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This paper analyses the relationship between monetary policy and asset prices in the context of optimal policy rules. The transmission mechanism is represented by a linearized rational expectations model augmented for the effect of asset prices on aggregate demand. Stabilization objectives are represented by a discounted quadratic loss function penalizing inflation and output gap volatility. Asset prices are allowed to deviate from their intrinsic value due to momentum trading. We find that in the presence of wealth effects and inefficient markets, asset price misalignments from their fundamentals should be included in the optimal interest rate reaction function.  相似文献   

Monetary policy has been usually analyzed in the context of small macroeconomic models where central banks are allowed to exploit a limited amount of information. Under these frameworks, researchers typically derive the optimality of aggressive monetary rules, contrasting with the observed policy conservatism and interest rate smoothing. This paper allows the central bank to exploit a wider information set, while taking into account the associated model uncertainty, by employing Bayesian model averaging with Markov chain model composition. In this enriched environment, we derive the optimality of smoother and more cautious policy rates, together with clear gains in macroeconomic efficiency.  相似文献   

We argue that in seeking to insure against model uncertainty, monetary policy makers are often ready to trade ex post performance for greater certainty in the outcome. They thus look for rules that although not optimal ex post, have certain properties that qualify them as robust. We apply first, Gul's approach of ‘disappointment’ aversion to describe policy makers' aversion to uncertainty and then define the properties the notion of ‘robustness’ entails. With these two tools we then link the desirability of such robust rules to the degree of policy makers' aversion to uncertainty. We thus show that provided such robust rules exist, a larger degree of disappointment aversion leads to a greater emphasis on robustness in policy implementation.  相似文献   

本文回顾了2009年中国货币政策操作的主要措施,说明了2009年金融运行情况和特征,分析了2010年货币政策运行环境,提出了货币政策建议。本文认为,2009年,为了应对国际金融危机的不利影响,中国人民银行实行了适度宽松的货币政策,货币环境宽松,有力地支持了经济企稳回升。2010年,随着经济形势的变化,中国人民银行需要在保增长、调结构和防风险之间取得平衡,因此需要在保持货币政策的连续性和稳定性的同时,进一步增强货币政策的前瞻性、针对性和灵活性,保持货币信贷的合理均衡增长,促进经济稳定发展。  相似文献   

伴随中国特色社会主义基本经济制度的发展,与之相适应的宏观调控机制不断完善。货币政策体系作为其中重要组成部分,在持续深化改革的进程中逐渐演进,成为构建更加系统完备、更加成熟定型的高水平社会主义市场经济体制的重要内容。在货币政策最终目标及中间目标、货币政策工具、货币政策传导机制等方面正在形成与中国特色社会主义基本经济制度相适应的政策体系,并且具有鲜明的中国特色。本文讨论改革开放以来中国货币政策体系的形成、演变过程及特点。  相似文献   

伴随中国特色社会主义基本经济制度的发展,与之相适应的宏观调控机制不断完善。货币政策体系作为其中重要组成部分,在持续深化改革的进程中逐渐演进,成为构建更加系统完备、更加成熟定型的高水平社会主义市场经济体制的重要内容。在货币政策最终目标及中间目标、货币政策工具、货币政策传导机制等方面正在形成与中国特色社会主义基本经济制度相适应的政策体系,并且具有鲜明的中国特色。本文讨论改革开放以来中国货币政策体系的形成、演变过程及特点。  相似文献   

We evaluate the macroeconomic performance of different monetary policy rules when there are bubbles in the exchange rate. We do this in the context of a non‐linear rational expectations model. The exchange rate is allowed to deviate from its fundamental value and the persistence of the deviation is modeled as a Markov switching process. Our results suggest that reacting to exchange rate movements does not significantly improve welfare. However, taking into account the switching nature of the economy may be more beneficial.  相似文献   

本文通过对我国货币政策传导机制的全面分析,认为在实体经济发生根本性的结构变化之后,与原有计划经济相适应的金融体制是造成货币政策低效的主要原因。  相似文献   

本文回顾了2011年中国货币政策操作的主要措施和金融运行情况,分析了2012年货币政策运行环境,提出了货币政策建议。本文认为,2011年,面对不断上升的通货膨胀压力,中国人民银行实行了稳健的货币政策,货币信贷条件向常态水平回归,有效遏制了物价过快上涨的势头。2012年,在经济增长下行压力和物价上涨压力并存的局面下,中国人民银行需要继续实施稳健的货币政策,进一步增强货币政策的针对性、灵活性和前瞻性,根据经济形势的变化,适时适度进行预调微调,保持货币信贷总量和社会融资规模的合理适度增长,更好地服务于实体经济发展。  相似文献   

