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试论市场营销哲学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
市场营销哲学是企业开展营销活动的价值观和信念,它支配着企业的经营方向和活动宗旨,引导着市场营销的发展趋势,并推动市场营销在更高层次上活动。市场营销哲学的演变经历了多种不同的观念形式,其基本特征是:顾客主体,整体营销,不断创新,社会效益。以市场营销哲学指导企业营销,是现代市场营销高度发展的必然要求。  相似文献   

随着市场竞争进一步激化,市场营销的重点也开始从交易营销向关系营销转变。企业日益认识到建立在顾客满意、信任、忠诚、投入基础之上的,稳定的长期客户关系具有极大的经济价值。因此,企业应有一套行之有效的实施方略,从而保障企业有效地达到市场营销的目的,提高顾客忠诚度,适当增加顾客让渡价值,提升企业一顾客关系层次,建立垂直营销系统和既有竞争又有合作的同行关系等。  相似文献   

引导市场营销方向的是顾客消费需求,市场营销的产品和活动只有在适合需求、实现顾客满意的情况下,才能顺利实现其交换和价值。当前我国的市场营销偏离了顾客满意这个中心,存在着许多误区。本文着重讨论了顾客满意对企业理念、质量策略、价格策略、分销渠道、促销和服务等营销策略的重要性以及如何制订营销策略。  相似文献   

金融市场营销是我国农村金融机构发展所必需的现代管理理念,农村金融机构的成功发展离不开金融市场营销理论的指导和运用。文章从农村金融市场营销观念、营销战略、营销策略、客户关系、顾客价值和满意度等方面概括了学者们对我国农村金融市场营销研究方面的成果,以期能够提高对农村金融市场营销问题的认识,加强对农村金融市场营销理论的运用,推进对农村金融市场营销问题的深入研究。  相似文献   

引导市场营销方向的是顾客消费需求 ,市场营销的产品和活动只有在适合需求、实现顾客满意的情况下 ,才能顺利实现其交换和价值。当前我国的市场营销偏离了顾客满意这个中心 ,存在着许多误区。本文着重讨论了顾客满意对企业理念、质量策略、价格策略、分销渠道、促销和服务等营销策略的重要性以及如何制订营销策略。  相似文献   

随着经济、社会的发展和市场营销环境的改变,营销的观念、理论和营销的方式正悄然经历着一切革命性的变化:顾客价值模式取代了市场占有率模式,个性化的营销逐步代替了大众化的营销,传统营销在走向逆向营销;关系营销、全球营销、绿色营销、内部营销、一对一营销、网络营销等给营销理论注入了新的内容;电子邮件营销和电子商务则成了新的营销方式。  相似文献   

营销组合经历了从市场营销组合到大市场营销组合再到行销组合的变更,营销理论也由此经历了顾客导向论到市场导向论再到消费导向论的转变;作为现代营销人员应实现职责的转换:由让老板满意、让企业满意转换为让顾客满意。  相似文献   

随着新时代市场营销的发展,顾客价值模式取代了市场占有率模式,个性化的营销逐步代替了大众化的营销,传统营销在走向逆向营销;关系营销、一对一营销、网络营销等给营销理论注入了新的内容;电子邮件营销和电子商务则成了新的营销方式。  相似文献   

营销文化从顾客的价值观出发,共建企业与顾客的价值观和沟通模式,从而从根本上重视顾客.企业营销文化构建的意义在于为企业和顾客的互动搭建平台,探寻企业竞争取胜之道.在营销文化构建过程中,企业必须注意认识营销文化的内涵;分析影响营销文化的相关因素;处理好与营销文化构建有关的问题.  相似文献   

创业营销是一个新的研究领域,包括创业营销概念本身在内的创业营销的基本理论尚处在形成和探索中。论文发展了一个以企业价值观和市场方法为维度的企业市场导向图,创业营销是以供给导向为价值观取向,以创造市场为市场方法的营销观念。创业营销观念与市场营销观念的主要区别不在营销职能上,而是经营和战略导向上的差别。  相似文献   

基于战略顾客建立竞争优势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从战略顾客角度看,企业竞争优势获得与保持的过程就是积聚战略顾客的过程。企业需要在顾客价值创造和关系营销方面做得更好。战略顾客积聚的支持体系包括组织支持、能力支持和顾客知识支持;定制化管理和合作化管理是基于战略顾客积聚建立企业竞争优势的基本策略。  相似文献   

