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盖瑞·艾伯思(Cary Ebbs)是美国中青年一代分析哲学家中较为出色的一位。他于1958年生于纽约,自幼学习音乐(钢琴),曾获奥柏林学院的音乐(钢琴表演)学士和哲学学士双学位;1982年起,全身心转入哲学,于1988年获密西根大学哲学博士学位;自1988年起,陆续任教于哈佛大学(1988-1990),宾夕法尼亚大学(1990-1997),现任伊利诺依大学教授(1998-)。他的主要著作《遵守规则与实在论》(Rule-Following and Realism)1997年由哈佛大学出版社出版。在这部著作中,艾伯思对于分析哲学的任务和起点提供了一种新的理解。牛津大学的詹姆斯·劳格(James.logue)曾称其为“一部极有抱负的著作”①此外,艾伯思对普特南哲学的诠解与批评也受到普特南本人的高度赞誉,普特南哲学的后期转变在一定程度上与艾伯思的批评有关。② 笔者于2001年3月22日和4月20日与艾伯思分别进行了两次交谈,话题涉及广泛,下面是笔者根据谈话所整理的艾伯思教授对于笔者所关心的美国分析哲学、实用主义问题的回答。 相似文献
在当代平等观中,关于"平等是什么"这一问题有很多分歧,从当代最有影响的两位学者的争论入手这一问题。首先阐述了德沃金的"资源平等"和阿玛蒂亚·森"能力平等"的学理内涵与创新,然后在两人的争论中总结出各自的特点和缺陷,进行简单的评价。"资源平等"注重初始分配公平和个人责任,"能力平等"扩展了评价域内容,注重中间实现过程的能力差异,两种观点对中国保护弱势群体有一定的理论意义。 相似文献
通过对决策机制、承诺与信誉、再分配、公共物品和经济增长等问题进行系统的研究,阿伦·德雷泽建构了新政治经济学的理论体系。这一理论体系论证了决策的政治本质对政策选择,进而对经济结果的影响,促进了政治学与经济学研究的整合,为新政治经济学的成型和统一提供了一个有价值的参考范式,对于我们更好地认识正在深入进行的经济体制改革和我国政治经济学的学科建设与发展,也具有现实借鉴意义。 相似文献
奥尼尔开创了美国商业界领袖人物的历史。他从亚拉巴美州一个默默无闻的黑人家庭走出来,到掌管美林这家全美最大的证券经纪公司,这种经历是异乎寻常的。 相似文献
文章从新凯恩思主义和新古典主义的发展背景,分析了这两个西方主流经济学派的主要差异是一派反对政府干预经济,一派主张政府干预经济,但当前经济实际不存在纯粹的自由经济,亦无纯粹的政府管制经济,中国今天的经济成就给我们的启示是,既要发挥市场的作用,也要加强政府的宏观调控。 相似文献
在政治思想史方法论的研究中,对于经典文本的考察是一项极其基本和重要的任务.用怎样的研究方法才能准确地理解和真实地还原经典文本的真实的意图始终困扰着研究思想史的人们.本文通过对昆汀·斯金纳(Quentin Skinner)的历史语境主义与新历史主义语境内容的分析,来对二者进行对比.通过比较得出对文本的考察应将多种方法加以运用. 相似文献
哈维·罗森的《财政学》的研究对象超越传统财政学,成为公共财政学或公共经济学;公共服务均等化是公共财政的基本要求,也是公共财政的研究对象之一。我国推进基本公共服务均等化和构建公共财政的关键在于进一步改革政府预算制度;建立“纳税人”制度。 相似文献
对法律赋予权威就是仅仅给上帝和理性赋予权威:而对人赋予权威就等于引进一个野兽,因为欲望是某种具有兽行的东西,即便是最优秀的人物,一旦大权在握总是倾向于被欲望的激情所腐蚀。 相似文献
七月的申城,正是酷暑时节。一头银发的罗蒂(Richard Rorty)教授,在中国六个大城市进行学术访问之后,来到了他此次中国之行的最后一站——盛夏中的上海,参加由华东师范大学中国现代思想文化研究所、华东师范大学哲学系与北美中国哲学家协会联合主办的国际学术研讨会“罗蒂、实用主义与中国哲学”(Rorty,Pragmatism 相似文献
经济全球化、中国现代化和农村城市化,为长三角实现新的跨越式发展提供了很好的机遇,但是长三角目前发展中也遇到了诸如产业结构总体层次不高、技术创新能力不强、经济发展与环境资源不协调等空前的挑战。长三角进一步发展的出路在于切实转变增长方式和转变政府职能。 相似文献
国内保险市场经过二十多年的快速发展,基本上形成了保险人、被保险人和保险中介三位一体均衡发展的市场格局。然而,我国保险公估业发展一直缓慢,本文就其发展所面临的困境及发展策略作粗浅研究。 相似文献
David A. Zalewski 《Journal of economic issues》2020,54(2):294-315
AbstractAlthough the fundamental trilemma of open-economy macroeconomics has been a popular framework for analyzing the effects of various policy combinations, it ignores how policy regimes change. Drawing from Post-Keynesian Institutionalist theory, this article considers this process in democracies as a type of technological change in which progress may be limited by insufficient knowledge and actions by vested interests. A case study of interwar France shows that these barriers often delay or weaken stabilization programs, which increase both political and economic uncertainty that further lowers aggregate demand and inhibits the attainment of macroeconomic equilibria. Although we should not generalize these observations, they suggest that understanding and addressing cultural and institutional factors may be necessary for successful countercyclical policymaking. 相似文献
