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中蒙俄三国毗邻而居,政治关系良好,经贸合作日益加深,具有坚实的数字经济合作基础。在数字经济合作成为引领国际合作新动能的背景下,中蒙俄开展数字经济合作有助于打破传统发展桎梏,推动中蒙俄经济走廊建设迈上新台阶。研究总结分析中蒙俄三国经济发展、贸易合作以及数字经济合作的现状,认为中蒙俄在数字经济合作方面存在数字鸿沟、数字基础设施薄弱、数字核心技术能力不足以及数字治理规则未达成统一的现实困境,并基于此提出对策建议,包括加强交流合作以缩小中蒙俄数字鸿沟,做好统筹规划以加强中蒙俄数字基础设施建设,加大研发投入和人才培养以提升中蒙俄数字经济核心技术能力,加强顶层设计以完善中蒙俄数字经济治理合作机制。  相似文献   

王明友  李方华  邸树彦 《经济师》2002,(7):107-107,109
文章从校企合作的动机与创新绩效入手 ,着重分析了目前制约校企合作的各种障碍因素 ,并提出了校企合作的几种不同路径。  相似文献   

本文以中缅边境经济合作区作为研究对象,对边境地带的区域旅游合作作为主要研究内容,通过多种理论知识对中缅边境经济合作区域开展区域合作模式的构建以及路径的选择继续简要分析.  相似文献   

资源型企业发展路径研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
资源枯竭与科学发展观的提出,要求资源型企业重新思考其发展路径。本文针对资源型企业如何发展问题,提出渐进式和激进式企业发展策略。  相似文献   

中蒙两国是友好邻邦,自建交以来,两者双边贸易得到持续稳定的发展。近年来,随着旅游业在两国国民经济中的地位日渐突出,同时,两国在区位、交通、资源禀赋、外交政策、发展需求等多方面的优势,使得两国在旅游业的发展上存在各自独特的差异,同时又极具互补性。所以加强两国在旅游业上的合作和发展,这对中蒙两国的友好合作,对亚洲乃至世界安全和发展来说都是举足轻重的。  相似文献   

中蒙两国互为友好邻国,自蒙古经济转型以来,中蒙经贸合作不断深化。本文运用SWOT分析方法对两国经贸合作中的优势、劣势、机遇以及威胁因素进行逐一剖析。  相似文献   

现阶段,安徽农村剩余劳动力转移在促进和推动输出地和输入地经济社会发展的同时。也出现了一些新情况和新问题。基于安徽省芜湖市农村剩余劳动力转移状况的实地调查,本文认为工业化、城镇化和农民工城市就业水平,户籍、土地制度,农村信息化建设和劳动者非人力财富,职业与区域之间的配置等因素制约了安徽农村剩余劳动力稳定而持续的转移。因此,认清形势,及时转变观念,进行科学规划,城乡分治、分类实施,建立合理的劳动力流动机制和社会保障机制,是安徽农村剩余劳动力进一步转移的有效路径。  相似文献   

军事经济资源是军事人力、物力、财力、技术、信息、需求等各种经济资源的总和,在实行军民融合发展战略的背景下,军事经济资源民用问题凸现了出来.正确选择军事资源民用路径,对于优化军事经济资源配置、使其产生最大效益具有重要意义.  相似文献   

中国东北地区主要与俄罗斯接壤,地缘政治关系紧密,文化交流特色突出,虽然地缘经济关系互补与局限并存,但中蒙俄经济走廊的建设为东北地区的发展带来了机遇,也为深化对俄合作提供了新的平台,即以边境口岸为前沿支点,以通道为桥梁,推进口岸两侧的线性延伸,以自贸区为点线连接的外延拓展,实现点——线——面的有机结合,共同建构中蒙俄经济走廊核心区。  相似文献   

中亚地区作为全球最具资源开发潜力的地区之一,在我国"丝绸之路经济带"建设和全球资源战略实施中发挥着举足轻重的作用。本文首先从当前"丝绸之路经济带"建设、中亚地区资源潜力等方面视角,分析深化我国与中亚国家资源合作面临的机遇。其次分析我国与中亚国家在基础地质调查、矿产勘查开发投资合作进展情况。最后提出深化与中亚国家资源合作的建议。  相似文献   

西北地区自然资源可持续开发的对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西北地区已被列入21世纪中国经济发展的重点地区及资源接替区。本文主要针对西北地区自然资源富集、经济相对落后、生态环境脆弱等现状,提出西北地区自然资源可持续开发的对策。  相似文献   

本文从国际贸易模式的变化出发,结合其对我国劳动力收入差距的影响,分析了贸易与城乡收入差距变化之间的关系和由此带来的农村人力资源开发问题,并就解决农村人力资源开发的问题提出了政策建议.  相似文献   

2017年6月上海合作组织(以下简称上合组织)第十七次峰会——阿斯塔纳峰会期间,上合组织迎来了成立后的首次扩员,巴基斯坦和印度成为该组织的正式成员,这也标志着上合组织发展进入新时期。作为唯一一个立足中国西部的国际化合作平台,上合组织对于中国的向西开放和"丝绸之路经济带"建设有着极为重要的作用。随着印度和巴基斯坦的加入,上合组织又成为连接陆上丝绸之路和海上丝绸之路的服务平台,其在中国对外关系中的作用也大幅提升。然而新成员国的加入也带来了整合困难,新老成员国如何加强贸易往来共同促进上合组织的发展成为新的议题。本文从贸易伙伴重要程度和紧密程度分析了中国与上合组织其他成员国的贸易格局,并基于贸易互补性分析了未来扩大贸易合作可以选择的具体方向。  相似文献   

