. Using unique panel data of 401(k) plans in the U.S., we present three principle findings. First, we show that the share of investment options in a particular asset class (i.e., company stock, equities, fixed income, and balanced funds) has a significant effect on aggregate participant portfolio allocations across these asset classes. Second, we document that the vast majority of the new funds added to 401(k) plans are high-cost actively-managed equity funds, as opposed to lower-cost equity index funds. Third, because the average share of assets invested in low-cost equity index funds declines with an increase in the number of options, average portfolio expenses increase and average portfolio performance is thus depressed. All of these findings are obtained from a panel data set, enabling us to control for heterogeneity in the investment preferences of workers across firms and across time.  相似文献   

We construct a quantitative general equilibrium lifecycle model with housing tenure decisions to investigate the degree to which wealth inequality in the United States is affected by the preferential tax treatment of home-ownership. Favorable tax treatment of owner occupied housing in the form of home mortgage interest and property tax deductibility, and the untaxed nature of imputed rents, provides a financial incentive for home-ownership over renting as well as an incentive to “over-consume” housing since houses are not fungible. Since the favorable tax treatment of housing disproportionately creates tax savings for the upper quantiles of the income distribution, we quantify how it contributes to the heavily right skewed distribution of wealth in the United States using data from the Survey of Consumer Finances. We consider a revenue-neutral government response to the counter factual experiments of removing the current tax structure on housing. Our quantitative analysis shows that, in terms of distributional effects, removing all of the preferential tax treatments results in an aggregate increase in welfare. However, we do not find any reduction in inequality. We also find that while some re-allocation toward financial assets occurs, households primarily increase their consumption when imputed housing rents are taxed and the property tax deduction is removed. Thus housing tax policy may be effective at encouraging more overall saving through housing assets.  相似文献   

We provide a closed-form solution to an optimal investment and consumption problem for a constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) agent, who faces execution costs when trading correlated risky assets with return predictability. The optimal investment strategy indicates that the agent should trade gradually toward a dynamic aim portfolio, which is an adjusted Merton portfolio with modifications to account for the persistence of the return-predicting signals and the execution costs. The optimal consumption strategy is quadratic in the return-predicting signals and linear in the agent's wealth. Our numerical studies show that the execution costs diminish the importance of asset return predictability on the agent's optimal investment strategy, thereby confirming the conjecture raised by Liu (2004). In addition, the presence of the intermediate consumption leads to a more aggressive aim portfolio than the case without consumption.  相似文献   

This contribution builds on the accelerator model to produce an investment function in which employment and households' investment are used as proxies for economic activity. This analysis identifies a positive correlation between corporate investment in fixed assets and households' investment in dwellings. Using a panel of 11 OECD countries for the period 1970–2010, the results also confirm that oil prices and interest rates may dampen firms' investment in fixed assets. An interesting feature of this investment function is that it accounts for uncertainty.  相似文献   

This paper generalizes the two period model of portfolio selection under uncertainty by decomposing the aggregate consumption in each period into several goods, the prices of some of which are positively related to rates of return on some assets. The effect of these relations on the choice of portfolio is analyzed. The effects on the chosen portfolio of a lateral translation and of a mean preserving increase in the risk of the distributions of the random variables are analyzed. A generalization of the Hicks compensation to the case where the prices of consumer goods are positively related to rates of return on assets is offered and welfare implications are drawn.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of health insurance on household portfolio choice. Using the U.S. Survey of Consumer Finance and Health Retirement Survey databases, it finds that insured households are more likely to own stocks and invest a larger proportion of financial assets in stocks than uninsured households do. The results remain strong even after controlling for household characteristics and reverse causality. Further, the results are robust across different survey years and data sources. It suggests that a precautionary motive is strong in household portfolio choice decisions.  相似文献   

This article aims to investigate whether stock and real estate investment trust (REIT) returns have asymmetric downside and upside co-movements. The investigation is carried out by employing a mixture copula with Markov-switching coefficients for weight, upper tail dependence and lower tail dependence. Empirical result demonstrates that an asymptotic independence and a positive relationship, which has greater dependence in the left tail than in the right tail, coexist. The empirical result provides useful information for making portfolio decisions. In the independent state, the inclusion of stock and REIT indices in a portfolio builds a diversified portfolio. However, a portfolio with stock and REIT assets cannot get the benefit of risk reduction in the positive dependence state.  相似文献   

This paper examines price‐level determination from the perspective of portfolio choice. Arbitrages among money balances, bonds, and investment goods determine their relative demands. Returns to real balance holdings and after‐tax returns to investment goods determine the relative values of nominal and real assets. Because expectations of government policies ultimately determine the expected returns to both nominal and real assets, the price level depends on interactions among current and expected future monetary and fiscal policies. The quantity theory and the fiscal theory emerge as special cases produced by restricting both the margins and the policies considered.  相似文献   

Recent evidence from developing and emerging economies shows a negative correlation between growth and net capital inflows, a contradiction to neoclassical growth theory. I provide updated and disaggregated evidence on the origins of this puzzle. An analysis of the components of capital flows and of gross portfolio positions shows that foreign direct investment is directed towards countries with the highest growth rates, but that portfolio investment outflows exceed these inflows. Liberalized capital accounts further exacerbate this pattern. My results suggest a desire for international portfolio diversification in liquid assets by fast‐growing countries lies at the heart of the puzzle.  相似文献   

Investors use mean reversion model to make decisions on which stocks should be taken in their portfolios according to their mean values. The first goal of the paper is to test the validity of the mean reversion model in emerging markets. Second, it aims to determine the best portfolio investment strategy on the validity of the mean reversion model. As a result of panel regression analysis, we find that the mean reversion model is valid in all of the emerging countries in the sample. This result implies that emerging markets are not efficient even in weak form. On the validity of the mean reversion model, we find that Max3–Min3 portfolio has recorded the best performance and contrarian portfolio is the best portfolio investment strategy. The paper makes contribution to the literature in terms of providing the information about which portfolio investment strategy has the best performance on the validity of the mean reversion model.  相似文献   

This article empirically investigates the effects of differential income taxation on households’ portfolio choice and asset allocation, applying a two-stage budgeting model of asset demand to German survey data. The model is structured into the discrete and the continuous asset choice. Cross-sectional variation in marginal tax rates, appropriately instrumented, as well as over-time variation from a major tax reform are used to identify the tax effects. Households with higher tax rates are found to have relatively greater demand for tax-privileged assets, such as nonowner-occupied housing, mortgage repayments, building society deposits, stocks, insurances and consumer credits, than households with lower tax rates. Demand at higher tax rates is lower for owner-occupied housing, bank deposits and bonds.  相似文献   

Retired homeowners dissave more slowly than renters, which suggests that homeownership affects retirees' saving decisions. We investigate empirically and theoretically the life-cycle patterns of homeownership, housing, and nonhousing assets in retirement. Using an estimated structural model of saving and housing decisions, we find first that homeowners dissave slowly because they prefer to stay in their house as long as possible but cannot easily borrow against it. Second, the 1996–2006 housing boom significantly increased homeowners' assets. These channels are quantitatively significant; without considering homeownership, retirees' net worth would be 28%–44% lower, depending on age.  相似文献   

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