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3月1日,上海新国际会展中心彩旗飘扬.人头涌动,第13届华东进出口商品交易会开幕了。浙江交易团阵容强大,455家企业前往参展。  相似文献   

黄宏 《新商务》2004,(3):12-13
3月7日,被称为“全年外贸促销第一会”的华东进出口商品交易会结束了。以往,很多企业在参加完了各种各样的交易会以后,总是发出“岁岁年年花相似,年年岁岁人不同”的感叹,但是在今年的华交会结束以后,很多企业却有着不同的感受:现在世界还真是不同了,不能再用老眼光来看交易会了。  相似文献   

沈祎 《国际市场》2004,(4):28-29
经过10多年的发展,中国华东进出口商品交易会已忧为“中国规模最大、客商最多、辐射面最广、成交额最高的区域性国际经贸盛会”。第14届华交会参展企业中国企占18%,比上届下降20个百分点;外商投资企业占29%,比上届提高2个百分点;民营企业和股份制企业占53%,比上届提高18个百分点。这一变化反映了民营经济混合经济在轻纺产品这一竞争性行业中的发展趋势。  相似文献   

为期5天的第十八届华东进出口商品交易会闭幕。江苏交易团共计成交6.89亿美元,比上年增长4.7%。  相似文献   

又到春花烂漫时。一年一度、为时7天的中国华东进出口商品交易会(简称“华交会”)于3月1日起揭开其绚丽多姿的面纱。不过,今年举办的第十四届华交会特点凸显:体量空前地“丰满”了,展览面积、标准摊位、参展企业均有较大幅度的增加;外商青睐“华交会”,把它视为“能赚大钱的好地方”:各类外贸企业以“华交会”为契机,力争多拿订单,以弥补刚实施的国家出口退税新政策给部分产品造成的损失。  相似文献   

有“新春第一展”之称的第21届中国华东进出口商品交易会(简称华交会)3月5日在上海新国际博览中心完美闭幕,共有3300多家海内外企业参展.展馆规模达到10.35万平方米,  相似文献   

沈祎  张娟  李解 《国际市场》2006,(4):8-11
第16届中国华东进出口商品交易会已落下帷幕,本届交易会总成交33.21亿美元,创造了可观的销售业绩。华交会上万商云集,本刊记者采访了众多的买家卖家,了解哪些产品好卖,它们为什么好卖,这对于外贸企业来说可谓一个商业情报。[编者按]  相似文献   

薛言 《国际市场》2003,(3):22-22
三月申城,春光明媚,鲜花绽放。被喻为“全国最大的地方性交易会”的华交会.三月一日迎来其第13个春秋。她犹如一朵绚丽多姿的奇葩在祖国外经贸大花园里散发出阵阵扑鼻的芳香。  相似文献   

第12届中国华东进出口商品交易会是在国际经济增幅趋减、全球保护主义和各种非贸易壁垒猖獗、国内出口态势日益严峻的大背景下举办的.日前,记者走访了一些国有外贸企业,经营者异口同声:目前,国有外贸企业在外商与工厂的夹缝中求生存,要维持一席之地,唯有努力开发新的出口产品和推进工贸结合.  相似文献   

中国进出口商品交易会,又称广交会,创办于1957年春季,每年春秋两季在广州举办,迄今已有55年历史,是中国目前历史最长、层次最高、规模最大、商品种类最全、到会客商最多且国别地区分布最广、成交效果最好、信誉最佳的综合性国际贸易盛会。  相似文献   

Poaching rhinos to sell their horns is one of the most pressing threats to wildlife and constitutes an illicit yet extremely profitable business. Employing construal level and reactance theory, two studies examine which marketing campaign is most effective in countries where the crime is actually taking place by distinguishing supply (=poachers in Kenya) and demand (=consumers of Chinese traditional medicine in China). Both studies follow a 2 × 2 between-subject design with an additional control group whereby temporal distance and social distance are manipulated to outline weaknesses of current antipoaching campaigns and identify alternatives that are more effective. Results suggest that economic and identity-related factors can explain consumers (China) and poachers (Kenya) intentions to purchase traditional Chinese medicine with rhino horn or sell rhino horn. In both countries, marketing campaigns featuring temporal distance were superior to close counterparts; yet, the mediating variables differ for each country. Close temporal distance elicits reactance. Interestingly, poachers do not seem to discriminate between close and far social distance. The findings have lifesaving implications for wildlife, profound practical implications for non-governmental organizations, and governmental agencies' additional theoretical contributions.  相似文献   

