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崔晓林 《旅游学刊》2001,16(6):49-53
本文在利用梯级洞察方法识别饭店产品属性、利益和消费者价值链关系的基础上,确定消费者价值与利益、利益与产品属性的相关模式矩阵,再利用相关模式矩阵对更多的消费者进行调查,利用层次分析方法对调查结果进行多目标决策分析,确定产品属性对消费者价值的相对重要性,从而为饭店制定营销组合提供平台.  相似文献   

梯级洞察方法在饭店营销中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
崔晓林 《旅游学刊》2001,16(2):52-56
梯级洞察方法是一种与典型的购买者(消费者)进行层层深入的谈话从而发现其购买或消费的真正原因和深层动机的技术,利用梯级洞察技术所获得的资料可以为新饭店开发,饭店营销评估和重新定位,饭店广告策略的制度以及市场细分提供人益的启示。  相似文献   

随着物质经济的发展,人们需求层次的不断提高,人们对简单的物质产品开始缺乏兴趣,他们期望获得更多的附加体验。这就要求饭店产品不断创新,满足消费者需求个性化、旅游过程体验化,主题饭店将满足顾客核心价值需求的产品作为一种文化的载体,满足顾客对文化的深层次需求。  相似文献   

雷超 《旅游学刊》2013,(12):81-89
最近几年, 中国人跨境购物的热情持续高涨, 但国内却鲜有学者关注跨境购物这一现象。文章采用情景实验的方法, 以广东消费者为研究对象, 探讨在粤港两地不同购买地市场环境下, 产品外部属性对购买意愿的影响。研究结果表明, 购买地这一因素对于消费者购买搜索和体验产品的决策影响十分有限, 消费者并没有对粤港两地市场产生明显偏好。对于体验产品而言, 消费者对西方外国品牌的购买意愿高于国内品牌, 且这种偏好不会受到价格和购买地的影响。对于搜索产品而言, 价格与品牌原产国会对消费者的购买意愿产生交互作用。  相似文献   

随着移动互联网的飞速发展和普及,越来越多的在线平台为了更好的满足消费者需求,为消费者提供了对产品进行自由、匿名的评价模式。基于此,各大线上平台已拥有大量的产品评价信息,对此类信息数据的研究和分析能够为企业的运营和管理服务带来新的价值。文章以tripadvisor.cn第三方平台中杭州高星级酒店的点评信息为研究数据基础,采用贝叶斯网络构建各维度和对应因素之间的相互关系,确定顾客满意度影响因素,并建立相应的杭州高星级酒店顾客满意度评价体系。研究表明,基于在线评论文本构建的顾客满意度评价体系较传统的方式更为精准、科学,更有利于酒店对顾客满意度做出准确的评价。  相似文献   

旅游饭店行业是一项资金密集型的综合性服务行业,是旅游业“三大体系”中的重要组成部分,是发展旅游业的主体和核心。 我国旅游涉外饭店在前几年的高速发展的同时,也带动了相关行业的发展。目前80%以上的饭店用装饰材料和设备用品已有不少厂家能够进行生产,其中,相当一部分可以达到四星级以下饭店所需产品的替代水平。但是,新建的合资饭店以及早几年建设的饭店在改造和设备更新上,眼睛盯着外国产品的仍然不少。据有关资料统计:我国旅游饭店已达1800余家,更新改造费用每  相似文献   

艾萧萧 《西部旅游》2022,(10):32-34
随着互联网的发展,年轻消费者参考其他消费者发表的产品或服务点评信息成为一种习惯,继而影响其消费决策。文章通过对青年旅舍在线评论进行文本挖掘,利用词频、长尾理论、语义网络分析、LDA主题挖掘对影响消费者评论的因素进行抽取和解读,对提升青年旅舍管理水平具有重要意义。研究表明,青年旅舍卫生状况和人工服务水平是消费者关注的首要因素,交互体验与娱乐活动是青年旅舍消费者偏好区别于其他类型酒店的主题要素。在此基础上,文章为青年旅舍经营者提出了有针对性的建议。  相似文献   

随着公路交通和运输工具的不断发展,特别是自驾车旅游方式的兴起,饭店的空间结构对城市内部交通集成度的依赖性不断增强.在对城市饭店空间分布研究脉络的梳理中可以发现,以往的研究缺乏对饭店空间结构与交通拓扑结构的定量研究.本文运用空间句法的技术方法对风景旅游城市桂林主城区各等级饭店所在交通轴线的整体集成度和局部集成度进行分析,发现桂林饭店空间分布与伊甘(Egan)和尼尔德(Nield)基于竞标地租理论推演出来的城市饭店空间等级模型(饭店等级越高,越倾向选址于城市中心)并不完全吻合,而表现出一种新的形态.对旅游城市而言,随着旅游者(特别是高端旅游者)的需求日益多元化,城市中心已经不是影响高级别饭店布局的决定性因素.研究表明桂林主城区只有低等级饭店(非星级饭店和二星级饭店)的空间分布符合该模型,三星级以上饭店随着对交通集成度依赖程度逐步减弱,而倾向远离城市中心.  相似文献   