关注粮食主产区面临的问题 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
13个粮食主产区的粮食产量对稳定全国粮食具有重要的支撑作用。但13个粮食主产区持续增收面临着较大的压力,需采取措施加以解决,以保障我国的粮食安全。 相似文献
This essay explores the conceptual limitations within Fredric Jameson's notion of the geopolitical aesthetic through an analysis of Jameson's now classic reading of The Perfumed Nightmare; this film is central to his concept of the utopic character of film more generally and, moreover, to his argument on the embeddedness of Third World representations within a global, capitalist system. We suggest that, although Jameson acknowledges the underlying constructed and relational character of ontological categories such as film (despite their reification under capitalism), his theory of historical materialism demands that they also be understood as formed with regard to a socio-economic totality. And, because the recognition of a totality requires a master narrative within which all can be understood and framed within a logic of equivalence, Jameson must by default conceive of epistemology as fundamentally divided between a true and a false consciousness. Taking our own cue from recent developments in anti-essentialist thought, we conceive of such cultural forms as the temporarily fixed embodiment of broader-scale discourses that continually construct and deconstruct the world as we know it, including our understandings of the ‘real’ as well as the ‘economic’, the ‘political’ and the ‘cultural’. In our own re-imagining of The Perfumed Nightmare, we provide a partial response to this, noting how these realms are constituted from the temporary ‘fixing’ of a series of people- and place-based identities, such as those constituted under the rubric of ‘gender’. Accordingly, we re-work the term ‘cognitive mapping’ as the attempt to outline the web of significations within which objects are embedded as well as the concomitant lines of fracture and contradiction that allow for such objects to become meaningful in a host of other contexts. 相似文献
Philip Kirby 《Geopolitics》2020,25(4):916-936
ABSTRACT Wonder Woman (2017) has been one of the most lucrative entries in the recent superhero film canon. With a female lead and director, it has also proven a rich text for feminist analysis. Here, the film’s engagement with questions of gender, aesthetic judgment and disability is explored through the lens of feminist geopolitics, and connected to the alignment between immorality and disfigurement in Hollywood more broadly. It is suggested that aesthetic value is used in the film as a key organizing principle for spatial and geopolitical claims. Through this analysis, the paper suggests the potential for further studies of disability, including disfigurement, in popular geopolitics. 相似文献