The 15th Dalian International GarmentFair & China Garment Export Fairwere held from September 13 to 16, 2003in Xinghai Convention & Exhibition Cen-tre. The clothing hall is set up on the firstfloor and the fabrics are exhibited in func-tion hall on the second floor. The areas ofexhibition amount to about 18000 squaremeters. There are 450 enterprises in 18 coun-tries and regions participating in this fairincluding South Korea, Japan, Singapore,France, Germany, Britain, Denmark, Nor-way, U.S.A., Italy, Canada, Turkey,Austria,Russia, Australia, Hong Kong, Macao, Tai-  相似文献   

A sales channel serves two primary functions: delivering information and products to customers. Omnichannel retailing allows for the decoupling of these two functions as consumers can learn about products through channels that differ from those used to purchase them. This separation requires a sophisticated inventory and supply chain operation, as well as integration of all customer touchpoints, in order to match fast-moving supply and demand. The Internet of Things (IoT) can play a fundamental role in channel integration because it allows companies to rebalance supply and demand. We classify IoT initiatives on an opportunity map, presenting a strategic framework that distinguishes initiatives by the value they create and by their major area of impact. We justify the adoption of IoT in terms of its enabling capabilities—those immediately realized by deploying IoT sensor data—but its true potential resides in its enhancing capabilities—unanticipated benefits following IoT adoption—at the intersection of supply and demand.  相似文献   

一、船舶工业大发展对船体钢板的产供提出了更高的要求随着我国造船业迅猛发展,大量建造出口船舶,给我国造船用钢的生产出提出新的要求,特别是对船板钢材的生产有了更高更具体的一些要求。2002年我国全年船板消耗量为160万吨,其中30万吨位为进口。以5600TEU集装箱船和74500吨散货船为例,说明船体钢板用量情况。  相似文献   

近年来,国内卡车业很少这样"火爆"过:100多个城市的数百家经销商同赴一个公司参加新年度的卡车订货会.这场于2002年12月12日在南京召开、为期7天的订货会,其主角便是具有卡车业"黑马"之称的春兰.它在年关时抢发令鸣枪,意味着2003年国内卡车业的技术、销售、服务竞赛已经开始了.会间,春兰中、重型卡车的订购合同金额超过30亿元.  相似文献   

High financial risks in production and marketing, the hedonic nature of products, and the global cultural relevance of movies have encouraged a substantial number of researchers to analyze the success drivers of movies. This research provides empirical generalizations in managing the supply and demand of motion pictures. Prior empirical research either ignored the endogeneity of box office and screen allocation or was based on selective samples, ignoring the large amount of smaller movies released to the market. Using two large and unique samples of all movies released in two major movie markets, the US (2000–2010; n = 2098) and Germany (2002–2010; n = 1360), we extend prior research and present empirical generalizations and new fields of research.  相似文献   

“对外投资不是零和游戏,必须坚持互利共赢、共同发展的原则,企业在努力寻找商机、推动投资收益的同时,还应该积极推动社会责任,促进社会效益和经济效益协调增长。”在11月3日召开的首届中国对外投资合作洽谈会上,作为主办方之一的国家开发银行董事长陈元对即将进入FDI(对外直接投资)轨道的中国企业提出了期望。  相似文献   

Drawing on the global value chain analysis and institutional views, this paper explains the mechanism of “spillover interception,” a structural obstacle to technology spillovers in emerging economies. Contrary to the widely accepted perception that FDI is expected to generate spillover of intermediate technology in particular, the findings indicate that excess inward FDI could structurally inhibit technology spillovers even at the lower tiers of the supply hierarchy within the emerging economy context. Based on an exploratory case study of the Chinese automotive industry, the paper analyses the net impact of global supply chains, and calls for a more comprehensive policy coordination.  相似文献   

中国物流第三次调查报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解我国大中型企业目前的物流运作现状,掌握供需情况,中国仓储协会于2001年2~4月组织了第三次全国范围内的物流供求状况调查,调查范围覆盖全国的生产、商业和储运及物流企业,通过邮寄问卷的形式,调查企业2000家,回收230份,有效问卷219份.报告描述了中国大中型企业物流的运作水平,分析主要的物流作业指标,揭示出中国物流业的发展空间,重点分析了物流市场的供需状况,找出物流市场中供需失调的主要方面,并对物流设施设备进行了专门的研究分析.  相似文献   

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