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陈杰  毛蔚 《改革与战略》2004,(12):120-121
长期以来,我国实施"出口导向"的对外贸易战略,这一战略是受重商主义思想影响的"重出口而轻进口"的战略。文章通过对进口的再认识、对我国现阶段贸易平衡状况的判断、以及对出口导向政策带来的问题的分析,提出了在目前我国外汇储备非常充裕,甚至过剩,综合国力大大增强的新形势下,应当适时调整我国的对外贸易战略,由传统的出口导向、重出口轻进口,转为进、出口并重,并着力解决进出口中存在的一些深层次问题,实现外贸的可持续发展  相似文献   

齐美虎  吴俊 《特区经济》2005,(10):321-322
一、外资企业进出口对我国进出口增长贡献明显外资企业的进出口贸易对我国进出口贸易增长贡献尤为突出,其贡献可以分为直接贡献和间接贡献。直接贡献是外资企业高倾向进出口拉动我国对外贸易增长;间接贡献是通过外资企业的溢出效应发挥作用。1.直接贡献1985年,我国外资企业进出  相似文献   

朱彦絮 《新财经》2007,(2):110-111
本币升值具有双重性,关键在于如何变不利因素为有利因素。人民币升值实际上也为我国的产业结构调整和升级提供了有利因素  相似文献   

The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of foreign trade and its role in the present model of Russia’s economic development. The basic directions, in which the world market situation affects the Russian economy, are defined.  相似文献   

高以成  吴鹏辉 《特区经济》2010,(12):276-278
由美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机,影响波及世界,我国也未能幸免。虽然在这次金融危机中受到的直接冲击有限,但我国的加工贸易仍然受到严重影响,加上国内转型大潮的推动,加工贸易企业亟待转型。为了更好地实施转型,企业必须对引发自身转型的动因有着深刻的认识,这样才能更有针对性地实行变革。目前国内外对相关方面的研究还较少,本文认为有必要从动因的角度对加工贸易企业的转型进行深入分析。  相似文献   

The paper is dedicated to describing the principles of constructing a foreign trade midterm forecast in contemporary Russian conditions. The authors use the foreign trade forecasting model developed by the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences as a basis to conduct a comparative analysis of changes in the key foreign trade indicators under various hypotheses as to changes in world oil prices.  相似文献   

长期以来,尽管中部地区对外贸易取得了较快地发展,但在全国依然处于比较落后的地位。本文利用最新时间序列数据,通过建立多变量回归模型,对中部地区对外贸易的影响因素进行了实证分析。分析认为,中部地区出口贸易和进口贸易的影响因素存在很大差异。出口贸易影响因素主要是贸易条件、进口贸易和全社会固定资产投资;而进口贸易的主要影响因素是汇率、国内生产总值、外商直接投资和人力资本;很多影响因素对中部地区对外贸易没有起到应有的作用。  相似文献   

谢骏  冷军 《特区经济》2008,(2):292-294
自2005年7月21日我国汇率制度改革以来,人民币汇率已累计升幅超过7%。这使得我国出口产品的竞争力减弱,外贸企业的利润减少,抑制了出口积极性,同时也加大了外贸企业的外汇风险。因此,如何正确地认识外汇风险和较好地防范与化解外汇风险,如何保障企业的正常经营成果并赢得未来国际市场、进一步健康发展,是外贸企业一个亟待探讨和解决的问题。  相似文献   

长期以来,尽管中部地区对外贸易取得了较快地发展,但在全国依然处于比较落后的地位.本文利用最新时间序列数据,通过建立多变量回归模型,对中部地区对外贸易的影响因素进行了实证分析.分析认为,中部地区出口贸易和进口贸易的影响因素存在很大差异.出口贸易影响因素主要是贸易条件、进口贸易和全社会固定资产投资;而进口贸易的主要影响因素是汇率、国内生产总值、外商直接投资和人力资本;很多影响因素对中部地区对外贸易没有起到应有的作用.  相似文献   

科林斯作为古希腊的城邦之一,自古以来便是古代希腊世界的重要商业中心,古风时期更是如此。由于古风时期科林斯在爱琴海和亚得里亚海区域均开展了广泛的商业活动,所以古风时期也成为了科林斯经济最发达、国家实力最雄厚的时期。故本文将通过阐述古风时期科林斯的对外贸易,进而总结科林斯对外贸易能够繁荣的原因。  相似文献   

