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Many argue that the renminbi needs to appreciate to rebalance China’s trade. However, empirical evidence on the effects of an RMB appreciation on China’s exports has been mixed for the largest category of exports, processed exports. Since much of the value-added of these goods comes from parts and components produced in Japan, South Korea, and other East Asian supply chain countries, it is important to control for exchange rate changes in these countries. Employing DOLS techniques and quarterly data, this paper finds that exchange rate appreciations across supply chain countries would cause a much larger drop in processed exports than a unilateral appreciation of the RMB.  相似文献   

Divergence Indicators and the Volatility Smoothness in Semi-Fixed Exchange Rate Regimes. —Fixed or semi-fixed exchange rate regimes have volatility paths that are in general less smooth than their free floating counterpart. Moreover, there tends to be a correlation between the lack of smoothness and the weakness of the currency. In this article, the effects of divergence from central parity on the smoothness of the volatility are discussed within the framework of a TGARCH model. It is shown that, for various EMS rates, the divergence indicator has a statistically significant effect on the smoothness of the volatility path.  相似文献   

The Monetary Exchange Rate Model in the Long Run: An Empirical Investigation. — This paper uses the Johansen multivariate cointegration method to examine three variants of the monetary approach to the long-run exchange rate model: flexible price, forward-looking and sticky price monetary models. Evidence is provided for four bilateral sterling exchange rates. The sensitivity of the results to the measurement of monetary aggregates is also examined. The cointegration results provide dismal evidence for the flexible price and forward-looking models irrespective of the measurement of money. The findings are more mixed for the sticky price model, particularly when broad money is used.  相似文献   

An Econometric Analysis of the Main Components of M3 in the Euro Area. — The main result is that the four components of M3 in the euro area can be explained in terms of a small set of explanatory variables (nominal GDP and interest rates) for the sample period January 1990 — September 1999 both in terms of levels and as shares of M3. Moreover, overall cointegration tests broadly support the hypothesis of long-run stability of the demand for the components of M3 and for M3 itself in nominal terms. Around the start of Stage Three of Monetary Union significant substitution between the components of M3 is detected. A refinement of the empirical analysis takes into account the correlation of the unexplained movements of the individual components using the SUR technique.  相似文献   

Competitiveness and External Trade Performance of the French Manufacturing Industry. - This paper evaluates the competitiveness and external trade performance of the French manufacturing industry during the 1980s and early 1990s. It reviews developments in a broad range of competitiveness indicators, showing that the manufacturing sector appears to have maintained its competitive position, discusses developments in export market shares, and estimates a vector error correction model relating the trade ratio to relative unit labor costs, domestic and foreign demand, and nonprice competitiveness. Variance decompositions suggest that fluctuations in price and nonprice competitiveness account for about two-fifths of fluctuations in manufacturing trade flows.  相似文献   

State-Space Estimation of Rational Bubbles in the Yen/Deutsche Mark Exchange Rate. — This paper considers a series that uncovered interest parity predicts to be white noise and inspects it for evidence of stochastic rational bubbles. State-space methods are used that specify a bubble component of the series as an unobserved state. The technique’s effectiveness is demonstrated by Monte Carlo experiments. One span of the series is found in which a stochastic rational bubble specification clearly dominates the white noise specification. It coincides with a period of general financial turm-oil in the associated economies, i.e. Japan and Germany during 1989 and early 1990.  相似文献   

Comparing Monetary Policy Transmission across European Countries. — This paper re-evaluates the estimation of monetary policy transmission. Within the Structural VAR framework, five methodological points are identified, recognition of which can help to improve the reliability and credibility of estimates. The findings of the methodological analysis are applied to the estimation of models for thirteen European countries. Results show that considerable differences in the transmission mechanism exist between these economies, mainly in intensity, but also in timing.  相似文献   

