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魏光成 《中国市场》2022,(32):103-105
员工培训是国有企业发展的关键战略、人才培养的主要手段、塑造企业文化的重要方法、激励机制的深化延展、提高竞争力的重要保障。目前,国有企业员工培训存在不匹配组织发展战略、培训认识偏差、培训机制落后、培训师资薄弱、培训内容陈旧、培训激励缺失、培训效果弱化等问题。国有企业员工培训工作须从培训战略前瞻化、培训认识科学化、培训机制健全化、培训师资高质化、培训内容实效化、培训激励多元化、培训效果应用化去改进,才能全面提升培训工作水平,确保可持续发展。  相似文献   

绿色企业文化培育探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
楚光 《商业研究》2004,(9):167-168
为了实现农业的可持续发展,达到企业经济效益,社会效益和环境保护效益的有机统一,培训绿色企业化是我国企业的必然选择。绿色化可促进人类的生存和发展,但同时存在着诸多障碍,所以企业应通过对职工的培训,使员工以绿色需求为动力,实现员工、企业、生态和社会可持续发展的经营化,逐步使企业化上升为绿色企业化。  相似文献   

李政 《中国市场》2022,(28):112-114
随着现代体验经济模式的发展,越来越多的企业意识到用户体验和员工体验对其发展的重要性。体验式管理促进了管理模式的场景化转型,企业的人才培训管理也呈现出场景化的趋势。文章通过对培训管理理论的梳理和H公司的案例分析,对企业场景化师资建设提出了相应的建设思路。企业场景化师资管理是关于师资体系场景化建设的新模式,对打造具有“知识解决方案”的现代企业师资管理体系具有重要的作用与意义。  相似文献   

对于企业的管理和发展而言,人力资源培训具有无可取代的独特意义。但着眼于现阶段我国大多数企业针对人力资源培训的战略化管理措施,可以发现其中存在的误区,本文将指出这些误区,并且提出制定战略化管理措施所应遵循的原则,最后,从分析需求、制定计划、实行项目和评估效果等方面来说明企业应该如何制定关于人力资源培训的战略管理措施才能行之有效。  相似文献   

徐明 《现代商业》2015,(4):146-147
本文通过对我国企业员工培训中所存在的问题进行深入的剖析与研究,总结现存主要4大培训误区,结合培训的4个基本阶段,提出了解决上述4大误区的对策,并结合企业实际给出改进的策略研究,以实现企业员工培训工作的正规化和有效化,继而提升企业人力资源培训能力与人力资源管理综合能力。  相似文献   

正一、多措并举,专项资金政策实施扎实、到位(一)以宣传培训为"基础点",努力实现专项资金政策信息对支持对象的全覆盖为了实现政策信息对支持对象的全覆盖,我们针对进出口企业量大面广、政策经常调整变化、企业经办人员流动频繁等影响专项资金政策落实的情况,坚持将宣传培训作为重要的基础工作常抓不懈。在宣传培训过程中,努力实现"四个化":一是宣传培训常态化;二是宣传培训方式多样化;三是宣传渠道广泛化;四是培训内容深度化。  相似文献   

赵春梅 《商》2014,(5):35-36
随着经济全球化和世界一体化的快速发展,市场竞争逐渐激烈化,企业要想在市场竞争中生存与发展,需要不断提高自身的核心竞争力。人力资源是企业增强竞争力的关键环节,加强企业员工的技能培训,有助于企业实现经济效益最大化。本文将主要围绕企业员工培训难点及应对策略展开讨论。  相似文献   

人才是企业实现长足发展最核心的资源,直接推动和促进企业战略目标的实施。因此,不间断地对员工进行培训从而提升企业自身软实力,这是很多企业的"法宝"。而采取什么样的培训方式则应根据企业实际情况量身定制,其中有这样一家公司,专门设计研发了游戏化学习解决方案,寓教于乐中达到企业培训的效果,受到市场的极大欢迎,成为行业中的领先品牌,它就是满满学院。  相似文献   