中外饭店管理公司在中国市场竞争力之对比研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王新  谷慧敏 《旅游学刊》2001,16(2):46-51
本文通过抽样调查 ,对目前中国两种饭店管理公司进行了对比研究。结果显示 :外国饭店管理公司在品牌声誉、可信度、销售网络及其与当地政府、相关机构和饭店员工关系等16个有关饭店管理公司竞争力指标上 ,比中国饭店管理公司具有较大的优势 ,但存在增长动力不足的问题。处于发展初期的中国饭店管理公司尚难以与国外公司开展纯市场性的竞争 ,政府现行的行政干预有助于其规模的形成 ,但无法解决内在竞争力不足的问题。中外双方利用各自比较优势开展合作以形成联合优势 ,是一项双赢战略。本文认为建立合资合作饭店管理公司来实现这一战略是现阶段中外饭店管理公司的明智选择。  相似文献   

基于游客视角的生态旅游认证支付意愿实证分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
生态旅游认证产品能否取得商业上的成功取决于旅游消费者对它的接受程度,本文通过对浙江省4个景区的实地调查,分析了旅游消费者对生态旅游认证产品的认知和态度,并运用假设评价方法评估了旅游消费者对生态旅游认证产品的支付意愿.研究结果表明,旅游消费者对生态旅游认证产品的选择意愿受性别、教育程度、月收入、旅游频率、旅游方式、过去一年旅游花费、对生态旅游进行专门的认证并授予生态资格证书的赞同程度,以及未认证生态旅游产品的价格等因素的影响而差别显著;计算所得的支付意原表明,平均而言,旅游消费者愿意支付比未认证的生态旅游产品高35.1%的价格来购买通过认证的生态旅游产品.  相似文献   

Recent research has found that, in general, travellers are significantly underinsured when travelling abroad. Travel is a unique market among insurance products as there are factors that exacerbate the uncertainty from the consumers’ perspective, such as variable time periods of being insured, variable forms of coverage and scale, level of knowledge of the risks at the destination and the activities to be undertaken. We view the current state of the travel insurance market as inefficient as consumers are deemed generally misinformed and unaware of the intricacies of the products on offer and, we argue, behave sub-optimally due to behavioural patterns and perceptions regarding travel. In this commentary, we discuss issues that are unique to travel insurance products which may distort consumer perceptions and highlight a research agenda to address these issues and improve efficiency in the market.  相似文献   

Using a stated choice experiment, this study uncovers how hotel review- and price-related attributes affect consumers’ formation of consideration sets and hotel bookings based on online search results alongside a two-stage model of consideration and choice. Empirical findings indicate that consumers’ evaluations of certain attributes vary across these stages. During the consideration stage, the listed hotel price, promotional discount, overall rating, review volume, and booking popularity are significant attributes for prospective guests, whereas price disparities across websites are not. Insignificant interaction effects among these determinants imply that in this stage, consumers employ fast-frugal heuristics and a noncompensatory strategy. During the booking stage, listed price, promotional discount, overall rating, and review volume inform consumers’ booking decisions. Furthermore, the interaction effects point to consumers’ adoption of a compensatory strategy in making a final booking decision. Finally, this study concludes with implications for hotel pricing and system optimization of online platforms.  相似文献   

Loyalty reward programs and corporate social responsibility initiatives are ubiquitous in today’s corporate world, yet little is known how they can be synthesized to benefit companies and those in need. In two studies, we examine how the social influence of other consumers (the presence of other consumers and loyalty status tier) interact with reward type (effort-based vs. surprise) to influence consumers’ propensity to donate their loyalty rewards to charity. Furthermore, we uncover the underlying psychological mechanisms (i.e. instrumentality and self-enhancement) explaining the effects. Our findings indicate that hospitality operators should design loyalty reward programs that involve the presence of other consumers to induce reward donations. However, if the goal is to solicit donations from solo consumers, surprise rewards (vs. effort-based rewards) are more effective. In addition, we show that both types of rewards are effective among high-tier consumers, whereas only surprise rewards lead to high donation intent among low status consumers.  相似文献   

An understanding of customers’ perceptions of value is fundamental to the competitive nature of all industries. Using the timeshare resort sector as a context for our studies, we explore the ways in which consumers, grouped according to their timeshare ownership stage, perceive value. Data were collected from three samples: non-owners of timeshare, recent purchasers of timeshare, and longer-term timeshare owners. Value was shown to be multi-dimensional, with a stable pattern of eleven correlated value factors evident in all three samples. The groups differed in their assessments of the different dimensions of value. In all groups, however, value was positively correlated with attitudes and future intentions regarding timeshare. Self-image congruency explained additional criterion variance. The findings demonstrate that, even among consumers who have never used timeshare, value and self-image congruency are substantial and unique predictors of attitudes and intentions regarding this tourism product.  相似文献   