This paper explores the degree of price and exchange rate interdependence between China and the G3 (US, Japan and the Euro-zone) by undertaking a VAR based shock analysis. A GARCH framework is also employed to derive the conditional variances to uncover the extent of volatility transmission. We address two key issues. First as there have been concerns about low value-added cheap Chinese goods flooding G3 markets, we attempt to measure the impact of Chinese prices on G3 import prices. Second, we focus on the transmission of exchange rate shocks – a subject which we approach by examining shocks in China's bilateral exchange rate with each of these major trading partners (the US, Japan and the Euro Area). Our results indicate that reduced import prices from China are the channel through which aggregate domestic prices in the G3 remain depressed, while the impact of the RMB exchange rate with G3 currencies appears less powerful. This finding implies that the Chinese authorities’ RMB exchange rate policy is relatively unimportant and, in particular, that a revaluation of the RMB would not do much to reduce the US trade deficit. In terms of volatility spillover, the relatively flexible RMB exchange rate against the Euro results in RMB-EUR volatility having a stronger influence than the more tightly controlled RMB-USD rate on the volatility of Chinese export prices.  相似文献   

Does Purchasing Power Parity Survive Political Shocks in South Africa? — The objectives of the paper are to examine the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) hypothesis for the South African economy during the period 1975–1994 using high-frequency data. The analysis is conducted both for the entire period and also for different subperiods in order to take into account possible structural changes. For the rand/ dollar exchange rate, the authors find on the basis of a unique long-run cointegrating relationship that there is significant evidence supporting the PPP hypothesis for the entire period. The use of nonlinear least squares and Johansen-Juselius procedures is made to reach the above conclusion.  相似文献   

The Dornbusch-Frankel monetary model is used to estimate the out-of-sample forecasting performance for the U.S. or Canadian dollar exchange rate. By using Johansen's multivariate cointegration, up to three cointegrating vectors were found between the exchange rate and macroeconomic fundamentals. This means that there is a long-run relationship between exchange rate and economic fundamentals. Based on error-correction models, the random-walk model outperforms the Dornbusch-Frankel model at every forecasting horizon. The random-walk model also dominates the Dornbusch-Frankel model with the modified money demand function at every forecasting horizon except one month. However, this paper shows that the share price variable can improve the accuracy of forecasts of exchange rates at short-run horizons.  相似文献   

Cross-Country Interdependencies in Growth Dynamics: A Model of Output Growth in the G7 Economies, 1960–1994. — Recently developed methods in time series analysis are employed to study output growth across the G7 economies. The methods accommodate the interdependencies that exist between economies’ growth, and provide the means for analyzing the sources of shocks to output growth and for examining the time profiles of the shock effects. Sophisticated dynamic adjustments in output are identified, due to lagged responses to shocks, the feedback of effects across countries, and the differential speeds of response to different types of shock. Among the shocks considered, those to world trade and oil prices are shown to significantly affect many countries’ output levels.  相似文献   

Capital Controls and International Trade Finance in a Dual Exchange Rate Regime: The Belgian Experience Post-Mortem. — The purpose of the paper is to model “leads and lags” capital flows on the official segment of a dual exchange market and to examine the effects of various types of capital controls imposed by authorities on the official spot and forward exchange markets. The focus of the analysis is the degree of insulation provided by a “dual exchange market cum capital controls” in face of a speculative crisis. The crucial variables in this respect are the deviation from covered interest parity and the forward risk premium. Results of the theoretical model are confronted with empirical evidence over the 1975–85 period.  相似文献   

Forecasting the Euro Exchange Rate Using Vector Error Correction Models. — This paper presents an exchange rate model for the Euro exchange rates of four major currencies, namely the US dollar, the British pound, the Japanese yen and the Swiss franc. The model is based on the monetary approach of exchange rate theory which uses fundamental macroeconomic variables to explain the exchange rate. A crucial point when using such a model is its proper estimation through cointegration analysis. The euro exchange rate model is therefore estimated in the form of a Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model with cointegrating vectors (VECM). We find that when cointegration analysis is undertaken properly, the naive random walk prediction can be out-performed for the US dollar, the British pound and the Japanese yen, but not for the Swiss franc.  相似文献   

