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渐进资本开放下中国货币政策的独立性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对中国资本流动程度和中国货币政策独立性的回归检验结果表明:中国的经济实践是符合不可能三角命题的。在1980—2003年间,在事实上钉住美元的固定汇率制度下,中国实行着较为严格的资本管制政策和享有独立的货币政策,但货币政策主要依赖于数量调控工具,汇率和利率的价格调控微乎其微,货币政策的独立性受到极大的挑战。  相似文献   

"三元悖论"理论对我国政策搭配的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国长期以来实行的是独立的货币政策、稳定的汇率制度和严格的资本管制。当前在人民币汇率面临升值压力的情况下,这种政策搭配格局是否还合适、是否应该改善已成为一个热点问题。当前我国合理的政策搭配应该是保证货币政策相对独立性的前提下,汇率波动幅度的逐渐增大和资本管制的逐渐放松相结合的模式。  相似文献   

随着美国等发达经济体非常规货币政策的实施与陆续退出,新兴经济体面临着货币政策独立性挑战。以2001年至2016年间19个新兴经济体的面板数据为样本,运用动态面板GMM方法研究了短期跨境资本规模的变动对其货币政策独立性的影响。研究结果显示:汇率弹性大小和资本账户开放度对货币政策独立性的影响不显著,短期跨境资本流动规模的扩大显著降低了新兴经济体的货币政策独立性。这表明新兴经济体在面临跨境资本监管难题的情况下,中心国家货币政策通过影响跨境资本流动传递信号,进而影响他国信贷规模和杠杆率,浮动汇率制并不能保证货币政策独立。为增强货币政策独立性,新兴经济体应该对跨境资本流动实施审慎监管,并加强与发达经济体之间多层次货币与金融合作。  相似文献   

资本项目放开条件下的货币政策调控   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鉴于加入WTO后五年内要放开金融市场,资本项目可兑换就成为我国迟早要面对的现实问题。资本项目下放开意味着更加频繁和规模巨大的资本流动,既有利于我国扩大利用国际金融资源,也是对中国货币政策调控能力和金融安全的一个严峻考验。因此,完善我国的金融市场,逐步放开利率管制,增加汇率的弹性,健全货币政策调控和监管已成为当务之急。  相似文献   

从"三元悖论" 看人民币汇率制度面临的挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方经济学家在对开放经济的研究中发现,在资本的完全流动条件下,一国的汇率稳定与其货币当局的货币政策独立性将出现明显的冲突。如果一国需要在固定汇率的情况下通过提高利率实行紧缩政策,减少总需求,就会面临国际资金的流入,导致货币政策难以达到效果。而此时只有对资本项目进行管制,才能有效阻隔国外资本流入,此时货币政策的独立性才可以与固定汇率兼得;同样,要在资本自由流动的情况下采取紧缩政策,就必须使汇率放开浮动,通过本币升值使资本的流入减少,从而保证货币政策的独立性(Munde11,1963)。  相似文献   

本文基于企业跨国生产决策行为,通过构建动态一般均衡模型,分析了汇率内生变化条件下货币政策冲击对国际直接投资流动的影响。根据1980—2018年国别面板数据构建的PVAR模型和根据中国数据构建的VAR模型的研究显示:第一,汇率渠道是货币政策影响国际直接投资流动的关键机制,东道国扩张性的货币政策冲击会通过影响其货币对外贬值进而促进国际直接投资流入。第二,汇率制度和资本账户管制是影响货币政策的国际直接投资流动效应的重要因素,固定汇率制度和资本账户管制降低了货币政策对国际直接投资流动的影响。汇率制度作用于货币政策冲击对汇率变动的影响,资本账户管制作用于汇率变动对国际直接投资流动的影响。第三,中国货币政策冲击对国际直接投资流入的影响幅度更大,国际直接投资投入对中国货币政策冲击的反应速度更快且持续时间更长,货币政策变化是解释中国国际直接投资流入变动的重要因素。  相似文献   