There are many times that we, as tourist consumers, have been more than satisfied. We have been delighted with the product or service received. However, do we know the factors which affect our delight as customers? Are they affective or cognitive factors? The objective of this article is to empirically identify delighted consumers and the factors associated with these memorable tourist experiences when the threshold of satisfaction is exceeded. To this end, the authors used structural equation modelling to test a model based on a sample of 400 tourists obtained through a survey.The findings revealed that a consumer's positive affective state of delight seems to be affected largely by cognitive-affective antecedents. Specifically, the cognitive dimension encompasses three main factors of the tourist service: the customer-service interaction, the staff and the availability of the service. However, the tourist's happiness, as the main affective dimension, is also emphasised.  相似文献   

Consumers’ buying behavior is not always consistent with their positive attitude, particularly toward environmentally friendly products. In a survey of 197 travelers, the relative importance consumers ascribe to the attribute of green was assessed. Through a multi-methods study involving interviews, focus groups discussions, and forced-choice experiments that simulate market buying situation, it was found that consumers’ selection of hotel rooms is still much dictated by traditional choice factors. Through a conjoint analysis, it was found that consumers highly prioritized the price attribute. The green attribute was assigned a low relative importance of 4% among the respondents. Managerial and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies concerning consumers’ decision-making regarding a restaurant choice commonly cite food quality, service quality, and price as important determinants. Less research has focused on how consumers are willing to trade off gains and losses from respective foodservice attributes. Also, extant literature does not account for consumers who use a non-compensatory decision-making strategy. The present study examined consumers’ choices of casual restaurants using a simulation where trade-offs were inevitable. By utilizing a choice experiment, the researchers found that food quality is the most important attribute in restaurant choice, consistent with the literature reviewed. Good service quality, however, does not increase choice likelihood while poor service quality significantly reduces it. Most importantly, we determined a considerable percentage (24.57%) of respondents do not trade off food quality for better service or a lower price. Findings of the study are discussed with implications for practitioners.  相似文献   

This article aims to identify the cognitive factors which influence the consumer attitudes toward the purchase of the airline ticket. We refer to the comparison between the beliefs regarding self-service and the alternative service or traditional service. This study is based on a sample of 739 Spanish undergraduates and their attitudes toward buying an airline ticket. This is the best selling product on the Internet in Spain. We compare the beliefs in two segments—online consumers and offline consumers—regarding each of the two systems for air ticket purchasing: Internet versus traditional travel agency. Hence, in online consumers, control and delivery speed are observed to be differentiating cognitive factors in the use of a self-service system. However, with offline consumers, delivery speed is indicated as a particularly significant cognitive factor in the use of the traditional service system.  相似文献   

价值共创的研究话题已受到学术界广泛关注,但越来越多的企业发现价值共创并非总是成功的。基于价值共创的负面视角--价值共毁,探讨价值的协同破坏机制及其影响的实证研究有待深入。文章以资源保存理论为基础,探讨价值共毁对负面口碑传播的影响,检验顾客失望的中介作用以及价值恢复类型的调节作用。文章以定制化旅游服务为实验情境,实验结果发现:(1)价值共毁类型在负面口碑传播上存在显著差异,相对于顾客引发的价值共毁,企业引发的价值共毁对负面口碑传播的影响关系更强;(2)顾客失望在价值共毁类型与负面口碑之间起完全中介作用;(3)价值恢复措施的不同类型调节了顾客失望的中介关系强度,当企业单独恢复价值时,企业引发价值共毁(相比于顾客引发价值共毁)会产生更少的顾客失望进而降低负面口碑。当企业与顾客共同恢复价值时,顾客引发价值共毁(相比于企业引发价值共毁)会产生更少失望进而降低负面口碑。最后对研究结论进行讨论并提出了管理启示。  相似文献   

Social exclusion is pervasive in our daily lives. Prior research has documented the impact of social exclusion on product choices, information processing, prosocial behavior and switching behavior. However, there is limited research on how gender moderates the impact of social exclusion on consumer attitudes towards a company. Drawing from previous research demonstrating gender as a proxy for agentic-communal orientation, we show that the effect of social exclusion on negative emotions and sense of control is more pronounced among females (vs. males). We further demonstrate that negative emotions and sense of control are the underlying mechanisms for the impact of social exclusion among females. Hospitality practitioners may want to minimize instances that might make consumers feel socially excluded, and this is particularly true for female consumers.  相似文献   

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