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This paper aims to study the influence of nonlinear pollution accumulation on economic growth by incorporating the nonlinear pollution accumulation into an OLG model. It is shown that the nonlinearity can yield very complex dynamics, including the flip bifurcation resulting in sustained fluctuations in economy. This indicates that the nonlinear pollution accumulation can be a source of intergenerational inequity. To stabilize the complex motion and thus to control the fluctuations, a bifurcation control method from control theory is proposed. The welfare analysis shows the sustainable development criterion can be met in the controlled system but not in the original system.  相似文献   

Using LCV score data, we find that female legislators favor stricter environmental policies than do their male counterparts. Moreover, gender-corrected estimates suggest that voters do not push environmental policy towards the middle, but rather select the ideologically closest candidate.  相似文献   

Spatial and Temporal Efficiency in Climate Policy: Applications of FUND   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
FUND is an integrated assessment model of the interactions between climate and economy. Nine world regions emit greenhouse gases, and suffer damages from climate change. A number of greenhouse gas emission reduction policies are compared, including optimal and cost-effective strategies, strategies with early and late abatement, and strategies with and without international co-operation. The analyses confirm that co-operation matters, resulting in substantially lower costs or higher welfare. The real commitments of policy targets based on an absolute level (e.g., 1990 emissions) are hard to estimate because of the uncertainties in the baseline. Postponing action conflicts with minimising costs and maximising welfare, but so does sharp emission reduction at the short-term as proposed in the Kyoto Protocol.  相似文献   

The depth (4.5% US GDP decline and 9.5% stable unemployment) and duration (more than two years) of the present global economic recession have suggested to many researchers and practitioners to think that it is singular relative to previous recession that occurred in the aftermath of the World War II. It has been argued that the singularity of the late 2000 crises arises from non-precedent components, such as globalization and a dominant financial system equipped with exotic instruments (e.g., derivatives) designed from highly specialized mathematical theories. This paper uses the historic (1928–2010) Dow Jones index analyzed with informational entropy methods to show the presence of recurrent cycles with dominant periods of 4.5 and 22 years. For time series, entropy is a measure of the diversity of patterns for given time scales. In this form, the higher the entropy, the more complex the underlying system dynamics. It is shown that the present economic downturn coincides with the occurrence of a 22-year cycle in the entropy dynamics of the Dow Jones index. It suggests that the crisis is not singular, but its origin can be also explained from recurrent long-term patterns. Implications of the empirical results for the evolution of the late 2000 crisis and the potential aftermath courses of the global economy are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper develops and tests the predictions of two open economy models in which partisan effects are present, a small-country-one-good model of exchange rate determination and a model that assumes the two countries each specialize in the production of one good. From these models, we can obtain predictions for the behaviour of the terms of trade, the current account, and real and nominal exchange rates. The predictions are tested empirically using panel data from 14 OECD countries and the results provide support for the theoretical predictions that systematic partisan effects are present in current accounts, real exchange rates, and the terms of trade.  相似文献   

This paper examines monetary valuations of lost passive-use benefits associated with damage to a unique environmental resource – a national park, elicited through contingent valuation, and compares them with actual donations to the same end, where the latter are interpreted as a quasi-market expression of willingness to pay for non-market resource services. The relationships between the two valuation approaches were investigated in the specific context of an environmental episode which damaged a unique natural endowment, Israel's Carmel National Park. The empirical analysis is based on data from two sample surveys; one sample was drawn from the population of people who either pledged or pledged and donated during a fund-raising campaign following the episode, with the proceeds dedicated to rehabilitation or prevention of future episodes; the second sample was drawn from the general population of the country. The results cannot be interpreted as providing unqualified support for the reliability of contingent valuation as a means for obtaining passive use values.  相似文献   

Structural changes in exports of an emerging economy: Case of Turkey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper indicates that Turkish exports are subject to structural changes as Turkey integrates into global production networks. Integration, which leads vertical specialization in production and changes in the commodity composition of Turkish exports in favor of non-traditional commodities, paces up during economic reform periods. As the export shares of non-traditional commodities, which have higher import and income sensitivity but lower real exchange rate elasticity, increases, coefficients of the aggregate export function change accordingly. Nevertheless, high import and income elasticity of exports imply that the global growth pattern plays a significant role in determining exports of Turkey.  相似文献   

We examine the dynamic phenomenon of unemployment as a constantly changing inventory of unemployed individuals. We focus on the possibility raised by Elsby et al. (2009) of an innate “inseparability” between the flows into and out of unemployment. Multicointegration, introduced by Granger and Lee (1989), offers a natural way to model the level of unemployment as an inventory. We find that there is multicointegration between inflows into and outflows from unemployment and the level of unemployment itself. By identifying this multicointegrating relationship, we are able to specify an error correction model for unemployment, improving forecasting ability.  相似文献   

