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大型发电机组厂用高压变压器中性点一般采用经电阻接地的方式,其低压侧共箱封母发生单相接地时,零序电流较大,但此时高变差动保护可能不会动作;且配置的“零序过流保护”也只动作出口跳厂用电源开关,不能完全切除故障,形成零序保护动作死区。衣文就厂用高压变压器低压侧共箱封母单相接地时零序保护配置进行探讨,达到消除该死区的目的。  相似文献   

某日该电厂1号、2号机组运行,3号机组停备;220kV两条系统联络线Ⅰ线、Ⅱ线突然发生C相零序距离Ⅰ段保护动作,随后重合闸成功。这是一起比较典型的由于保护误动,险些酿成全厂停电的大故障。  相似文献   

110kV贾庄变电站是临颍县电网中枢纽变电站,主变差动保护采用许继WBH-812/R2差动保护,在近半年的运行中,主保差动保护先后3次误动作,造成本站主变三侧开关动作,大面积停电,严重影响了我县电网的安全经济运行。  相似文献   

目前110kV变电站10kV馈线越来越多地采用电缆出线,以致10kV系统单相对地电容电流大幅度增加。为抑制单相接地时产生的过电压幅值,110kV变电站10kV电网系统开始加装接地变压器,构成低阻接地接线方式,形成一条零序电流的通道,以便当10kV系统发生接地时,根据接地点所在位置,由相应零序保护有选择性动作将接地故障隔离,以防电弧重燃引发过电压,保证电网设备安全供电。  相似文献   

变压器在正常运行或外部故障时可能在高低侧存在零序电流差,所以变压器保护装置为了防止差动保护误动作,有必要在计算差动电流时把所有绕组电流中的零序分量撤除掉,利用撤除了零序电流量的高低压侧电流计算差动和制动电流值.在这种情况下加单相电流进行校验和加三相电流校验时的差动电流及制动电流之间存在差异,本文给出了在在加单相电流进行校验的差流计算公式并进行了现场校验.  相似文献   

最近,山东省莒南县粮油机械厂研制出DEZS-30型粮食筛选分级成套设备。该套设备的性能、自动化程度及筛分质量均达到了目前国际通用技术标准的要求。该厂创造性地运用了“变控自振原理”,使花生米等物料在各层筛网上跳动爬坡前进,不仅使筛分率达到>99.2%,召来李<0.03%,而否保持了生产稳定性,同时,该设备生产线采用了“分布式民#提升输送机”,可实现折线戏曲线连续彻料输送,有效地降担了花生米破损率。此外它自动化程厦高,生产上能实现自暖料到分级筛选到计量包装一次完成,其性能这到国内领先水平。这章设备适用干面粉厂…  相似文献   

针对某发电厂发生的一次主变间隙零序电流保护误动事故,通过理论与实践的结合分析了事故发生的原因,并提出了切实有效的改进措施。  相似文献   

现代高压同杆双回线路,常采用纵联距离保护作为主保护之一,其距离侧量元件在故障位置判断中起着关健的作用。当发生接地故障时,由于零序互感的影响,接地测量阻抗会产生偏差,可能导致保护的超范围与欠范围动作。本文分析了一起在淮安电网发生的由于线路零序互感影响而导致的纵联零序保护误动事件,总结了保护误动原因,并提出了几种防范措施。  相似文献   

实际中,二次部分会对一次设备的正常运行造成直接的影响,并且,一定程度上还危害到了保护的正确动作.本文首先论述了变电站的数字化,其次,对220kV一次设备改造之中的二次问题的解决办法进行了一番研究,最后,阐述了变电站的改造.  相似文献   

实际中,二次部分会对一次设备的正常运行造成直接的影响,并且,一定程度上还危害到了保护的正确动作。本文首先论述了变电站的数字化,其次,对220kV一次设备改造之中的二次问题的解决办法进行了一番研究,最后,阐述了变电站的改造。  相似文献   