Purchase likelihood typically declines as the length of time since the customer’s previous purchase (“recency”) increases. As a result, firms face a “recency trap,” whereby recency increases for customers who do not purchase in a given period, making it even less likely they will purchase in the next period. Eventually the customer is effectively lost to the firm. We develop and illustrate a modeling approach to target a firm’s marketing efforts, keeping in mind the customer’s recency state. This requires an empirical model that predicts purchase likelihood as a function of recency and marketing, and a dynamic optimization that prescribes the most profitable way to target customers. In our application we find that customers’ purchase likelihoods as well as response to marketing depend on recency. These results are used to show that the targeting of email and direct mail should depend on the customer’s recency and that the optimal decision policy enables the average high recency customer, who currently is virtually worthless to the firm, to become profitable.  相似文献   

The ability of a firm’s managers to understand how its customers view the firm’s offerings and the drivers of those customer perceptions is fundamental in determining the success of marketing efforts. We investigate the extent to which managers’ perceptions of the levels and drivers of their customers’ satisfaction and loyalty align with that of their actual customers (along with customers’ expectations, quality, value, and complaints). From 70,000 American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) customer surveys and 1068 firm (manager) responses from the ACSI-measured companies, our analyses suggest that managers generally fail to understand their firms’ customers in two important ways. First, managers systematically overestimate the levels of customer satisfaction and attitudinal loyalty, as well as the levels of key antecedent constructs such as expectations and perceived value. Second, managers’ understanding of the drivers of their customers’ satisfaction and loyalty are disconnected from those of their actual customers. Among the most significant “disconnects,” managers underestimate the importance of customer perceptions of quality in driving their satisfaction and of satisfaction in driving customers’ loyalty and complaint behavior. Our results indicate that firms must do more to ensure that managers understand how their customers perceive the firm’s products and services and why.  相似文献   

This paper uses an institutional perspective to analyze Peter Drucker's contributions to management, marketing and marketing strategy. Drucker recognizes the importance of institutions in society. Further, his work reflects a variety of institutional views from sociology, economics and marketing. Drucker uses a form of comparative institutional analysis for evaluating both management and strategy issues. At the heart of each institutional comparison is the customer and the value created for the customer by the organization. Institutional comparisons help managers understand how the organization can create customers by adjusting its customer value proposition. Drucker influences marketers by focusing on how the organization's values are used to develop the organization's customer value proposition. Further, it is shown that the organization's values and its customer value propositions are manifested in its transaction rules, termed marketing institutions. Based on Drucker's work, a framework for comparing marketing institutions is introduced: the value leadership framework.
Jeffrey P. WallmanEmail:

Customer mind-set of employees throughout the organization   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Previous research has provided strong evidence for the benefits of embracing a market orientation, an organizational focus highlighting the needs of customers, and the creation of customer value. This study extends this focus on the customer to the individual worker level. A construct, customer mind-set (CMS), is developed that reflects the extent to which an individual employee believes that understanding and satisfying customers, whether internal or external to the organization, is central to the proper execution of his or her job. In this exploratory study, the authors develop a parsimonious scale for measuring CMS. Relationships between CMS and significant organizational variables are examined to establish CMS's validity and provide some tentative insights into its value to researchers and practitioners. The authors believe the CMS construct will allow for operational-level analysis of the extent to which a customer orientation is embraced throughout an organization, permitting managers to implement targeted improvement strategies. Karen Norman Kennedy is an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of South Florida. Her research interests include customer orientation and cultural change in organizations, as well as the evolving role of customers and employees in today's marketplace. Her work has been published in theJournal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, theJournal of Services Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, and theJournal of Marketing Education. Felicia G. Lassk is an assistant professor in the Marketing Group of Northeastern University. She received her Ph.D. from the University of South Florida. Her research interests include customer orientation, salesperson job involvement, and measurement issues. Her articles have appeared in the theJournal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Industrial Marketing Management, and theJournal of Marketing Education, among others. Jerry R. Goolsby is the Hilton/Baldridge Eminent Chair of Music Industry Studies at Loyola University New Orleans. He received his Ph.D. from Texas Tech University. His research interests include issues related to market orientation and its implementation, customer and employee relationships, and sales interactions. His work has been published in theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and other marketing journals.  相似文献   

关系营销的误区及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
关系营销是一种全新的观念,一个企业要搞好关系营销就要深入理解关键营销的含义,走出实施关系营销的误区,使关系营销理论能够在实践中得到正确有效实施,相应对策是:树立正确的关系营销意识;重视内部营销,提高员工满意程度,建立和保持良好的顾客关系,进行良性竞争,积极寻求合作机会。  相似文献   

以目前已有的客户价值评价模型为基础,对商业银行的企业类客户进行研究,建立其对银行业绩贡献度的评价指标体系,提出客户价值评价模型,对客户消费行为、自身属性等数据进行了挖掘和分析,详细阐述评价方法和过程,并用模糊C-均值聚类方法对客户进行分类,探讨银行对每类客户的营销策略,以期达到保持有价值客户、提升客户层次的目的。实证分析结果表明基于本文提出的对商业银行客户价值的评价方法更为简单、实用,可以为中小商业银行进行客户评价提供决策支持。  相似文献   

