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This paper considers educational investment, wages and hours of market work in an imperfectly competitive labour market with heterogeneous workers and home production. It investigates the degree to which there might be both underemployment in the labour market and underinvestment in education. A central insight is that the ex post participation decision of workers endogeneously generates increasing marginal returns to education. Although equilibrium implies underinvestment in education, optimal policy is not to subsidise education. Instead it is to subsidise labour market participation which we argue might be efficiently targeted as state-provided childcare support.  相似文献   

Cost-sharing policies for higher education have been implemented in several countries in various ways. We argue that to assess their appropriateness and facilitate their implementation it is necessary to develop statistical indicators of the distribution of returns. When starting a higher education programme, the return on a particular degree is uncertain, and risk-adverse students or those from low-income families may be reluctant to enrol if this means taking out a loan. These statistical indicators would therefore be natural inputs of cost-sharing policies intended to preserve the individual economic incentives to go to university and simultaneously provide an insurance role. We present a dynamic microsimulation model of individual lifetime educational output in the French labour market which uses econometric modelling of individual wages, labour market transitions, social security contributions and benefits. It relies largely on labour force survey data and mortality tables. In the standard internal rate of return framework, the model is used to compute the distribution of returns to higher education, for a given generation. The results show that the percentage of negative returns is close to 3.5%.  相似文献   

Nick Drydakis 《Applied economics》2013,45(20):2653-2665
We use data from the 2008–2009 Athens Area Study (AAS) to provide the first evidence on the relationship between men's sexual orientation and wages in the Greek capital, Athens. Gay and bisexual men are found to receive significantly lower monthly wages than heterosexual male workers after accounting for demographic and occupational characteristics. The estimations reveal that educated gay and bisexual workers face lower wage differentials than less-educated gay and bisexual workers, which is consistent with the statistical theory of discrimination. However, wage gaps are significant at all educational attainment levels, suggesting that these workers face strong prejudices in the Athenian labour market. The same pattern holds also across all occupations and sectors. Furthermore, to better understand the determinants of the wage gaps, we compare gay/bisexual men with both married and unmarried heterosexual men. By making these comparisons, we are able to disentangle the penalty associated with being unmarried from other human-capital explanations for the wage gap.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the impact of occupational choice and the perception of gender roles on the gender wage differential. We examine the effect of occupational choice upon the level of wages and investigate the determinants of occupational choice. The evidence supports earlier findings that the wage differential is caused by demand discrimination within occupations. We also conclude that if females had a less traditional attitude towards their role in the labour market they would generate an occupational distribution that would produce a higher wage  相似文献   

In this paper, I study how occupational segregation affects the allocation of talent in a competitive labour market. I propose a model of occupational choice in which heterogeneous workers must rely on their social contacts to acquire job‐vacancy information. While occupational segregation implies benefits in terms of job‐finding probability, it also leads to allocative inefficiencies. Efficient and equilibrium outcomes differ due to a network externality that leads workers to segregate too little, and a pecuniary externality that leads workers to segregate too much. Which effect dominates depends on the elasticity of wages to changes in the degree of occupational segregation.  相似文献   

A model of the labour market is developed in which particiaption rates of men and women,wages rates of men and women and occupational segregation are determined simultaneously. The model is estimated using cross-sectional data from Australia. The most important empirical results are that (a) particiaption rates,wage rates and occupational segregation should be viewed as being simultaneously determined,(b) differences in male and female labour-force attactment and human capital attainment are important determinants of the gender composition of occupations and (c)there is little direct evidence in this study to support discrimination-based theories of occupational segregation.  相似文献   