在当下的web2.0至3.0甚至4.0转型时期,市场化、信息化、全球经济一体化的新经济时代,科技改变生活,也改变着人们的学习方式,改变着企业员工的培训方式.立足于计算机技术、互联网平台的新培训概念E-learning,是结合技术平台和课件内容两方面的电子化培训整合服务,以其高效、灵活的特点为企业创造持续的竞争优势.本文思路清晰,深入浅出.先从四方面挑战阐述企业应用e化资源的必要性;再给出了一家公司如何使用e化资源的具体例子;然后深入到理论层面,探讨E-learniag之所以行之有效所依据的学习理论;之后,从人力资源培训与开发的四个环节:项目设计,需求评估,成果转化,效果评估分析e化学习为企业带来的变化,何以增加培训的成效;最后,由理论回到实际,浅谈什么样的企业适合启用E-learning.E-learning与传统培训方式相比,有显著的优势,但并非所有的组织都适合这种新型的培训,在考虑是否应用时,组织需量力而行,同时也要选好时机,才能最大化的利用好这种资源.  相似文献   

随着电网"三集五大"的深入推进,技术日趋精益化、复杂化,如何增强企业培训的有效性和针对性,缓解供电员工工作和学习的矛盾,是我们每一个培训管理人员急待解决的问题。问题导向型培训管理模式是以寻求问题解决方案为目的,通过发现问题、采集问题、形成数字化问题资源库,实施做讲分开式培训教学,充分运用兼职培训师资源,进而达到预期培养目标的一种培训管理模式。  相似文献   

物流企业如何加强人力资源培训工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聂海燕 《中国市场》2007,(28):16-17
在物流企业人力资源管理工作中,培训是一个重要的职能。培训能使员工以学习、训练等方式提高工作能力、知识水平和促进潜能发挥。物流企业加强人力资源培训工作需要从管理者、培训部门和员工个人三方面入手。管理者要形成具有特色的培训政策和制度、加强培训控制,建立严格的培训评估体系和营造互助气氛;培训部门应该制定培训计划培训中要注意按照成人学习的特点改进教学方法;受训员工应树立正确的培训观念、与企业建立相互忠诚的模式。  相似文献   

构建有效的培训管理体系是电子商务企业解决人才紧缺问题的重要手段。电子商务企业培训具有培训对象复杂、培训知识跨度大和培训内容更新快的特点。电子商务企业应通过引导员工辨识自我培训需求、切实做好培训需求分析、制定合理的员工培训计划、严格执行培训评估。采取有效措施促进培训效果转化和成立培训管理监督办公室等手段来构建有效的培训管理体系。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between training evaluation and the transfer of training in organizations. We hypothesized that training evaluation frequency will be related to higher rates of transfer because evaluation information can identify weaknesses that lead to improvements in training programs and create greater accountability among stakeholders for training outcomes. The data were obtained from 150 training professionals who were members of a training and development association in Canada. The results indicated that training evaluation frequency is positively related to training transfer. However, among Kirkpatrick's four levels of evaluation criteria, only behavior and results criteria were related to higher rates of transfer of training, indicating that the level of evaluation criteria is important for training transfer. These results indicate the importance of organizational‐level initiatives such as training evaluation in addition to individual‐level practices for facilitating the transfer of training.  相似文献   

高职院校物流管理专业实习实训方案设计的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴东泰 《中国市场》2007,(28):120-123
提到高职物流管理专业实习实训工作,我们往往想到校内实训实验室建设、校外实训基地建设,或者是在具体的实习实训项目上进行研究探讨,尤其是由于物流管理专业涉及物流运输管理、仓储与配送、企业物流、国际物流四个专业方向,谈及对物流管理专业实习实训方案的制定与设计,许多同仁感觉无法用一个统一的方案来指导四个专业方向的实习实训工作,为了解决这个问题,本文拟探讨一个比较完善的建立物流管理专业实习实训方案,为物流管理专业实习实训提供一个创新型的实训模式,  相似文献   

Corporate culture is a complex phenomenon in foreign companies located in the People's Republic of China. For the management team of an international enterprise, it is a challenging task to manage cultural differences. Education and training provided to local managers might be one of the important solutions. Therefore, this study explores the effects of local managers’ education and training on corporate culture in foreign companies in China. Using qualitative research, this paper presents different training forms existing in foreign companies. Furthermore, the training in general in terms of establishment of corporate culture was evaluated. General training is classified as formal and informal training or coaching in accordance with training purposes. Formal training refers to training that is indispensable to the survival and development of the corporation, while informal training is concerned with the training that happens without deliberate design or purposes. The two kinds of training can develop local managers in a complementary way. It is argued that these elements exert a complementary influence on the corporate culture with an emphasis on values and rituals.  相似文献   