中国资本账户开放程度的测算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对我国资本账户开放程度的准确判断是相关理论研究和决策分析的基本前提。从名义和实际两个方面对中国的资本账户开放程度进行测度的结果表明:(1)当前我国的名义资本管制处于中等水平,而实际资本账户的开放水平要远高于名义资本账户开放水平;(2)在存在较大套利空间的情况下,即便存在较为严格的资本管制,资本管制的有效性也很难长期维持;(3)虽然资本管制程度的加强很难对实际的套利资本流动加以控制,但在资本管制措施逐渐放松以后,却很容易导致实际资本流动性的急剧提高,这一点,造成了我国当前资本管制政策的"两难"选择。  相似文献   

该文从三元悖论中的政策选择出发,通过分析开放经济中的一般性政策选择,并结合中国当前面对的挑战——流动性过剩、高通胀预期和人民币升值等问题指出,我国最初的政策选择"汇率稳定"和"货币政策自主权"在外贸结汇体制的影响下,已受到了极大挑战,并难以为继,我国最终将选择"货币政策独立性"和"资本自由流动"。  相似文献   

程祖伟 《经济经纬》2007,(1):35-39,43
笔者通过拓广的蒙代尔-弗莱明模型,并突破了传统的"三元冲突"汇率制度安排理论的研究路径,考虑引入资本流动性相对强度系数的概念,又在固定汇率制下引入"冲销"干预政策因素,提出了一个在固定和浮动汇率及不同资本流动性制度安排下财政-货币政策有效性指数曲线的新假说,对汇率-资本流动性制度安排对于宏观经济政策(财政-货币政策)综合有效性的影响问题做了一些较为深入的探讨.笔者认为,我国作为一个经济大国应尽可能地拥有宏观经济政策的自主权,考虑到我国当前金融市场体系尚不够完善,货币政策传导机制还存在严重障碍,所以在近期财政政策的权重应大于货币政策,从而在我国汇率制度改革过程中,为保留宏观经济政策的自主权,在加快放宽人民币汇率弹性的同时必须加强相应的资本管制.  相似文献   

本文通过修正的BGT模型,重新构造净国外资产变化(△NFA)与净国内资产变化(△NDA)变量,同时使用OLS和联立方程方法估计了中国自1994年汇改以来国际资本流动和货币政策之间的定量关系,并采用递归系数方法估计了其动态变化过程。结果显示:中国国际资本流动与货币政策冲突加重,货币政策虽对资本流动冲销力度充分大,但资本流动的抵消效应也十分大,央行货币政策独立性受到很大挑战,央行冲销工具面临无效性难题,正被迫寻找其他措施化解外汇占款。  相似文献   

Given China’s status as a large transitional economy, analysing the country’s monetary policy requires an understanding of the institutional and policy environment within which monetary policy operates. As China’s monetary policy has multiple objectives and the central bank is subordinate to the State Council in monetary policy decisions, addressing deep-rooted structural issues and improving governance and institutions are essential so that monetary policy can be more focused and effective. Confronted with the Impossible Trinity dilemma, China faces daunting challenges in tackling the inevitable policy choice between monetary autonomy and exchange rate control as its capital account increasingly liberalises. This article analyses China’s unique and evolving monetary policy framework from an institutional perspective and evaluates the challenges to monetary management and reforms. Relevant policy implications for monetary policy implementation are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper tests the autonomy of domestic monetary policy in the context of the macroeconomic policy trilemma for a large data-set of developing and developed countries covering three different time periods characterized with different exchange rate regimes and capital controls. The existing literature uses fixed coefficient methodologies to examine monetary policy independence; whereas we show that the coefficients of interest are unstable as countries switch between different exchange rate regimes and/or capital controls over time. The contribution is in using a time-varying parameter model that better captures the effects of the heterogeneity in different exchange rate regimes and capital mobility restrictions on monetary policy independence over time, allowing a more accurate test of the macroeconomic trilemma.  相似文献   