The development of China's rural township, village, and private enterprises (TVP), in which real wages have grown at around 11% per annum over the past decade, is one of the most remarkable achievements of China's economic reform. This achievement has taken place despite relatively rigid control of labor mobility and job assignment by local authorities. Individual firms, however, have considerable influence over wage determination. This study applies human capital theory to explore the wage setting process in this sector. It is found that the impact of both labor market experience and education reflect labor productivity rather than sociopolitical rules of wage setting. The paper employs a logit model to investigate the links between education and occupational attainment. The relationship between wages, education, and occupational attainment, for those who find jobs through their own efforts, is similar to that of western market economies. Although education does not affect wages of those assigned jobs it affects their occupational attainment.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the factors that influence youth labour market expectations and outcomes. We also perform a job matching exercise to understand youth labour market dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa. Our results show that youth education is an influential factor of youth employment expectations and employment, ceteris paribus. Higher educational attainments have a great impact on expecting and securing better jobs, particularly in the technical and professional fields. Youth with low educational attainments, particularly primary education and lower, have a higher tendency to expect to be employed in occupations with low job complexity. Our results indicate a severe job-skill mismatch in all occupational categories, both before and after the youth’s transition into the labour market. Using education as the only selection criterion, we found that less than 10 per cent of employment expectations match with skills required while 55 per cent and 34 per cent are under or over-educated for the jobs expected, respectively. Over and under education is a notable feature in youth labour markets in Sub-Saharan Africa. About 47 per cent of employed youth in the sample are overqualified for their respective jobs while 28 per cent are under qualified.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Analysis of real wages for three occupations in 13 Canadian cities for 1901–50 suggests Canada had a national labour market at least until 1950. However, analysis of real wages for 10 Canadian cities for 1971–2000 yields little evidence favouring integration of Canada's regional labour markets. The apparent lack of labour market integration reflects a weakness of an approach that assumes markets are in equilibrium. Unemployment rates after 1970 suggest that some regional markets may be characterized by excess labour supply. Analysis of relative provincial unemployment rates yields evidence consistent with local labour force adjustment to changing labour market conditions. JEL classification: E24, J61  相似文献   

This study analyzes trends and patterns in employment, hours worked, and women’s wages for Thai women, and relations among these variables in models of female labour supply. Labour supply behaviour of Thai women is investigated with synthetic cohort data defined by age, year of birth, and level of educational attainment, constructed from annual labour force surveys from 1985 to 2004. According to pseudo-panel estimates, wage increases lead to a reduction in hours worked, but also an increase in the employment/population ratio, with elasticity estimates that are robust across a variety of specifications. Estimates based on disaggregation by marital status show that marriage provides protection against wage decreases, allowing married women greater choice between hours of work and other household activities. Alternative disaggregations find that younger cohorts of women and those with the highest education show the greatest (positive) response of the employment rate to wage changes, leading to a future Thai labour force with more women and higher educational attainment.  相似文献   

The main objective is to measure the elasticity in the response of relative wages by education to relative supplies of educated labour. Using rigorously comparable urban wage-labour market surveys, an econometric comparison is made of Kenya and Tanzania — countries which constitute a natural experiment, having different secondary education policies but being similar in other relevant respects. Post-primary educational expansion, as Kenya, is an effective means of compressing wages. However, the Tanzanian scarcity premium on post-primary education is held down by the alternative means of public sector pay policy. The analysis suggests an important role for occupation in the wage adjustment process.  相似文献   

Pregnancies by unwed teenagers leading to either a birth or an abortion lead to fewer years of completed education. Less education translates to lower wages and a corresponding decrease in labour supplied to the market. The empirical results for young women who give birth are similar to the findings of other studies. The results for young women who have abortions are original. This research indicates that young women who become pregnant as teenagers have poorer short-term labour market outcomes than other young women who do not become pregnant.  相似文献   

This article considers labour market discrimination by supervisors as a potential contributor to racial and gender wage gaps. Empirical analysis reveals evidence that all workers, except Hispanic males, earn significantly higher hourly wages when working for a supervisor of the same race and sex as themselves. Furthermore, the results suggest that sex has a larger impact on wages than race for workers with white supervisors, while race has a larger impact on wages than sex for workers with minority supervisors. Based on past research, we theorize that the degree of labour discrimination workers face may also be dependent upon the location and size of the firm in which they are employed. However, decomposing the samples by firm location and size suggests that these two factors cannot adequately explain the observed matched supervisor–worker wage effects, which supports the notion that these wage effects are largely driven by factors other than supervisor discrimination.  相似文献   

Lex Borghans 《Applied economics》2013,45(13):1663-1677
After graduation many students start working in sectors not related to their field of study or participate in training targeted at work in other sectors. In this article, we look at mobility immediately after graduation from the perspective that educational choices have been made when these pupils had little experience of the actual working life in these professions. We develop a model where students accumulate partially transferable human capital but also learn about their professional preferences at the university and during the first years in the labour market. As a consequence of this newly acquired insight, these young workers might realize that working in another occupational field would better fit their preferences, although they are better equipped to work in their own field. The empirical analysis reveals that if wages are 1% lower due to lower skill transferability, the probability that a graduate who regrets his choice actually switches decreases by 1.4 percentage points, while those who switch on average take 0.3 months additional education.  相似文献   