Most research in customer asset management has focused on specific aspects of the value of the customer to the company. The purpose of this article is to propose an integrated framework, called CUSAMS (customer asset management of services), that enables service organizations (1) to make a comprehensive assessment of the value of their customer assets and (2) to understand the influence of marketing instruments on them. The foundation of the CUSAMS framework is a careful specification of key customer behaviors that reflect the length, depth, and breadth of the customer-service organization relationship: duration, usage, and cross-buying. This framework is the starting point for a set of propositions regarding how marketing instruments influence customer behavior within the relationship, thereby influencing the value of the customer asset. The framework and propositions provide the impetus for a research agenda that identifies critical issues in customer asset management. Ruth N. Bolton (ruth.bolton@owen.vanderbilt.edu) is a professor of marketing in the Owen Graduate School of Business at Vanderbilt University. Her current research is concerned with high-technology services sold to business-to-business customers. Her most recent work in this area studies how organizations can grow the value of their customer base through customer service and support. Her earlier published research investigates how organizations’ service and pricing strategies influence customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as company revenues and profits. She has published articles in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of Retailing, theJournal of Service Research, Marketing Letters, Marketing Science, and other journals. Katherine N. Lemon (katherine.lemon@bc.edu) is an associate professor in the Wallace E. Carroll School of Management at Boston College. Her current research investigates the antecedents and consequences of customer-firm relationships. In addition, her research examines relevant metrics for measuring and managing the value of customer relationships. Her earlier published research investigates how emotional reactions (such as anticipated regret) inflence customer retention decisions. She has published articles in theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of Service Research, Marketing Science, theJournal of Product Innovation Management, and other journals. Peter C. Verhoef (verhoef@few.eur.nl) is an assistant professor of marketing in the School of Economics at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. His main research interest is customer asset management. He has also done research on other topics, such as waiting times, private labels, and out-of-stocks. He has been a visiting professor at the Tuck School of Business Dartmouth College in fall 2003. He has published a wide variety of articles in journals such as theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of Retailing, Marketing Letters, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and theJournal of Consumer Psychology.  相似文献   

Critical service logic: making sense of value creation and co-creation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Because extant literature on the service logic of marketing is dominated by a metaphorical view of value co-creation, the roles of both service providers and customers remain analytically unspecified, without a theoretically sound foundation for value creation or co-creation. This article analyzes value creation and co-creation in service by analytically defining the roles of the customer and the firm, as well as the scope, locus, and nature of value and value creation. Value creation refers to customers’ creation of value-in-use; co-creation is a function of interaction. Both the firm’s and the customer’s actions can be categorized by spheres (provider, joint, customer), and their interactions are either direct or indirect, leading to different forms of value creation and co-creation. This conceptualization of value creation spheres extends knowledge about how value-in-use emerges and how value creation can be managed; it also emphasizes the pivotal role of direct interactions for value co-creation opportunities.  相似文献   

The authors examine the effect of relational constructs (e.g., satisfaction, trust, and affective and calculative commitment) on customer referrals and the number of services purchased, as well as the moderating effect of age of the relationship on these relationships. The research reported, based on data obtained from a large sample of customers of an insurance company, combines archival and survey data. The results provide evidence that supports the moderating effect of relationship age on the relationship between satisfaction, affective and calculative commitment, and the number of services purchased. Peter C. Verhoef is a postdoctoral researcher affiliated with the Department of Marketing and Organization in the School of Economics at Erasmus University, Rotterdam. He is also a member of the Erasmus Research Institute in Management (ERIM). In 2001, he received his Ph.D. in marketing from Erasmus University. In his dissertation, he investigated how companies can affect the lifetime value of customers. His research interests include customer relationship management, waiting times, and private labels. His work has been or will be published in theJournal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Retailing, Decision Support Systems, and various other journals. Philip Hans Franses is a professor of applied econometrics at the Econometric Institute and a professor of marketing research in the Department of Marketing and Organization, both at Erasmus University, Rotterdam. His research interests include applied econometrics, marketing, empirical finance, political science, and environmetrics. He publishes on these topics in various journals. Janny C. Hoekstra is a professor in direct marketing at the University of Groningen. Her research interests include the development of the marketing concept, market orientation, customer lifetime value, direct marketing, and e-commerce. She has published papers in theJournal of Retailing, Industrial Marketing Management, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Direct Marketing, andJournal of Market-Focused Management, among others.  相似文献   

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