We extend Romer and Romer's (2004) analysis of the estimation and the effects of monetary policy shocks by controlling for (1) changes in the monetary policy reaction function and (2) changes in the response of output and prices over time with an extended data set. The results suggest that the post 1979 responses of output and prices to a monetary policy shock are significantly different from what has been reported for the whole sample: While output and prices respond significantly and negatively if their response is estimated for the whole sample period (1969–2005), the response of output is insignificant for the period of 1979–2005, and the response of prices is much weaker. The analysis of the changes in the monetary policy conducted over time allows us to partly attribute the diminished price and output responses to a successful monetary policy which led to a less volatile economy during the great moderation. (JEL E52, E32, C50)  相似文献   

本文在对中国近期投资需求现实考察的基础上,构建了各类主体的投资需求新古典模型,根据不同投资主体目标函数和约束条件的差异得出结论:(1)以调整利率(准备金)为主的货币政策对于私营企业固定资产投资、住宅投资具有较大效应,而对于国有企业投资作用相对较小,对于地方政府投资的效应为0,甚至作用相反。(2)以控制信贷规模为主的货币政策对于私营企业投资、家庭具有较明显的作用,对于国有企业投资作用较小,对于政府投资作用非常微小。(3)政府对国有企业上缴利润比例的调整对于国有企业的投资变化具有较强影响,而房地产调控政策如果发挥作用,则对于地方政府投资和住宅投资具有较大效应。  相似文献   

This article analyses the effects of monetary policy decisions on inflation expectations of European consumers. Using a novel approach, I convert qualitative survey responses of consumers in various European countries into a quantitative time series of inflation expectations. I investigate the effects of unanticipated movements in interest rates and inflation on inflation expectations across European countries. I inter alia seek to explore whether the reaction differs of consumers in countries with more credible central banks than those in less credible countries.  相似文献   

This paper uses a dynamic general equilibrium two‐country sticky‐price model to analyze the implications of financial market integration for the propagation of asymmetric productivity and government spending shocks in a monetary union. Financial market integration has a small effect on the propagation of these shocks if households can only trade in risk‐free bonds. However, financial market integration has a more substantial effect on the propagation of these shocks in a monetary union with a complete market for state‐contingent claims. This result indicates that it may be important to account for threshold effects in empirical analyses of the impact of financial market integration on business cycle volatility in a monetary union.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes monetary and fiscal stabilization and coordination in a multi‐sector stochastic new open economy macroeconomics (NOEM) model. It first aims to assess the capacity of fiscal and monetary policy to reduce or eliminate the negative welfare effects of an unanticipated productivity shock affecting some or all of the sectors in each country. Second, it evaluates the possible gains from international monetary cooperation as well as the impact of active fiscal policy on the welfare performance of monetary policy. The setup also allows for international asymmetry concerning the uncertainty over the shocks. The results show that monetary and fiscal policies are efficient tools of stabilization and under several conditions they can replicate the flexible‐price equilibrium. However, their welfare performance is not necessarily increased when both monetary and fiscal policies react to shocks at the national level. The existence of bilateral gains from monetary cooperation depends on the degree of asymmetry concerning the uncertainty over the shocks.  相似文献   

本文研究在全球金融危机背景下,货币政策对中国主权债务风险和系统性金融风险的影响。实证研究发现,中国的系统性金融风险在样本期间内有两次大幅度的跃升。系统性金融风险的上升跟全球金融危机的传染机制有关,但本国货币政策的影响也不容忽视。这两个原因对中国的主权债务风险也有影响。扩张性货币政策冲击显著加大了中国系统性金融风险但降低了主权债务风险,而对实体经济影响有限。本文的发现支持中国人民银行在全球金融风险较高的情况下,采取更加审慎的货币政策。  相似文献   

This paper develops a public choice theory of monetary policy and compares it with political-macroeconomic outcomes theory. The paper develops support for the public choice theory from recent historical evidence. It then employs this theory to explain the difficulty of effecting monetary reform and, in the absence of reform, the difficulty of implementing sustained periods of monetary restraint.  相似文献   

当前“名稳实紧”的货币政策已经不能适应我国宏观经济现状,货币政策总体思路亟待调整。过高的债务率所导致的债务-紧缩效应以及目前市场上所采取的“杠杆率硬着陆”的方式不仅加剧了金融市场的潜在系统性风险,而且还导致货币政策陷入传导困境。金融市场上财务软约束、刚性兑付现象大量存在,抬高了无风险利率,而且导致市场丧失风险定价功能。基于上述分析,我们认为当前货币政策取向应该从“名稳实紧”调整为“适度宽松”。在“杠杆率软着陆”的思路下,通过创新货币政策目标,配合市场化改革,尝试探索新型货币政策工具并结合市场监管体系的完善,早日实现经济复苏。  相似文献   

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