By using data on firms listed on Chinese A-share markets from 2011 to 2017, this study analyzes whether the implementation of China’s the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) affects the sustainable innovation ability of firms. To address endogeneity concerns, we construct a quasi-natural experiment that focuses on firms with overseas business relationships, which had further expanded its foreign trade scale due to the BRI policy in 2014 to explore the casual relation between foreign trade and firm innovation sustainability. Baseline results indicate that the sustainable innovation ability of firms has improved significantly since the promulgation of the BRI policy in 2014. In addition, we find that the improvement of sustainable innovation ability is caused by the “going-out” effect, rather than the “bringing-in” effect, which is the result of the BRI policy. Results suggest that free trade has been conductive to promoting firm sustainable innovation ability, which is also confirmed in additional robustness and placebo tests.  相似文献   

China's export structure has shown a rapid shift towards more sophisticated industries. While some believe that this trend is a result of processing trade and foreign direct investment, the evidence is mixed. This paper examines variations in level of export sophistication across China's manufacturing industries. We find that an industry's level of export sophistication is positively related to the share of wholly foreign owned enterprises from OECD countries and the share of processing exports of foreign-invested enterprises, and negatively related to the share of processing exports of indigenous Chinese enterprises. Evidence from the relative export prices of Chinese goods, which measure within-product export sophistication, shows a similar pattern.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that the labour requirements of an import substitution policy compare unfavourably with a policy of export promotion for South Africa. This paper presents an alternative methodology. Using an open input/output model, more emphasis is placed on the backward linkages that trigger off spillover effects which result from a unit Increase in domestic value added ofexportables and importables. The results show that a broad import substitution policy is not less favourable in terms of employment generation than a broad export promotion policy. This could indicate that a policy of ‘inward industrialisation ‘, which relies to some extent on import substitution, might not have relatively unfavourable employment effects.  相似文献   

外商直接投资与出口贸易关系——来自广东、上海的证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文使用协整检验和葛兰杰因果分析方法,分析了有代表性的上海、广东地区的外商直接投资和出口贸易关系的关系。结果表明:在广东地区,外商直接投资和出口是互补关系;上海地区,仅有外商直接投资对出口贸易的替代作用,出口贸易对外商直接投资则没有显著的替代作用。  相似文献   

Ireland has been the economic success story of the 1990s. Growth in GNP and in employment has far exceeded those seen elsewhere. We ask first whether this is simply a delayed catching-up process. Even if this turns out to be so, the question remains as to what the key differences in policy were between the unsuccessful phase, from 1950 to 1988, and the phenomenally successful phase since then. We present a brief overview of the key differences in terms familiar from conventional growth theory, and go on to look more carefully at the constellation of factors explaining the precise timing of the turnaround in economic fortunes.  相似文献   

美国既是全球经济和国际贸易最发达的国家,也是海运强国。在经济全球化和区域经济一体化的背景下,我国与美国间的贸易持续高速发展,促进了两国间集装箱海运量的高速增长。本文根据美国联邦政府相关部门2008年公布的数据,分析美国外贸与海运集装箱量的发展变化,特别介绍美中之间贸易与海运集装箱量的发展变化情况。  相似文献   

England will not be able to hold her own against the other nations by the mere sedulous practice of familiar process…. Her chief remaining advantage lies in that unapproached freedom of movement, that viability that gives her much of the strength without the cumbrousness and want of elasticity of a single huge firm extending over the entire land.  相似文献   

心理契约的交易维度及其建构过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庞君 《特区经济》2009,240(1):299-300
对于心理契约的定义在学术界有两大学派:古典学派和"Rousseau学派",但核心内容指雇佣双方对彼此责任的内隐期望,其最重要的维度是交易维度和关系维度。在"交易一关系"心理契约的维度中,更具差异性的是交易维度,而且作为实证研究交易维度更容易把握更容易量化,心里维度的破裂最后也是落脚到交易维度。心理契约的交易维度构建包括心理契约的形成、改变、破裂以及补救四个动态循环的过程。  相似文献   

作为一种新型贸易业态,跨境电子商务的快速发展给我国企业提供了通过融入全球价值链实现产业升级的良好机遇。跨境电子商务具有传统贸易无法比拟的优势,而食品本身以及食品企业的特性、食品线上贸易的合法化等因素使得跨境电子商务与食品贸易具有很高的契合度。然而支付安全、信用保障、品牌竞争力及消费者跨境维权等问题仍然制约着我国食品企业利用这一新兴平台的效率。我国食品企业应积极关注这一新业态的发展,加强自身品牌建设,利用跨境电子商务加强对供应链的控制力,最终实现食品贸易方式和全球价值链转型升级的目标。  相似文献   

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