Norway has a long history in trying to develop management tools for sustainable development. From the early development of natural resources accounts in the 1980s, through discussions of the usefulness of indices like “green GDP” to efforts of developing sustainable development indicators, experiences have been gained. The paper seeks to both describe the landscape and discussions associated with the key terms, and to communicate some lessons drawn from the Norwegian experiences. The conclusion focuses on the fact that whatever information is collected and organised to support the relevant decision-making processes, the final outcome should always be judged in terms of its impacts on policy processes. Thus, we issue a warning against large-scale development of information systems, without due regard to the final utilisation of the output.  相似文献   

Management in water resources development of Jinghe watershed of western t:ural China is examined with Participatory Rural Appraisal method -- a rare applied method in China and questionnaire survey of stakeholders Combination of these two survey methods derives good restlts as it coutd avoid personal bias in identifying and ranking the issues on a concrete bas'is in following up households' survey. Statistic Package for Social Sciences gSPSS) was used for data analysis. Results indicate that since the early 1980s, issues of water scarcity, river pollution, soil erosion, insufficient participation of stakeholders in water resources use and management, as well as centralized water planning and management system have created difficulties for Sustainable development of the watershed. The stakeholders and local governments are fully aware of the challenges and are committed to achieving a solution through integrated water resource management (IWRD). The concept anti the application of IWRD for rural China are reviewed and analyzed, and a fram cessful implementatio involvement and capacity building in water sector, which heed to fully, integrate various management functions within the watershed.  相似文献   

新时期中非经贸合作关系的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入21世纪的中非经贸合作,显示出了蓬勃的发展潜力并取得了令人瞩目的成就。三年来,在中国和非洲各国政府和企业的共同努力之下,这一时期的中非经贸合作以2000年中非合作论坛北京部长级会议为标志,进入了历史上最好的发展阶段。于12月15—16日召开的中非合作论坛亚的斯亚贝巴2003年部长级会议,继往开来,将为今后三年的中非经贸合作注入新的实质性内容和新的活力。  相似文献   

Tourism resources are important foundation for the development of tourism industry.Grassland is not only a kind of important resource but also a great attraction to visitors.Therefore,the integrated development and sustainable utilization of grassland tourism resources are of great significance.This paper,based on the analysis of literatures and the current problems existing in grassland tourism,summarizes the speciality of grassland tourism development,deals nation as example and carries out empirical research.Based on the status quo of grassland tourism resources in Inner Mongolia,this study analyzes the characteristics of grassland tourism resources,the necessity and feasibility of integrated development,then proposes the following suggestions: idea for development,mode of development,regional cooperation,tourism products development,especially the three modes of development based on the resources conditions - the mode of relying on market,the mode of combination aggregation and the mode of relying on quality.  相似文献   

Tourism resources are important foundation for the development of tourism industry. Grassland is not only a kind of important resource but also a great attraction to visitors. Therefore, the integrated development and sustainable utilization of grassland tourism resources are of great significance. This paper, based on the analysis of literatures and the current problems existing in grassland tourism, summarizes the speciality of grassland tourism development, deals with the problem of speciality, and raises the modes of regional development, product development and management. This paper takes Inner Mongolia, the famous grassland tourism destination as example and carries out empirical research. Based on the status quo of grassland tourism resources in Inner Mongolia, this study analyzes the character- istics of grassland tourism resources, the necessity and feasibility of integrated development, then proposes the following suggestions: idea for development, mode of development, regional cooperation, tourism products development, espe- cially the three modes of development based on the resources conditions - the mode of relying on market, the mode of combination aggregation and the mode of relying on quality.  相似文献   

The global financial and economic crisis has prompted some scholars to suggest that a fundamental regulatory shift away from neoliberalism will take place – both in general and in the field of EU competition regulation. This paper shows that so far no radical break with the neoliberal type of competition regulation is heaving into sight. It sets out to explain this from the vantage point of a critical political economy perspective, which identifies the circumstances under which a crisis can result in a regulatory paradigm shift. Contrasting the current situation with the shift in EC/EU competition regulation after the crisis in the 1970s, the paper argues that the preconditions for a fundamental shift in this issue area are not present this time around. Several reasons account for this: the current crisis has been construed by economic and political elites as a crisis within and not of neoliberal capitalism; the social power configuration underpinning the neoliberal order remains unaltered; no clear counter-project has surfaced; the European Commission has been (and remains) in a position to oppose radical changes; and finally, there are no signs of a wider paradigm shift in the EU's regulatory architecture.  相似文献   

我国矿产资源产权的制度变迁与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹海霞 《经济前沿》2011,(3):133-139
我国的矿产资源产权制度,是在传统计划经济体制背景下建立起来的,产权不明晰和权能不完整的情况普遍存在。当前,随着我国改革开放和市场经济进程的加快,矿产资源的管理制度完善和产权制度改革也需要进一步深化,以适应不断发展的资源经济的要求。本文首先回顾了我国矿产资源产权制度的历史演变,在此基础上,针对当前存在的问题,从产权制度的界定、配置、交易以及保护等方面提出矿产资源产权制度改革的方向与路径。  相似文献   

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