This paper explores the connection between three important threads of economic research offering different approaches to studying the dynamics of an industry with heterogeneous firms. Finite models of the form pioneered by Ericson and Pakes (1995) capture the dynamics of a finite number of heterogeneous firms as they compete in an industry, and are typically analyzed using the concept of Markov perfect equilibrium (MPE). Infinite models of the form pioneered by Hopenhayn (1992), on the other hand, consider an infinite number of infinitesimal firms, and are typically analyzed using the concept of stationary equilibrium (SE). A third approach uses oblivious equilibrium (OE), which maintains the simplifying benefits of an infinite model but within the more realistic setting of a finite model. The paper relates these three approaches. The main result of the paper provides conditions under which SE of infinite models approximate MPE of finite models arbitrarily well in asymptotically large markets. Our conditions require that the distribution of firm states in SE obeys a certain “light-tail” condition. In a second set of results, we show that the set of OE of a finite model approaches the set of SE of the infinite model in large markets under a similar light-tail condition.  相似文献   

This paper studies the nonlinear adjustment between industrial production and carbon prices – coined as ‘the carbon-macroeconomy relationship’ – in the EU 27. We model carbon price returns and industrial production as nonlinear and state-dependent, with dynamics depending on the sign and magnitude of past realization of returns and the growth of industrial production. Our findings show that (i) macroeconomic activity is likely to affect carbon prices with a lag, due to the specific institutional constraints of this environmental market; (ii) the joint dynamics of industrial production and carbon prices seem adequately captured by two-regime threshold vector error-correction and two-regime Markov-switching VAR models compared to linear models as main competitors. The regime-switching models proposed are profoundly checked for their economic content and statistical congruency, and are found to provide a sound statistical framework for a comprehensive analysis of the carbon-macroeconomy relationship.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine long-run house price convergence across US states using a novel econometric approach advocated by Pesaran (2007) and Pesaran et al. (2009). Our empirical modelling strategy employs a probabilistic test statistic for convergence based on the percentage of unit root rejections among all state house price differentials. Using a sieve bootstrap procedure, we construct confidence intervals and find evidence in favour of convergence. We also conclude that speed of adjustment towards long-run equilibrium is inversely related to distance.  相似文献   

《China Economic Journal》2013,6(2-3):125-144
This paper uses household-level datasets called Chinese Household Income Project (CHIP) surveys to investigate the regional technical efficiency, technology gap, and their determinants in rural China. A metafrontier production function approach is employed to fit the values of the technical efficiency and the technology gap ratio of rural households in six regions of China. The findings indicate that the technical efficiency improved remarkably from 1988 to 2002, but the technology gap ratio among regions changed slightly in the same period. The findings also show a negative relationship between the technology gap ratio and the regional technical efficiency for all regions except the northwest that has the lowest value of both the technical efficiency and the technology gap ratio. Next, the Tobit model is employed to discern the sources of efficiency and technology gaps. The results show that quality of agricultural labor, agricultural infrastructure, natural conditions, and farmer's political status have significant effects on farms' technical efficiency and technology gap ratio.  相似文献   

Recent research on the economic payoff from new technology has emphasized the importance of tacit knowledge or know-how. This paper shows that arm's length contract can overcome the problems in contracting for know-how by bundling complementary inputs with know-how in a technology package, and leveraging the superior enforceability of contracts over the latter. In the empirical part of this paper, the relationship between bundling and transfer of know-how is analyzed, using Indian data. The results imply that tied sales of inputs may increase the efficiency of contracts involving the transfer of know-how. A striking result, in the context of the current North-South debates on intellectual property rights, is the packaging of patents with know-how.  相似文献   

吕峻  胡洁  石荣 《技术经济》2020,39(12):117-123
意大利因历史遗产数量众多而闻名国际。其中,作为一个农业资源丰富的国家,农业文化遗产也是意大利一项不可忽视的保护和发展对象。农业文化遗产的再生、发展和创新可以看作城市规划与建设过程中的一项重要组成部分。以米兰广域市为例,首先梳理其农业发展的历史沿革,其次分别从总体规划政策到具体新型农庄的产业振兴进行探讨。并详细分析了4个不同发展定位的农庄,探讨了其农业历史、发展模式及相应管理策略。旨在通过米兰经验的学习为中国相关的农业旅游、乡村景观及都市农业发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Previous studies on PPP have tested either the null hypothesis of non-stationary or the null of a stationary real exchange rate and used the US as the base country and focused on industrialized countries. It has been argued that testing either null is insufficient to confirm the presence of PPP. It has also been noticed that the results are sensitive to the choices of the base country; for instance, the US versus Germany. In contrast to previous studies, this paper uses different unit root tests, confirmatory analysis, and different base countries to test PPP for a sample of developing countries in Asia during the current float. Overall, the results do not seem to be sensitive to the choice of the base country, and joint rejections are not present but joint non-rejections are far more common. Using Perron's test, which allows for a one-time break in the series, the results indicate evidence of stationarity for Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia and Thailand when the US is the base country. When Japan is the base country, evidence of stationarity is detected only for Indonesia.  相似文献   


The notion of rights is a powerful one, but the channels through which they have been promoted and enforced since World War II have militated against the more radical promise of rights. These explorations examine the question of economic rights with an international focus. The contributions touch on such diverse topics as the international peasant federation called La Vía Campesina, heterodox and social economic analyses, and the informal sector. The authors address the question of human rights with respect to the conditions that delimit and enforce these rights, the connections between macroeconomics and human rights, social movements that strive to protect these rights, and the different theoretical approaches to incorporating rights into an academic framework. Though each contribution's methodology and focus are different, the composite takes an important step in evaluating this very critical question of economic rights that greatly affects individual lives, social conditions, economic policies, and the study of economics.  相似文献   

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