The Macaulay duration is a highly successful tool for measuring and managing interest rate risk. However, it employs restrictive assumptions which constrain its usefulness in a rapidly evolving market. The Basel II implementation and ongoing accounting standard reassessments highlight the requirement for accurate, robust risk measures. Contemporary research has focused on augmenting the existing duration definition. We extend this work by relaxing some input assumptions, describing a different duration measure and applying it to interest rate driven price changes and examining the influence on the duration gap. The economic market value of equity (an important metric for regulators and risk management) is significantly improved.  相似文献   

The paper presents an analysis of exchange rate policy in Vietnam during 2008–2009. In early 2008, the country faced a sudden reversal of capital flows as signs of developing domestic vulnerabilities became evident. The downward pressure on the dong then intensified with the onset of the global financial crisis in the fall. In these environments, the Vietnamese authorities responded with various exchange rate policy measures. The paper documents a shift in Vietnam's de facto exchange rate regime, from a basket peg to a simple US dollar peg, when the domestic vulnerabilities became compounded by the evolving global crisis. The authorities utilized additional measures to relieve pressure on the parallel exchange rate. An event study methodology finds little evidence of systematic effectiveness for these policy actions; any effectiveness was short-lived. A close examination of individual actions suggests that the impact of foreign exchange market intervention appeared more consistent than any other type of measure and most effective when combined with other measures.  相似文献   

Although hedge funds have enjoyed unrivalled dominance after years of stellar returns, a combination of low interest rates, sustained economic growth and diminished arbitrage opportunities now threaten them. Distinguishing between funds – an onerous task with notoriously opaque investment strategies – has become paramount in the search for optimal returns. Simple risk and return performance measures cannot cope with the demands of an increasingly complex financial milieu. Interest has thus focused on more effective discriminatory performance measures. The innovative Omega ratio is calculated for South African hedge funds and compared with both Sharpe and Sortino ratios. Omega emerges as the superior measure.  相似文献   

Financial Innovation and the Long-Run Demand for Money in the United Kingdom and in West Germany. — This paper uses a cointegration model to compare the long-run demand for broad money in the UK and (West) Germany during the period 1963Q1–1990Q2. In the long-run demand function for Germany, real M3 is determined in classical manner by real income and a single opportunity cost variable. By contrast, the UK demand function requires in addition an explicit own rate on money as well as a risk variable. The income elasticity is also very high. These differences reflect the more rapid pace of financial innovation in the UK in the 1970s and 1980s.  相似文献   

Misalignments of Real Exchange Rates and the Credibility of Nominal Currency Bands. — This paper analyzes a sticky-price target zone model in which realignment risk is modeled endogenously as a function of the degree of real exchange rate misalignments. The implications of the model are used to investigate the credibility of selected nominal ERM exchange rate bands. We find that a lack of credibility of the ERM currency bands occurs mostly in countries with substantial swings and persistent misalignments of real exchange rates. These findings suggest that the major real appreciations in some European bilateral real exchange rates between 1987 and 1992 have been pivotal in triggering the ERM currency crises of 1992 and 1993.  相似文献   

A Re-Examination of the Forward Exchange Rate Unbiasedness Hypothesis. — This paper applies the Phillips and Hansen estimation and inference procedures to re-examine the hypothesis that the forward exchange rate is an unbiased predictor of the future spot exchange rate. The results indicate that the 90-day forward exchange rate is not an unbiased predictor. However, the 90-day forward and future spot exchange rates are cointegrated. Only for the U.K. pound/U.S. dollar exchange rate is there an error correction representation. Overall, however, the evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that risk-averse agents in the forward foreign exchange market form expectations rationally.  相似文献   

Proponents of issuing driver licenses to undocumented immigrants argue that the number of uninsured motorists and car accidents would decrease, thus improving public safety and lowering costs associated with car insurance. This study gives an overview of competing cost reduction and public safety arguments and examines the issues surrounding undocumented immigrants and driver licenses. It empirically assesses the effect on the average cost of auto insurance of restricting undocumented access to legal driving documents. We use a fixed effects model for panel data to test the effects on real average insurance expenditures of restricting undocumented immigrants' access to driver licenses, while controlling for other relevant factors suggested in the literature. Our main finding is that on net such restrictions raise the average annual cost of auto insurance by an estimated $17.22 ($2009) across states that have enacted such restrictions.  相似文献   

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