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Canada's high reliance on commodities can work against its constitutionally mandated goal of regional equity in economic development, while also inhibiting macroeconomic performance and limiting monetary policy effectiveness. Yet, flexible and integrated regional labour markets can help achieve both equity and macroeconomic goals. Therefore, this study examines the dynamics of Canadian provincial labour markets using a long-run restrictions structural vector autoregression (SVAR) model. Labour market fluctuations are decomposed into the parts arising from shocks to labour demand (new jobs), labour supply through migration (new people) and internal labour supply (original residents). The results suggest that demand innovations primarily underlie provincial labour market fluctuations. Despite significant geographic and language barriers that could impede their performance, there also is little overall evidence to suggest that provincial labour markets are more sluggish or less flexible than US state labour markets. Finally, original residents benefit slightly more from increased provincial labour demand compared to findings for US states.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the effects of regional and industry specific labor market indicators on wages and labor supply of married females. Based on the standard life cycle labor supply theory we derive a two equation censored panel model and estimate it using the Minimum Distance Method.For our empirical analysis we use four waves (1984–1987) of West German Panel data merged with regional indicators and industry specific demand side indicators. We obtain the result that, unlike industry specific indicators, regional demand side conditions have virtually no significant effect on market wages but that a direct effect of regional labor market conditions on labour supply remains. We conclude that regional labor market conditions can directly constrain the individual labor supply decision.  相似文献   

洪志娟   《技术经济》2017,36(8):85-91
探索了威客活动的地域分布特征,并将之与区域经济发展水平相联系,构建了区域经济发展研究的新视角。通过绘制分位地图,探索了威客活动可能存在的地域歧视,从需求和供给的角度分析了威客活动的地域分布情况。利用空间统计分析方法对比了GDP与威客数量的地域分布情况。研究结果表明:威客活动中不存在明显的地域歧视;威客活动的需求和供给分布较为一致;大多数省份的威客数量水平低于其经济发展水平;威客的地域分布不存在明显的集聚现象。整体而言,以威客平台为基础的网上劳动力市场的存在与发展,借助互联网在联系不同地域、消除地域差异上起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

我国城市劳动力市场的就业效率   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文借助协整分析、面板数据模型等方法和工具,运用劳动部门公布的全国部分城市劳动力市场供求情况的数据和国家统计局公布的经济运行的相关数据,分析经济形势的变化对劳动力市场的影响,发现我国的经济增长与城市劳动力市场的求人倍率之间存在着较为稳定的均衡关系,发展第三产业是吸纳更多劳动力的有效途径,各行业投资吸纳就业的能力没有差别,因此,着重投资于居民服务和其他服务业等行业,可以有效引致更多劳动力需求。  相似文献   

China's economic reforms have brought rapid growth in rural off-farm employment, raising questions about the assumption that rural China is labor surplus and has poorly functioning factor markets. We investigate this by testing for separability between household labor demand and supply using panel data. We find that separability is rejected overall, indicating that factor markets remain underdeveloped. Nonseparability, however, is associated with labor surplus in some areas and labor shortage in others. Moreover, separability holds where substantial employment opportunities exist in the wider township, suggesting that such employment promotes competitive allocation within villages as well as the inter-village movement of resources.  相似文献   

We study the role of different labor market integration policies on economic performance and convergence of two distinct regions in an agent-based model. Production is characterized by a complementarity between the quality of the capital stock and the specific skills of workers using the capital stock. Hence, productivity changes in a region are influenced both by the investment of local firms in high quality capital goods and by the evolution of the specific skill distribution of workers employed in the region. We show that various labor market integration policies yield, via differing regional worker flows, to distinct regional distributions of specific skills. Through this mechanism, relative regional prices are affected, determining the shares that the regions can capture from overall consumption good demand. There occurs a trade-off between aggregate output and convergence of regions with closed labor markets resulting in relatively high convergence but low output, and more integrated labor markets yielding higher output but lower convergence. Furthermore, results differ substantially in several respects as distinct labor market opening policies are applied.  相似文献   