本文采用修正的BGT模型,实证研究了国际资本流动影响因素以及央行在面对国内外资本市场波动、金融体系变迁等情形下,货币政策实施方式及其效果。结果显示,随着意愿结售汇制度的实行和人民币汇率弹性的增强,央行的货币自主性得以加强;在开放环境下,国际资本流动受国内外利差、资本市场溢价、货币政策及汇率制度和外汇管理制度的影响。面对这些国内外冲击,央行进行了央票冲销或调整准备金率等的反向货币政策操作,以实现货币政策目标。  相似文献   

中国正面临越来越大的三元悖论困扰,即在维持有限的汇率制度弹性以及货币政策自主性的同时,持续面临着大规模的国际资本流入。实证研究发现,在面临大规模的外汇资本积累后,央行的外汇冲销水平在2006年第3季度后下降了,但总体上看,中国货币供应还存在一定的自主性。由于外汇冲销存在一定成本,央行应提高成本较低的回购操作比重,降低成本较高的央行票据操作比重。考虑到十二五规划已经制定了扩大内需战略,来自经常项目盈余的外汇流入会持续下降,中国对外国直接投资进行了有针对性地控制和引导,限制热钱流入应该是中国今后应对外汇资本流入的重点。而只有人民币成为国际信贷货币,才能从根本上消除外汇积累的货币效应以及货币错配风险。  相似文献   

The Effectiveness of Capital Controls: Theory and Evidence from Chile   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Selective capital controls tax only some components of capital flows. One of the rationales for such controls is that they increase the scope for an independent monetary policy, without taxing foreign direct investment and other long term flows. The first part of this paper offers a new framework to evaluate how selective capital controls might increase monetary autonomy, which considers two types of capital flows that coexist: the taxed and exempt flows. It is found that under free floating selective controls increase monetary autonomy, in the sense of allowing the authorities to set the path of the nominal exchange rate. But under predetermined exchange rate rules, the contribution of selective controls to monetary autonomy depends of the ability to reduce total inflows, which is an empirical matter. The second part describes the Chilean unremunerated reserve requirement (URR), a selective control introduced in June 1991 on a permanent basis, in a setting of predetermined exchange rates. This control collected substantial revenue, proving that it was relevant. An econometric model with data for 1987–1996 finds that substitution from the exempt short-term flows compensated reductions in taxed short-term flows, so the Chilean URR did not discourage total net short-term credit inflows to the private sector. This implies that the Chilean URR failed to contribute to monetary autonomy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the extent of monetary independence in a group of ten Asian countries: China, Malaysia, Japan, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Korea, Singapore, and Hong Kong. While the traditional investigation has considered only the bivariate relationship between the home interest rate and the base rate, we employ both single-equation and vector autoregressive representations of the bivariate and the trivariate relationship including the desired (or optimal) interest rate. We find in most countries, that the ranking of monetary independence is relatively consistent across the models and methodologies although model specifications produce important differences for some countries such as Japan, Indonesia, and India. Trilemma suggests that a country cannot accomplish all three policy objectives: monetary independence, exchange rate stability, and free capital mobility. To increase monetary independence a country must choose between greater exchange rate flexibility or a lower degree of capital mobility. The fact that China and Malaysia, the two countries that are known to have imposed the strictest capital controls, consistently rank high in various scenarios while Hong Kong, which has maintained nearly the freest regime in capital markets, is lowest in monetary independence, indicates that perhaps capital controls may play a more important role than does exchange rate flexibility in securing independence in monetary policy making. On the other hand, countries that maintain greater exchange rate stability do not necessarily rank low, unless it is combined with greater capital mobility as in the case of Hong Kong.  相似文献   

进入21世纪,全球性的货币扩张带来了全球性的流动性过剩,中国因储蓄倾向较高、外汇管理体制、经济的高速增长、金融产品供给的不足和国际资本的不断进入导致了较为严重的流动性过剩。对此应采取扩大消费需求,大力发展中国的资本市场,改革中国外汇储备管理体制、汇率体制及提高货币政策的有效性等措施。  相似文献   

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