This study provides new evidence on how labour market rigidities affect the transmission of fiscal consolidations using a sample of 17 OECD countries. Owing to a novel empirical approach, the outcomes of consolidations are modelled as a function of employment and wage rigidities. The evidence confirms that tax-based consolidations are distortionary, while expenditure-based consolidations have wealth effects. These effects are then magnified by flexible employment and rigid wages, while they are moderated by rigid employment and flexible wages. This indicates that labour market conditions influence how fiscal consolidation is propagated in the economy by affecting both the magnitude and the transmission channels of consolidation plans. This result has crucial policy implications and suggests that the design of consolidation plans should account for the labour market structure.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical estimation of the correlation between wages and regional unemployment rates in Turkey, more specifically it explores the role of regional unemployment rates in wage determination. The analysis builds upon a series of recent empirical studies on the wage-unemployment relationship, now commonly known as ‘the wage curve’, a downward sloping curve in wage-unemployment space. The existing studies are for most part in advanced market economies, while this paper presents one of the few attempts at a wage curve analysis within the context of a developing market economy. A cross-sectional estimation of micro level individual wage data for the Turkish labour market in 1994, suggest a statistically significant negative correlation between wages and regional unemployment rates. Separate regressions for men and women, however, show a wage curve to exist only in the male labour market. The study also presents the results on other variables of wage determination such as returns to schooling, returns to age, job tenure, gender, industrial and occupational affiliation of the worker, economic sector and union status.  相似文献   

Are low wages a way for the unemployed to switch to higher-paying jobs? Using data from the British Household Panel Survey, the labour market dynamics of unemployed, low-paid and higher-paid employed men are analysed. Moreover, the respective (un)employment duration and occupational skill level are accounted for. Results show that in general low wages significantly reduce the risk of future unemployment and increase the chances of ascending the salary ladder, especially in the case of long-term unemployment (>360 days). Furthermore, the occupational skill level has a substantial influence on the upward mobility of low-paid jobs: individuals working in the initial period in a low-paid and higher-skilled occupation have on average an 11 percentage points higher probability of entering higher pay compared to when working in a low-paid and low-skilled occupation.  相似文献   

This article compares the labour market outcomes of high school dropouts to high school graduates who did not enrol into higher education, but immediately entered the labour market. Using parental educational background as an instrument on a rich administrative dataset in the Flemish Region of Belgium, we find no returns to a high school diploma on average. However, these results hide considerable heterogeneity by gender and educational track. While females and individuals in vocational education may benefit from a diploma, male graduates and students holding a general education diploma may even be worse off on the labour market than dropouts. We show that sectoral heterogeneity acts as an underlying mechanism in the returns to a high school diploma.  相似文献   

教育错配如何影响工资?文章基于2010?2014年中国家庭追踪调查面板数据,基于固定效应模型和工具变量估计,测度了教育错配产生的工资惩罚效应及其产生的理论机制.研究表明:过度教育员工每过度一年将承受1.4%的工资惩罚,教育不足员工将获得2.4%的工资红利.工作所需教育水平是40岁以上员工工资的主要决定因素;随着任职生涯的推进,教育错配会得到改善;教育错配与人力资本之间存在补偿机制.文章的政策涵义是:教育主管部门应从市场需求端改革教育体系,提供市场需要的相应技能毕业生.高校应主动顺应社会主义市场经济需求,及时有效地调整学科专业结构和人才培养结构.企业应建立人才识别和多层奖惩机制,充分释放过度教育者的劳动生产率水平.政府应加强就业指导工作,帮助求职者精准定位与其教育水平相匹配的工作,以减少搜寻成本.  相似文献   

Understanding the economic integration of minority ethnic communities requires an analysis of the educational process. This paper examines second‐generation immigrant youths’ educational attainments in comparison with those of similarly aged native Swedes. Binomial‐logit, grouped‐regression and multinomial‐logit models are applied to longitudinal data, 1991–1996. The results give evidence for socioeconomic determinants of post‐compulsory education and for parental influence on educational choices. Parental income affects second‐generation immigrants’ post‐compulsory education and Swedes’ choice of level of education. In general, the stronger the labour market positions of the parents, the higher the probability of the children continuing education. It is also found that the geographical origin of second‐generation immigrants matter, with youths of Asian origin having a higher probability of continuing their education. We suggest policy changes on different levels based on the evidence of the paper, as short‐run, long‐run and in general.  相似文献   

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