This paper is divided into two sections. In the first section, I discuss “what is spirituality?” and in the section that follows, I examine some of the implications of my definition to the teaching of spirituality in an undergraduate business ethics course. For the purposes of this paper, spirituality is defined as the planned experience (the inner feeling) of blending integrity and integration through 1 – acceptance (of the past), 2 – commitment (to the future), 3 – reasonable choice, 4 – mindful action, and 5 –continuous dialog (both internal and external). This definition is a work-in-progress and offered mainly as a point of departure rather than a final destination.  相似文献   

The decrease in consumer trust in the financial sector and the attempts to restore it are receiving a great deal of interest, especially since the financial crisis at the end of 2008. EU legislation is one of the ways that attempts have been made to regain the trust of investors. In the second section, the concept of “trust” will be subjected to an in-depth yet not exhaustive examination, with the aim of reducing its elusiveness. The third section will discuss three recent EU proposals. Examination of these legislative proposals reveals that (1) the term “trust” is not precisely defined, and (2) without stating further reasons, the restoration of trust in the financial sector is considered a worthy goal. In light of the aforementioned, the fourth section will address the desirability of clarity regarding the term “trust.” The fifth section will then assess whether legislation is a suitable means to restore consumer trust, and the sixth section explores whether the restoration of consumer trust in the financial sector is a worthy goal. Indeed, the European legislator and other policymakers seem to consider a low level of consumer trust a bad thing, a high level of consumer trust a good thing, and a higher level of consumer trust an even better thing. This article will argue that it is doubtful whether EU legislation is a suitable means for restoring consumer trust in the financial sector and, moreover, that considering the perverse incentives in the current financial sector, among other things, a realistic degree of trust, implying a certain distrust, appears preferable.  相似文献   

牛园 《商》2014,(25):169+139-169
2013年上映的影片《一代宗师》,其筹备工作就长达八年之久,其中更是综合了梁朝伟、章子怡、张震、宋慧乔等两岸三地、各路实力派明星的倾力奉献,带领我们穿越时空,为我们呈现了一场民国时期,中国的“江湖风云之变”。《一代宗师》,以不同的视角,全新的理念,在尊重历史与事实的基础上,为我们重现了一个特殊时代的江湖故事,具有重要的艺术价值,值得我们去学习思考。  相似文献   

This article offers a methodologically innovative Representative Literature Review of 260 Development-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility publications explicating why the nascent domain’s early momentum has seemingly stagnated. Using mixed-methodological citation network analysis informed by Applied Thematic Analysis research design principles, this in-depth literature review unearths a causal set of Impediments, leading to Inhibitors restraining Developmental Corporate Social Responsibility’s inclusive sustainable developmental potential. The Seven Impediments and their Seven Inhibitors are ultimately meta-thematically synthesized into the following Three Inhibitions presently stifling the field: “(I) Ignorance,” “(II) Isomorphism,” and “(III) Inharmony.” Resultantly, this article offers three contributions for addressing these Inhibitions. First, academic scholarship is offered knowledge of how “(I) Ignorance” may be curbed by producing research that retains and builds upon knowledge cumulatively, instead of losing it to fragmentary dissipation born of scholarly incoherence. Second, institutional policymakers are offered pathways for transcending superficial “(II) Isomorphism” by enforcing regulation that engenders ethical business conduct by filling critical institutional voids in developing context jurisdictions. Finally, this review outlines how the Inhibition of “(III) Inharmony” may be pragmatically transcended by harmonizing unconscious ontological dissonance through self-awareness and reflexive virtue development by synergistically enacting individual Moral Courage, Moral Tact, and Moral Imagination tempered by African Vhuthu/Ubuntu.  相似文献   