The linkage Keynes established between the volume of employment that business firms require to make a particular number of jobs available provides an operational perspective about the way in which labor markets work. The aggregate supply or Z function is, in fact, a job offer curve. The most significant insight to derive from this curve is that job offers are inseparable from the economy's aggregate expenditure (or demand) level. This interdependency of aggregate supply and aggregate demand is necessary to understand the functioning of labor markets in the real world. This paper argues that a disaggregated model which encapsulates the economy's price-taking and price-making sectors offers a promising analytical tool to gain perspective about ‘good jobs’ and ‘poor jobs’ in post-Fordist economies. It is maintained that the sectoral deployment of workers reflects whether employing firms, as price-makers, can capture the increasing returns inherent in modern technology.  相似文献   

Bulte and van Soest [Bulte, E., van Soest, D. 1999. A note on soil depth, failing markets and agricultural pricing. Journal of Development Economics 58, 245-254.] argue that higher agricultural output prices result in greater soil conservation when labor markets function well but have ambiguous effects when labor markets are absent. The latter result is not attributable to labor market failure but rather occurs whenever labor supply is less than perfectly elastic. Consistent with the more general model presented here, empirical evidence from a number of developing countries suggests that well-functioning labor markets are associated with decreases in investment in soils.  相似文献   

马淑琴  杜华俊 《经济地理》2011,31(4):636-641
国际金融危机对我国区域出口贸易影响主要来自需求因素、供给因素与阻力因素的冲击。通过面板模型分析,结果显示外部需求锐减、劳动力成本上涨是导致我国出口贸易骤减的重要原因。从区域层面看,国外收入水平下滑、劳动力成本上涨、投资下降对东部地区出口波动影响显著,需求减少与原材料价格波动是中部地区出口受挫的主要原因,劳动力成本上涨与FDI是西部地区出口下滑的重要因素。在后危机时代,我国应加快对外贸易转型升级,优化东部地区出口贸易结构,培育中西部地区产业转移承接能力。  相似文献   

The usual version of the expectations-augmented Phillips curve is shown to contain several inconsistencies. In particular, it does not take account of the dependence of labor demand and supply on the real wage, nor does it treat the goods and labor markets symmetrically. When the model is revised to meet these points, it is found that standard accelerationist results are largely unaffected. However, the important issue as to whether inflation accelerates depends not on wage but on price behavior. A unit coefficient on the expectations variable in the wage equation is seen to be irrelevant to this question.  相似文献   

The paper develops and estimates a small equilibrium model of the Canadian postwar labor market. The framework is imperfect competition in product and labor markets which, we argue, is forced upon us by the empirical fact that real wages do not on their own explain the business cycle. The framework incorporates on the supply side the effects of both unemployment benefits and the terms of trade. These variables, together with demand side effects, are then used to account Canadian unemployment. A pleasing feature of the model is that it is quite econometrically stable over the turbulent '80s.  相似文献   

This paper documents that, at the aggregate level, (i) real wages are positively correlated with output and, on average, lag output by about one quarter in emerging markets, while there are no systematic patterns in developed economies, and (ii) real wage volatility (relative to output volatility) is about twice as high in emerging markets compared with developed economies. We then present a small open economy model with productivity shocks and countercyclical interest rates. The model incorporates a working capital requirement and the Jaimovich and Rebelo (2009) preference that allows for flexible parameterization of the strength of income effects on labor supply. The model can account for the high volatility of wage and consumption relative to output and countercyclical trade balances that characterize emerging-market economies. During economic downturns, rising interest rates in emerging markets induce relatively large income effects on labor supply, so households would not reduce their labor input as much even though wages drop significantly.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of corruption in infrastructure development as well as in capital and labor markets, on capital accumulation and output in an overlapping generations model. Corruption affects income redistribution, government expenditures on infrastructure, firms’ incentive to invest, and workers’ incentive to supply labor. An increase in corruption in infrastructure development decreases capital accumulation and output if the decrease in the savings of ordinary workers is sufficiently large. An increase in corruption in the capital market decreases capital accumulation and output. An increase in corruption in labor market decreases capital accumulation and output when labor supply is completely inelastic. Simulation results based on plausible parameter values indicate that an increase in corruption in the labor market will also reduce labor supply, capital accumulation and output.   相似文献   

This paper examines three farm labor issues: (1) how mechanization affects the demand for farm labor; (2) how immigration reform affects the supply of farm workers; and (3) how 10 years of collective bargaining affect the farm labor market. The evidence suggests that mechanization, immigration reform, and collective bargaining have had or will have fewer effects on the farm labor market than is often assumed. However, the farm labor market is vulnerable to future shocks if it remains isolated from nonfarm labor markets.  相似文献   