如何提高企业员工培训的有效性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈军  张殷殷 《北方经贸》2011,(4):144-146
培训是企业人力资源管理的重要内容,如今许多企业管理者也认识到培训的重要性,每年不惜投入大量资金用于员工培训,但是培训效果并不理想。要提高培训的有效性,要改进培训观念,树立正确的培训思想;要进行详细的人力资源培训需求分析;要建立系统的培训评估模型;要建立稳定的培训师队伍。  相似文献   

This study aims to gain insight into some of the factors that determine the transfer of training to the work context. The present research examined the relationship between three types of predictors on transfer of training, including training design, individual characteristics and work environment. Data was collected at two points in time from 182 employees in a large grocery organization. The results indicated that transfer design, performance self‐efficacy, training retention and performance feedback were significantly related to transfer of training. Contrary to expectation, supervisory support was not significantly related to transfer of training. These results suggest that in order to enhance transfer of training, organizations should design training that gives trainees the ability to transfer learning, reinforces the trainee's beliefs in their ability to transfer, ensures the training content is retained over time and provides appropriate feedback regarding employee job performance following training activities.  相似文献   

The exploration of the relationship between organizational commitment and training is still in its early stages. Although there have been several studies reported on training and organizational commitment in Western countries, very little has been done in respect of the local professionals in Malaysia. This research investigates the association between five training variables (availability of training, support for training, motivation to learn, training environment and perceived benefits of training), and various aspects of organizational commitment (affective commitment, normative commitment, continuance commitment and overall organizational commitment). The availability of training, support for training, motivation to learn, training environment, perceived benefits of training were all significantly correlated with affective commitment, normative commitment and overall organizational commitment. The training environment and perceived benefits were also significantly correlated with continuance commitment. However the availability of training, support for training and motivation to learn were not significantly correlated with continuance commitment. This suggests that despite other forms of commitment, Malaysian workers do not feel that they need to remain in an organization that has made available the training, given support for the training and were motivated to learn. Otherwise, results suggest that on the whole, training does seem to have an influence on organizational commitment. The practical implication of this is that managers, who are so desirous of enhancing organizational commitment among their subordinates, should pay more attention to training. Annual income was found to correlate positively with affective commitment and overall commitment. Age and tenure were not significant predictors of overall organizational commitment contradicting studies in the West. This demonstrated that Malaysians might have different attitudes towards organizational commitment. The older they are and the longer they stay within an organization do not imply that they will be committed towards their organization. This phenomenon can be attributed to the uncertain business environment in Malaysia.  相似文献   

针对航天发射场测控设备操作人员使用常规训练手段与实际操作环境差距较大的问题,提出了一种较为实用的无人机模拟训练方法。利用实际任务中获取的真实测量数据生成训练任务,由无人机搭载相关任务载荷执行,并结合发射场已有的测控设备来跟踪无人机完成模拟训练。通过对无人机的飞行航路模拟和任务载荷测量信号的动态模拟,可为参训人员提供接近实战的训练环境。仿真结果表明,该方法可实现与真实测量数据极为接近的模拟训练数据,因而参训人员通过模拟训练中获得的训练效果与实战基本一致,在提升了训练的真实性和针对性的同时,可有效提高操作人员的综合操作能力。  相似文献   

Despite the fact that firms invest in training, there is considerable evidence to show that training programmes often fail to achieve the intended result of improving worker and organization performance. The purpose of this paper is to examine the medium‐ to long‐term effects of training programmes on firms by means of an integrated research model combining the principal factors that the existing literature has shown to be related to training transfer and also by examining the relationship between training transfer and operational performance. The transfer factors chosen are training design, trainee self‐efficacy and work environment. The validity of this model is tested by applying the structural equation modelling approach to data from 126 employees who have participated in various training programmes in a number of Greek organizations. The results indicate that the design of a training programme has the strongest impact on post‐training job performance, along with trainees' self‐efficacy and post‐training behaviour.  相似文献   

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