In line with growing interest in craft and maker economies, I examine the resurgence of handmade bicycle fabricators (“framebuilders”) in the U.S. since the early 2000s. I provide an account of one of the driving elements of this framebuilding renaissance, the North American Handmade Bicycle Show, considered as a “field-configuring event” through – and around – which forms of market-making and market object stabilization processes were achieved. I focus in particular on the way in which the “handmade bike” as a market object was stabilized and defined. Expanding on the “markets as practice” literature, I take up a larger concern with how these market-making and field-configuring dynamics connect to the material position of those within the field and their pursuit of livelihood. I find that, paradoxically, the particular successful stabilization of the “handmade” bicycle achieved around the show was difficult to sustain as a business model for many framebuilders.  相似文献   

王蓓蕾  周夙韬 《商》2014,(23):140-141
《财经法规与会计职业道德》是会计人员必修的核心课程,主要目的是培养会计人员理解和运用财经法规的能力以及良好的会计职业素养。传统的以讲授式为主的教学方法已经无法满足教学目标需求,而采用案例教学法能够充分调动学生自主学习和独立思考的积极性和主动性。案例教学法不仅能丰富教学内容,而且能培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,以达到良好的教学效果。本文就案例教学法在《财经法规与会计职业道德》教学中的应用谈几点初步的认识。  相似文献   


The marketing of certain tourist destinations can be analyzed as discourse that conveys meaning to the consumer and to the consumed. This discourse, which I refer to hereafter as paradisal discourse, is a combination of Orientalism, travel writing, discourse of the Primitive, and diverse forms of Otherness. This paper begins with an exploration of discourse as a tool of knowledge and of power, illustrated through a detailed assessment of Said's Orientalism and other relevant works and concepts. The discourses of “Orientalism,” “primitivism” and travel writing are likened to the paradisal discourse found in the marketing of certain types of tourist destinations. The second section of the paper presents an historical and cultural analysis of the concept of paradise in Western society, summarizing the elements which, over time, have come to form this distinctive discourse. The third section of the paper assesses the way in which this discourse forms the framework by which a specific tropical paradise, Hawaii, is marketed and consumed today.  相似文献   

The question of U.S. divestment of South African assets can be segmented into two major issues: (1) corporate behavior in a general sense and (2) nature of the product produced. The first issue has four sub-issues: (1) Is apartheid immoral? (2) Do corporations have any social responsibility? (3) Do the rights of South African blacks concerning the issue of apartheid outweigh those of the corporations to do business freely? (4) Are the benefits to blacks greater with divestment than without? The term “benefits” is then defined in both macro and micro dimensions. A “NO” answer to any one of the several questions would lead to the conclusion that there is no moral obligation for U.S. firms presently in South Africa to divest. The analysis presented will conclude that the answer to the first three questions is “yes”. Further, the answer to the first half of the fourth question (macro benefits) will be determined to be “no”. The micro benefit issue, namely, the nature of the product produced, will then be evaluated using a model based on which group benefits most from the item produced. Assuming corporations are successfully meeting their moral obligations under questions # 2 and # 3, then the general conclusion will be reached that firms producing items of direct benefit to the black community should stay; firms producing items of direct benefit to the government should divest; and no generalized model for analysis can be assumed for firms producing items which benefit both groups equally. Finally, a brief discussion is presented of the issue of obligation for positive action against apartheid, both political and economic, on the part of U.S. corporations.  相似文献   

成都自古即有“天府”和“天府之国”之称,其最初得名略晚于关中,以后取代关中,这已成千古定论。根据苏秦、张良、诸葛亮之定义,所谓“天府”和“天府之国”,必须具有“四塞之国”、“沃野千里”、“天子之都”三个标准。后来太原、北京、沈阳、汪淮以南、闽中等地先后有“天府”之称,但均因缺乏其中一条或多条标准而够不上“天府”和“天府之国”之称谓,也自然为历史所淘汰。目前在成都未丧失上述条件前,来开展评选“新天府”活动则毫无意义。  相似文献   

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