基于地区差异分析的中国技术创新产出研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了对我国区域技术创新产出能力有一个全局性的了解,通过因子分析发现技术创新产出可分解为自主创新产出和短期应用产出两类。为进一步找到这两类产出的地区性差异,在分析影响创新产出的决定因素的基础上,构建了科学的科技供需计量分析模型,利用此模型测算了我国地区科技供需基本情况。最后,对地区创新产出能力和地区科技供需特征之间的关系进行了实证研究。结果表明:我国地区自主创新产出与当地科技高供给有强相关性,而与当地是否有科技需求关联性不强,这说明地区科技发展还未进入以需求为主导的阶段。而在短期科技应用上,如科技贸易,科技转让,各地区间没有明显的差异。需要解决的普遍性问题是如何完善科技市场化机制,促进研发与应用的良性循环。  相似文献   

The paper develops a three-sector, specific factor, general equilibrium model with two high-skill sectors and unemployment of skilled labor. One of the two high-skill sectors produces a non-traded commodity whose aggregate demand consists of both domestic demand and an exogenously given foreign demand. The consequences of a decline in the foreign demand for the non-traded good resulting from worldwide economic recession on the skilled and unskilled labor markets in a developing economy have been examined. The analysis finds that the effects on the labor markets crucially hinge on the relative factor intensities of the two high-skill sectors and that through the adoption of appropriate fiscal measures; the country can shield its workforce from the rage of global economic downturn.  相似文献   

The control of drug activity currently favors supply‐side policies: drug suppliers in the United States face a higher arrest rate and longer sentences than demanders. We construct a simple model of drug activity with search and entry frictions in labor and drug markets. Our calibration analysis suggests a strong “dealer replacement effect.”  As a result, given a variety of community objectives, it is beneficial to lower supplier arrests and raise the demand arrest rate from current values. A 10% shift from supply‐side to demand‐side arrests can reduce the population of potential drug dealers by 22–25,000 and raise aggregate local income by $380–$400 million, at 2002 prices.  相似文献   

In this work we first model the role of demand‐ and supply‐side factors (labour market adjustment, productive efficiency) in explaining economic growth. Empirically testing the model, we evaluate why different growth regimes may appear in the 20 Italian administrative regions. This exercise uses a two‐stage econometric approach. Estimates for the elasticity of manufacturing output to exports are obtained from regional time series: a significant long‐run relationship indicates the existence of a demand‐constrained growth regime. We then ascertain whether the regional dispersion of supply‐side factors has an impact on the regional dispersion of growth regimes. The empirical evidence supports our expectations of strong regional differences. Southern regions are less likely to display demand‐constrained regimes. In explanation of these differences, second‐stage analysis reveals that a strong role is played by such efficiency‐enhancing factors as technological innovation, bank diffusion and ‘social capital’. No role is found for labour market rigidities.  相似文献   

Using factor content analysis, this paper provides estimates of the effects of manufacturing trade expansion on men and women's employment in Germany and Japan, with breakdowns by world, OECD, and non-OECD trade. Evidence is found that foreign trade expansion had a more negative effect on women's than men's manufacturing employment in Japan and a roughly equal effect in Germany, with the difference between the countries driven by non-OECD trade. In spite of this, demand shifted away from women's manufacturing employment in Germany after the early-1970s, for both the manufacturing sector as a whole and for manufacturing industries with high female shares of employment, while no such labor demand shifts occurred in Japan. In the face of these differences in labor demand and of very similar increases in female labor supply, male-female hourly wage differences narrowed in Germany and widened in Japan, for both manufacturing and non-agricultural employees. It is concluded that shifts in neither labor supply nor labor demand fit with observed trends of male-female wage differences in Germany and Japan.  相似文献   

In this paper I document cross-country gaps between gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and GDP per worker. The gaps are driven mostly by a lower female labor force participation (LFP) in developing countries. Females began to participate more in the labor markets of these countries when more households acquired access to basic infrastructure and when distortive policies affecting the prices of household appliances were partially removed. I use a model of home production with endogenous labor force participation to account for these facts. I find that the prices of household appliances and access to infrastructure are quantitatively important in explaining cross-country labor supply differences.  相似文献   

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